The angelic kingdom - Part 2 - The misconception of fallen angels - Metatron

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 The Guardian of Duality is an Angel 2 The Wrong Concept 3 Co-Creation 4 Close

Greetings, Teachers, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light. I join Tyberonn of the Crystalline Service in this session, and we greet you in an unconditional love vector.

Dear ones, in this session we continue with the final part of our message about the nature of the Angels. We ask that you keep your mind open to the information we give you, since part of what we share may differ from your religious teachings.

Angels are messengers of God and, as we have said, they are also the engineers of reality. We of the angelic kingdom play important roles in revealing the nature and purpose of God. We are closely connected with humanity. We have been and are now involved in important events for the evolution of humanity on the earth plane and the realm of duality.

As we said, and we emphasize here again, pure Angels are Divine Beings of formless light . But humanity, throughout its linear epochs of the Earth plane, has perceived the Angels based on conceptual images, in interpretations with filters of their culture, based on their level of light quotient and programming beliefs, to allow a more familiar communication. Los Angeles ARE; They are exquisitely and splendidly SON, and they have always been "Guardians of the Light", placeholders of this space and the non-space of NOW in eternal expansion of Alpha and Omega.

All humanity is of Beings of Light, powerful spiritual consciousness, like sparks of the Divine. The difference between Humanity and the Angels is that humans are an aspect of the Divine that evolves by returning to the plurality of God's expansion, having chosen to experience free will and relearn to create through the magnanimous lens called "Duality." in the terrestrial plane of cause and effect.

And in the slow evolution of expansive social influences, misunderstandings about the nature of God were interpreted and manipulated by religious ideologies based on fear, for the manipulation and control of the population through fear.

The Guardian of Duality is an Angel

We also tell you that religious teaching about "fallen angels" is an inaccuracy based on fear. There is certainly a "Conscious Guardian" of the Law of Physics that specifically enables polarity / duality, which is the force that enables the "University of the Earth." Within that school of the causal plane of duality, humanity can dominate the responsibility of creative forces. However, he who sustains duality has not fallen; It is not perverse. His archaic religious metaphors of patriarchal religions based on fear refer to an angel whom they have ironically called Lucifer (Bearer of Light) as a fallen angel. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Inserted by James Tyberonn: The original Hebrew text from which the biblical account of chapter 14 of Isaiah comes, speaking of Lucifer, is not about a fallen angel at all, but about a fallen Babylonian king, who during his life had persecuted the children of Israel. The original text does not contain any mention at all about a demon, fallen angel, or Satan, whether in name or reference. The Hebrew scholars speculate that some very old Christian scribes, writing in the Latin used by the Church, had decided on their own that they wanted the story to be about a fallen angel, an anti-God creature, perverse, and in disgrace. This is not even mentioned in the original Hebrew text; they gave this ngel Ca do the name of Lucifer . In the readings of Edgar Cayce it is clearly established that the original texts of the Holy Christian Scriptures were altered, important passages were removed and others were changed. Most likely the Council of Nicea did it . Later, scholars who translated the King James Bible into English did not start from the original Hebrew texts but used versions translated in the third and fourth centuries. The te ologians with political motivations created the myth of hell, based on fear, and the concept of the fallen angel, which eventually became a belief of Roman Christians and Catholics.

The Erroneous Concept

There are no fallen or wicked angels! Point! There is no vengeful God in heaven. There are no angels to fear. Instead, the angels are great family companions with their hand extended towards you. A hand extended from home. The idea of ​​dark angels is certainly a manipulation, an archaic and crooked analogy, a misunderstanding of the force of duality. The only demons, the only evil that exists on the planes of duality, are those that create erroneous thinking in the learning process by free will. Again we emphasize There are no fallen angels! How could a Being of Light, created by the Divine Source, depart from what it is? The angels do not have a free will, as you call it. Instead, they have the Divine Will.

Opposites and this may be difficult for you to understand - rest assured that opposites do not exist in the realms of non-polarity. Therefore, what you call evil, the opposite of good, only exists in duality.

