The crystal ray. Beloved Mary, through Elsa Farrus

  • 2013

Dear girl, I'm Maria

Globally, they are days of joy for everyone, you have reached the opening of the lotus of the sacred heart in Maya. The lotus of the white Heart Sutra, which opens awareness, of the bodhisattva.

It is the moment of peace, in the ascension of Gaia where to receive the pearls of Kuan yin; opening your hands, you will receive the essence of the pearls of Kuan yin, the mother-of-pearl ray that when you make contact with you will allow you to flourish ...

Everyone in their own way, rest and breathe deeply, a few times, and inside call Master Kuan Yin:

In the name of the I am in me, I call teacher Kuan yin . (3 times)

Asking for a pearl of the nícar ray, which he deposited in his hands, and will bloom inside it, a flower, a lotus or a rose, which will thus open the ability to generate realities .

To do this, they will make an anchor, with the Oro-rubi Ray, which descends, from the universe, and makes contact with its Soul star chakra, and that will open in that chakra a span of its head, a lotus of golden light, from the center of which, a new ray will descend vertically downwards, coming into contact with the crown chakra, where again when breathing 3 to 9 times, it will open a new center in its chakra, a new flower, breathe again and descend the Golden Ray Ray through the prana, path of his 6 chakra, Agna chakra and feel, as another lotus of conscience opens, they continue to breathe and again, they feel as it descends towards the chakra of the throat, thus forming one by one, with the different breaths, the inner lotuses of conscience, of gold-light base, with reddish edges. Thus the 7 chakras until reaching the star farm of Gaia and from there, the energy will descend to the earth's core, vertically downwards, anchoring a prana of golden light to the core of the earth.

They will breathe again and from the core of the earth, ask Master Kuan yin, or Lady Gaia, to nourish them with the Rainbow Crystal Ray; which will allow them to complete their crystalline memory, in balance in each of their lotuses. This ray of light that will rise through you from the core of the earth, making contact, with the star farm of Gaia, who is one foot in the sole of your feet and breathing 3 to 9 times deep, you will feel like a set of crystals is formed inside the lotus, or like star dust in the center of the flowers, like spiral pollen dust, which makes it shine brighter intensely its energy centers ... From the star of Gaia to the crown chakra in ascending order.

Once there they breathe deeply three or four times, they feel the energy and in a very deep breath, they visualize how the energy of the ruby ​​gold ray, it realizes, a beautiful sphere that surrounds them and like all the brightness and facets of the rainbow crystal ray fill your inner space in you, which illuminates your auric field, progressively and completes the crystalline energy.

They are days of maximum growth, in their fractal bodies, in their energy bodies and in their physical bodies, that is why energy will help them to consolidate.

Do not fear everything is in order, everything is in process and everything you need will arrive on time without problem, a big hug. Beloved Maria And Kuan Yin.

PS: Master Melkisedek warns me of great and profound changes in Gaia, in the next few days, on May 24 and May 25, on May 27, the biggest leap of consciousness, until June 6.

Last night at one in the morning after intense incoming energies, we received this:

I was channeling with Silvia Raposo, what happened to us, because of tremors, cold, and a series of things that happened throughout the afternoon, and we were reviewing ourselves vigorously, to clean personal things with Melchisedek …… ..when they put us in An icosahedron to each one and they asked us to put loved ones and we both asked for all the light beings of Gaia.

Because according to Melchisedek the great division of planes, began the night of the 20th, it is already the detachment of the heart, of everything that hinders the heart ... ... and the path to the heart.

So it is very likely that people who still have anger in their hearts, explode more than ever in the next few hours, because a great wave of light and love is coming to them and they feel more than ever the internal division.

So remember the acceptance of the other at the point where you are, and love that point of evolution, without falling into the trap of anger or rage, so it conveys.

It is the real moment of loving, all from piety, from the divine order, that every moment has its so that ... and is part of that order and that being.

A week of great intensity is coming until May 27, where Melkisedek warns of a deep leap of consciousness, for all of us.

Happy day to everyone.

Channeled by Elsa Farrus

For more information, you will find it on my blog, free of charge, thanks Elsa. And now we also share Reiki information and ascension exercises on the Facebook page:

The crystal ray. Beloved Mary, through Elsa Farrus

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