Elections ", by KRYON, through Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

I have spoken those words many times, some before credulous Human Beings, some before unbelievers, I know everyone, everyone. The truth is that I am a sister, a brother and a part of God. I am not something that should be revered more than your sister and brother on Earth. I am family, and the only reason for these communications and the only reason to be here is to sit at their feet and wash them and give them information about what they have done.

At no time was this situation different between us. I always come with love, willing to give them the appropriate information. There were many who exaggerated and said that it was impossible or that it was not really happening. Some say that this encounter is the fraud of a man who is pretending. You could say that it is a fraud, a farce. I will tell you this: It will be difficult to convince the person that he will leave today with a healing, because his healing will be real. The colors that many are seeing are also real.

There was never a more exciting time than this! It seems like yesterday, even for some of you, when I started communicating with my partner [Lee]. At that time he really couldn't translate much, but that changed. Not even he can believe how much time he spent [20 years]. Today's message does not differ much from the others during that time, except that now you are in a newer energy yet. It is an energy that you just created recently, dear Human Beings, and now you are beginning to see the puzzle unfold.

Oh, there are still those who are sitting here saying, "He is a Human speaking, nothing more." Really? Is it the Human who is creating the energy in this room? How can it be? Some of you are starting to feel it. Is it possible that God is speaking through this man? What is the definition of God? The word is a man-made word, you know? God is the essence of the Universe imbued in the Human Being, that is God. Because I am faced with entities of biological origin and universal lineage, which have no age. You always were and always will be, Human Being. Some still do not believe that this is real and may be happening. They will tell you that God does not speak like that to Humans. But once again we tell you that this is the way the Spirit always spoke to Human Beings. Always.

Let me put the energy of this channel in a more common and current framework for a moment so that you understand it better. Imagine there is a man in a cell. It occurs approximately 30 to 35 years after the death of his teacher, and is known as Saul. But it's not really Saul, because he changed his name to Pablo. Because the epiphany he had when he saw God through his teacher changed his spiritual structure. He understood human empowerment and wrote to his friends in Ephesus and Corinth, while he was in jail. He wrote to them and told them about his joy. He told them how amazing it was, because the information he got from that teacher, whom he never even knew, was profound. That man is the apostle Paul, and the letters he wrote became writings in this culture and those writings are now known as the Word of God. Now, let me ask you, who is God when you are reading Corinthians or Ephesians? Is it the word of God or just the word of Paul writing to his friends? The answer: it is: the apostle Paul under the influence of an energy of love that cannot be denied. This is how it works and the process is called channeling. It has always been that way.

So here we are again with the attribute in which there will be those who listen with the ears, and those who "hear" with the eyes [readers later]. That puts those who are listening to it later [playing the audio] with those who are reading it [you] in a quantum state with those in the "now" who are here. Therefore, we quantify the entire audience as a timeless group, because this message will last beyond the lives of many who are now alive.

The message is about the choice. What are they doing? What do you want to do? Where are they? They have done? I am Kryon, a part of God's family to which they belong, and that means that I am not only on the other side of the veil, unreachable and untouchable. On the contrary, I walk with each of you daily because the Spirit walks with you every day. You don't think about this often enough. They tend to separate our spiritual experience into compartments. Upon leaving through that door, those who are here tonight have already finished the meditations; They have finished the channeling and are doing social life. Maybe they will even go out and enjoy a good dinner. All these things are normal, but you must understand that we go out that door with you because we are in love with you, because we are part of the process with you, and because we know what you are going through. You can call us guides or angels, you can even call us energy. Call us however you want, but the fact is that you are never alone. What a promise! Listen: He who does not believe that this is true today has the same number of angels who go out with him through that door as you! Did you know that So what does that tell you about God's love?


What is your choice right now, dear? Because you have some choices to make. You have the opportunity to fear what is coming, because there are many Human Beings that will tell you what issues to 2012. Everything we have said for 20 years has referred to this profound change. From what they did, from the potentials of what they can do and from the enlightened state to which this planet has the potential to happen now. You are preparing for 2012, not for the fatality that the traffickers of fear have told you, but for the amazing truth that the ancients offered you, who even carved the message on the rock [the glyphs of the Maya].

