The Return to Love, Arcturus channeled by Lauren C. Gorgo

Blessings and divine, benevolent greetings, I am the Lord of Arcturus and in the name of the entire Arturian civilization, I address you as one.

Gone are the days of struggle. You no longer need to maintain a vision of perfection for the world, because you are now perfection. You no longer need to defend the sanctity of future creation, because you are now the incarnate creation.

Dear beings of extraordinary light and unwavering focus, come under the energetic mantle of this transmission with the purpose of celebrating the return of love! We meet today to participate in praise and celebration with you, our dear brothers and sisters of the earth.

The change of the tide, the separation of the worlds, the separation of the wheat from the straw ... all these euphemisms point to the eternal now, a point in time at which all matrices of lower reality are separating from the truth. What we would like to send you through this precious interdimensional channel of several galactic civilizations, is that as of this day (09/12/09) the 12:12 portal has been officially opened.

What this means for humanity has an unprecedented reach, since all the galactic entry portals have been leading towards the power of this particular frequency point in time and space.

The resurgence of love as the precursor and the template of creation, is activated through this same portal and is taken completely to the physical through the celebration of the solstice of 12/21. The alignment of this frequency resonance point is indicative of a strong push forward in the evolution of the earth and the spiritual mastery of humanity. From today onwards, and until the next level of planetary ascension, all humanity will have changed forever.

Those of you who have been consciously following the ascension timeline, who have integrated the physical changes initiated in each numerical galactic portal, and have cleansed the emotional body of the fourth-dimensional discord, are entering the new time zone. galactic centered on the frequency of the zero point, through the divine portal of peace.

The entrance into holism, as it is in its vernacular, is the entrance to the thought in unity that precipitates the action in unity, as all the cooperative parts work collaboratively for the functioning of the whole. The Earth is transforming with the consciousness of love, and is beginning to work as One. In this way, you of the new timeline will be the guardians of the new earth, the sacred ones who have transcended the veil of illusion, the fear and separation and they will work among you and with your galactic emissaries to implement the new structures of the ascended earth.

These 12:12 and 21:12 portals are taking you far beyond any separation limitation and putting you directly in touch with the true frequency of creation ... in harmonic resonance with the All. Greatness awaits for each of you as you begin to prepare the earth and its people for a totally new way of being.

As it stands, his mother Earth is experiencing many changes and vibratory updates to prepare for the most splendid act of divine intervention to happen in the history of man. These changes are creating the foundation to live in an interdimensional society and are necessary to complete the return of love on the planet. Stay connected to your inner knowledge as these changes occur, as you will experience the earth in a completely new way, a way that will surprise you in the times to come.

In addition, those of you who are preparing for your leadership roles may find that you are still plagued by a lack of vitality and the inability to advance to your legitimate position. This is for a good reason, since many of you are still holding the beacons of light that are necessary to guide humanity over the threshold and through this portal.

Once this portal is fully opened, however, you will feel the complete release of the energy captivity of the old programs, essential issues, and the emergence of a renewed sense of joy and vigor. Your biology will eventually have the ability to fully adapt to the new higher frequencies and spontaneous healing will become common as you recover the different aspects of yourself that voluntarily fragmented in service to the All.

This will truly be a return to the state of grace as they rest, recover, revitalize and embrace their brothers and sisters in the highest love, with the full remembrance of their true state of being, now that their period of service has expired. In this sense, we will also share that some of you are already beginning to feel the grace of God entering your divine vehicles, and for you to whom we speak, we tell you ... this only gets better.

As each of you completes this laborious but necessary cycle of integration and purification, you will be free to experience the life you have dreamed of and by doing so, by embarking on this new journey in creation, you will also lead with your contagious example.

After 12:12

After the 12:12 portal, all members of the activated crystalline grid structure will begin to release the responsibility and connection to the three-dimensional duality matrix. This will create an energy chasm between worlds, or realities, that will allow the new world to begin to take shape as the old world continues to dismantle and experience the extremes of polarity. This last part of the population will fulfill their soul contracts in karmic creation while the leaders of the new earth begin to assemble the cosmic plan, which is contained in the frequency field of the 12th dimension, of the original design for the planet .

Those who have contracts to serve in the first level of administration already know their roles well and the next ones to activate will join to take charge. This leadership at 2 levels is necessary to employ some of the most important advances in technology and social awareness that will come in later stages.

If you are not aware of your "role" in all this, understand that the physical expression of your talent is of your choice. All that is required of you is what brings you much joy.

21:12 Solstice Celebration

In the celebration of the solstice of 21:12, and with the support of both the lunar and solar eclipse, the earth and its people will enter into position for further expansion and the new beginnings of 2010. All the earth and humanity will be affected by the Amount of love pouring through these powerful portals dates, however it will also represent the completion of the activation and reconnection for the roadside counters to fully assume their divine roles.

This suggests a hierarchical order, however it is based on the individual's ability to accept increasingly expansive probabilities, and to expand his capacity to love. As a result of these changes, we will be able to work directly with many of the leaders of the new land as the veil of separation lifts and we become an integral part of their new world.

Brothers and sisters, we have so much to share with you regarding the construction of your new land. We have galactic ambassadors stationed all over the planet, like all participating star nations, who will be facilitating many of the extraterrestrial communications needed to employ large enterprises, and we are very happy to finally be working with you in this capacity!

The culmination of the efforts made by the many intergalactic societies that are here to help you will create the resources and rapid change necessary for the people of the earth to truly live in peace and harmony.

For his joy in completeness and the return of LOVE!


(Telepathic Transmission through Lauren C. Gorgo on - December 9, 2009)

Copyright © 2009 - Expect Miracles, Inc. - Translation: Margarita López -

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