The Secret Of Grandma Cherokee, by Montse Ceide

  • 2014

Today I bring you an ancestral secret, which has been passed from generation to generation until today in Cherokee women, and always from grandmothers to granddaughters, this has caught my attention, since it is usual for mothers to daughters, however, the secret that concerns us today that allowed women to enjoy sexuality and reaffirm themselves as a woman in their personal power, was reserved to be transmitted only from grandmothers to Your granddaughters

This secret is revealed to us by Donna Eden, whose grandmother was a Cherokee, and although she did not know her personally, while investigating in her roots an elderly Cherokee transmitted it to her as they taught her granddaughters to give themselves pleasure Without a man It is not that it is intended to ignore man or return to the Puritan era, but that a healthy sexuality for women begins with the early knowledge of his own body, honoring it, valuing it and developing not only art to give him pleasure, but also the strong intention not to rape or mistreat him.

That also means that a woman who owns her body will not surrender her virginity or her sacred sexual relationship with anyone in exchange for liking, or being loved or accepted, but will In the intense pleasure he brings when they find a partner they love deeply.

Cherokee's grandmother's secret to personal power can also be approached from absolute stillness and presence, but then I describe the exercise in motion because at the beginning it will be easier, keep in mind so much, that perhaps with time you can feel in your body the deep and refreshing waves of sensual energy that I describe below only with the intention, from the absolute peace and stillness .

I love it and it seems especially powerful if it is lying on a rock or on the ground, grass or sand on the beach, feeling the heat of the sun outdoors, but it can also be done perfectly on the floor of the house or in the bed.

1- Start by lying on the floor, face up, take 2 deep breaths to continue breathing in a fluid and natural way. The key to this method is surrender, without strength or any effort.

2- Focus your attention on your root chakra, at the bottom of your pelvis, feel the energies that are always there, imagine how oxygen and energy enter and leave all cells.

3- Surround your hips with movements of figure eight, up and down. (Note that in other cultures the eights are already performed in all directions as we see in the oriental belly dance). In this case we will make the movement up and down, in line with the beating of the earth.

5- After having let yourself flow for a while with this undulating dance, stretch your legs, place your hands on the sides of the body, slow down your breath and free yourself, surrender to the sensations. The sensation of movement of figure 8 can continue on its own, and even increase.4- Flex your legs and place your hands on the inside of the thighs, with the sides of your thumbs on the folds where legs and trunk meet . Move your entire body in an undulating movement, forming figure 8. The meridians of the Liver, Spleen and Kidney (yin or female energies) go up the inside of the legs and cross the thighs. The points that touch your hands in this position can open sexual energy.

As I said before, in this tradition, like so many others, other ancestral cultures agree as in the Middle East, China, Donna cites that it is something even before tantric yoga.

The practice of this exercise will make you enjoy your sexuality more as a woman, and thus increase your personal power in that sacred relationship with your body .. and, in case your libido has decreased, it is a very effective exercise to recover your desire sexual, because sexual desire is also governed by our hormones, in the primary impulse to procreate, and, as you will often read in this blog, mobilizing our energies, we mobilize our hormones!

Personally I find the secret of the exquisite Cherokee grandmother, practicing it implies a moment of deep reverence to my body and my feeling, and I feel it as an undulating dance of my energies connected with the energies of the earth, which not only brings me pleasure, but also peace and joy, stillness and joy, and above all, it brings to my body everything that many times unconsciously I deny: presence, attention, care ... love. Energies that will help, by the way, heal other blockages that may be in your body.

I encourage you to experience this surrender full of pleasant sensations, while recovering much of your personal power.

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With love,

Montse Ceide

The Secret Of Grandma Cherokee, by Montse Ceide

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