The Miracle of Curing Us, by Fernando Callejón

  • 2013

At some point in our life, perhaps not everyone, but most do, we suffer from an illness.

The concept we have about her is not a thought anymore. It is a belief, that of being possessed by a force that does not belong to us and that attacks us. While this belief is universal, not everyone lives in the same way.

In the West, it has been reinforced by the presence of a medical system that has obtained great power that has collectively legalized it.

We can say that disease is an invention. Like electric light. The light always existed but what the man did was to be able to handle it and that gave him power. Organic or emotional discomfort always existed but what medicine did was classify it and that gave it power.

The belief about the disease is not only that of a force that attacks us but that from that classification, it is that of a force that a group of people (medical scientists) can master. Or at least it has a knowledge about it and can influence its evolution. This influence has grown disproportionately in relation to knowledge.

Currently the so-called diseases are greatly influenced by medical action without there being a knowledge that logically supports that influence. It acts on them knowing very little about the origin of the disease and much less about the meaning of the disease.

Think of a simple cold. It is attributed to a virus but it is not fought against him but the cold. It is about aborting. Antihistamines are used to reduce secretions and often antibiotics because they talk about bacterial allergies or infectious complications that are impossible to verify.

This methodology that influences the course of the disease is based on the same theory that holds that the sun revolves around the earth; the superficial observation of a phenomenon without asking anything about the characteristics of the object on which the phenomenon acts.

If physics depended on doctors, today we would continue to believe that in the morning the sun is in the east because in the afternoon it revolved around us.

Think of a tumor. A piece of meat left over. The medical methods that influence their destiny are based on the same theory of superficial observation and absence of questions about the characteristics of the sick subject. The piece of meat is over and must be removed. If it is not possible with surgery, it is devastated with drugs or radiation.

Physicists do not handle medicine and doctors end up believing that an MRI is a deep observation. The phenomenon is still observed and not the nature or the sense of the phenomenon.

So there are now two beliefs: discomfort is a force that comes from outside and you can influence that force with a knowledge that is called scientific.

Let's go back to the cold. Let us think that perhaps it is not a virus that produces it (external force) but that it is one of the ways that the organism has to discharge itself from a tension that has accumulated too much time. There is no external force. The viruses were already there and one is not spread from anyone but it is they who command this way of downloading. This does not mean that there are no viruses foreign to the body and it tries to reject them because it does not recognize them. Viruses are chains of information and if they bring strange and unrecognizable information, the body refuses to accept it and rejection of it occurs.

But this is not what happens in a common cold. There are territorial problems and the mucous membranes swell to clog the nostrils and not breathe the same air as the enemy. The bronchi expel mucus to spit the invader. Muscles hurt to withdraw from the fight. And there viruses are excellent collaborators to generate this inflammatory state that although it is annoying, it makes the living being isolated and recovers its well-being.

Medicine instead of understanding this, attacks the symptoms so that the subject returns to the production chain as soon as possible. Doctors behave as allies of a power that demands productivity without being interested in the true recovery of the sick body. The paradigm of the external agent as the always present cause of the disease serves the same purposes. If there is an external agent there must be a power that can fight it. And that power is scientific medicine.

Perhaps if this had been there, we would hope to get out of that trap. But unfortunately, the influence of medical action without a logical knowledge that sustains it, generated so many new empty knowledge, that we are trapped in a network that feeds on other disciplines and other knowledge. Religion, philosophy, psychology, bring new knowledge to this endless belief of the disease as an external force and to the existence of a group that has a knowledge about it.

We listen to concepts that seem valuable: -We must accept the disease if we are going to fight against it.- -The disease is powerful but health is more powerful-. -Health is the silence of the organs. -The disease is an evil that we must know how to fight. Who could deny the value of these phrases? However, they are of no use. They are knowledge that are based on an empty belief. And not because you can't defend that belief. But because it doesn't work anymore.

In this context, they have taken away our freedom to choose. In the history of mankind, there were always sides, Romans and Greeks, Arabs and Spaniards, good and bad, perverse and normal, Nazis and Jews. The human being could choose, even when that option was wrong. Now it is impossible to choose since it is about us or viruses, invisible enemies that destroy everyone, without exception.

World health organizations warn that future pandemics are inevitable and make maps with increasingly intense and dark colors. Humanity all faces the invisible enemy and there is no choice. For the first time, in hundreds of years, it is becoming aware that it is not the earth that is in danger but this species that has been believed exceptional and that now comes to find out that its disappearance It is possible.

The genesis of Ad n and Eva no longer calms the fears of a species that has invented the concept of disease and now the concept itself is sweeping it. The external force that comes to destroy us greatly exceeds the authorized knowledge of the group of people who fight it. The concept escaped from the hands and has a life of its own. People no longer die of the disease but of the fear that the invented concept generates. Fear does not give time for disease to act and kill us as it creates a deadly reality by itself.

This is what the story suffers: -A wise man sitting on the top of a mountain, sees a shadow pass and asks: Who are you? The shadow answers - I am the plague. Where are you going? -To kill a thousand people in that town. Well, go and kill. A few days later, the wise man meets a man and asks him where are you from? I flee from that town that has been attacked by the plague and killed thirty thousand people- Well, go and run away. A few hours later, the shadow passes again and the wise man stops it. Hey you, you cheated on me, you said you would kill a thousand people and you killed thirty thousand. Why? The plague responds- It's not true, I only killed a thousand people, the rest, died of fear.-

As a doctor I have witnessed many times the phenomenon of a person who in full health and by casual findings (routine tests or a doctor too inquisitor) has been diagnosed with a tumor in h Gado, lung or breast. Within a few days of that finding, the state of health had worsened dramatically. I have seen some people die shortly after diagnosis. That is fear, it is not cancer. That is the concept that has escaped the group of scientists who have the supposed knowledge of the disease. And that concept has overflowed and created an autonomous reality among other things, because it has been collectivized. It has become popular knowledge.

