The Quantum Leap and Planetary Ascension

  • 2012

In 3rd Dimension, the ego takes over their lives, confronting them over and over again with their lessons. To perform the Quantum Leap it is necessary that they have already learned their lessons and that they go beyond taking a vibrational jump to 5th Dimension.

Do not forget that they are Souls living in 3rd Dimension but already with a 5th Dimension consciousness. We know that it is difficult to live in 3rd Dimension and feel and act in 5th Dimension, that is why we are helping them to understand and overcome this.

You should use your 5th Dimension awareness more and start training it so that when the time of the Quantum Leap comes you are prepared to fit into this new Dimension.

Personal work is required and through the individual to do the work of the Group. This is the real job and the true vibrational path they have to do. That is why when we say that a certain amount of conscious Beings is needed to help give this Quantum Leap of Ascension, it is difficult to find the truly conscious Beings. It is here that our work is important to help them understand and measure their state of consciousness.

We are not judging your attitude. We know that you are on a learning path and that is why it is appropriate to help you but no one can take that leap for you. First they have to give it individually and then unify as a Group. Open your heart and ponder the dimension of your mission.

The Vibration Leap, that is the path to Ascension, is a daily and permanent work path, it is not something that ends. When they are in 5 Dimension, they will continue doing Ascension work to other levels of consciousness and all have their degree of difficulty, personal work and being constantly communicated with their Higher Self . It can be said that it is an infinite work of constant evolution in the face of the need to evolve and reach the infinite levels that exist to reach our Creator.

The times of the Ascension or Quantum Leap are approaching, but not for that reason they must stop solving everything that is pending or that they are living in the day.

It is a mistake to think that it makes no sense to look for solutions. This does not mean that they have no confidence or faith in knowing that times of change are coming with a new vibration, but the things of now must be resolved with the energy of now.

What must change is the energy with which they intend to solve things. If you try to solve them from Unconditional Love, solutions will come with the new energy, that is, raising the energy of the result. You must not stop acting to resolve your issues, do not let the idea of ​​the Quantum Leap paralyze your life. You should continue to live your life normally by putting it in Unconditional Love, compassion and gratitude in every lesson you continue to have. Before each bad situation, try to improve it from your conscious action and with the guidance of your Higher Self.

Remember that the Quantum Leap will take place in order to raise the level of consciousness of the human beings who have been preparing. You must be in Unconditional Love permanently and apply compassion to every event that occurs. Love yourself with all your Unconditional Love and remember that you are Lighthouses of Light.

Put the desire in your heart with the intention of connecting with other groups that are Lighthouses of Light and have the mission of sustaining with this Light this Quantum Leap.

Pray and ask for more and more human beings to wake up to the call to raise their consciousness and also for all those who will not wake up in time.

A very intense time of changes and total dedication awaits us in order to perform this Quantum Leap.

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