Galactic Alignment is occurring while we talk. It is not something they will have in December 2012, but something that has already happened! Check if this is true with current astronomers, and you will see that the 26, 000 year cycle has already reached the peak of the precession. Why are they afraid of something in 2012, when the event is already underway? In addition, they have been feeling this change since 1998! How can they deny all things around them as they change and move and affect their lives? Is it not obvious that they are already on the cusp of this alignment? *

Uninformed humanity is preparing for what most Human Beings feel may be a challenge in 2012, but I tell you that it will not be unless you personally believe it. . It will not be a challenge if the Lightworkers get their way. It will not be different from the change of the millennium of 2000 or any of the other indicators of fatalidad created by Humans for you to worry about. The creation of these indicators of fatality is a great business for them. Begin to see the truth in this.

Now I want to address those who are listening and who may be reading this and I want to tell you that 2012 is not the end of time. Those who built their esoteric calendar [Maya] understood it, that is, they saw a cyclic disposition of vibrational increase for this planet that would eventually affect consciousness. The new Crystalline Grid is also aligned with this positive change, and this fact is a com comod n that the old ones did not anticipate. It was not on his calendar, however it coincides with his prophecy of a more vibrant Earth. The Crystalline Grid was created approximately in 2002 to bring about the change of human consciousness and create change in real time. It is a product of the unexpected change of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 and one of the reasons why you feel so much transition and change in such a collapsed amount of time. However, this lens was not in his prophecies, nor was it in the prophecies of Nostradamus. What does that tell you about this planet? I should shout to you that there is no Human that can tell you what is going to happen!

You are seeing a new disposition of these things. What is your position regarding fear? What is your choice about that? What is your choice today about that? If they want to fear him, they can do it. That is your free will. However, if you wish to discover the truth, you can search the source! Because the Mayans gave it to him. They said it was the beginning of a very high energy and a time when human consciousness could really mobilize.

However, at this time 2012 has the potential to be treated with a lot of fear, exactly like its millennium change, do you remember? Apparently, much of the Holy Scriptures referred to this subject, didn't it? Apparently there were many quatrains, right? However, what happened? Not much. We are telling you that right now, while I am here in 2014, I am giving you a message: Do you not find it interesting what did not happen ?! [This is Kryon jumping into the potential future we have created and giving us a message while we look back at 2012.] So, what do you think of this topic, Human Beings? Your choice is to fear or not to fear. Because what you do today goes to the grid and stays there. It is a collective, did you know?


What is your participation, your choice, today regarding your economy? We have said it before. We said it in December 2008. Do they have the courage to celebrate the recession? Dear Human Being in this country called United States, congratulations on what you just did! Never in the history of mankind did any citizens address the issue of greed as transcendentally as this great economy, one of the largest on Earth, the most important on Earth and the most powerful on Earth. But you chose to clean it. And if they are watching their media, it is a horror story. If you are watching your media, it was a surprise! Let me ask you this: How can something be a surprise when we talked about it more than a year ago? Doesn't that tell you that the potential of this cleaning was in process? It is not a surprise at all!

The media will tell you that this is going to last for a long time and that they are not really sure how they can get out of this hole, if they come out! However, the potentials are clear and will overcome this, just as they overcame the other challenges of a changing time. In the process, they will be strengthened. That is pruning!

"Well Kryon, the trees in our economy that are going to bite look pretty ugly, right?" Yes, but when they cut all the branches when pruning, it's as if they had killed the tree, but everyone knows what happens when it leaves the sun and spring comes. The same goes for your situation. The winter of spirituality is coming to an end and spring is coming. You will see that I am right, because that is the potential at this moment as I communicate with you [early 2009].

This is not a change only for the people of the New Age. If they are going to have a change for the planet, it will have an effect on the mainstream of society. Where is that current stronger? In finance! And they are changing them first. The hardest thing they could do was to reform the loan and credit rules within their credit-based economy, and they are doing it. Maybe you are changing your policy at the same time? So, will they be afraid of you? Are you going to be one of those who hide? What is your choice today, listener, reader? Because what you do today will affect the lens, and that affects the entire planet. A Lightworker who chooses not to be afraid today is worth a stadium full of those who choose to fear. They knew it? The reason is because you have the light! This means that many are going to "see in the dark" thanks to what you do, and the light creates a lack of fear. When they are no longer in a dark place, they have no anxiety about those around them. Yes, I have used the metaphor many times, but it is the truth.


