The kingdom of fairies, astral dimensions, nature spirits and electric life forms - Metatron - Part 2

  • 2016

Part 2 - Forms of Electrical Life

Greetings, Masters! I am Metatron, Angel of Light! I join in this session with Tyberonn of the Crystalline Service, and we welcome each of you in a vector of "Unconditional Love"!

Now, in part 2 of this review of what they call Devic Energies, we will focus on electric life forms. In previous messages we told you that the Earth was not always a planet of duality. Opposites only exist in realms of duality, and what you call dark energies and energies of light, and what you consider positive and negative, cannot exist, do not exist, in a non-polar realm.

In your Land of duality, everything abounds in life force, and this includes what you would define as the five elements (air, fire, water, earth and ether), the eight directions, and the Earth Realms: animal, mineral and vegetable

The highest levels of the Devas are non-polar; the middle and lower devic levels are within what might be called parallel dimensions of the astral planes (simplified for the purpose of this explanation).

Just as every plant and animal life form needs sustenance, it needs to consume energy to sustain its material vivacity in the realm of three-dimensional physical existence, so certain beings from the Devic kingdom and the elemental kingdom require a source of energy. There are conscious life forms of electrical bioplasmic guidelines that, true to their nature, exist in all ranges of the electric spectrum, from the negative to the positive.

Few of you will ever have true communication with electric life forms, nor will you recognize them in the few places where such an experience occurs. That is because these beings exist on a seldom tangible plane, and the interaction is limited to the atypical preternatural regions that sustain the palpable concentric arrangement of such parallel dimensions on the planet. . Just as you, humans, are unable to communicate with a fish in its natural aquatic field, except in the brief moments they enter a lake or an ocean, most of them It will not communicate with beings of an electric nature. As long as they understand that fish are in the water, and therefore understand where they are and what they are, very few humans know the fleeting parameters of the disposal areas. Concentric dimensional dimension that allows the intersection with the full spectrum of life in shade and much less have any notion to understand the nature of the lookout. Non-physical bioplasmic life forms within these areas. (Some forms of electroplasmic life are energy-taking; others of the benevolent range are energy-giving, so to speak, we will discuss that more clearly later in this message.)

Even in the few areas of high concentration of life force that allow dimensions to intersect tangible, the ability of electrical life forms to manifest themselves in Visible form is not uniform. Rather, visibility only occurs sporadically on a specific pulsating frequency resonance, in which a cocktail of energy temporarily coincides. Just as the aurora borealis is only visible from certain latitudes and under specific conditions, the visibility of electrical bioplasmic life forms can occur only in precise vectors and within explicit frequency amalgams. quotes. Certainly this is the reason why, when these beings appear clearly visible to the human eye, that clear perception is usually a relatively very short vision phenomenon.

James Tyberonn spoke: Years ago, my wife and I were in the Trossachs in Scotland. We were walking along a path that led to a waterfall in a beautiful wooded area that felt amazingly enchanted. We found a mysterious open area, covered with green moss, near the waterfall, and we sat on a fallen log. The sun passed through the foliage with oblique rays and, in that mystical light, a faint vapor seemed to consolidate in a sphere and float towards us. Then it became something that looked like a gargoyle. He had a humanoid body, covered with short brown hair, about seven feet tall (NT just over 2 meters), very muscular, standing on two legs and had a bull's head with horns and bright red eyes. He was solid, three-dimensional, and physically walked towards us; We were terrified. After a few seconds a second figure suddenly appeared, between us and the gargoyle. He looked like a grandfather, and wore a flannel shirt. He smiled, introduced himself as "Sandy" and told us not to be scared. The gargoyle evaporated, became steamy and disappeared. Then "Sandy" smiled and disappeared too. My fear had ceased, turned into fascination. But Anne was still very upset and wanted to leave. We get up quickly and hurry back down the path to the visitor center and return to our car. For years I wondered what had happened and if it had been real, or just a hallucination that we had shared both. A few years later, living in Venezuela, we visited an incredible region in the Andes, in the Sierra Nevada National Park, near Merida. We were walking along a beautiful mountain stream near an old Spanish Monastery, about 12, 000 feet high (NT just over 3, 650 meters) that had been converted into a hotel called "Los Frailes". Suddenly we saw another of those "gargoyles" in front of us. They weren't that big, but he had exactly the same body type.

