The Incarnational Vehicle: the complete image in the mirror, part 1, by Andrea Labat

  • 2012

As many know, I have been publishing information that I have been channeling from my Higher Self and Light Guides for more than eight years.

I have decided to publish all the information on the web since I understand that I cannot retain it further under any circumstances.

This first part explains how we are holistically formed and explains why we are “Multidimensional Beings” completing the information that I have already published. There is no new information as many will notice, but it was essential as a basis for what they would then give me, given my limited knowledge on the subject

These teachings have changed my life completely and it is my desire that I achieve the same goal in all those who by resonance and law of attraction reach them.

An infinite hug!

Andrea Labat

Merlo, San Luis, Argentina

The Incarnational Vehicle

States of Consciousness:

The states of consciousness are given by the degree of understanding that each being has of the totality that it is.

That degree of understanding largely determines, in what way they will face each day the experiences that the paths of life put forward to heal energies that must heal.

The realization of the totality that they are seems silly but nevertheless brings light to their lives, since it focuses their attention to the response of all their bodies to a certain energy, whether high or low vibration.

Through your farms, you connect to a whole vibrational spectrum and each energy has an important impact on your energy bodies.

The relevance of knowing this is given because they begin to recognize the reactions of their bodies to the different vibrations that come to you and to differentiate them by their degree of vibration.

By becoming aware of this, you will be able to recognize the harmful energies of the beneficial ones and not enter into states of anguish, anxiety, depression etc., because you do not understand the process of energies in you within the framework of your daily lives.

That is to say, if you understand that you only have one physical body, this will be the scene of all the energies that you must work, and thus extend to the understanding of each body that you possess, determined in what state of consciousness you are.

This graphic is the explanation they gave me about the formation of our incarnational vehicle. Due to my little knowledge on these issues, I let the experts deepen their analysis and limit myself to simply transmitting what was given to me.


With the intention of explaining what our dimensional bodies are like, my guides asked me to provide a picture of Vitrubio's man on a scale.

What they explained to me is the following:

It is the exponent of universal man, the cosmic library in its total perfection. The measures are related to the cosmic connection. When man reaches his self-esteem, these proportions adjust to his cosmic perfection.

Leonardo Da Vinci knew it. Now you will add the rest. How that energy unit that they are being embodied works perfectly.

Pay attention to the design you will do because in it is the order of all things.

Look at his head, he is on top, which means that reason dominates all things.

The reach of his arms indicates the limitation of his power on earth.

His will lies in the understanding of his creative power marked in his sexuality and his feet support a reality that is not his own or of origin.

There is an incalculable beauty in him, which is given by his ability to transcend form. From his heart flows energies that connect him with realities superior to those he inhabits or perceives with his human senses, and in his plexus lies the connection with his most immediate plane.

The ability to create on your plane is given by your basic sexual farm, and to create in these worlds for the rest of your farms.

Curiously, it only has a notion of a plane of existence, when it marvelously operates in everyone.

Alchemy occurs when you perceive other realities from your plexus chakra by coupling them to your 3D reality

Now when that man transcends reality, his power extends mathematically to its proportions to the entire universal multidimensional existence, occupying each atom of the universe omnisciently as God.

The transcendence of the form is its purpose of life and for that it must understand how it is formed and how to make use of each part of itself and of what surrounds it in every dimension.

That is why we will enter into the explanation of the states of consciousness through the subtle bodies, as they are and how they manifest themselves in the different planes and that surrounds them in each of they.

The square is the human part. The divine is the circular part. Within the square you will cement the energy of man himself.

In that line that crosses from top to bottom the chakras of the whole system are aligned. The point between the line and the circle is the point of contact between the divine and the earthly.

Now we will explain how each body is formed.

The upper mental limits with the lower mental, authorizing the connection through the emotional. Now you will authorize by the central energy line to accommodate the chakra but understanding that the basic chakra is lodged in the emotional but only one of them just like the coronary.

