The meaning of Dreams, by Christian Franchini

  • 2015

For many years I have been researching this theme of dreams, since I was a child since I had very deep dream experiences with people and places that I later met and were key in my process of "spiritual awakening", I clearly remember how in my adolescence I was recording these dreams in my travel book in a very little linear way, today I understand it as something fundamental that was charging a strange order ...

What are dreams? This is a question was asked at all times and that remains a great question today. Currently, the mechanism of dreams is not entirely clear to science, since there are different responses, based on organic, the need for a "good sleep" to achieve a deep sleep (known as REM or MOR phase, the acronym for Castilian) thus recovering the physical forces required every day, there is also the point of view from the psyche, which maintains that it is a compensatory factor of the unconscious of everything we repress (desires, fears, etc.) Another approach to dreams is from the mystical which was given much importance in the past, sometimes associated with a gro milagro, understood in its original sense of the word what does it mean; To look with astonishment at some revealing experience, today this term is understood as all that `` supernatural '' being devalued all existential experience.

The truth is that in order to understand the origin of the dreams, the 3 positions mentioned above must be considered. Today, for most people, there is that fact or revealing factor in some of the dreams, trying to find an immediate response by just google a scene or character from the dream out of context, stay Leaving with the most appropriate classification that someone previously did, thus ending the matter. For other people they go completely unnoticed, because of the frenetic pace of their lifestyle that does not consider it something important.

When dreams bring an answer. But let's review some cases from the past, where some dreams showed the indications of those key steps to take at certain times and how those dreamers took these symbolic aspects as impulses or clues that they took advantage of. On one occasion Albert Einstein said that at age 15 he dreamed of cows that ran to electrified bars and jumped all at once, when he came into contact with the fence ... warned of this. He told the farmer, but he realized that he had another point of view. Upon awakening Einstein began to outline the principles of what was his theory of Relativity. We can say then that this dream inspired him to continue investigating this theory that years later would revolutionize physics. Another of the most brilliant scientists, I mean Nikola Tesla, who was nourished directly from dreams as the main source of inspiration, he himself recounted (this I explain more in detail in a video-program next to present) that managed to establish a dream deep seated in a chair in his office, where he always had a notebook and pen on hand. At the time of awakening, he immediately took notes of what he had dreamed of ... be it schemes, circuits, processes, symbols that would be the raw material of his revolutionary inventions. Today we know that Tesla had managed to generate this "contact" at will from an expanded state of consciousness that for many is something eventual. Another important case to mention, which is in the order of art, is the origin of the famous song of The Beatles ¨ Yesterday ¨, I refer to Paul McCartney when he opportunely narrated the dream associated with a strange phrase; ¨ scrambled eggs ¨ (this was the name of the song initially) he said that he had dreamed the melody of this song that played the piano immediately after waking up, giving rise to this masterpiece. Let's think for a moment. What would have happened if Paul, Tesla or Einstein had not followed those creative impulses inspired by their dreams? Even more! How many times have you had revealing dreams of this kind that you have not "decoded" your message ... and that surely you have been shown certain answers to which you should shape it ... understanding its symbolic meaning. This is not just for geniuses or enlightened. The types of dreams. Already the Greek philosophers knew that there are different types of dreams, from the " significant dreams" those valuable dreams that we must consider and the "trivial" dreams that do not provide important information. St. Augustine said that God used certain dream images to transmit knowledge to man and Saint Thomas Aquinas transmitted to his disciples that through dreams God teaches men; since God will only speak to you in visions or dreams. Other mystics claim that our own divine nature, what is called Spirit (not the soul), corresponds to our awareness that comes into contact with that Source or great consciousness we call God, but not from reason, but through symbols and subjective messages. The Shamanic dream implies access to a deep state of consciousness through a ceremony where the shaman “bites” into subjective realities until he can see the origin of the patient's problem, which manifests itself as a disease. This, which is more than a technique I have learned in one of my trips through the Andes being possible (and advisable) to do it without using hallucinogenic plants. Lucid dreams (not the same as the shamanic dream) these allow us to be aware that we are in a dream and operate from our decision in the different dream scenes, being able to use certain tools and mechanisms to solve certain problems in the physical world. These aspects are covered in depth in the dream workshops that I timely provide. In this scientific era dreams were the subject of study, Freud was one of the first to study them seriously, finding different reasons ... from those repressed sexual desires, daytime remains, he discovered that they function as compensation mechanisms of the unconscious, he also recognized certain ancestral vestiges He called " archaic remnants " but did not give much importance at the time. Later Carl Jung delved into this aspect finding patterns that were repeated in the different esoteric traditions, he warned that certain symbols and archetypes that are revealed in dreams ... giving clues to the dreamer and connecting it with an expanded consciousness, where the past and the future converge, there There are many responses and subjective knowledge that can be accessed, but not with reason. He outlined certain mechanisms to make these processes of psychism conscious, thus helping the individual to gradually access the totality of the Being. For this it was essential to attend and understand dreams in a personal context, as if it were a trip. Another more modern scientist who addressed this topic is the Frenchman Jean Pierre Garnier Malet, who studied mystical writings of the past, especially of ancient Egypt and of the Apocalypse, discovered that access to the past and future that Jung and other researchers warned (referenced by him like the alpha and the omega) had to do with a dynamic of the time that we are going through and it is necessary to experience it in a different state of consciousness ... that is necessary to reach. Garnier Malet describes his book, about Temporary Openings, the process of contact with "our Double", being our own expanded consciousness that we can contact in dreams in certain circumstances and to which we can consult about our future potentials. So ... What is the meaning of dreams? From my research and humble experience, it is not good or advisable to rush to “decode them”, it is too important information to standardize its symbolic meaning by banaling the message… We can understand dreams as a Door, which we must cross and discover… thus discover ourselves to ourselves in our true divine nature! The true meaning of our existence is at stake ... our purpose is revealed in this process through symbols and archetypes that we need to give ourselves the time to decode, this will allow us to leave the sphere of the merely biological to tune into something much more transcendent. They wanted to convince us that we are only carbon units, when we really are Units of Consciousness that we must learn to remember our origin. Curiously it is the same process that suffers from the diamond Some suggested strategies. It is key to understand that dreams are part of our life and that is where we are truly free, our unconscious manifests itself in a symbolic way and we have the possibility of accessing more subjective subjective information. beyond our limits. The key is to define a north and be attentive to the answers How? Here are some recommendations. Our grandmothers were very right when they told us to do it with the pillow either the solution to a problem or a key answer that we need to find. This implies clearly defining a question before sleeping. DON'T stay with the worry, but formulate that m magic question that opens this Door many myths have made reference to this same! Have a dream book, where you can turn over those dream experiences that you remember every morning, write them before you get up and go to the bathroom (do it in draft if you want) remember to leave your light table a paper and a pencil every night. Draw those symbols and schemes that you have seen in your dreams, do not hurry to discover their meaning, write down even meaningless words or phrases you will see that in a time your notebook will become in a very strange collage that will make sense. Garnier Malet advises something that the past was well known and practiced today has a scientific basis, which is to drink water before going to bed and ask that question as clearly as possible in the mouth of the full glass and then s drink it. This scene is very shameful, but it responds to several principles that was discovered by Dr. Emoto, today it is known that water is a medium where it is possible to store information that operates in the physical and in a delicate quantum process. Finally, you should be more attentive and to the hunch and intuition, which in addition to dreams will begin to intensify at different moments of inspiration n, especially during meditations. All this will be part of this subjective knowledge that every human can and should achieve in his conscious evolution.

Author: Christian Franchini

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