The Lunar Messenger, Full Moon of Capricorn 2011

  • 2011

The Lunar Messenger Full Moon of Sagittarius 2011 astrosign

Signs of Transformation 6: The Upper Heart Center

With the winter solstice on the Capricorn earth sign, the annual ascending arc of the Sun begins. The energies of the Sun help us in the step towards liberating ourselves more easily from matter and ascending towards the spirit. On the ascending path of the soul, Capricorn rules the upper center of eight petals of the heart, which is not known in the normal teachings of yoga. This center is very important for spiritual purposes. That is why the theme of this month's Lunar Messenger is: "Signs of Transformation 6: The Upper Heart Center."

The Ocean of Existence

The entire creation is a great drama in which all forms are externalized, exist for a certain time and dissolve again. The Vedic seers visualized the phenomenon of creation activity as a large coiled snake moving in the ocean of existence, surrounded by millions and millions of undulations. Everything is brought by the serpent of time from the subtlest to the densest planes, and also devoured again in IT. Existence, however, is eternal, inside and outside of creation, just as we also exist during day and night.

The scriptures say poetically that all the time Mr. Narayana is resting in a bed of snakes. The Sesha snake holds 1000 hoods over it. This key number means that the One (1) permeates the three planes (000). Sesha means, "What remains." It means what will remain when everything is dissolved again; and it is also the first that opens the door again to a new creation. Future creation is symbolically represented by a lotus, a sphere that leaves a point called the navel of Lord Narayana.

Narayana is the universal consciousness. He is also called the Master of the Universe. Its name denotes the upward and downward movement of the etheric waters of space. It is a cyclic movement in nature and in us through which spiritual energies descend into matter and matter ascends back into the spirit. Narayana represents pure existence, which is revealed to everything that exists in creation.

The Connection with the Origin

There is a place in us that represents the embodiment of pure existence and is related to the point of emergency; Yes, it is our connection with the origin. It is the upper center of the heart that is also called the Narayana center or the eight-petal lotus. This is the spiritual center in us; It is located between the throat and the center of twelve heart petals generally known as Anahata located in the center or in the chest. The upper center of the heart is not only superior because of its location but also in the sense that it is more subtle. It is said that we experience bliss in the heart, but that happiness in the upper center of the heart is 100 times stronger.

This sacred center is not known for normal yoga. Its secret is very difficult to understand and is only revealed to the highest initiates. The source of all existence, however, also exists in us as the unknown center that makes us wake up every morning. Just as creation receives the impulse to start from the innermost part of being, this innermost being evokes our conscience every morning, makes us experience the day and reabsorbs us in sleep at night.

On the way up, the seat of Capricorn is in the upper center of the heart, while in general astrology it is related to the knees. Esoteric astrology, however, tells us that from Sagittarius onwards, the ascending path leads through the upper base center, the upper heart center, the upper ajna center to the jewel in the 1000-petal lotus from the center of the head . From the center of the head the soul descends to incarnate according to time and the Plan. During the waking hours its headquarters are in the Ajna center, during sleep it retires to the upper center of the heart while the lower center of the heart is the seat of Buddhi. Capricorn is the beginning of the year, the Dawn contains everything in power, day and night and so also Lord Narayana. This one is worshiped in the eight-petal lotus with the eight-syllable mantra OM NAMO NARAYANAYA. The intonation of this mantra creates the link with the upper center of the heart.

Samadhi State

The Narayana center is the seat of the state of Samadhi the eighth step and the goal of Patanjali. In the Vishnu Purana of 5000 years it is said that in Samadhi "a teacher is sleeping and at the same time is not sleeping." He sleeps only latently, just as fire is dormantly contained in a wooden stick without being visible. Thus the eyes of a Master of Wisdom are only partially closed, they are open by 10 percent, they are closed by 90 percent. In Samadhi we retreat in the upper center of the heart where we exist only as IT. At any other time the soul is active, even when it remains in Sahasrara.

The state of Samadhi in the lotus of eight petals represents the eighth plane that goes beyond the seven planes of creation. But also at the highest of the seven planes, the seventh sub-plane of the seventh plane, is called the Narayana or Vaikuntha plane, the cosmic sub-plane of the Cosmic awareness These descriptions can only be expressed in words with great difficulty. Vaikuntha literally means the plane that excludes imperfection.

