The value of the word.

The word, what is the word for you? It could be defined as a set of letters, which, grouped in a certain order, have a perceptible sense of sight and hearing, but, today I want to go a little beyond the definition, from a higher point of view, the word is the thought spoken, the result of mental projections, which arise from a given feeling at a given moment, I give you an example: When they give us a gift, we are filled with joy, we project that happiness in the mind and that happiness gives an answer that would be give the thanks.

Many of you have heard that the words are carried by the wind, but the truth is that it is not like that, every word that comes out of our mouths will be accompanied by a feeling, when decreeing words, they come out, they are loaded with the same energy that we put into expressing them, and they come back to us like a boomerang, that is, if we print love to our words they will be charged with it and come back, and so on….

All human beings must be held responsible for our actions, including what we speak, especially when we criticize others, looking at their defects, making land on their actions, or misfortunes, without looking at ours, and many times when seeing fallen brother we prefer To say who sends it, to think we will pick it up, or failing that I hope you get up soon.

How hard words can be, even with ourselves, because the words that hurt the most are the truths we don't want to RECOGNIZE.

Now, what can we do to improve the bad habit of criticism? It's very easy:

* First of all when you wake up you have to have the most positive mind of your days.

* Say a prayer even if it is small, no matter your religion but connecting with God on a daily basis is vital, because it is your source of energy.

* Think that every day is the best of all,

* Give thanks for what you have, love what is yours, and don't complain about what you don't have yet.

* Look in the mirror and feel radiant being the most beautiful on earth, (without having vanity).

* When you go to your daily work, be it your classes or your work, do it with love, with passion, knowing that whatever work it is, you are an instrument of service, that you serve to make the world flow, that you are so important Like any great businessman, because without your input the world would not move, love what you do.

Always try to observe the beauty in people, it can be a bit difficult these days, but there are no impossible things when you want, "Wanting is power", instead of observing and talking about the defects of that and this, speak your good things and beautiful, always looking for that wonderful treasure that everyone has within himself, before making a criticism, stop, put on a brake, and if you can't think of anything good to say about that person, just say nothing, ask God BLESS THE GOOD IN THAT PERSON, and return to yours, and clarify the moment with a beautiful thought, or with a smile.

Always smile at everything and everyone, look in the mirror and laugh, marvel at the perfect creation of the highest, seeing yourself, we are the pure essence of the Lord, a beautiful creation, endowed with beautiful gifts, express them through beautiful words, help of love towards others and towards you dear friend (A) that you read this wonderful gift.

I bring you these wonderful words of love, and of kindness, given to me by God, as a gift to you my beloved brothers, so that you may learn to love and love everyone equally, as well as use the right words at the right time, and do not forget the words, the wind does not carry them, we are all responsible for our words as for our actions, so do not wait any longer, nourish your words, love, peace, wisdom, understanding, and throw your words to others as arrows, charged with the pure energy of the great architect, and so build a harmonious and perfect environment.

My beloved



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