Energy and Strength, by Eloy Millet Monzó

Much can be said, not only about energy and strength separately, but about their mutual existence, so much ... that leads to confirm the relationship between the Gods and Men. Always in time it has been sought, and also always understood, that this relationship involves considering energy as a single entity or cause and force as its multiple and diversified manifestation in the forms of matter. If we take into account the triple manifestation that corresponds to the physical, emotional and mental bodies of the human being, the energy of the physicist will come from the emotional, which, in turn, will be obtained from the mental, but ... where does the mental get it? It seems that this implies the existence of a material or objective world as an effect, or force, produced or created by another immaterial or subjective as energy or cause.

Aristotle affirmed that, in the course of time, the material world would fade away to give way to the immaterial or subjective.

It has been more than 25 centuries since the Greeks called the indivisible particle of matter “ atom ”, and they already affirmed that its origin is in a force that interacts those particles forming all kinds of matter. That is to say, that the objective is created from the subjective and through contact between the two, so a reason is necessary for them to relate. It is energy in relation to force, one attracts the other and the other is attracted to the one, and the form appears.

In the sixth century a. of C. there was already talk of " quintessence " as the origin of the earth, water, air and fire. Again is the energy.

These ideas were already applied, even for the macrocosm, then, to Anaxagoras, (V a. De C.), they did not execute it when he said that the sky is formed of the same substance as the earth. Energy.

If we pay attention to the current circumstances and in the objective field, the scientist, four forces are considered: gravity, electromagnetism and two nuclear. That is, two for the macrocosm and two for the microcosm. And the four come from a single: energy .

The consideration of energy as the only agent to create matter or form through force, is the concern of the scientific community in search of a theory, that of " unification ", which can explain this process.

Einstein searched hard for this hypothesis trying to combine the two major forces, gravity and electromagnetism. Today, a unifying theory seems ever closer.

Esoterically, the Cause is also considered unique and, instead, diverse in its manifestation. No matter its denomination, it is referring to the same, the One, God or any other name, would be different nominations for the same Entity.

So, if Science, Esotericism, Religion ... agreed to dialogue, it could be an interesting conversation that, applied to human psychology, could explain what each of them does not do separately.

What is presented below is nothing more than a shallow note on the aforementioned relationship, without deepening in one or the other, nor in the multiple aspects of this relationship, analyzing a few of its many nuances, without losing sight of the fact that the interaction between energy and force, determines the past, present and future of humanity and, therefore, of its Sciences and Religions.

The determined person who reads these lines, will find four sections:

1 .- Energy and strength . Simple considerations about mass, volume, density and movement, in relation to certain aspects of human behavior and psychology.

2 .- Energy as consciousness and strength as unconsciousness . The energy itself generates a movement while the force is impelled by an existing one. Conscience Relationship between mass, density and volume as a determinant of the subtleization of matter or the materialization of the subtle. Creation : point of view of science and esotericism. The soul

3 .- The abstract and the concrete. Redemption : energy as liberating through force. Group character of the individual energy of the force.

4 .- The angel, as depository of the energy in matter to constitute the form, through its substance or force.


By undertaking a comparative analysis between energy and strength, we find greater profusion of data with respect to the second than the first. This is because force is objective, it can be quantified and measured.


It assumes the ability of matter to modify its own state or that of another matter.

It transforms . Matter changes state.
It is transferred from one subject to another.
It is preserved .
It degrades, not because it is lost, but the ability to change the matter itself decreases in each variation.

Until the middle of the 18th century, energy and force were confused, determining then that the quantification of energy can only be known, when there is a change in the state of matter, and What is measured is the variation of the forces before and after the change.

The human being has always been concerned with the performance of a job without consuming energy, such as Archimedes with his water snail, through which he tried to demonstrate the principle of continuous work without energy expenditure .

Einstein, with its formulation on matter and energy, came to demonstrate what is done in nuclear reactors, that is, that matter is transformed into energy and, in addition, that matter is born from the same energy.

The Nobel Prize in Physics of the year 2004, Frank Wilczek, was awarded such an award for a theory, the hypothesis about energy that holds matter together and coherently. It states that:

"... we could say that we are a product of energy or children of light."

