The digital being in cyberspace.

  • 2010

A Master was asked why knowledge is both exoteric and esoteric? He asks that it would be, why do we consider that some aspects of knowledge are scientific and others technological? since technology is what has allowed us to understand the functioning of the forms that are being energized. Today we see emerging and converging technologies (1) as a hope that will offer the improvement of the human condition. Some critics of the risks of technological change, and even some activists of transhumanism, have warned that some of these technologies could pose a danger, to the point of threatening the survival of humanity. This position is very similar to that posed by Umberto Eco in his book Apocalyptic and Integrated, and which had already been given by Djwhal Khul in 1934. (2)

Apocalyptics are those who look to the past and cling to old customs, ancient theologies and reactionary methods of rejection to find the truth. They are the ones who prefer to obey the imposed authority, instead of the self-imposed guidance of the enlightened intellect. They follow a church to a government characterized by pure love devotion, but do not want to recognize the holy spirit as the intelligence they are endowed with. They belong to the old generation. The integrated group includes intellectual mystics, connoisseurs of reality, who do not belong to a defined religion or organization, but consider themselves members of humanity, learn through the same symbols and are the unifying principle that will timely save the world.

Between cultural convergence and harmonic convergence.

A certain divergence is perceived, even if it is artificial, between technology and the humanities, science and art, between the right hemisphere of the brain and the left, but it is considered that the emerging world of multimedia will be one of the disciplines that, like architecture, it will serve as a bridge between anthropology and biology, between the cultural and the natural. (3)

The personal computers have caused that the computer science moves away from the technical imperative and at present its evolution looks more like the one of the photography. Computer science is no longer the exclusive domain of the Army, the Government and large companies, it is spreading to very creative individuals from all strata of society and it is becoming a means of creative expression, both in its use and in its use. developing. Media and multimedia messages are a mixture of technical and artistic achievements, and the driving force is exercised by the consumer.

The Harmonic Convergence (4) that occurred in 1987 was the measurement by which it was judged that the Earth was prepared for the New Age. First it was the measurement, then the coding and finally the action

Kryon entered Lee Carroll in 1989 (two years after the Harmonic Convergence, also called 11:11), but that energy was nothing unknown to Lee, because he helped fix the grilles, just like some current Lemurian beings. In 1989, many beings began to feel the differences. They began to feel that enlightenment was taking place. If you take a look at the calendar and how this happened, there will be a surprising coordination with many who were being “awakened” at that time. Many found their way in those early years after 11:11.

On November 8 and 9 the Harmonic Concordance occurred. There was a vote based on the question: “Do you give permission to have your DNA changed? Do you give permission, humanity, with free choice, to have the tools available for this spiritual alteration? ”The potential answer was already known at that time, it would be yes. But we go through the protocol of asking, since it agrees with the linear procedure of its timeline and is a ceremony of great importance.

Between cyberculture and semi-culture .

It has been the information and communication technologies that have generated a great revolution in the way of accessing, appropriating and transmitting information, generating new social, political and economic developments, which is what the common people interpret as cyberculture, which integrates interactivity, hypertextuality and connectivity. Cyberspace is a virtual reality that is found within the computers and networks of the world.

The design of computer interfaces began in March 1960, when JCR Licklider published his writing "The man-computer symbiosis." Lick, as they called him, was an experimental psychologist and expert in acoustics who became a convert and a month of computer science, but ignored at that time it was that his two contributions, man-computer symbiosis and selective transmission, were destined to converge in the 1990s.

The first investigations on the man-computer interface, carried out in the early sixties, were divided into two parts that would not meet again until after twenty years. One was oriented towards interactivity, and the other focused on sensory wealth. Interactivity addressed the search for solutions to the problem of sharing a computer, which was then an expensive and monolithic resource.

Hypermedia is an extension of hypertext, a concept that designates highly interconnected narrative, or linked information. The concept comes from the experiments carried out long ago by Douglas Englebart at the Stanford Research Institute and was named in 1965 by Ted Nelson, who worked at Brown University.

To explain it in a simple way, we will say that in a printed book, the phrases, paragraphs, pages and chapters follow each other in a specific order not only by the author but also by the physical and sequential structure of the book itself.

Although a book can be accessed randomly and our eyes can leaf through it at random, it always remains within the limits of the three physical dimensions.

However, this is not the case in the digital world. The space occupied by the information is not limited to the three dimensions. An idea or succession of thoughts can comprise a multidimensional network of clues arranged for new elaborations or arguments that can be invoked or ignored.

