Gastric reflux: tips and natural remedies that can help

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 2 People who have a sphincter in the lower esophagus may have problems with gastric reflux 3 Cases of gastric reflux at times are usually resolved by changing the habits of life and with a good diet 4 5 When there is gastric reflux it is advisable to make small amounts of food frequently 6 7 8
 Gastric reflux occurs when there is an acid regultication that ascends from the stomach to the chest and can reach the mouth. There may also be other symptoms that although less common may be related to this problem of gastric reflux, such as be; chest pain, gasps, and cough, this is due to the irritation that acids can cause to pass through the larynx. 

 Causes Gastric reflux manifests itself when there is an alteration that makes the esophageal and stomach defenses malfunction, the symptoms are some such as the acidity of gastric juices and digestive enzymes. 

People who have altered sphincter of the lower esophagus may have gastric reflux problems

 By passing food from the esophagus to the stomach, these are controlled by the sphincter of the lower esophagus. People who may have this sphincter altered may have this problem. This sphincter opens in the period of time of the passage of food, and allows the passage of the content of these foods from one area to another. Many of these alterations are due to a bad or incorrect diet and that in many cases is also accompanied by an unhealthy and stressful lifestyle that contributes to an increase in gastric reflux, and these can be: A poor quality of life A high consumption of alcohol. Tobacco use Stress Consuming many irritating or spicy foods such as chocolates, spices, coffee, foods that contain many processed fats etc. 

 All these factors favor the relaxation of the sphincter of the lower esophagus giving way to the contents of the stomach to the esophagus, producing gastric reflux. In these cases, many kisses are also very frequent that a Hiato hernia problem can be suffered. The hiatus hernia is when a part of the stomach moves through the diaphragm in the direction of the chest and this favors gastric reflux. The causes of a gastric reflux is not always a problem of hiatal hernia, it can also occur, due to obesity, pregnancy. Poor nutrition, stress etc. Advice in cases of Gastric Reflux In case of gastric reflux, each particular case and each person with their particular characteristics must be taken into account. 

Sometimes gastric reflux cases are usually solved by changing lifestyle habits and eating well

 In many cases, these problems usually disappear or improve a lot when we change our diet and lifestyle habits that are usually the ones that normally cause these symptoms. It is important and advisable to make changes in our life and customs, for healthier ones that help us improve and promote our digestion and quality of life, it is important to try to eliminate all kinds of foods that produce gas, heaviness of stomach, acids, spicy foods, sugars, refined and saturated fats, white flours, yeasts, dairy products (although fermented dairy products like yogurt are good in many cases), soda, tobacco, alcohol etc. 

 A varied and balanced diet will help a lot, these foods should be, seasonal and fresh, it is convenient to consume many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and drink plenty of water, if a large part of it is in the form of infusions better. 

When there is gastric reflux it is advisable to make small amounts of food frequently

 In cases of gastric reflux, it is advisable to make small amounts of food daily, divided into five doses, thus avoiding anxiety and chopping between meals. It is important to chew food well. We should avoid drinking coffee, coffee, soft drinks, alcohol because these are the cause of increased stomach acid and exciting. After meals it is convenient to take some infusion that will help us to do the digestion well, avoid gas, heaviness of stomach, and acid, infusions such as licorice , years, Cumin, lemon balm, orange peel, orange blossom, thyme, lemon verbena, lobster, passionflower, mint, peppermint, etc., will help us do digestions well, avoid stomach acid and gastric reflux. 

 Avoid eating and drinking food and beverages that favor the relaxation of stomach muscles, gases and acids such as saturated fats, pastries, etc., pepper and some species, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, some citrus, tomato ... Avoid eating all the foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the esophagus such as some condiments such as vinegar, pepper, paprika, chilli ...,  acidic foods such as, Tomatoes, eggplant and the fruits and juices of some citrus. Do not make very copious meals or any food that is very high in fat. These make digestion difficult for us and slow the emptying of gastric contents and increase the inflammation of the stomach mucous membranes. The last meal of the day should be at least two or three hours before bedtime. People with gastric reflux should consider sleeping with the head about 10 cm, and thus avoid increasing the risk of gastric reflux. Clothes should not go too tight, and especially after eating. It is not convenient to lie down after meals, this can increase the chances of gastric reflux. A very important cause along with bad eating habits is also the stress of daily life, we must try to improve and change the life habits that lead us to a life full of bustle and worries, we must try to take our lives with more tranquility, incorporate in our life healthy life habits such as performing some type of exercise that helps us relax, such as walking through nature, swimming, relaxation, meditation, yoga, chi-gun, etc. 

 As for cooking, we must avoid all types of cooking that are harmful to the digestive system such as; fried, or barbecues, It is convenient that for cooking we use cooking such as steamed, grilled, baked or boiled. When it comes to consuming our love, let's keep in mind that it has the right temperature, so that it does not alter the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach, these should not be too cold or too hot. These problems in each case and person can be different although in common there are always many habits of unhealthy life, stress and poor diet. The above tips and guidelines can help a lot, but these do not replace the visit to a specialist, who determines what is the cause of this problem and advises us the guidelines to follow and more appropriate treatment in each particular case. In Holistic Kinesiology, we treat these problems taking into account the person in its entirety, looking for the origin of the problem that may be causing it, advising, which is the most appropriate, for each particular case, testing and giving guidelines to follow, also having in mind body, mind emotions etc. 

Carmen Hernández - editor in the big family of

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