The 'healing' power of the word

  • 2013

The word, communication, source of well-being for the human being GYI.

The human being is, in essence, a verbal animal. That means that the act of communicating carries it inscribed in its DNA. Perhaps it is because of this, because it is something so ancestral and at the same time so everyday, that many times we are not at all aware of the power that the word can have on third parties and oneself. It is possible that simply having this tool at hand and using it almost automatically has exercised a false sense of innocence on us, both in its negative and positive aspects, in relation to na everything we verbalize. Nothing is further from reality.

"The word can be a source of healing and growth, " explains psychologist Mercè Conangla, one of the creators of the concept of emotional ecology and co-founder of the Àmbit Foundation, to It has been found, he says, that people who are given painkillers and, despite this, continue to suffer - "pain can be relieved with analgesics but not psychological suffering" - normalize their physiological constants when "someone who Find them near them with that tender word. It is very healing. ”

In the technique of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) the word also has a fundamental weight. Language, as Pablo Mora, psychologist and head of the Coaching Barcelona center explains, is one of its three fundamental pillars in this method. "Instead of interpreting, assuming, or putting ourselves in the place of the other, thanks to language it is possible to find out what exactly the subjective experience of the person is."

Through the use of the word, it is possible to gather useful information to subsequently initiate the process of change, "either by transmitting confidence, motivation, inducing new states, modifying beliefs, installing new learning that improves their subjective experience ...".

Through language it is also feasible to "relearn to do things differently, obtaining different results, " says Mora. "It's about transmitting to people that their situation is reversible." This happened, for example, with one of his patients. He presented in his consultation with a diagnosis more than doubtful of possible dyslexia, prepared by two different professionals, and with the use of the word - “and of the hypothesis that the young man did not suffer any pathology” - the solution was found. "I made him notice, conversing with him, that he had no problem, but that it was about learning, in this case, how to read differently."

Undoubtedly, in all cases the credibility of the issuer is a fundamental part of the equation so that the discourse can have the desired effect. In this sense, of course, the content of the message, but also the tone used (pauses, non-verbal communication, etc.), seem indispensable for the strength of the word to reach its maximum expression.

Valid for oneself

The power of language also has an impact on the inner dialogue that keeps every human being with himself. A mental discourse, this one, which in many cases must be fought for its tendency to negativity (perhaps because of the very nature of the human mind, which "has a very neurotic and difficult side", as Ramiro Calle explained in his day). Also the vital experience can play a fundamental role in this sense, and that is that “from the words we have received, we elaborate our beliefs, ” recalls Conangla. "And these are like the software on our hard drive from which we also generate emotions."

In both cases, there is the paradox that the problem and the possible solution have the same basis, the word, but used antagonistically. "Just as we can hurt ourselves, we can also say words that heal, " recalls Conangla.

It seems obvious, however, that it is easier to destroy than to build, which means that it costs much less to fall into the traps that the mind often presents to you than to make a positive discourse. “But to feel good you have to work hard, ” explains Jaume Grau, a yoga teacher, with more than 20 years of experience, and director of the school that bears his name.

“Our mental speech conditions us. There are many books that tell you 'your life is the sum of your thoughts', 'is what you say to yourself', but what they don't tell you is how you have to think or what kind of language you have to use, ”he laments Pablo Mora

The sound, beneficial

No longer the word, but a simple sound or vibration, which would become the most primitive version of language, can bring benefit to the human being. The mantras that are recited in the practice of yoga would be a clear example. "Sound is something very primitive in the human race, " says Jaume Grau. “It is something that links us a lot with the deepest part of ourselves. You listen to birds, water, rain, trees and they produce an effect. That is why we may also seek contact with nature, with origins, because it is also a necessity in part, ”he adds.

The word house

Many times, in order for the word to have the desired effect, an appropriate context must be encouraged. The screams, the pride, the petulance ... all are obstacles that can make an appearance on countless occasions undermining the possibility of communication flowing. This is very clear in Mali.

According to Mercè Conangla, in many villages in this African country there is a construction, “made with adobe and covered with straw and logs, ” which is called the word house. It is a place to settle, peacefully, possible disputes. For starters, these houses usually measure one meter sixty centimeters high. That means that many people who access the first thing they have to do is duck (that reminds them that if they want to understand each other they must be humble).

Once inside, both contestants sit opposite each other with a trunk as a chair. When, prisoner of the fury generated by the same discussion, one of them rises suddenly to pounce on the opposite, head on the roof. That reminds him that with aggression nothing is fixed and only suffering is achieved.

Surely with this old, but no less effective, system will be much easier to reach a satisfactory agreement. And all this thanks to the fact that all the conditions have been given so that the word can flow without impediments.

The 'healing' power of the word

We analyze the positive effects of language through the prism of psychology, coaching and spirituality

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