That is to say, that a whole physicist, Nobel and as current as two years ago, affirms that humanity is " daughter of light ."

He is talking about the magic of creation and refers to the light as its origin, to some kind of light that is not like the sun or a light bulb. And, just as we use the light resulting from the contact between two poles, positive and negative, that unknown light could be produced in analogous terms to it, by the contact between a positive polarity, Father, Spirit or Will, and another negative Mother, Matter or Realization.

Thus, that light, from whose bosom we could have been born, is the result of an intimate contact between Spirit and Matter through a manifested Purpose and a perfect balance between Both so that the two polarities can produce it.

If the spiritual polarity exceeds the material, it produces movements around mysticism, because there is a part of the purpose that is impossible to manifest or perform.

If it is the material polarity that is left over, the movement is produced around materialism, characterized by the absence of spiritual ideal, intention or purpose.

In both movements that light cannot result, due to the imbalance between polarities.

Evolution, then, could be interpreted as the constant adaptation of Matter to realize the Purpose of the Spirit, constantly modifying its forms and creating others. That is, the negative polarity has to reach the levels and power of the positive so that, like our familiar light bulbs, the light is made.

The Positive or Spirit descends to the Negative or Matter, is that energy esoterically called Fohat Fire and represented by the Budha, as well as the Matter, or Negative polarity is respecting the ascending Christ to the Father, named as Fire of Kundalini and that both they manifest themselves cyclically in the Wesak Festival as Light, resulting from the union between polarities, this being Light the Solar Fire .


It is defined as the cause that can modify the state of matter, whether it is in motion or at rest.

Its definition is similar to that of energy, with a differentiating hue:

"Strength is the cause of change, energy is the ability to change"

The force causes an impulse or movement in matter that, without it, is unable to change.

The existence of energy supposes that matter has in itself the capacity of change and can generate the necessary force for it, when it decides so and without the impulse of an external agent.

The force has another meaning that defines it, and is that of resistance, ability to oppose an impulse or to bear a weight.

Using human behavior, we could conclude that, if the force consists, among other things, in the “ ability to oppose an impulse ”, the secret of the change of state in the matter itself may reside here, then, by avoiding being carried away by one impulse, another is being generated, with the difference that the first one comes from the outside or the environment and acts from the outside in, forcing the matter to adapt so that the external force is effective, while the second movement is It works within the subject itself to act just the opposite, from the inside out, by the ability to decide what it has developed.

The first of the movements propitiated by force, is characterized by the unconscious act, while consciousness or conscious act, characterizes the second, whose motive is energy.

Leibniz, based on his metaphysics, considers that:

"The universe is made up of simple or external forces and internal, spiritual or monad forces."

From the point of view of Sociology, the movement that is capable of generating some human behavior, promoted by driving groups of directed activity, is considered force.

The existence of two types of force is evident, the first one refers to that generated by human groups driving controlled activity, so that a certain objective can be fulfilled, in the form of behaviors, customs or public opinion. The second, because of the dominant unconsciousness, drags most people to imitate those impulses. The first acts as energy without being it, because it goes from the inside out of the creative group, needing the ingredient of unconsciousness for its expansion and success, as opposed to the consciousness with which these groups act through advertising, media of dissemination or of any other resources for their interests.

Energy, then, acts from within the matter, but from its most infinitesimal part, so that, absolutely all of it, from its own microcosm, is involved in that movement. It is the basis of consciousness .


It seems, then, that force causes unconsciousness, when it acts by itself and in the absence of energy in the same human being, while if it exists at a certain level, it will cause forces at all lower levels and consciously.

In the first case, the human being acts as a victim, and is constantly being shaped by driving forces of activity or movement, which favors that he does not decide his own impulse because he does not move his will, so he acquires greater awareness of the force that of energy, since the activity is decided by other wills.

This increase in force is necessarily related to the existence of matter, since both need each other, and the force causes matter through movement, because as Büchner states:

"There is no strength without matter, no matter without force"

o Spencer :

"Matter and movement are nothing but manifestations of force"

Given that common terms are used between science, religion, esotericism and any other discipline, and that they may differ in their definitions for each of them, it will be necessary to clarify that, by matter, everything manifested is understood, and in what Regarding the human being, its mental, emotional and physical constitution is matter. By movement any change in matter is considered, when you think, feel or act on the physical plane.

