The next step in our preparation By Patricia Cota-Robles

  • 2015

The Company of Heaven has revealed to us that in 2015 the monumental influx of Light and the powerful Celestial alignments that Humanity has experienced so far have raised the vibratory rate of collective energy, vibration, and mass consciousness of Humanity. This has happened in a way that is now providing opportunities for change and quantum leaps into the Light beyond anything we have ever experienced. These selfless Messengers of our Father-Mother God have expressed that the magnitude of what is happening on Earth at this time has never happened in any system of Worlds.

Actually, we are in the midst of a unique experiment that truly goes beyond the understanding of our finite minds. But even in the face of that profound Truth, it is imperative that we realize that we knew about this possibility before our incarnation and we joyfully came to Earth with the Divine Intention to help Humanity and ALL Life in evolution on this sweet Earth in God Victoriously to achieve this unprecedented facet of the Divine Plan.

Now that the incredible Light of the strange Eclipse Series of March and April has been assimilated in the Earthly Bodies of Humanity to such a degree, that the Company of Heaven said that we had reached a frequency of vibration that will allow the I AM Presence of each man, woman and child on Earth activate within each of the Divinity of the Flame Heart of each person the sleeping Flame of the Illuminated Truth. This Sacred Fire is a beautiful Emerald Green Flame with a bright yellow Sun aura. This is a gift from our Father-Mother God with whom we were invested before our descent into the continuous physical time-space of the Earth.

The Divine Intention of this gift from Heaven was to give the Sons and Daughters of God the ability to discern through the frequencies of the Enlightened Truth, the various experiences we would go through during our Earthly permanence. When we fell into the chaos of separation and duality and buried ourselves in the mud puddles of our human deformations, we were unable to perceive the Flame of the Illuminated Truth within the Divinity of our Hearts and that Sacred Fire became In almost asleep.

While people awaken and return to the Consciousness of Christ, our I AM Presence is capable of once again activating the Illuminated Truth Flame within our Hearts . This plays a vitally important part in helping us discern the Truth of who we are and the reason we are on Earth at this time. It also helps us to know when we are being manipulated by things that are not true through people outside of ourselves and through the interference of our fragmented and fear-based human egos.

The process of activating the Flame of Enlightened Truth within the Heart Flames of Humanity has been a gradual process while the People Awake, one by one. What the Company of Heaven wants us to understand is about the miracle that is taking place at this time and that is that we have finally reached a frequency of vibration and a shift towards the Consciousness of Christ that will allow the I AM Presence of the masses of Humanity activate this sleeping Flame.

On April 19, 2015, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, an ancient portal of the Illuminated Flame of Truth was reactivated and opened to full extent. This portal clicks on, through and around Greensboro, North Carolina and the surrounding area in the United States. This portal was originally an immense pillar of the Flame of the Enlightened Truth that extended from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God to the center of the Earth. When Humanity closed our Heart Chakras causing the Illuminated Flame of Truth within our Hearts to remain asleep, this portal also remained asleep.

Not only has Humanity been given new access to the revival and opening of this sleeping portal to the Flame of the Enlightened Truth, but due to the monumental acceleration that we have experienced this year, the Company of Heaven is able to project through the higher crystalline frequency portal of the 5th. Dimension of this Sacred Fire that the Earth has ever known.

To understand the magnitude of what this means, just for a moment observe the bad information and misinformation with which Humanity is being bombarded at this time. Imagine if inside each Heart Flame people began to hear the "gentle little voice" inside reminding them of the deep Truth that WE ARE ONE and there is no separation. Imagine if the reality that we are ALL Beloved Sons and Daughters of God and that all that our Father-Mother God has is ours, will resonate within the Flame of the Illuminated Truth in our Hearts in a way that will inspire us to co-create with joy the wonders of the New Earth and our Divine Destiny of co-creating Heaven on Earth will be manifested quickly. Well, that is the opportunity that is being presented to us and that is the next step of the preparation that will clear the way for THE INITIATION OF HUMANITY TO A SUPERIOR ORDER OF EXISTENCE that will occur through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth in August.

One of the most powerful ways to expand the various aspects of God's Divine Light on Earth is in the Sacred Breath. If you are inspired to help Humanity Breathing the Flame of Truth Illuminated into the physical world of form, you can very easily do so by participating in the following exercise:

The Sacred Rhythmic Breath

The Illuminated Truth Flame is an Emerald Green Flame with a Bright Sun Yellow aura.

I AM my Presence I AM and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Divine and Pure Love I invoke the most intensified frequencies of the Crystalline Flame of the Illuminated Truth of the 5th. Dimension that the Cosmic Law will allow.