Quantically, what is your choice about Earth? Now we are going to get weird. If for starters they did not think that channeling was quite strange, this is strange. [Laughs] Why are they here? What was your choice about that? Did you choose to come at this time? What do they feel about it? If you are reading these words, if you are sitting in the chairs in front of me, if you are listening or reading this, you will most likely understand that you chose this experience. Because that is the information that was taught for a long time. And yet it is still strange. "You mean I chose to come here and be here now?" Oh yes, it was.

What is your spiritual lineage and what have you chosen to be your lineage, dear Human Being? Is it your choice to bring light? Maybe, but now I want to talk about quantum choice, the one that has your name on it in the Cave of Creation, part of today's teaching. Do you realize that your choice today will change the very essence of that crystalline structure of the Earth and that it will affect who you will return to? Your choice today also affects the energy of the Earth today. This is new, and that was not the case 20 years ago.

You actively agreed to come to this planet in this time frame. This is very significant, lemurian. I will say it again: Many of you say; “I am simply an ordinary person. I'm going to work. I have a family. Most of the time I just try to survive. I take care of myself, I take care of them, and that's all I can do. ”Oh yes? So why are you here? Is it your choice to be just a survivor? Why are you here spiritually? If you are reading this, why? What prompted you to do that, survivor, or is there something else? You know there is more.

His very thoughts carry light. The very idea that they can raise their vibration on this planet carries the light of the earth. In two generations it will end up being a very different planet. That is what we see, and it is what we always saw. What if just being here is enough? Few of you think so, because in 3D you feel you have to do something to make it seem worthwhile. What if just being is enough? Remember what we have said: A higher consciousness sends light to Earth, period. You don't have to heal people, write books, or talk to crowds. The true Earth Light Workers are those who simply live in a society and spread their joy through interactions and normal life in society.

Lightworker, you are making a difference on this planet, and you do it as planned. Some may tell them: “Well, the choice to come during this time is very strange, because you have chosen a difficult time to be here. Look what is happening with the planet! In addition, they will reach the 2012 score and, of course, they will all die. What a funny choice. ”

Oh, this is so ridiculous! It makes the Spirit laugh because the opposite is true. The love of God does not bring them here to bury them under a pile of earth. He doesn't bring them here so they can die of a horrible death while the Earth turns upside down and a meteor hits it. Does not do that. They are not here for that. You chose to come, you made a choice while you were on the other side of the veil. Now they are here with the mind of a three-dimensional Human Being, not with the mind of God. So what do you choose now? Do you want to hold the light you came to hold or not? Oh, it is not accidental that they are in that chair, reading this, or then listening to the channeler.

Some of you are beginning to understand that this message is for you, and this is a real fact. You are beginning to understand the truth, that this is a voice coming from the other side of the veil, and that the voice is passionate because it is in love with you. He wants to honor them. He wants to wash his feet. They are listening? Detractor, are you listening? Incredulous, are you listening to me? I tell them that they are washing their feet even if they don't believe it, even if they don't want to. You are loved beyond measure and always will be, and you are not judged if you go out the door laughing.

In truth, I know who you are, brother, sister, and when everything is over and you breathe out your last breath, we will be together again. Then we will laugh at this day, when you came and said, "That is not for me." You are the Creator of the Earth! You were there when it was melted and formless, knowing that one day you would inhabit it, when the time was right.


Oh, old souls, what is your choice today? They have so many. What is your choice about healing? Do they want it or not? Well, they won't have it in three-dimensional form. Instead, they are going to have to become a little interdimensional, and the tools for that have arrived. Is not easy. What do they choose to do? Do you choose to go there, open that door, or is it too difficult? Or is it too out of three-dimensional reality where they don't want to take a risk, or maybe their mind can't get into the program? Maybe they would like to, but they don't know where to start?

