The role of man in the universe

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 What is the universe? 2 What is the role of man in the universe? 3 Man in the universe 4 The smallness and vastness of man in the universe 5 You decide your place in the universe

What is the role of man in the universe ? Millions of human beings have asked ourselves, we ask ourselves and we will ask ourselves this question from centuries ago to tens of years in the future. Have we found the answer? Surely as much as you read, you will locate all kinds of theories. Is any more real than another? In a way it will depend on your beliefs and needs . Let's find out why.

What is the universe?

Not even science has an exact answer to specify what the universe is exactly . It is true that there are certain coincidences in its definition, but the same scientific theories change, vary and evolve with each new discovery. And there are many findings that humans find daily.

Theology has also tried to answer the question about how or what exactly the universe is. However, we found several changes and variations. While a Christian definition could resemble the scientific one, Hinduism observes this place as a multiverse full of layers and possible alternative realities .

So we could go on for hours, speculating about the very existence of the universe, its nature and the realization of its real sense. But that is not the task we are trying to answer today.

What is the role of man in the universe?

Whatever conception of the universe we find, there is a reality that seems immutable. Human beings are part of this place of cosmic immensity . What is our role here? We do not know, but we do know for sure that we have a task, although it may be unknown to us.

Again we could approach various studies to know the nature of the role of man in the universe. Science may say that we are matter, while theology can consider us as a creation or a miracle of God .

It is likely that any of the named approaches to human nature are true. We are matter, part of the same universe . But we are also a miracle, because we never find a race similar to ours. We have awareness, reasoning, faith, feelings and emotions and a plethora of internal contradictions that make us unique.

Thus, as a material or miraculous part of this universe, it is evident that we are part of a whole . Whether the action of gravity, the position of the stars or the incidence of the Sun, everything that happens in the cosmic environment affects us and concerns us intimately .

Your astral letter, for example, sure tells you things about you that you don't know or that interest you. Logically, this is based on the situation of the stars on the day you were born, and how they are affecting you since then.

The Zodiac Signs themselves, all of them Constellations of our starry sky, are part of our life and influence it every day .

But even considering only that we are matter, it is clear that we are part of something bigger that influences us . The position of the Moon and its influence on the tides, the situation of the Sun that gives us the heat and the light to live. Everything is related to our existence, our happiness and our own conscience, soul, Heart and personality itself .

The man in the universe

There is one thing that is very true. Very real is that man is like a minimum grain of sand in the vastness of a desert . Have you ever thought about the terribly small we are?

Think of a human being. Consider yourself as a small piece of matter with soul, heart and life . Now, imagine yourself in your home or apartment. From there we will go up to your street, bigger than your own house. And from the street we ascend to the neighborhood and then go to the department, the town or city, the province, the region and your own country.

Do you realize that as we ascend, we are getting smaller every time? But our vision does not end there. From country we can move to the continent, generally less than an ocean, but both part of a planet, the Earth, the home that has seen us born.

And dreaming of the role of man in the universe, we now leave our planet to know that we are part of a huge Solar System . Here we have the Moon, the immensity of the Sun or the planet J piter itself, a giant hercule that one day wanted to be a star, but was not able to burn the right fuel.

If we continue to imagine, we can leave the Solar System, which actually goes beyond Pluto to the Kuiper Belt, the Heliopause or the Oort Cloud, which sends us fearsome asteroids and comets from the remains of the formation of this galactic neighborhood. In total, one year light from one end to another.

And the Solar System is no more than a minimal fraction of a huge galaxy, the Milky Way, with about 200 billion stars more or less larger than our beloved Sun. In the center, a huge black hole that maintains the cohesion of this galactic network.

And from here we jump to the same universe. It is considered that some 200 billion galaxies can exist today throughout the length and breadth of the more than 13, 800 billion light years of age and expansion of all this huge network.

The smallness and vastness of man in the universe

How do you stay when you try to imagine the smallness of man in the universe ? Thus, we are a tiny portion of matter from a huge network created by Nature, a God or who knows the forces that move beyond our understanding and conception .

Be that as it may, we are very small, and yet very large . As a conscious, rational and sentimental part of this network, we have an enormous capacity to observe, study, protect, feel, do good and be much more transcendent than we really believe.

We are beings capable of doing great good . We are curious, kind, researchers, brave, explorers, protectors, lovers, dreamers ... We are part of a huge universe that influences us in ways that we are not able to suspect, but we also have the ability to influence our environment .

The ability to protect our planet rests on everyone's shoulder . If we want to investigate how the stars influence our psyche and sentimentality, it is our business to reveal and study it. But we can also explore, communicate and go far beyond what imagination is capable.

We are a tiny speck of desert dust in the vastness of an unfathomable universe, the work of a power that is hard for us to understand . But it has given us reason and sentimentality to transform this reality . It depends on us what we do with this small plot of human power that we have received.

You decide your place in the universe

Only the role of man in the universe depends on each human being . How do we want to be remembered? What will be our role in the story? What legacy do we dream of leaving for generations to come?

In short, we can look for thousands of interpretations in the role of man in the universe . Whether through science, astrology or theology, there may really be only one question to ask, what do we want our legacy to be? How do we want this universe to remind a lot of people that one day they had a planet called Earth?

In our hands is the decision. What role does man want to play in the universe ? It is in your hands .

By Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood.

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