A quick consideration leads us to mention two definitions, one of Einstein and the other of Newton .

That of A. Einstein regarding energy

E = mc
( E being the energy, m the material mass and c the speed of light)

as a product of mass by the square of the speed of light, in which matter and change or movement intervene.

Sir Isaac Newton's regarding strength

F = ma
( F being the force, m the material mass and acceleration)

as a product of mass due to acceleration, matter and movement intervening again, although with a difference, and the change caused by force is less than that of energy, frequency has been lost or vibration when passing from energy to force.

We could understand the vibrational frequency as the time and space used to perform a certain purpose, but in inverse relation with time and direct with space, that is, the higher the frequency, the less time and greater space, and vice versa . This higher frequency corresponds to the spiritual and the lower to the material.

An analogy that we can deduce is that the change or movement generated by energy is greater, in power and vibrational frequency, than in force. So, when it is matter, through a conscious state, that generates the impulse to change from within, this is of a higher order than what comes from outside through of the state of unconsciousness.

It turns out that the mass has become force by a change or acceleration generated by a movement, that is to say, that matter ends up becoming energy and, in addition, it is born from it.

Thus, it seems that the ultimate goal of force is to become energy through movement, whether it is generated inside or outside of matter, and that of energy. to force that, when contacting both, they produce, create the matter or form.

Creation is the contact between energy and force.

Recreation is the interaction between forces, without the intervention of energy .

When it is the force that acts as a cause, the movement comes from outside, already decided and designed and inherent to it, the matter only changes within pre-established limits beforehand, hence the unconsciousness .

While it is the energy that motivates the movement or change, it is from the matter itself that is decided and planned by choosing the direction, power and sense of the force that will be used outwards. Hence the awareness .

When all energy has become a force and this is the right expression of that, what is produced is called conscience .

Successive and repeated acts of consciousness assume the predominance of energy or consciousness over force or unconsciousness.

A system is thus established in which the relationship between energy and force works perfectly balanced, since neither of them exceeds the other at any time, a system of greater power whenever there is movement, because its internal forces are more intense than the external ones, creating a shield or screen that becomes impenetrable against the latter.

The external movement, then, will try to penetrate the matter inwardly by displacing everything, that is, by canceling its capacity to generate its own change.

The objective of the internal movement is to select the direction, direction and power of the opportune force, in time and space, from the most recondite of the material structure to its exterior or environment. This necessarily implies an absolute recognition of said structure to be able to initiate the change from the ideal point.

The human being must not only know himself, he must also recognize himself.

There are human groups that create movement, they are generators of forces to pursue their own interests, which apply them wherever it is convenient. In them, the force acts towards themselves, like a black hole that absorbs everything and tends towards its own implosion, as a result of the enormous gravitational field due to the high material density it reaches.

The energy, on the other hand, that starts the force from the inside to the outside, tends to the expansion motivated by the, less and less, density of its materials, as a result of the progressive decrease of its gravitational field and the increase of its own magnetic power It is like an incessant and successive Big Bang, just like the Universe that is constantly expanding.

It is necessary that, at this point, we pay a little attention to the relationship between mass, density and volume with respect to the above, since spiritual progress implies loss of density and increase in volume, that is, decrease in time and increase from space. If the time between a purpose and its execution is reduced, it will imply that the vibrational degree is accelerated. We already have the constant change that is caused by energy. While the change produced by force is sporadic, impulsive and lacks constancy.

According to I. Newton, force is the product of mass by acceleration, this being a change in movement, as it is to stop thinking about something and do something else, and mass is related to density and volume

Mass = density x volume

If we clear the density and volume variables

Density = mass / volume

Volume = mass / density

we will observe that they are always found, both, in inverse proportion, which means that increasing one variable will decrease the other and vice versa .

Progress in materialism is characterized by the increase in its material density and, as we have seen, the decrease in volume or space occupied by a given structure. While, just the opposite, occurs in spiritual progress. And this is the expansion of consciousness .