Who has not heard any of the following phrases? - Pancreatic cancer, when you are diagnosed it is already too late; -the chemotherapy kills you the bad cells but also the good ones-; -I know I'm going to die, what I don't want is to suffer-; -I never met anyone to be saved-; -the disease advances-; -You have to do something- and so many others.

Collective knowledge about the disease does not differ much from the knowledge of doctors, many of whom would never do (and say it publicly) the treatment they indicate to patients. Many voices are currently heard that question this concept of the disease but most of the time they are ignored, repressed or misrepresented.

It is in this context that we must stop thinking about new instruments against the disease to start thinking about a new concept of the disease.

Billions of dollars are spent on researching and producing drugs that are increasingly harmful to the health of mankind, and variants of the same disease that do not respond to these drugs or the so-called new diseases on which you do not even have drugs do not stop appearing. Some drug to experiment with.

Science is lost and acts without logic. Just try to get rid of an immediate problem without thinking about the future implications of its behavior. It does not interact with the rest of society that looks aggravated at the injustice of the power of which it participates. The government that invests two hundred billion dollars annually in pharmaceutical products is the same one that spends three million dollars per minute on weapons, while leaving fifteen children to starve in that same amount of time. Medical science uses the same budget stained with blood and injustice. And in that confusion he treats viruses with the same philosophy of government that sustains them: he uses deadly weapons.

It is precisely that new concept of the disease, which will allow us to leave the quagmire in which the old concept has put us. If we fight against the disease, we fight against the message that seeks to cure us. When a woman notices a lump in her breast, she must stop all activity and wonder what that lump comes to tell her. And if you don't know, you should turn to someone to help you interpret that message. You should not run away in search of that character who holds a knowledge about the disease because that crystallizes it in the old concept. And from there, you can only expect a war to settle in your body. And the bulk did not come to declare war but to avoid it. And it is not that you should do nothing or cure yourself psychologically. You must install peace in your life because the bulk is demanding it. And that is not little but it is much more than what medicine intends with its old concept of installing a war between that woman's body and - that woman's body.

The holders of knowledge about the disease will be scandalized at such a proposal. -There is no time to lose!; If we don't act now, your life is in danger! - And they will start citing statistics not only fraudulent but frightening. Some will choose to talk about the advances of science and will quote us with absolute seriousness, monoclonal antibodies, hybridomas and the fusion between B lymphocytes and tumors. They sound proud to know so much. And it is an empty knowledge because it is effective against the only message that seeks to cure us. But it is also a corrupt knowledge, mounted in the blood of millions of human beings, who instead of saving their lives, lose them permanently.

It is not a struggle between those who know and those who do not know. It is a struggle between two concepts; that of a humanity that destroys itself and that of a humanity that intends to survive.

The woman of the breast lump should choose and opt for chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery and thus continue to fan the old concept that is destroying us or she can make a real change in her life and stop suffering for her daughter who ignores her or for her Husband who does not love. In that change, he will have understood the message of that bulge that comes to tell him: -Don't put your chest anymore !; Stop being a mother and accept being a woman !; Free yourself from that man you don't love! "" But who gives me the assurance that the lump will not grow or that his cells will go to my brain or my bones? "The woman involved in the scientific information will say but to the Once in the reality of meeting so many people who follow that path. -No one-answers-absolutely nobody.

From the old concept (disease as a force that destroys us), you will be cited statistics on what could happen if you do not do what the group that knows tells you to do. From the new concept (the disease as a message to survive), you will be asked for confidence that if you make the changes you must make, it will be cured. The option does not seem very interesting.

Thus, most people choose to try to do both or part of them or almost none of them. Or what happens frequently, opt for the old concept and when you no longer get an answer from it, you turn to the new concept. How scary!

Philosophically, any of these options violates one of the principles on which reality is founded, that of non-contradiction: -One thing cannot be and cannot be at the same time-. Interestingly, a good part of the doctors of the old concept are supporting these options as if they collaborate with the patient's health.

However, that is the reality. The psychotherapist Mario Litmanovich says clearly - We need doctors without fear !; That is the only way out of the quagmire. I also believe that we need patients without fear.

It is from this place that we propose the miracle of healing. Miracle comes from Latin and its origin is to be amazed. Healing comes from care. That is what it is about. The astonishment of taking care of ourselves. To protect ourselves, not to be alone and feel fear. There appears the astonishment. We are all intertwined and we are humanity. We are not the sick patient. We are sick humanity. And then care appears. The need to treat us as souls, not as shells.

The German doctor Hamer repeated in his seminars a presentation that always culminated with a phrase: "We need doctors with warm hands to make medicine a sacred act." There was the center of his proposal. Sacred is always cited as originated in sacrificing but the sacre is a bird of prey. And so the hawk was called in ancient times. A sacred bird whose twisted nails allow it to survive until it matures and become useless. There you must make the decision to tear them off with the beak if you intend to survive. If he does, he lives a new life, a new opportunity to be young and sacred.

The miracle of healing is that. Born again outside our roles and perceive ourselves as souls that relate to souls. Stop being children, husbands, mothers, fathers, doctors, lawyers, successful, unsuccessful or perverse. And reborn as souls with bodies that are used, not neglected. For this, we are here. Not to discover vaccines but to become aware of who we are and where we are going.

Author: Fernando Callejón

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