The structure of the text should be imagined as a complex molecular model. You can rearrange the information fragments, expand the phrases, and define the words on the fly. These links can be incorporated by the author at the time of the publication or, later, the reader.

Semi-culture, for its part, focuses on the study of the systems of meaning created by a culture, in that:

  1. Every culture has to be studied as a phenomenon of communication.
  2. The systems of meanings are constituted in structures that obey the same laws of the significant forms.

The desire to live a creative life, through the divine quality of the imagination is related to the Ray of Harmony, which in the life aspect leads to quality, to irradiation vibratory and the revelation, on earth, of the world of meanings.

But beyond the semiosphere, we find the Noosphere: the sphere of things of the spirit. Coming completely from our souls and our minds, the noosphere is in us and we are in the noosphere. Myths have taken shape, consistency, reality from ghosts formed by our dreams and our imaginations. Ideas take shape from the symbols and thoughts of our intelligences. Beyond the words, the idea remains, that is why we urge all readers of channeled messages, who prior to reading them, immerse themselves in a state of deep meditation, raise their conscience and can travel all these lines with their mind set in the light, trying to capture those ideas clad in words.

Some people worry about the social division that exists between the rich and the poor in information, between those who have and those who do not have, between the First and Third World. But the true cultural division is going to be generational. When an adult is heard to say that he has discovered the CDROM, it follows that he has a child between five and ten years old. When someone says they have discovered America Online, they have a teenager at home. The first is an electronic book, the other is a means of relating and the existence of both is taken for granted among young people, in the same way that an adult does not think about the air (until it is missing).

And it is that computer science no longer deals with computers, but with life itself. Personal computers have replaced the large central computer almost everywhere in the world. We have witnessed how computers move from huge air-conditioned spaces to closets, then to desks and now to our knees and our pockets. And this process is not over yet.

Between Telecommunications and Telepathy .

Actually, all technologies favor a certain change to a greater or lesser extent, and the socioeconomic organization that uses them can determine the final meaning of their orientation. But the reality lived in the last years allows to perceive the great power of change of the information technologies; technologies that, at least for the moment, are not predators of natural resources and that, day by day, are able to offer better results with lower power consumption as a result of the growing electronic miniaturization. Telecommunications and information highways are creating the virtual culture and consequently the virtual worlds. The current use of telecommunications implies the convergence of three industries: the telephone, the computer and the media (audio, data, fax, image and video). Information highways are the set of physical means and information that travel through them to allow all kinds of communications.

Many believe that the ether's transmission capacity (what is called "air waves") is infinite. After all it is air and there is much everywhere. The word "ether" is used, only for historical reasons. When radio waves were discovered, the ether was considered the mysterious substance in which the waves traveled; and it was the fruitless search for the ether that led to the discovery of the photons. (4)

However, as soon as the ether is used for telecommunications and higher power emissions, it will be necessary to ensure that the signals do not interfere with each other. Default sections of the spectrum should be occupied and the ether cannot be used irresponsibly, but in the most efficient way. Fiber can be manufactured, but no more ether can be manufactured, since nature already did some millennia ago.

However, there are many ways to use ether efficiently. For example, reusing parts of the spectrum by building a network of transmission cells that allow using the same frequencies within a few quadrants, or using parts of the spectrum that were previously avoided, if only because those frequencies can fry some innocent little birds. But despite all the tricks and strategies used, the bandwidth available in the ether is scarce compared to that provided by the fiber and our unlimited ability to produce it.

Frederick Myers coined the term telepathy in 1882, inspired by the incipient technological emergence of the time, in which the electromagnetic techniques of telecommunication receive names such as telegraph and telephone, was defined as the communication of any kind of impressions from one mind to another, independently of the channel of the senses.

When considering the issue of telepathy, three factors have to be kept in mind:

  1. The initiating agent. I use this word premeditated, because the power to work telepathically, as an initiating agent and as a receiver, is closely related to initiation and indicates that man is prepared for this process.
  2. The receiving agent, of what is transmitted in "wings of thought."
  3. The means, by which attempts are made to transfer thought, idea, desire, impression and, consequently, some knowledge.

There is an interesting parallel between the three methods of telepathic work, its three techniques of realization and the three main forms of communication on Earth.

Instinctive telepathy ... travel by train, ……… .stations …………. telegraph.

Mental telepathy ………………… trips by sea …………… .. ports …………… .phone.

Intuitive telepathy ………… .. air travel, …………… ..airports ……………… .radio.