An analogous reasoning is contained in the atomic structure, since if it is an atom charged with energy, the orbital of its electrons will be much farther from the nucleus than if it were the same, but with low energy charge.

A pure thought is more energetic than if it is impure, so the pure mental form is far from its creator, while it is attached to it if it has impurities. And, from the plane of the mind, the emotional substance that is attached, as an objection or criticism, is an impurity.

In the energy atom, the speed of rotation of its electrons is very large, resulting in greater difficulty that a force can penetrate inside, due to the protective wall of the orbital. In the low charge, its orbital is very close to the nucleus, and the electrons spin at low speed, which makes it permeable to external forces, influenced, and it is easy to introduce other elements inside, because it tends to absorb them .

Applying all this to human behavior, leads us to the consideration of situations created by a certain sector of humanity, which constitute imperative forces for most other people who, as weak atoms, are influenced by those. The space where they apply their own will is progressively reduced - their density increases -.

Creation : view of science

Science is committed to the expansion movement or Big Bang, consisting of the hypothesis that density has formed a gravitational field so intense, that it produces the implosion of matter, which causes an explosion that begins on the surface of its structure and move inwards. This implies the increase of decompressed matter in space to form, from the atom, to the planets or solar and cosmic systems.

It could be said that our objective universe has not been as it is now nor will it be, since the process of material deconcentration is constant, so that its internal energy is creating forms - mental, emotional and physical - and we have not yet seen everything.

Since humanity is an integral part of the universe, it is also within the expansive movement, and it can be assumed that our current bodies, mental, emotional and physical, must follow it, and this inevitably occurs. So any opposing force to it will be sooner or later, forced to align with the process of which it is a part.

The secret of destiny or karma could reside here.

If electrons or protons are added to a hydrogen atom, the different chemical elements that make up our planet appear. And hydrogen is a consequence of the Big Bang, since it began with the fusion of protons and neutrons that formed nuclei of helium atoms, (the helium nucleus contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons), but unpaired protons remained which, in turn, formed nuclei of hydrogen atoms, without it could not combuste our physical sun and the necessary heat for evaporation will not be produced, so there would be no water and without it there is no life here.

So, our material bodies could come from the expansion processes that have been produced for eons, perhaps in other universes or solar systems, and that continue to do so.

Current chronological studies affirm that observable material structures, from the atom to the planets and stars, have not always existed as such, but are now the result of a very long and constantly moving process., so the future atom will not be like the current one, nor will the human being.

Inseparable to this expansive process and corroborating, in some way, its inevitability, the internal force or energy is scientifically defined as force of inertia constituting a property of matter itself Itself and, in addition, proportional to its weight. It is objectively manifested as the impulse that tends to expel outwards, the matter of the rotating bodies, so that the result assumes that the most energetic matter is what is on the surface of These and the one with the highest density is overlapped at its center.

If materials that densify it are added to the center of the body in motion, the result is another movement of a sign contrary to the expansive one, that is to say, contractive, which is produced from the outside inwards.

Thus, over time, and we talked for a long time, the first material structure or creation has been coated with other structures, reducing its volume and increasing its density, becoming elements that micos increasingly dense and heavy, until we can reach our current structures. If this process of densification or concentration of material continues, it can be deduced that in its extreme values ​​it is a black hole, which supposes the maximum compression that the material can withstand, until that the start of the Big Bang expansion movement is happening.

Both movements have already been correlated as one happens to the other incessantly.

Creation, from the esoteric point of view, contemplates the contractive movement, since it centers its origin on the energy or internal force that is coated with substance so that the form or matter appears, considering This is like the prison of the soul or its incarnation.

It is interesting to expose a laboratory experiment consisting of isolating protons, they are grouped together constituting an atomic nucleus of a positive nature, as corresponds to their electrical charge, and suddenly, randomly, without any possibility of forecasting, electrons appear with sufficient negative electrical charge to balance that proton nucleus, constituting an experimental or laboratory atom.

