The Morya ~ Contemplate Your Own Internal Source of Power ~ September 24, 2013

  • 2013

Received by Julie Miller

Weekly Message from Ascended Master El Morya ~ September 24 to October 1, 2013

Contemplate Your Own Internal Power Source

The personal power that each of you possess carries its potential to do things or make them happen. It doesn't matter where you share your inner source of power, whether at work, home, school or just being here and there; Your personal power touches all things and originates from the level of understanding you have, the knowledge you have acquired, your personality and experience, and what you have mastered in your mastery so far in your career, and so on.

My dear ones, in order to create a long-lasting prosperity you must be willing to fully embrace what is necessary to develop and refine your own personal power. It is essential before putting it into practice to understand what personal power is. Understand, my dear ones, that power lies within you, that same power that helps you take those first steps forward on a new path, develop a new talent, or even allow yourself to relate to and make new friendships, and it comes of a Universal Force that is alive within each of you, and this force, my dear ones, is yours.

His personal power allows his creative side to surface. Each of you demonstrates your personal power on a daily basis, and many are not even aware that this phenomenon is happening. As you do your daily work you realize internally - you feel a deep and deep desire to know that YES, you are safe, that everything is just right as it is, and that you have faith in the steps you are taking, although these steps Be full of news. Your personal power demonstrates the confidence you have in life and your purpose here in your current life stream.

Your personal power, the Universal Force within you, reflects that you know exactly what you want from a deep understanding of your Self, and have the ability to proactively take steps to fulfill and satisfy what you want and need in order to Bring greater satisfaction, joy and peace to your life.

A dear being who demonstrates personal power is someone who understands responsibility and is not afraid of being responsible for his own actions, words, thoughts, feelings and will. She is focused on the Here and Now, does not remain in the past and does not worry about how her future might or may not be. She is willing to allow her path to be guided by the powerful Force that lies within her because she is better able to rely on her ability to make wise choices in the direction God has chosen for her.

Many times those dear beings who mobilize within the scope of their personal power have a way of affecting others by empowering them with their example. Many times these dear beings are not aware of the power they hold or how effective they are. They feel comfortable following their heart in the direction that is appropriate for them and they are not afraid of the unknown, but embrace it. Those who demonstrate their personal power in all areas of life do understand what fear is, but they use this negative energy that can easily divert one from every good decision to take positive action. Of course these people get restless, but their confidence in their own abilities doesn't keep them down for long. A person rich in personal power demonstrates maturity at all levels, and yet is still able to have fun and enjoy life.

We have witnessed that many dear beings who walk with you yield their personal power. Many times even you have done it. You know that you have ceded your personal power to another when you have followed the guidance or suggestion of others even though you did not wish to do so; maybe they followed her because they wanted to 'fit in' with them or feel they belonged, so they felt pressured. At that moment, my dear ones, you ceded your own personal and sacred power. If you are unable to trust yourself that you can make your own good decisions or allow people to control your choices, then you will be unable to illuminate your beautiful power.

Many loved ones fall so much victim of wanting to please others that all their decisions are made entirely based on this fear, and by doing so they cede their power to those who are trying not to offend or hurt. How often have you allowed another to belittle you, be condescending to you, or how often do you feel used, manipulated, or second-row? If you have ever felt this way, my dear ones, then during those moments you have ceded your precious personal power. Other ways to determine if they have given up their personal power is by noticing how easily they feel hurt, they take it all to heart, they have a great resentment of the events that happened in the past - they have not learned to let go of what they are linked to and that sustains his personal power.

This is important for the progress of your journey, reflect on it. The more capable they are to learn about themselves, the more they will understand what it is necessary to let go, and the power within them will grow and begin to reflect on the beautiful Life Force that lies within them in everything they do. You do have the ability to implement all the changes you want in your life, all that is required is an effort, a step in the right direction and believe in yourself.

To regain your power and increase your intensity you need to increase your talents within. It is essential, my dear ones, to set limits and learn when it is okay to move these limits and when they must stand firm. Get in touch with your feelings, understand why they feel the way they feel and learn to express themselves in ways that do not promote negativity towards others or coming from others. Focus on the Here and Now, and set attainable goals that will increase your confidence and belief in your abilities. Do not undermine yourself by remaining inactive and disinterested in what life shows you and offers, be proactive and take the initiative to step forward in new and exciting areas. You are here to learn and grow, but it is up to you, dear ones, when to stop being fearful and when to take your life seriously, instilling positive ways of thinking. and speaking positively to empower them to continue, persevere and develop a little patience with themselves. Recovering your personal power is not a one-night adventure; This requires discipline and commitment on your part.

When you are ready to embrace your personal power it is important that you think about the ways in which you have ceded your power. They can keep a diary for this to help them determine and plan the steps to take. Ask yourself about the reason why you allowed your personal power to be transferred to others and how they could have handled these situations differently. The retrospective view offers you to see and learn from the actions you took, the way you reacted or responded. During the time they spend reflecting they will become aware of the dynamics of the situation, they can see it from different angles and can conclude that the result of any situation could have been certainly different. .

At any time during the day, while you are busy at work, outside walking, on the bus, etc., learn to observe and pay attention to your own ways of thinking and the way How they talk to themselves. We know that some of you do this, but we are also aware that many are beginning to become more aware of themselves. When you tune into yourself, what do you hear? Do they discover that they want to be rescued, are they being critical or defaulting themselves? Are they consistently or inconsistently finding ways to inspire and empower their growth and development? These questions that I am offering are for you to ponder, think and reflect. Through their answers they will come to better understand the way of working of their I, and they will understand the importance and power of the Universal Life Force that is within them their Power, the Essence itself that urges them forward when they are trying to do things or meet certain goals.

Each of you deserves not only to experience your personal power but also to work from, and through, him.

Developing your personal power without giving it up is your responsibility . When you avoid embracing your personal power, you also avoid the ability to express your Self in your best and most Divine way. Fears come and go dear ones. Some fears will try to stay and steal your personal power. It is up to you because you are in charge of your thoughts, actions, words, feelings and willingness to determine how long you will allow those fears and anxieties to stay. Work through your fear, learn to rise above it and release your power, which will take your path to new heights and wonderful adventures.

And so it is ...

I AM the Ascended Master The Morya via Julie Miller

The Morya ~ Contemplate Your Own Internal Source of Power ~ September 24, 2013

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