The subtle body has no ethereal form but is simply a halo that surrounds the whole set, it is precisely the circle that surrounds the whole figure. The square is the three-dimensional shape of your world, in which matter is contained.

The material structure that sustains the energy of the 3D form in vibration from denser to more subtle.

In the circle you will draw the shape below the coccygeal.

1. Complete dodecahedral system

The elementary body of you has a tetrahedral star ...

The whole system is a dodecahedral star but only when they begin to manifest in their entirety do they acquire that form.

Within that star are all the forms of the universe

When you are disembodied, you have that dodecahedral form, but when you are incarnated, a copy of it is manifested in its slightest expression.

Authorized to express themselves in that plane, they do so through two tetrahedra, one above all that is and another below all that is.

As simple as taking an energy and dividing it so that it can be expressed in its lowest expression.

When all that is incarnate form is formed by two tetrahedral units above, one positive and the other negative. The positive is the masculine aspect and the negative the feminine aspect.

Each of these two tetrahedron formations make up a body of the entire system.

When you are aligned, only one is perceived, but they are not always aligned.

2. System granted to incarnate

You must take energy from the emotional body to operate the upper mental body, just as you must take energy from the lower mental body to operate the entire subtle body, which rotates in the same direction as the lower mental body.

Your entire dimensional system is made up of three dodecahedral stars on top in perfect harmony.

One of them wants to feel very comfortable with the energy of the environment, which is that of the physical body. The other is the emotional, and the other the lower mental.

The three vibrate in different dimensions and in turn mutate in different dimensions within their specific range of dimensional experience.

They also have the particularity of rotation and ambition of rotation, which indicates that the transmutation process is in the gravitational force balance of these stars.

That means that as the evolving being allows the direction of rotation to change or park as the case may be. All turning radii are not equal authorizing viewed from the outside as a karmic wheel that routes different axes of rotation according to the energy of the environment and also have the peculiarity that they are always on the move, despite the fact that in many science schools It is said that his state was once static. There is no fixed speed but there is a vibrational frequency and that is given by the type of energy that circulates through the circuits and meridans that pass through them.

If you authorized to see a star we would rumble your eyes with senses of color and you would hear a peculiar and distinctive sound for one of these incarnational expressions of the soul.

They have a division ending its center, at the top that is temporarily divided, and is a tetrahedral star and is one more form

We saw in the upper part of these authorized karmic units, transformers of end and beginning in your plane or magnetically speaking quantum energy transformers, one more form of tetrahedral star or tetrahedron that is the upper mental body and that is separated by the moment from the rest of the main star because it is anchoring in you. That unity is the spiritual consciousness or in other words the ascending body in formation, that means that the higher mental is potentially trained to transform into the ascensional body ...

3. Dimensional routes in its internal circuits

Now what you will authorize to understand is the way in which these bodies coexist in different multidimensional realities. You can only have one idea, but we will try to get closer to reality.

Visualize a tetrahedral unit of color tones and high frequency sounds. That generates its vibratory field when rotating. But none of these units rotate in the same direction. Some turn in one, some turn in another and some turn both ways.

Their speeds are different and their turning fields are authorized according to the energy authorized for them. And everything in turn is autonomous at all. Everything is in everything. That is why we make this clarification, because despite the totality of the universal energy this works as an autonomous unit.

The body will authorize healing karmic energy only if they turn in harmony and only if they do them in their frequencies and directions of correct turns. For that we will tell you in what sense each one turns and we will tell you how vibratory frequency they do. Not for your use in therapy but for your understanding at different levels of consciousness.

The emotional body rotates clockwise, the lower mental body rotates counterclockwise. The upper mental body rotates in one direction or another depending on the energy manifested to heal, either in one field or the other in the emotional body or the lower mental body.

4. Subtle and incarnational body limitation

The ascensional body has the same limits as the subtle body, but it manifests itself in all the dimensions that the other bodies occupy.

In other words, it is coexisting in all the dimensions of the other bodies that make up the total system. This feature is what makes them multidimensional.

Channeled by Andrea Labat of her Higher Self and Guides in Love

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