As far as the human being is concerned, weakness of character and laziness or inertia, favor the reduction of decision-making, configure a dense material structure for low energy, with small atoms, and the force of inertia is unable to expel anything towards the outside, it is increasingly influential to external environmental forces and propelled by interests outside the structure of the individual. Therefore, the force over energy prevails, and the tendency is towards everything material, since less and less something of the spiritual is understood.

In the progress towards the material, we are always right and we deny it to others trying to follow our criteria, while in the spiritual we always offer it to the other, practicing self-forgetting.

The fact that the electron orbits around the nucleus, implies the consumption of energy that, if not provided by it, has to absorb it from the outside, which will configure an increasingly compact and weak atomic structure, in terms of energy power of herself.

As the rotational movement is repeatedly referred to, it should be clarified that it is motivated by the influx of a type of energy whose predominant quality is intelligence, in the same way as the repetition of the previous rotation movement, is governed by a second type of energy, which manifests itself as a magnetic power of attraction and repulsion, of love quality, and a third aspect that propitiates the forward impulse, of will quality. In this way, the spiral with which evolution is usually plotted is configured.

On the spiritual path, the quality of love produces the first four initiations, and that of the will, the fifth and successive ones, for the disciple evolves through love as experience and will as a mental concept, until the fourth initiation, and it is a from the fifth, when he begins to experience the reality of the will, beyond the mental concepts, however high they may be.

It seems that matter has to rotate repeatedly around the nucleus that constitutes the purpose of the spirit until it fits perfectly with it.

Vicente Beltrán was asked what evolution is, and replied:

"It consists of making and undoing, each time with more noble materials"

External force always comes from a single sense and direction, so it excludes others in the attempt to prevail, hence human separativity due to its exclusive and exclusive character, as opposed to thinking, which is, at present, of collective character, due to the poor development of the ability to think with own resources. At the moment when the power of individual thought becomes evident, another kind of separativity will occur, but in the world of the mind, which will lead to an exclusivity greater than the current one, because its potential is greater and, therefore, its manifestation in the objective world.

In one of Patanjali's Aphorisms we read:

"Dominating the life that attracts us, you get radiation"

referring, no doubt, to the ability to decide for himself, through the expansive process that causes energy.

If it has been possible to express and, at the same time, understand the difference between both concepts, the human being can no longer remain what he is, but will immerse himself, like the entire cosmos, in that unstoppable and incessant expansive movement, to that matter be elevated to the category of the spirit, and it descends to matter when it constitutes a perfect tabernacle, since it has tried to expose the existence of two forces of inertia, the external turns life into automatism or eternal nap, and the internal characterizes matter by its creative dynamism, through conscious decision, manifested by the constant creations - not recreations - turning a part of the spirit into matter, the abstract in particular, and the inherent purpose of energy is manifested in Matter through force.

Such purity of purpose will result in such purity of matter. And force configures purity as well as impurity.

The liberation consists, then, in that all the energy of a purpose, becomes force without faults or leftovers, so that in the next movement, another purpose can be constituted with greater amount of energy, which will require greater forces for its manifestation, appearing a new matter more subtle than the previous one. Material subtlety is increasing, until there comes a time when it no longer serves to manifest the power and purity of the last purpose, and this moment is mystically referred to as liberation .

Throughout the process of liberation, matter has been detached from the mystical center of the purpose or vortex of energy, it is Patanjali radiation or the radioactivity of science, defined as the change of state of matter . Radiant, emitting or radioactive activity does not fit into unconsciousness, and successive conscious acts provoke consciousness, which means that all the energy contained in the initial purpose has become force, or spirit in matter.

Consciousness is a point of light on the plane that has served for its realization, and the accumulation of all possible points of light, on all planes of human manifestation, is the Soul .

AA Bailey in his work " Treatise on White Magic ", pg. 228 et seq. express:

"Soul is, in theosophy, manas and manifests as intelligence, it is energy that acts through the physical brain"

Consciousness reaches the soul through consciousness, so it has to use the physical brain that allows the manifestation in the densest material plane, establishes the contact between the I and the non-I, between spirit and matter, relates lo abstracto con lo concreto, lo manifestado con lo que no lo está.