The Supreme Gestalt of "All That Is" is the substance of reality that underlies all appearances and manifestations that call Life, including matter, antimatter, non-matter, energy and non-energy, thought and the absence of thought .

And we tell you: there is what exists even beyond this.

You may not fully understand this axiom from your duality perspective, or you may not feel that it is within the scope of your concepts, however we tell you that it is so. But his discernment must always be honored in order to expand as they grow toward greater awareness of their Divine Being.

DO NOT THINK that we want to impose by force or make you change the position you have chosen regarding God, religion or the nature of your own being. Your beliefs, values ​​and opinions that you have chosen are sacred steps of your free will, and are fully endorsed by the "All That Is, " of which you are a Divine Aspect .


Dear humans, the manner and manner, the speed and format of your evolution, is your creation, and it is by individual design. They are here to learn responsible creation, to become the wise co-creators of the earth, and every aspect of their journey. There can be no other way to complete the University of the Earth. It is not for the Angels or the Ascended Teachers Councils to make choices for you; We hold information that you can use, readjust, reject or accept. It is your choice; We tell you that everyone will graduate in due time. Love is always the key, and the cause and effect are the great, the greatest teachers from whom you will all learn. You entered this course on the way to experience duality and learn the Master.

But we wish to emphasize that the intimate connections between each human soul and the Divine Source, the Divine "All That Is, " can never be cut off, because you are a part, an original spark of the primordial creator that you call God. In that sense, there is certainly a concentrated consciousness of the Creator God towards each soul, and divine love, unconditional love is projected to each human consciousness ... to each soul in the Cosmos.

True spirituality is an ideology, a door to your divine nature. However, spirituality requires belief and faith in the expansive inner knowledge that you are much more than a body walking through time. Faith is an immaculate catalyst, a trampoline of Truth. And on the planet of choice, spirituality is based on free will. Connect everything that is sacred with the path of wisdom in this Three-dimensional University of Duality . Teachers, each one of you is always the embodiment of the Spirit, therefore it is always spiritual, even if you don't always feel that way. And we, the Angelic Kingdom, are with you, with each one, in every step you take. We do not judge you, but we honor and love you and see the beauty and courage within each one, even if you do not see them.

Teachers, a beautiful completion is happening on Earth . Life is expanding towards bigger and bigger realities. Being present on the earth plane at this time of 2016 and onwards towards 2038 and 2075 is a great opportunity, a celestial symphony that is reaching a crescendo that leads to its completion. The Ascension is a sacred tapestry, a monumental event that all of you have co-created. It is time for you to be enlightened in the greatest and greatest aspect that has always been within you. The dreamer is waking up. The expansion of Light is the expansion of Truth, of Understanding and is the door to return home. Like the Angels, you are Beings of Light. Most of you still have no idea how important you are, and how the evolution that you have created in yourself has expanded to the Cosmos .


Before finishing, we ask you to do something very special.

Take a moment and direct your energy to feel the energy of the Light, of the Angels . We are closer than you think, we are not distant, we are not separated from you. We are friends who reach out to you, offering our hand.

Now…. Feel us

Let yourself be absorbed in this angelic presence of peace and well-being. It's a moment of solace, right? It is the energy of the Source, of the home, of the Light, of Love. It is angelic, and you, dear ones, are feeling the frequency of our nature ... of your original nature in the Angelic Being of the Sacred Light.

Its nice is not it?

Every Enlightened Being who has walked the Earth in final Mastery has radiated an energy that feels very similar to what they just felt. They attracted people. They loved them. All life responded, flourished in his presence. They created joy without effort, because that is the energy of LIGHT ... and dear ones, you are human angels, you can evolve and you will, upon returning home.
And on this sacred path, we, the Angelic Kingdom, honor them and call them with open arms. We wait for you and we promise to leave the lights on for your happy return.

I am Metatron, with Tyberonn of the Crystalline Service, and we share with you these Truths!

You are beloved!

And so it is ...

AUTHOR: James Tyberonn

TRANSLATION: M. Cristina Cáffaro


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