I was standing on a huge rock about 40 meters in front of us. This time I was not scared, but rather fascinated me. I convinced Anne to sit with me and we simply watched her; disappeared a few minutes later.

Question from James Tyberonn: What was that? Can you explain the gargoyles we saw in Scotland and the Andes, and the grandfather figure we saw in the Trossachs 35 years ago? Were hallucinations?

Metatron's response: Those experiences were very real. You did not imagine or hallucinate the beings you saw. Both experiences occurred in places of surprisingly high energy. The energy of these places enabled the manifestation, enabled the "astral" dimensions in which the forms of electrical life reside and coexist concentrically in the physical dimension. Anne saw beings more clearly than you, and felt more deeply the projection of "negative" thinking of them, and her fear made her more vulnerable. On an intuitive level, you were more aware of what they were, and you realized that they couldn't harm you.

These beings "feed" on plasmic, frequency energy. That is why both were near the moving water, the waterfall in the Trossachs and the mountain stream in the Andes. But the mineralogy of both places is very abundant in crystalline quartz, and that provided the base matrix that allowed the dimensions to be brought together under the appropriate conditions.

However; These beings are able to "feed" on negative emotional energy, such as fear. And those beings adopt a form designed to provoke reactions of fear. Let's be clear: although these beings have an energy that feels malicious, they are not what you call demons. They cannot be "exorcised." Although they can absorb and, so to speak, feed on fear, they don't depend on dark human emotions as a source of energy ... and they don't look for you either. But when you enter their space, they seize the opportunity and try to scare you as an energy absorption process, if they can easily provoke a fear reaction. These are conscious beings that exist electrically in duality, but they are not really what you call "perverse."

To explain it with an analogy: when a lion attacks and consumes an antelope or a deer, it does so non-emotionally; without malice. The lion is not perverse, although for a human it may seem hostile. Certain plants are carnivorous, and for some insects they seem not to be, in order to "feed." Neither act is perverse, although it may seem so to the dam, from a human perspective.

These sentient beings that you experienced appeared in a format intended to provoke a fear reaction. (In the Celtic tradition they are called "Puka"). These life forms exist at both ends of the electroplasmic scale, which you call negative and positive, and applying this to the aspect of human interpretation, "good and perverse." The entity that looked like a grandfather, who appeared in Scotland, was a Deva, radiating a very positive energy, and "his" energy neutralized the "negative" energy of the "gargoyle." Now, in areas of high energy, the electromagnetic forces of the entire spectrum coexist tangibly. In duality, by definition and by the laws of Physics of and within the 3rdD, one cannot exist without the other. This bifurcation dichotomy, the bilateral frequencies as opposites, are part of the nature of the realms of duality and polarity.

James Tyberonn spoke: In the recent past, a dear friend of ours experienced in Canada a presence of energy, a life force, which I felt was a negative electroplasmic being.

Question from James Tyberonn: Can you explain this clearly?

Metatron : She is a pure, highly advanced soul. He has a strong past connection with you in Atlantis, in Judea and in France, and with Anne in Greece and in Ireland. Your interpretation is correct: this presence is a highly conscious electroplasmic being. It has been connected to these lands near the lake for millennia. It is a very old, primordial way of life that exists since the beginning of duality and the fall of the non-polar sky.

In this case, the energy had been installed in the basement of the house, attracted by the electrical circuits of the structure. So, in this scenario, the experience was learning, since the residents in the house could not move quickly, and the electroplasmic being could not be removed from there.