Here are his instructions. Sit before God and be loved! Say, “I am ready to become interdimensional, to address the veil without knowing why or how. I am open to feel that the hand on the other side comes and takes mine. ”Do you dare to do that? Do you dare to connect with the Higher Self? What is your choice? Is it too difficult, too unusual, too creepy? If only you knew how creepy each one of you is now! [Laughs] The spooky definition: Things that don't fit in 3D!

There is a beautiful system. It is beautiful and perfect. Old souls, I see them complete. I don't see them in this life with the gender they have stuck in their faces. I see the precious Human Being as a piece of God. I am his brother, I am his sister. You are equal to me. Elections.


Did you know that if they dig in the Akasha, they change everything? [Digging in the Akasha is a new concept of Kryon where one goes and collects attributes of previously lived lives. Kryon calls it the deposit of what one has already earned.] Did you know that if you go to the Akasha and change something, that affects what happens next in your next life? They knew it? If they have created a healed energy of self-worth, it remains healthy. Did you know that Like the spiritual jar that continues to fill, everything will be at your disposal next time. If you are able to create health and a longer life for you in this life span, that is recorded in your interdimensional DNA. When they return, no matter what their soul chooses to be, that is the attribute that will be in their DNA. Think about what that means to humanity! What they do today is the face of tomorrow's humanity.


How many of you are willing to touch the face of God? What is your choice about changing today? These two are related, do you know? A change is at your fingertips and has been going on for some time now. They should have known when the world and the geopolitical scene changed so much recently. They are in the middle of it. What is your choice? Are they going to be part of it and improve it? Or are they going to fear him? Because these things are what drive the next phase. One of the things that they are going to drive is how quickly they will come out of this recession. If you look at the experts, they will give you all kinds of things to consider. No one has the answer. No expert guaranteed them that they would be in it, and no expert is here to tell them what will happen. Therefore, it is your choice! Therefore, a quick recovery is your choice! Believe the experts or not. Fear the situation or not. Participate in recovery no. It's a big energy issue, isn't it? However, you are in control of it because of the decisions you make about it.

Do you want to touch the face of the Creator? It is not difficult because you are uncle. There is peace there. Dear Human Being, in this room there are those who say: I would love to do all these things, Kryon. I would love to do all this, but it is very difficult for me. It's just that I don't know what's happening. There are those who always say, Kryon, you don't know what happens to me. If you knew, you could not say these things. Dear Human Being, we know everything that is happening! These things are said with integrity and are real. They're for you. We know what you are going through, because we walk with you every day. The moment you let the fear go, you will find the manifestation. Touch the face of the Higher Self! This has been the invitation for you for years, to find your own spiritual self, to find your part of God, to find your divine part.

Touch the face of the Higher Self today. I am aware of who is here. It is a beautiful system, run by you, planned by you, and here you are listening and reading this. You should know that you are not helpless pawns in all this. You control it, and when you realize that and take that control, peace begins to be yours forever. Without drama. There will be challenges, because that is humanity, right? But they don't have to affect them the same way. Never.

And so it is that this entity comes before you this day in this way with the words I have spoken today about the election and about the love of the Spirit for humanity. Know this: You are not different from me. Like me, they belong on the other side of the veil. This challenge called human life is temporary. Consider it a voice from home, if you wish. I promise you that the day will come, I promise you, when we will meet again in that Hall of Honor and we will talk with you today, when we share this brief time, the day you let me wash your feet.

And so it is.


* For more information about this Galactic Alignment, please read “The Factory of Fatality”)

© Lee Carroll http://www.kryon.com/k_channel09_seattle.html This information is free and available for printing, copying and distribution as desired. Your Copyright, however, prohibits the sale in any form except that made by the publisher.

English Title: Elections
Translation Margarita López
Susana Peralta Edition
Authorized site of Kryon by Lee Carroll in Spanish

Thanks Margarita López and Susana Peralta !!!

To help the reader, Lee channeled Kryon again, who made additions so that the concepts became more clear. Many times, live channels contain an implicit energy that involves a type of communication that is not present on the printed page, so enjoy this improved message given in Seattle on January 17, 2009.

Kryon channeled live by Lee Carroll
Seattle, Washington
January 17, 2009

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