Telepathy occurs in its early stages, between the individual conscious and the collective unconscious. A few hours of meditation are enough for the being to begin to capture the needs that they deprive in this collective unconscious. It is necessary then, once contacted this unconscious, sow it with love, sow it with all those positive emotions that can balance the energies that are currently in disorder. That which occurs in human consciousness is externalized and has its analogy in the physical plane; The same goes for printing sensitivity.

Being that humanity is currently at its vibratory level and in its main experiences: emotional, the need arises (and from there the accelerated development of telepathy), to have a means of expressing that reality that cannot be described in terms of human language.

When this happens, the human being will be enriched since he will have access to that reality that each one of the human beings perceives in his very particular form and will greatly help the understanding to give rise to the union of all human beings, by understanding that Everyone is living similar problems.

As we interconnect among ourselves, many of the values ​​of the nation-state will change to those of electronic communities, whether small or large. We will interact in digital communities where physical space will be irrelevant and time will play a different role.

The media, driven only by the economy, have chosen to highlight the attributes of this New Age. Now it is common for them to encounter themes about angels and guides, with discussions about visiting galactic entities, and with miracles. You would not have found these things in the mainstream of entertainment programs, nor would you have serious discussion points had it not been for a massive shift in consciousness.

Between Servers and Users .

In computing, a server is a computer that, being part of a network, provides services to other computers called users. A server can also be a process that delivers information or serves another process. A user server performs the logical part of a user's computer science or business, accepting the instructions to perform the operations of a work site and serving the results in turn to the work site. A Web Server stores HTML documents, images, text files, writes, and other Web material composed of data (collectively known as content), and distributes this content to users who request it on the network.

Just as the artificial interface is the place where people and bites meet, in the spiritual interface humans meet angels.

The interface between people and their computers has improved to a point where talking to the computer is as simple as doing it with a human being.

The history of human effort to make machines easier to use focuses almost all on increasing sensory contact points and developing better physical designs. The interface was treated for a long time as if it were a problem of conventional industrial design, such as coffee and rake designers who consider the handling of these items in terms of shape, temperature conductivity and blister prevention.

The effort in the spiritual field has been to improve communication with the fifth kingdom, which has been given thanks to meditation and service.

The three great sciences that will have a preponderance in the New Age and will lead humanity from the unreal to the real and from the aspiration to fulfillment, are:

  1. The science of Meditation, as a science of the mind. (5)
  2. The science of Antakarana (6) or the science of erecting the bridge, between the upper and lower minds.
  3. The science of the Service, defined technique of unification.

The meditation allows the first construction of the first phase of the antakarana, and the service of the second phase.

When the lower personal self is subordinated to the higher rhythms and obeys the new Law of Service, then the life of the soul begins to flow through man and reaches the others: the effect it produces on his family and in your immediate group is shown in real understanding and in providing real help. The first effect of the affluent force of the soul, the main factor that leads to service, is to integrate the personality and unite the three lower aspects of man into a single service unit.

An integrated and intelligent personality (user) is adequate to execute the part that corresponds to the server (soul) in the active world work, as long as their vision is not clouded by personal ambition. nor does its activity degenerate into precipitous actions and a display of feverish activity. It is up to the soul to convey the ideas that will reveal to the balanced and peaceful mind the next step that it must take in the task of world evolution. The best way to serve, on the part of the thinkers of the world and the new group of servers in the world, is to recognize what happens to the human genre as a whole and what happens behind the scene; the most important thing is the development of human consciousness, in response to the conditions present in any country or country; Only now the human mental state is beginning to focus on important things and express itself in a living way.

It is essential that servants everywhere - intelligent men and women of good will - have a fresh and clear understanding of the work to be done, and become transmission channels for the divine current and not in selfish points of interference. This requires vision and courage.

Between the User Avatar and the Synthesis Avatar .

The convergence between movies and games makes sense for several reasons, among others because it is presumed that the skills learned in a simulated environment can easily move to the real world, hence the meaning comes most recent of the word Avatar.

On the Internet, an avatar is a graphic representation, usually human, that is associated with a user for identification. Avatars can be photographs or artistic drawings, and some technologies allow the use of three-dimensional representations. On the pages the avatars are associated with the users. The avatar is shown every time the user comments on a blog.

In the fifth dimension, an avatar is a Lightning bolt emanating from a purely spiritual source, and only a self-conscious entity acquires the right to work in this particular way for having accomplished the realization in a series of previous lives. . An avatar is a shining and perfect ray of glory that is covered with matter for the purpose of serving. In the case of a human being, it was the Divine Presence that projected the pattern of light in which the human structure of each Being is constituted from layer nine of the DNA. The Light, the luminous pattern itself causes the body to retain the self-illumination that contains the Pattern of Light; since the pattern of light is made up of the points of Light that are within each cell of the body. So the Electronic Body is the Divine Presence itself that in the Transfiguration becomes one with the quantum body and in the Ascension merges with the Higher Mental body.