While I inhale, I affirm in the silence of my Heart:


While Holding the Breath, I affirm in the silence of my heart:


While I exhale, I affirm in the silence of my Heart:



While I Hold the Exhalation, I affirm in the silence of my Heart:


(Repeat SEVEN times)

You are being called to a higher service.

This information is being brought to your attention by your I AM Presence because of who you are and for what you have been prepared for eons of time to do, help Humanity and this precious Earth. towards the light. Only your I AM Presence can reveal to you what your part is in this Divine Plan, but listen to your Heart and you will be infallibly guided to your right and perfect place.

Please read the following information carefully and your part of this vitally important facet of the Divine Plan will be revealed to you by your I AM Presence through the Flame of Enlightened Truth.

In 2012, we gave Light in God Victoriously to the New Earth in the Realms of CAUSE in the 5th Dimension. In 2013, we expanded the perfection patterns for the New Earth and gave birth to a Renaissance of Divine Love. In 2014, Mass Humanity experienced the initial impulse of our return to the Christ Consciousness through the Divine Intervention of our I AM Presence. Now in 2015, we have collectively reached a critical mass of energy, vibration and awareness that will allow the I AM Presence of Humanity to begin in A SUPERIOR ORDER OF EXISTENCE. This is the moment we have been longing for since our fall in the consciousness of separation and fragmented and fear-based duality.

Several events in the outside world have begun to reveal the shift in consciousness that is occurring gradually in the masses of Humanity. In recent months we have witnessed mass demonstrations in various places around the world that indicate that people everywhere are coming to the conclusion that violence and aggression are not acceptable ways of solving problems for longer.

This awareness will gradually inspire people to seek viable solutions that will solve the world's problems through cooperation, mutual respect, care and a deep commitment to finding answers that result in the greatest good for all concerned. .

The next phase of the Divine Plan that is being unveiled for Planet Earth is now being revealed to us by the Company of Heaven. That plan includes the creation of a global global wave of Christ Consciousness that will AMPLIFY the Initiation of Humanity thousands of times towards A SUPERIOR ORDER OF EXISTENCE. The Company of Heaven said that this facet of the Divine Plan will be to co-create a quantum change that will exponentially move Humanity and this Planet forward in the Light in 2015.

The success of this Activity of Light will catapult every person on Earth to the next phase of Christ Consciousness, which will greatly intensify the memory of the UNITY OF LIFE within the hearts and minds of people everywhere . When this inner knowledge begins to resonate once more within the Divinity of the Flame Heart of each person, the thought of harming any part of Life in any way will be inconceivable. When the concepts of violence and aggression are no longer an option within the recesses of our heart, we will easily connect to viable solutions in the Causal Body of God that will result in actions that genuinely take into account the Unity of Life and Greater good for all involved.

Many powerful Light Activities are being orchestrated in 2015 through the unified efforts of the Lightworkers embodied on this planet and the entire Company of Heaven. These events will pave the way for the collective change of Humanity towards a SUPERIOR ORDER OF EXISTENCE that is destined to manifest itself through the Divine Intervention of the I AM Presence of each person during a global event known as the 29th Annual World Lighting Congress. This Light activity will take place from August 15 to 20, 2015, in Tucson, Arizona, but will involve every person on Earth.

Each Lightworker will be in his right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is more important than another. WHAT It is important is that we respond to what our I AM Presence is leading us to do. We must trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present in the Portal of Light in Tucson, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will help us pave the way. This is true whether we need help with time, energy or money to carry out this facet of our Divine Mission.

Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Enlightened Truth are issuing a Touch of Clarin to all incarnated Lightworkers; This includes YOU. We are being asked to meet at the Portal of Light in Tucson, Arizona, which is the most powerful frequency of Healing through the Power of the Infinite Transmutation of God and the Transfiguring Divine Love available on Planet Earth.

Listen to your heart and know that it is essential that Lightworkers around the world be physically present for this facet of the Divine Plan that is being unveiled. Together we will form the transformer that will allow the I AM Presence of each person on Earth to START THEM IN AN ORDENSUPERIOR EXISTENCE . All Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wonderful way in the name of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner impulses of their heart. Listen to your heart and trust your inner guidance. Your light is needed now!

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will unite in consciousness from the points of Light throughout the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light that flows through their Heart Flames to the Lightway Portal where the Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. Thus, our unified efforts will expand thousands of times.

God bless you for your willingness to be the Open Door to the Light of God that will allow the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth to START HIM OR SHE IN A SUPERIOR ORDER OF EXISTENCE. This will elevate each person to the next phase of Christ Consciousness, which will greatly accelerate the Awakening of Humanity and our memory of the Unity of ALL Life.

By Patricia Cota-Robles

Translation: Alicia Virelli


The next step in our preparation By Patricia Cota-Robles

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