The Mystery of the Cross by Alfonso del Rosario

  • 2014

Within the Universal Symbology, the Cross is one of the main and revealing Archetypes, which in its many variants, such as the Christian Cross, the Hindu Swastika, the Ansada Cross, etc., express the esoteric investigator, the RENUNCIATION and the SACRIFICE, in his most refined spiritual revelations. RENUNCIATION and SACRIFICE, become the two sides of the same Universal Reality. They are, the Spirit and the Matter in incessant interrelation, dense and subtle, where both acquire each other's complementary properties to appear before our eyes, as what they are, the same thing. There is an esoteric phrase that says that the spirit is sublimated matter and that the matter is condensed and bottled spirit, both being different only in appearance, but the same in reality. Only man, by the short sights of his intellect, sees this ambivalence different. However, a Master or Adept sees only energy with different states and degrees of subtlety and vibration.

The Vertical Line of the Cross is the universal representation of the immersion of the Spirit in Matter. It is the path that any spirit, whatever its evolutionary range, travels to enter the densest layers of matter, and thus redeem it and endow it with new qualities, properties and characteristics, so that increasingly, Higher Concerts, through of that purified matter, they can transmit to the Infinite Space, the Omnipotence and Omniscience of the Supreme Maker.

In the same way, as happens to any human being, who periodically renounces the state of Glorified Spiritual Contemplation, Nirvana or Devachan, to get into the experiences of the physical world, to any High Cosmic Being, something similar happens, must Renounce the Beatific State of Bliss, where Mora and Enjoy for Prolonged Ages, to enter the densest levels of the Universe, and Embody in a Humble Planet or Solar System, following the Cyclical, Service and Evolutionary Impulse. They are the mysterious effects of a Universal Law, which drives the Spirit and Matter, to merge and merge, whatever their degree of purity and perfection, to achieve a Permanent and Expansive State of Glorified Light, nuanced by a Pristine Love and for an Immaculate Power, incomprehensible but true, that makes the entire Cosmos move towards unlimited borders, and incomprehensible even by the most experienced and advanced orthodox science.

The immersion of These High Concerts in Matter, serve as a means, to Substitute Matter with Their Lives, to transform it and make it more sensitive, more responsive, more truthful and authentic, to the Intentions and Objectives of the ALL, as Supreme Maker, as Brahmá does it, that to each manifestation of His, as if it were an Immense Sun, they arise from Him, projecting into Space, infinite corpuscles and sparks of light, each of them, with the seeds of incipient consciences, to which He gives the opportunity, to be able to evolve, so that after a myriad of eons, they become like, in Soles, of Pure and Majestic Splendor, Givers of Life, who will repeat on different scales and gradations, this same process of Creation of Worlds and Humanities.

The Archetype, which at the human level manifests the Great Renunciation, that abandonment to the pleasures of the world, to the honors, to the wealth, and to a pleasant well-being, we can see it in the Life of the Lord Buddha, who resigned, to all privileges palaciegos, to delve into the real life of the human being, and find out the origin of the suffering and the way to overcome it and overcome it, and thus be able to serve as a means, for its total eradication in the human race. The Lord Buddha, directly verified, that the natural state of the human being is that of Total Happiness, a situation that he loses when he leaves Peace, Harmony and Balance innate in him. He saw that the origin of this loss of stability and happiness is due to the Great Ignorance that we have the vast majority of humanity over the Universal Laws that govern our World. The return to that Natural Happiness, begins through the Renunciation of that State of Attractant Ignorance, abandoning everything that is identified with our personal self, and attracting and attracting to it, the attention of our Soul, to recover that Peace and happiness lost. At that moment, it is when one enters the human being, Compassion in its purest state, being able to project it thus, without conditions towards any being, who cries anxiously in the solitude of his suffering.

This is only a small fragment, which reveals the Vertical Line of this Universal Cross, whose ends are lost in the Immensity of Everything.

The Vertical Line of Renunciation, when making contact with the Horizontal Line of our World, introduces in the matter, the Seed of Sacrifice, as a paradigm of the great effort that matter has to make, to purify and raise its vibratory tone towards the planes more subtle than everlasting and imperishable. Through the Sacrifice that involves matter, abandoning its lethargic and inertia tendency, to raise its vibration, towards frequencies more in line with the more subtle planes, is how consciousness discovers step by step, partially and weakly, one of the mysteries most jealously guarded by Nature, that of the Universal Sacrifice, which is repeated insistently, both in the Macrocosm of Infinite Space, and in the microcosm of the human being.

The Horizontal Line of this Universal Cross expresses the other side of Reality, that of SACRIFICE, since the fact of objectively manifesting a Spirit of such Purity and Magnitude as that of a Logos, whatever its Evolutionary Status, is always subject to the limitations of Matter and the Universal Law of Karma, which in some parameters of degrees and dimensions unimaginable by us, also acts in those Highest Levels of Consciousness, affecting those High Beings, in a very different way from what happens to us. We human beings. The Law of Cause and Effect says that every cause has its effect or effects, which in turn, these effects generate new causes and new effects, in an indeterminate chain . This Universal Law, spreads like a Powerful Echo throughout the Space, affecting both consciousness that encourages the most insignificant atomic particle, as well as the most Incomprehensible Consciousness that animates with His Life any, Galaxy, Sun or Planet.