Constituye el camino del centro, y justamente ahí, ni el de la derecha ni el de la izquierda. La diferencia es que, tanto los caminos de la derecha como los de la izquierda tienen siempre puntos de encuentro que son comunes, pero el del centro… es irrepetible y pertenece a cada ser humano en su singularidad.

De ahí que no puedan existir dos creaciones iguales.

Parménides en el siglo V a. de C. :

“Nada sale de la nada”

habrá que definirse cada cual cómo y por dónde se debería comenzar para que salga algo, y no para que entre.


La creación consiste en que la potencia de la energía o fuerza interna atraviese todas y cada una de las capas de materia ya existente, hasta llegar allá donde no la hay, porque es espíritu, y absorber allí la energía que corresponda a la justa medida del propósito, que se convertirá en fuerza para atravesar, otra vez, todos los planos materiales, pero ésta vez en sentido contrario al anterior, hasta la más densa de las materias que componen su estructura. Y comenzará otro nuevo ascenso hasta las cotas espirituales…

Todo el proceso regido, siempre, por el estado consciente, por la regencia del alma a través del cerebro físico, mientras la humanidad disponga del mismo.

A tenor de la consciencia, expresa AA Bailey en su Tratado de Siete Rayos, Tomo-2 pg. 439:

“… las fuerzas oscuras están regidas en el plano físico en la actualidad por 6 guías orientales y otros 6 occidentales… trabajan activando los poderes psíquicos inferiores (que provocan inconsciencia), su particular ataque es sobre los discípulos… y si no tienen éxito, podrá exteriorizarse la Jerarquía.”

Hablar de la prisión que supone manifestar el espíritu en la materia, cuyo equilibrio produce la luz, precisa referenciar a Max Planck en cuanto que enunció el carácter discontinuo de la luz – su emisión y absorción supone la existencia de momentos de iluminación y otros de oscuridad- ya Albert Einstein por su Nobel en Física, debido a que demostró el efecto fotoeléctrico, que no es más que la aplicación de las teorías de Planck a la luz, consistente en la propiedad de un metal para emitir electrones cuando se le somete a un haz luminoso. Con un efecto que es doble:

libera al metal de electrones, precisamente aquellos con mayor energ a.
les a ade energ a para que se liberen de la estructura met lica.

Al considerar lo expuesto anteriormente bajo el prisma esot rico, quiz nos explique, de alguna manera, la teor a de la liberaci n que culmina con la expresi n de Cristo:

Todo ha sido consumado

La actual estructura humana todav a tiene prestadas cierta cantidad de otras estructuras que pertenecen a los Reinos Animal, Vegetal y Mineral, en lo concerniente, y respectivamente, a los cuerpos mental, emocional yf sico.

Estas han de ser devueltas humanizadas, es decir, energetizadas por el propio ser humano, a trav s de la luz de su conciencia para que, -tal como los electrones se desprenden para constituir otro tomo de orden superior al anterior, y lo hacen cuando se han cargado de suficiente energ a regresen a los Reinos subhumanos con esa carga, que les proporcionar el paso hacia un orden superior dentro del arco evolutivo. Vemos pues, que el servicio es algo din mico e interactivo.

As que, el cielo no es para unos pocos escogidos, sino para todos, ya que todos ser n los llamados y, tambi n todos, ser n los elegidos, la diferencia tan solo est en el relativo concepto que llamamos tiempo .

A un prop sito m s espiritual si aceptamos la comparaci n- le corresponder manifestarse en una materia de mayor poder energ tico, m s cercana al propio esp ritu, capaz de cambiar r pidamente y adecuarse. Si el prop sito tiene tendencia hacia la materia, se revestir de formas densas poco energ ticas y cercanas a ese centro material, r gido, no acepta cambios y no pretende adecuarse a nada, sino exigir a su entorno que cambie .

No debemos olvidar una de las caracter sticas del agujero negro, y es que no permite salir absolutamente nada desde su interior, todo lo tiene para si mismo, todo lo absorbe, incluso a la luz ya la radiaci n, debido al alt simo grado adquirido respecto de la gravedad y densidad.

AA Bailey en el mismo texto anterior, pg. 441 :

De acuerdo a la Ley, extraemos de los dem s lo que est presente en nosotros

Parece que sobre cualquier comentario.

