“The Meaning of Compassion in this Cycle: The Teachings of Lady Quan Yin through Celia Fenn

  • 2010

Dear Beings of Light, with this message I bring you the joy of experiencing and exercising Compassion in the adventure of your life on Planet Earth. Because here they are, beloved, to grow through service to others. And this service is based on Compassion.

But even very few people truly understand the meaning of Compassion. Literally, it means "feeling with" the neighbor. Or go to meet your neighbor "with feeling." Many people interpret this in emotional terms, assuming it means feeling sorry or tenderness. But it's not like that.

Compassion means seeing with the Heart, seeing with feeling. The Heart is not the home of emotions; rather, it is the seat of Universal Love in the Human Being. It is the home of Intuition and Spiritual Connection. The emotions associated with the Heart are Joy, Unity and Joy. Thus, seeing with the Heart implies seeing the Unity that you share with others. And this is the recognition, to feel the joy of the Universal Source within this connection and this service.

Thus, the service based on compassion does not consist so much in "helping", not even in "teaching", but in "sharing" from the base of the joy of the common human experience. It could be called "healing, " because it awakens in others the sense of their common humanity and of "unity" within the human family.

Therefore, seeing with Compassion means seeing Joy. If something or someone gives them happiness, happiness, peace, love and serenity, it is because they are experiencing it from the heart. If, on the contrary, they experience or see sadness, grief and pain, it is because they are experiencing emotions. These are illusory states produced by the egoic mind, which is incapable of understanding Unity. The emotions are not real. Only Universal Love is Real.

However, on your planet there are many who understand Compassion as "helping" those who are less fortunate. And although this kind of work is even admirable and necessary, it is considered Charity, which is not the fundamental meaning of the Compassionate Service. Your planet is addicted to the states of sadness, sorrow and pain. Your information services are full of disasters and death, and hence you confuse emotional responses of grief and sympathy with Compassion.

Dear ones, understand that Compassion is Spiritual Service. It is to find Peace and Joy within you and pass it on to others. This means that they will have to free themselves from their addiction to disasters, suffering and pain dramas. They do not believe them in their own lives and do not contribute to keeping them in the lives of others.

Instead, focus your Compassionate Hearts on giving positive energies, love and the Message of Hope and Unity to all those you meet.

This is compassion!

The New Earth will be based on understanding and compassion. It will be based on living this truth: that only Love is real and that Loving and Sharing are the only true and valid experiences.

We ask you, beloved, to remember this now that you are about to serve the Planet in your next Cycle.

Translation: Paloma Fernández Fernández


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