The Tarot - The Wheel of Fortune

  • 2016

In the Tarot reading, the wheel of fortune is one of the 22 greatest arks that point the way of life and the importance of destiny in the search for happiness. When naming the wheel of fortune, we think of the wheel of destiny or the wheel of time. What is true is the beginning of a new cycle that is not known as being, marking the end of the cycle we are living. As the major arcana, he has special reference to the philosophical world, the spiritual part of life, are letters of internal energy that refer to the evolution of the person.

The wheel of fortune represents surprise is not known to come.

Tarot - The Wheel of Fortune

How is the fortune wheel card represented?

The Tarot fortune wheel is presented in the tarot of Marseille, with a wheel from the medieval era with three animals that are mounted on it, a monkey that is coming down and has its hands tied, this tells us that we have no control over the situation, there is a rabbit that runs up but goes runaway, very fast, the third is a sphinx with crown and sword, looks like a lion and is calm . You can see a crank to make it spin, this means that although these animals are turning a celestial hand (fate) you can turn it or stop it whenever you want, you never know where it will stop or when.

What is the meaning of the wheel of fortune in the Tarot?

The arcane of the Tarot's wheel of fortune represents the cycle of life that is spinning and you may remain as the rabbit represented on the card that goes up or as the monkey may be down, she represents the life that goes spinning like the universe and if life stops it stops. We are in constant renewal, always evolving and approaching the objectives we have set in life, but we must always tell that the wheel of luck can lengthen the time we have calculated. When you have several opportunities this letter warns that the time has come , when luck is in the way you may be touched by the jackpot of the lottery, do not stop trying, with love it happens the same is a letter like love luck you accompanies

The Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot

When the fortune wheel card is reversed.

This position invites you to be alert against negative changes in a business that is at your doorstep better not to do so you can leave with the tables in your head . If it's about love you have to be prepared, someone is going to annoy the relationship with stories that you had forgotten, or maybe a lie but the warning is because something negative comes along. Remember that this letter is surprise, it can be a change that according to the letter that is associated will give you the true meaning.

When in the roll the wheel of fortune is accompanied.

When in the Tarot the wheel of fortune is accompanied by the moon . This means that our plans will make favorable, the changes that you needed, are already coming and in large, positive association.

The card of death with the wheel of fortune in the Tarot is interpreted as, nothing can be done to change the destiny, the cards are drawn and there is only waiting. The destination has.

The wheel of fortune and the tower, when these letters come together means problems that can be serious, economically very careful.

When the wheel of fortune appears on the roll, thank the good fortune that accompanies you.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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