The harmonious and stable rhythm of Meditation

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 observe the breathing process 2 settle the mind in its natural state 3 without expectations or agenda 4 meditate with qualified teachers

It is interesting to mention that meditation, which is something that we can find or perceive as neutral, can have a harmonious rhythm or continuity.

observe the process of breathing n

When you begin to meditate one of the preliminary steps is to observe the process of breathing, if we look carefully the breath is not good or bad by itself, it is only breathing n. It is important not to force this process, if we are usually agitated it is only important to observe it and bring our attention to the process without manipulating it, at this time it is when we can perceive how something begins to exist as well as A rhythm in our meditation.

Meditation is a totally individual process that is why no matter what rhythm you have, agitated or serene, slow or fast, it depends only on ourselves, on what we experience during the day, if we get angry, if we are sad or without energy, Everyone has their own process.

settle the mind in its natural state

For example, in the meditation of settling the mind in its natural state, it can be observed or felt that breathing is very similar to that of sleeping without sleeping, in the meditation of attention attention is like breathing normally with a pause more prolonged in which you attend consciously and it is intended that you become more and more observant of the breathing process.

In the meditations with object the breathing we experience is almost imperceptible, in reality all the energy is focused on the object on which we are focusing attention, it can be a sound, a place in space and in the case of advanced meditators are Budhas or full mandalas visualizations that is somewhat complicated but quite beneficial for the development of our mind and heart.

But how do we know what rhythm our meditation has? The first thing is not to force the process, the second is to keep conscious attention, at the moment in which we are very concentrated we can really notice what the rhythm of our meditation is, many times it is the same of our breathing, in other cases it is something like the breathing we have when we are serene, rested without forcing anything and if releasing any doubt or concern.

no expectations or agenda ...

It is very important that when we meditate we do it without “agenda” this is without expectations of what is experienced, without wishing to obtain a prefabricated result, without focusing on the past or the future that has not happened yet, just rest in the present moment, right at that moment you can perceive the rhythm of meditation, which should only be noticed, without manipulating it, letting it flow or go.

When we think too much about the rhythm of meditation, we may be tempted to manipulate the process and create obstacles in it, such as clinging and distraction, so it is important to know about this subject without pretending or forcing ourselves to find it, if we meditate This rhythm will appear continuously more and more deeply automatically, as it is a sign that our meditation becomes more and more stable.

Meditate with qualified teachers ...

As it is always of vital importance to meditate with qualified teachers, remember that we are working with our interior, with our mind and if we do not do it with a reliable teacher the results will be null, they will fortify our ego or personal importance and we run the risk of solidifying our emotions not edifying like jealousy or envy. It is important to be very careful.

The rhythm of deep meditation is none other than that of tranquility, serenity and peace, which we must somehow discover individually without forcing or labeling.

To UTOR: Pilar V zquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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