La energ a tiene car cter grupal o unitario y la fuerza lo tiene individual o diferenciado.

La fuerza presenta una direcci n nica dirigida hacia el centro mientras que la energ a se manifiesta en todas las posibles direcciones y desde el centro.

La Era de Acuario se caracteriza precisamente por su aspecto grupal, as como su predecesora, Piscis, lo hizo respecto del individualismo.

Cristo : “Cuando dos o más se reúnan en mi Nombre, allí estaré con ellos”

La radiación ha de ser grupal, pues, de poco o nada sirve que sea potente, pero individual, si no es capaz de integrarse en grupo superando todas las objeciones propias del ser humano actual, “ ídolos ” como decía Francis Bacon, Barón de Verulan :

“idola tribus” : prejuicios propios del ser humano.
“idola specus” : inherentes a nuestra constitución en el tiempo.
“idola fori” : confusión producida en las relaciones sociales.
“idola theatri” : por la falsedad, ya que el ser humano actúa simulando.

“La verdadera ciencia es la ciencia de las causas”

La gente tiende a agruparse, y la diferencia entre grupos consiste en la dispersión de sus propósitos, no hay unificación de criterios, porque se tiende al predominio del individual sobre el grupal, ello provoca una mezcla de colores y sonidos en los niveles sutiles, que se manifiestan como desavenencias y desacuerdos. Allí no puede haber paz .

La razón más objetiva que puede justificar el carácter grupal de la energía es, que contiene en sí misma a todas las fuerzas . Es aquella persona que tiene clara una idea, y puede expresarla de maneras distintas al encontrarse con diferentes auditorios. Es el orador que expresa una idea para todo un auditorio, sin embargo, parece que existan tantos auditorios como personas asistentes.

Cuanto más sutil y abstracta sea una expresión, mayor número de posibilidades de concreción contendrá. La energía es sutil y abstracta, porque todo lo contiene unido. Por lo tanto, la energía es el germen de la fraternidad .

La razón más subjetiva que justificaría la grupalidad de la energía, consiste en afirmar que en el nivel de mayor sutilidad humana, el mental, permanece determinada jerarquía angélica, los Manasadevas, prototipo de la superior o Ángeles Solares, cuya misión específica consiste en transmitir los arquetipos o cualidades que ha de desarrollar la raza humana, a través de un canal descendente que comunica la menta abstracta con la concreta, y otro ascendente que ofrece al Ángel Solar, como en dádiva, la estructura mental del ser humano que adquiere la capacidad de razonar en términos de abstracción.

Ello es solamente posible porque las materias mental, emocional y física, se constituyen a base de átomos energéticos cuyo núcleo empuja hacia el exterior todo resto de materia “para liberar la flor de loto” .


Cuando una persona se propone realizar algo, es debido a que ha podido concretar y definir qué es lo que pretende.

Esta pretensión constituye un propósito, que vendrá como una mezcla de sustancia mental, emocional y física, siendo habitual el predominio de la emocional sobre las otras dos.

Dicho propósito es la mezcla de núcleos atómicos en los tres niveles, que atraerán los correspondientes electrones, al igual que ocurre con la formación del átomo de laboratorio, y quedará materializado aquél propósito en forma de un pensamiento, de una emoción y de una actitud en el plano físico.

Cuando este proceso finaliza, toda la energía ha sido transmutada en fuerza que, a su vez, se abrirá paso hasta llegar de nuevo a la energía y constituir un nuevo propósito. Es la evolución .

La creación de materia o átomos de laboratorio es rutinaria, no obedece a ningún milagro, y tiene un interesante aspecto a resaltar :

aparece una imagen de la materia creada o antimateria

de forma que, llegado cierto instante, sobre el que no se puede tener control alguno, interaccionan ambas, aniquilándose mutuamente. Así, la materia de laboratorio es tremendamente inestable, y por una sola razón:

carece de propósito

Tenemos pendiente una analogía humana, y es debida al propósito predominante, constituido por materia objetiva, tanto si es mental, emocional o física, por lo que se creará, y no lo puede controlar el hombre, una antimateria que aparecerá en un momento dado, e interaccionará con la anterior. Todos podemos saber qué ocurre a continuación. Menos mal que la cantidad de materia es insignificante y, también, su potencia .

