Energies for August 2009 - Reborn in the Diamond Light: Activate the energy of the Cosmic Christ on Earth and raise the child of the stars, AA Miguel through Celia Fenn

Dear Lightworkers, in this month of August 2009, you continue to live with the powerful energies of change and transformation both personally and globally. These changes are the result of the effects of the activation of the new Light Codes within the Grids in each of the three eclipses that they experienced in July and August. The Seeds of Diamond Light are being activated within the hearts of the Human Collective, allowing each person who is open and ready to receive the Grace and Blessings of the energy of the Cosmic Christ in their being.

The Diamond Light flows from the Cosmic Heart to the Earth through the newly activated Ascension portals, activating the Crystal Grids and Seeds of Consciousness that contain the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. This is the energy of Harmony, Unity and Uniqueness, the energy of Unconditional Love and Joy and Peace. It is the energy that supports the manifestation of the New Earth and the creation of the Cosmic Bridge or connection with the Star Fields of Light that are in the process of being formed for you and for you. Their passage beyond the veils of oblivion to their Home in the Stars is opening once more to their perception and they are preparing to become Star Travelers and conscious Cosmic Travelers.

Dear ones, to facilitate this process, there are many changes that are taking place within the energy fields of your Light Body and within your physical bodies. First, Diamond Light is being received in increasing intensity in its Light Bodies, which allows them to transmit and radiate Spiritual Light like a Diamond in brilliant cut, while Sacred Geometries pulse with Light and Sound. But, as the intensity of the Light within its Bodies of Light increases, the Pineal Gland within its Physical Body is increasingly activated and stimulated. This has resulted in changes in the biochemical structure of the Pineal Gland and an expansion of the functionality of the gland. This, in turn, leads to greater stimulation of the Pituitary gland, often producing a temporary imbalance in the production and transmission of hormones in the body, as well as an increase in the intensity of the light energy that is transmitted to throughout the nervous system throughout the body.

The most intense effect of these changes has been felt in the new "rewiring" between the second and fourth chakras, the Sacral Chakra and the Heart. Any “stuck” or repressed energy contained in the emotional field has been expelled with the wave of Diamond Light through the energy system. This has meant that many of you have had to deal with emotional problems that have been repressed or only partially processed. Please do not be discouraged if you feel sad, depressed or angry. This is a process of deep cleansing or purification that is aligning sexual or creative energies with the Heart.

Other sensations in the body can be intense dreams, intense waves of energy, insomnia and exhaustion and hyperactivity. As energy is balanced and integrated, this will open the way for clearer feelings of intense Joy and Peace at a deep level, as well as a greater sense of "vivacity" and well-being as they enter the space of the New Earth. Many of you are already experiencing these intense feelings of Bliss and Joy as the lower chakras clear, and align with the Heart and the upper chakras that are the paths of the Soul. In this way, Body and Soul are integrated into the Heart Chakra, Heaven and Earth unite, and the Cosmic Christ consciousness manifests on Earth through those of you who have opened up to this process.

Elemental Reconnection and the work of Dragon Consciousness

Dear ones, as you continue the work of Reconnecting with the Elemental energies of the Planet, you are connecting once again with the Dragon energy with Love and Honor. Dragons carry the energies of the Elemental fires of creation at the Planetary and Cosmic level. In the past, in order to facilitate the evolution of the Mental body within the Human species, it was agreed that the intense energy of the creative fires would be allowed to recede and the colder mental powers would become more prominent for a time. And so it was that the Dragon's energy was allowed to withdraw from his consciousness and this gave rise to feelings of abandonment and fear and anger that were represented in his mythologies as stories in which dragons were evil and they should kill them and repress them.

Know that now is the time for the Dragon energy to be released and return to its renewed mission on Earth. The Earth, Air, Fire and Water Dragons carry the creative fire and are ready to serve the deployment of the Divine Plan on the New Earth. The intense energy of Enthusiasm and Joy that many of you are feeling is the Joy of the Dragons, as they move again among you and assume their work as Guardians of the Creative Fires, under the direction of the Angelic Elohim in the creation of the Form on the New Earth.