Analyzing each of the phrases of the Great Invocation you will be preparing to establish the cosmic connection with the minds of the MASTERS. One of his decrees says.

"From the point of Love in the Heart of God, may love flow to the hearts of men." The Christ will release the power and energy characteristic of intuitive love over the world of men. Two results will be obtained from the distribution of this love energy:

Countless men and women will group together to promote goodwill and right human relationships. Their number will be so large that, from a relatively small minority and of little importance, it will become the largest and most influential force in the world. Through it, the New Group of World Servers can work successfully.

The main objective of the New Group of Servants of the world is, and has always been, to bring together all the agents of good will who respond to the energy of divine will for good! His work can be constructively and creatively intensified by the union of the Avatar of Synthesis and the Christ. Their task is to introduce the New Age, where the five kingdoms of nature will begin to act as a creative whole. Your work can be classified by sectors, functions or activities, to:

i. Reach a synthesis or human unity, which will lead to a universal recognition of a single humanity, to be achieved through the correct human relationships.

ii. Establishing correct relations with the subhuman kingdoms of nature, which leads to the universal recognition that there is only one world.

iii. Rooting openly on Earth, the Kingdom of God, the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, which will lead to the recognition that the sons of men are one.

The recent decree added says: "From the Avatar of Synthesis that is Here, May His energy descend to all the kingdoms, and elevate the Earth to the Kings of Beauty."

In the past, religions have been founded by a great soul, an Avatar and an outstanding spiritual personality, and the seal of their lives, words and teachings, has been marked in the race and has persisted for many centuries. What will be the effect of a group Avatar's message? What will be the power of the work of a group of connoisseurs of God, announcing the truth and subjectively gathered for the work of saving the world? What will be the effect of the mission of a group of Saviors of the world, not as Christs, but all knowledgeable of God to some extent, complementing their efforts mutually, reinforcing their message reciprocally and constituting an organism by which the spiritual energy and the Spiritual life principle, can you make your presence felt in the world? (7)

I am optimistic by nature. However, every technology or scientific advance has its least positive side, and being digital is no exception. The next decade will witness countless cases of abuse of intellectual property rights and invasion of our privacy. There will be digital vandalism, software piracy and information theft. And worst of all, many people will be out of work due to automated systems and offices will change as much as factories have done. The notion of having the same job all your life has begun to disappear. Kirael thinks the same about a possible war in cyberspace: "Consequently, the war that will take place will take place between the so-called" forces of darkness "and the so-called" forces of light. " I emphasize the term "so called" because in reality they will not be either one or the other, because they will be those who will be trying to retain the information as much as they can and that will sponsor those who will try to steal it. And those who will try to steal it will do only one thing and it is to weaken the People, because whenever someone succeeds in stealing something from the computer, be it a bank account or a credit card system or whatever, they weaken We the People.

So the war in cyberspace, if you excuse the word "war, " will be between Us the People and those who do not want Us People to succeed. Who could this possibly be if he is a person? Well, my humble opinion is this: We the People are those of you who are waking up in front of your spiritual consciousness, who are no longer willing to accept what is true simply because someone said it was, and more importantly, you only They accept what is true what they know it is. Therefore, those who try to steal from computers will be sponsored by those who do not want you to have the information.

The war in cyberspace is going to be fought in a very dark way - I say "dark" because you can't really see who is controlling it. The answer is that they should not let any of the forces try to scare them in front of the Internet. The answer is to remain firm in theirs and to continue ahead in such a way so that We the People stand in the light. ”


Esotericism is the science of the soul of all things, if it is defined as the world of energy, electrical engineering is responsible for it, if we say that energy follows thought, cybernetics and computer science allow us to prove it If we say that esotericism allows us to act freely in the world of meanings, semiotics also helps us achieve it.

  1. Those technologies that contribute to produce an invention are convergent. NBIC, is one of the acronyms used to refer to Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information and its technologies and Cognitive Science.
  2. The spiritual foundation was taken from the texts of Kryon and Djwhal Khul.
  3. The technological foundation was taken from Nicholas Negroponte's book: Being Digital, written in 1995.
  4. Information on photonics and spiritual cyberculture was provided by Master Kirael.
  5. An exoteric presentation of meditation is systemic thinking.
  6. The science of connectivity or specifically the Interface.
  7. The movie Avatar, the last airbender, will be released in 2010.

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