These energies are best managed through conscious avoidance, avoiding fear. They cannot be driven away or exorcised ... and attempts to do so, in some cases, can really have an opposite effect, attracting and empowering them if force is used in anger in the attempt to reject them. Anger, like fear, anxiety and frustration, feed them. These electrical beings are not forms of negative thinking or residues of human apparitions (which can be exorcised). However, the mobility of these beings is somewhat restricted: they have to remain in relative proximity to electrical frequencies or certain plasmic fields.

Therefore, when you encounter these parasitic electrical beings in a natural outdoor environment, it is better to simply retire, but without fear. Its ability to become visible depends on the vibrational frequency of the place. Normally, he feels them rather and does not see them. And as these beings usually feel but not see, the indication of their presence can be a strange sensation, a sensation of being observed by an undesirable presence, which often causes chills to run by the arms. Their vibratory force varies with the plasmic or resonant frequency field of the place they inhabit. Its essence projects an unpleasant vibration, negative in that regard. And like dark thought forms, they are able to adhere to an open aura, in the solar plexus or third chakra. Once attached, these beings (and energies of thought forms) are capable of causing a drain of energy and projecting negative thoughts (of fear, worry, anger, etc.). ) within the open human, in order to prolong uric bleeding and thus also the drainage flow that feeds them.

Question from James Tyberonn: Were these energies also present at Stewart Mineral Springs, near Mount Shasta?

Metatron Response: Yes, but they did not have the same strength. More in the forest, on the edge of the tree lines on the slopes. The cabin you were in during that time you perceived them was along the perimeter of the tree line on the slope. The streams of that place are quite positive, benevolent. To some extent they prevent the negatives from entering the immediate open area. Thus, this is an example of what we wish to reaffirm: Most of the high energy areas have the opposite equilibrium as part of the dichotomy of duality . which means that there will be discernible pockets in which a negative field will cohabit within a highly positive resonance of energy. There are stronger versions of these beings in certain wooded portions of Mount Shasta, near Bunny Flats. You perceived them during your three days of shamanic vision there, a few years ago. But they do not rise, in this place, above the tree line. Unfortunately they have a bad effect on some campers and a few park rangers of the National Park of this place, and that is why some park rangers can sometimes exceed their rigid regulations, which are on the verge of disgust with the metaphysical visitors of the place, although not necessarily They have that intention or recognize it. The "dark" electric can certainly project a negative energy field, which can cause stress, fear, anxiety and bad mood, especially if the human is not psychically aware, and then does not notice its presence or its nature.

Benevolent Electroplasmic Life

Now, we would not want to stop adding that there is also a myriad of positive devices of an electric nature who are the “polar opposite, ” projecting benevolence, offering an energetic elevation in an essence of love. What we have said in this message, at the request of the channeler James Tyberonn, is the existence of life forms that are not normally associated in human understanding with the astral kingdom and the devotional kingdom, nor is their existence recognized ... much less understands. But as the New Earth moves towards greater dimensionality, an embellished multidimensional consciousness and improved perception of the third eye allow empaths among you to more easily experience the variety of life forms that coexist in the duality of the omni- land.

In the Devic Kingdom, many are here to serve the planet; Most of them have very little interaction with humanity. Some are delicious, cheerful in nature; others are less in the electro-vibrational. Ancient Druid and Celtic societies considered certain "species" of devics, making a broad generalization, such as "good fairies and bad fairies." .. because both types of spectral species are in the aspect of duality of the astral kingdom. Some are at higher levels of consciousness, others do not have free choice and operate in a consciousness that could be said to be roughly a thought process within a fixed vibrational matrix of the electric spectrum. This means that those considered negative are not by choice, but by their frequency matrix.


In the next part of this message we will talk about photonic life, the orbs and the Angelic Devas.

I am Metatron, Angel of Light, with Tyberonn of the Crystalline Service, and we share with you these truths! You are deeply loved!

And so it is ... And it is so.

AUTHOR: James Tyberonn

TRANSLATION: M. Cristina Cáffaro


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