Platón, en sus Diálogos expresa:

“Para el hombre desprovisto del sentido de discernir el bien del mal, hay que reconocer que no es un gran poder el del poder hacer lo que le conviene”

De la misma manera que el glóbulo rojo transporta el oxígeno a la célula para que viva, el ángel es el transportador del electrón que colocará alrededor del núcleo, formado con el propósito humano para crear, por interacción entre ambos, toda la materia en existencia.

No existe forma material que no haya sido creada por la cooperación humano – angélica a través del sistema energía – fuerza.

De la misma manera que en el plano de lo físico se transmite la luz o el sonido, así se produce la transmisión de la energía o fuerza interna del propósito humano a la fuerza externa o sustancia angélica, creando todas las formas de materia en los tres planos de manifestación, teniendo en cuenta que, los ángeles, existen únicamente en éstos tres niveles, que corresponden a los tres subplanos inferiores del plano físico cósmico, y que abarcan toda la sustancia mental, emocional y física de nuestro entero universo.

Cuando se han analizado científicamente las fuerzas que cohesionan la materia objetiva, siempre se ha deducido la existencia de otras, desconocidas para la ciencia por no ser reconocidas todavía, y que son las angélicas.

Es lógico pensar que, entre la energía del propósito humano y la fuerza del ángel, ha de existir un medio de transporte, tal como la sangre lo es respecto del glóbulo rojo, para transportar el oxígeno, ya éste medio se le denomina en forma variada, pero mayoritariamente como sustancia.

Así pues, el objetivo de la energía consiste en convertirse en materia a través de la sustancia o fuerza, lo que equivale a expresar que, mediante la cooperación humano – angélica se produce el milagro de la creación de todas las formas, en los tres mundos.

Con el predominio de propósitos materialistas por parte del ser humano, el ángel se ve obligado a reestructurar una y otra vez las mismas formas, creadas hace millones de años y que perduran, por ello, en el hombre actual.

Si se llega al convencimiento de que el predominio ha de ser de la energía o fuerza interna, se abandonarán estas formas recreadas constantemente, se producirá el cambio en el movimiento inerte actual para crear – y no recrear – nuevas y frescas formas materiales, tanto en mente, como en sentimiento o en actitudes, que encaucen a la humanidad por el sendero de la amistad, de la fraternidad y de la armonía entre pueblos, razas o civilizaciones.

HP Blavatsky en su Doctrina Secreta, Tomo VI pg. 128 dice:

“No hay bien ni mal que de por si lo sea, depende de su grado de diferenciación”. Cuanta más fuerza, mayor diferenciación y separación entre bien y mal. Desde el punto de vista de la energía no existe tal diferenciación, pues, continúa diciendo “Satán y el Arcángel son algo más que gemelos”

Ernest Wood en Siete Rayos, pgs. 56-57 dice :

“La mente no puede mantener dos ideas al mismo tiempo (y aquí radica el mal, en separarlas y considerarlas independientes), pero si una idea que las incluya como partes de un conjunto, y aquí radica el proceso del bien, del alma, de la magia, porque es el trabajo de sucesivas y repetidas uniones polares hasta que todas las positivas forman un conjunto y asimismo todas las negativas, que, al unirse, se establece el pleno y consciente contacto con el alma – la luz – cerrándose una de las puertas del mal, la del propio individuo .

Mucho más y mejor podría decirse sobre lo aquí expuesto, por lo que insto a la constante investigación y expresión de lo que se concluya, en el plano objetivo que corresponda y si se considera oportuno, ya que cualquier intento de llevar a la comprensión asuntos abstrusos sin pedir nada a cambio, siempre resultará benéfico en grado proporcional a la pureza del móvil y al desinterés en si mismo.

Y no basta con la curiosidad, aunque pueda constituir el principio, pues sobre ella afirm el hijo del guardasellos de la reina Isabel I de Inglaterra, Francis Bacon :

La satisfacci n de la curiosidad es, para algunos hombres, el fin del conocimiento

Eloy Millet Monz

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