The Horizontal Line of the Cross, defines and expresses our vital and terrestrial experience, from the moment of birth, ending, at the end of our goals in the material world, thus returning, again, to that state of Peace and Bliss we had at the beginning.

In this vital and existential journey, which marks this Horizontal Line, we drag a whole karmic baggage inherited from previous existences, to which we add the karma that we are constantly generating at every moment. This fact conditions the life of each one of us, giving rise to our experience, at moments of maximum spiritual tension, being the most important, the point and center of intersection, where both lines coincide and make contact ( the Vertical of the Renunciation of the Spirit, with the Horizontal of the Sacrifice of the Material Experience of Consciousness), generating at that moment, deep crises, which depending on the conditions of our Karma, sometimes we are allowed (not without great pain and suffering), to reorient our lives towards more transcendent values ​​and attitudes, which almost always entail a Great Sacrifice. In us it is to ignore, or follow those guidelines that our Soul transmits to us through those intuitive and incomprehensible flashes, which sporadically sends the personality to follow its indications, of not doing so It probably won't happen again in the future.

The same happens to those High Concerts, when they manifest themselves in the matter, to fulfill, like man, with the Universal Purpose of Evolutionary Expansion of Their Concerts, towards Archetypes, of infinite amplitude, because also those Archetypes are immersed in that same State of Change and Perpetual Evolution.

Those High Beings, in their own Fields of Expression, Solar or Planetary, must be Perfecting (this is so, even if it seems nonsense, that these entities are subject to those same universal laws, in different areas to ours), through His experience and interrelation with the matter, in order to create these amazing Geometric Figures of Light that decorate the nights of our skies, reminding us that in some future future we will be very far away as They, beings of Light, who with their brightness will perpetuate the Magnificence of Universal Life.

In this very complex field, Esoteric Science, is very explicit when considering that in the highest levels of reality, they happen as in human beings, successes and failures, in Areas, degrees and manifestations, incomprehensible to us, and that should serve us to see the Grandiosity and Majesty of all Creation, which as a Set and Totality, always tries to reach, a Center for Peace, Balance and Harmony, which only It can achieve the action of the LAW of KARMA, which allows, as described by Buddhism, cyclically provide the Universe with the necessary opportunities, so that it can be recycled constantly, with new Recreations and therefore Improvement, in a situation where there is no limits or boundaries, as with the Hindu Trimurti, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Where the Cyclic Creation, Splendor, Decay and Disappearance of Universes, Suns and Planets, and therefore also of the Humanities and Beings that share with them those Expressions of Life are reproduced. That is the Reality of Impermanence.

On a human level, the Archetype of Sacrifice, we can see it in the Life of the Master Jesus, a great Being of the Planetary Hierarchy, who brought to our world, the Message of the highest of Sacrifices, that of His Own Life, to eliminate A large part of World Karma. The Master Jesus was the Prototype of the Mediator between Heaven and Earth. Through this altruistic and impersonal mediation, from which nothing seeks and desires nothing, the Master Jesus achieved with his voluntary immolation, giving Humanity, by His example, the opportunity for him to learn that what is really important, is not in possession. of the material values ​​that we can store in our lives, if we do not help those who need it most, but, most importantly, learn to love, as God does with each one of us, with total and absolute impersonality, with total and absolute altruism, with total and absolute self-denial. With that same and Intense Love that we profess to ourselves, we should Love any being, regardless of their beauty or ugliness, of their social status, of the sympathy or antipathy that they can convey to us, of their age, of their belief or religion, of its goodness or evil, of its sex, only then will we be fulfilling this requirement of Divine Love, which causes us to dwell in us, in our hearts, the figure of the Universal Christ, that Being, who having successfully traveled, the Way or Path, and reached the Goal as a result of the hard work done through long ages, achieved the Indisoluble Union of its transitory Personality, with the Indestructible Individuality of its Soul.

According to my point of view, this is what appears at first sight, when this Divine Chest that hides the Mystery of the Cross is opened, when the thick veil that conceals it is raised slightly, and which, however, cannot prevent that, that appear at His side, other mysteries (which must be studied, understood, internally assimilated by us), such as number 4, a mysterious, and enigmatic number at the same time, which reveals the correspondences of the human being with the Macrocosm and that so much has to do with the 4 Ages of Man, with the Quaternary of the Human Being, with the 4 Stations, with the 4 Cardinal Points, with the 4 Phases of the Moon, the 4 Basic Elements, with the 4 Superior Chakras, with the Square, with the 4 Angles of 90º, etc., some mysteries that if we continue with this same process of investigation and discovery can lead us to the Same Essence of God.

The rest of what is inside this Golden Chest, if we are able to grab it and decipher it, can lead us to a greater understanding of our deepest Self, opening before our eyes an increasingly wide range of opportunities and possibilities of service towards all kinds of being and conscience. And from there, locate, from the highest peaks of the Mind, that part of us that is in incipient contact with the first Steps of Reality, and lovingly uncover this Symbol, to show us the Wonders of the Universe and of ourselves. In this way, we can feel, as we are, important parts, and authentic protagonists, makers of everything that happens inside and outside of us, because we all form a Majestic and Precious Body of Light, which contributes to the Universe, it appears to us in the clear and refreshing nights, like those Shooting Stars, which disperse in all directions, carrying, like the Winged Mercury, the message of Love, Justice and Peace to all Beings.

The Mystery of the Cross by Alfonso del Rosario

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