The first major task that was carried out by the Earth Dragons has been the cleaning of toxic emotional waste both within the human energy field and within the Earth itself.

As a result of the Nuclear Weapons and Bombs Program, there has been an accumulation of toxic energy in the emotional field of the Earth. This has been collected by the Earth Dragons in cooperation with other beings of the Inner Earth and taken to different points of power on the Planet. On August 6, the anniversary of the first massive atomic destruction in Hiroshima, Japan, this energy was released by the Dragons and removed from Earth. This was done with the help of a group of embodied Lightworking souls whose specific mission was to activate their own Dragon energy and work with the Dragons in this process of clearing and cleansing, to in order to facilitate the renovation and recreation or rebirth.

Dear Lightworkers, for you, as individuals, the return of the Dragon energies has required you to fully integrate with your Kundalini fire, since this is the Dragon energy. within the Human Form. The `` inner fire '' of your Earth Dragon lies rolled up in the base chakra until it activates, and then it is released into the spine and moves up. In this process, the fire ignites the lower chakras so that there is an explosion of energy, and then intense sensations related to energy can arise. sexual as these energies are integrated. At this time, the energies must be raised to the Heart where they can join with the energies of the Cosmic Fire Dragons or Star Dragons that descend to the heart and merge with the energy of the Earth Dragons, creating a new energy called the "Dragon of the Heart", which carries the creative energies of Compassion and Wisdom and Love.

In this process, the Sacral Chakra will be activated powerfully and will connect with the Heart. The Pineal gland will also be activated to receive the energy of the Star Dragon, and a new connection with the Heart will be forged. This will allow the Cosmic and Earth creative fires to flow through the Body and the Body of Light, allowing a quantum update of the power to create and manifest. We are sure that you will be delighted to welcome the energy of the Dragons again and honor their work with you to manifest the New Earth.

The Birth of the New Archetype for the New Earth: The Child of the Stars

Dear ones, in this time of New Beginnings you are receiving new Light Codes that transmit the information and energy that you will use to manifest the New Earth. The first of these Codes is the one that will provide the template for your Being on the Planet as you begin to build the Golden Age of Light on Earth. This is the archetypal energy of the Child of the Stars, the Magical Being that comes from the Stars to Earth to carry the Cosmic Light and create a bridge of Light between Heaven and Earth!

You are all prepared and ready to integrate and activate the Child Codes! The Sacred Heart has been activated and the Twin Flame Codes have created Balance and Harmony. The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine have entered into Sacred Union and have merged into the Golden Flame of Divine Love and ascended to the Diamond Light to become the Cosmic Dancers of Light. The Archetypal Avatar energy of Jeshua and Mary Magdalene is completing its evolutionary work on the Planet, and the new archetype of the Child is ready to begin its deployment on the Planet.

The Child of the Stars is aware of his heritage and Cosmic and Galactic heritage. The Child of the Stars is delighted and happy to be on Earth and lives a life of joyful adventure and discovery of the material world, while at the same time he is fully aware of his infinite existence as a Being of Light that lives in many dimensions simultaneously .

The energy of the Child of the Stars is Light and full of Joy and Bliss. It is playful and fluid, constantly weaving Light in order to manifest and create on Earth. As an Archetype, it contains everything within itself, is balanced and self-sufficient, and yet loving and generous. He is innocent and passionate and magical ... he lives in the magical space of miracles and wonders. And yet, it is a loving part of a loving community, and is attracted by the bonds of love and commitment to those who are dear to your heart and honor the responsibility and service to the light through joyful ceremonial activities and ritual, and with dance and song and play!

Dear ones, Heaven merges with the Earth in your Consciousness and it is time to surrender to Love and allow the Child of Stars to emerge and be born within you! Remember your home in the Stars and remember that you are at home on Earth, and that they are One in you. Remember to love and be gentle and generous, but also play with passion and imagination and create dreams that will manifest as new and wonderful realities in your material realms.

And so, Dear Ones, in this powerful month of August 2009, we wish you Joy and Laughter and Love on your Journey of Light on Earth.

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© 200910 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Translation: Margarita López
Edition: The

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