The eighth plane is there, it is also called the GO plane, the energy of J piter, Christ or Krishna, the basis of our existence. The CVV Master also descended from there. Jesus Christ spoke of him when he said: `` I will rise and go to my Father. ''

In the Secret Doctrine, the first eight verses of Dzyan's book describe this state from a cosmic perspective. To rise to higher states of consciousness, it is recommended to read this stanza daily before bedtime and sing the OM NAMO NARAYANAYA mantra. It is said that the rulers of all planes of existence sing this mantram to remain in tune with the divine plan, whatever happens in the creation.

The Gayatri mantram with 24 syllables is composed of the same key number (3 times 8). The 24-syllable Vayan Gayatri also allows you to connect with the Narayana center: NARAYANAYA VIDMAHE VASUDEVAYA DHIMAHI TANNO VISHNU PRACHODAYAT. This means that we meditate on Vasudeva, the last inhabitant Lord of the Universe, to perform (vidmahe) Narayana (Absolute God) and to be alerted to Vishn (God as form). The mantra is sung in multiples of eight, invoking the deep blue color and its violet variation in the upper center of the heart. The geometric figure of this mantra is the symbol of perfection (the sign of the WTT).

The Door to Higher Life

Blue represents the perfect man; God's manifestations happen through a blue uric envelope that seals man in the heart. Especially in the month of Capricorn we should connect with the upper plane of the heart in meditation. This does not happen by itself, we have to do something for it. Morning and evening prayers seek to observe the One in all. We offer ourselves to him and see what happens. Prayer is the offering; Then the rest happens without us.

On the full moon of Cancer and Capricorn, the Sun and the Moon face each other. In us they meet in the full moon of Capricorn in the upper center of the heart, when the Sun is in the upper heart and the Moon in the Anahata center. Thus, solar and lunar energies are very close to each other. We must feel this closeness, visualize the light of the Sun and the Moon in us and withdraw if possible from external activities to the interior.

The Vedic seers conceived the creation in layers and the division of greater scope is the triple existence of the matter, force and conscience. These planes of existence are symbolically called "Vishnu", "Vasudeva" and "Narayana". Vishnu is everything that appears in form, color, number, etc., the light that penetrates the entire creation. Vasudeva is the center of the inner inhabitant of all units of consciousness; It is based in us in the twelve petal lotus. And Narayana is the Lord of the eight-petal lotus, the unique background of all units of consciousness, the synthesis of existence.

To reach the state of existence and be absorbed by it we must observe in us the inhalation and exhalation. Then we experience that it is not us, but the Narayana consciousness who inhales and exhales. The moment we are aware of Him, we are connected to Him. Through this center we are connected with the whole world as "I AM in the whole world." In that moment everything is One. Thus, the link with the Hierarchy also occurs through the upper center of the heart. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, guides us first through strict discipline; then it takes us beyond the conditions. Therefore, Capricorn represents the door to the higher life, and the entrance leads through the heart.

Sources: KP Kumar: Mantras. Its Meaning and Practice / Seminar notes. E. Krishnamacharya: Vishnu Sahasranama. The World Teacher Trust / Editions Dhanishta Spain. ( they exist for a certain time and dissolve again. The Vedic seers visualized the phenomenon of creation activity as a large coiled snake moving in the ocean of existence, surrounded by millions and millions of undulations. Everything is brought by the serpent of time from the subtlest to the densest planes, and also devoured again in IT. Existence, however, is eternal, inside and outside of creation, just as we also exist during day and night.

The scriptures say poetically that all the time Mr. Narayana is resting in a bed of snakes. The Sesha snake holds 1000 hoods over it. This key number means that the One (1) permeates the three planes (000). Sesha means, "What remains." It means what will remain when everything is dissolved again; and it is also the first that opens the door again to a new creation. Future creation is symbolically represented by a lotus, a sphere that leaves a point called the navel of Lord Narayana.

Narayana is the universal consciousness. He is also called the Master of the Universe. Its name denotes the upward and downward movement of the etheric waters of space. It is a cyclic movement in nature and in us through which spiritual energies descend into matter and matter ascends back into the spirit. Narayana represents pure existence, which is revealed to everything that exists in creation.

The Connection with the Origin

There is a place in us that represents the embodiment of pure existence and is related to the point of emergency; Yes, it is our connection with the origin. It is the upper center of the heart that is also called the Narayana center or the eight-petal lotus. This is the spiritual center in us; It is located between the throat and the center of twelve heart petals generally known as Anahata located in the center or in the chest. The upper center of the heart is not only superior because of its location but also in the sense that it is more subtle. It is said that we experience bliss in the heart, but that happiness in the upper center of the heart is 100 times stronger.

This sacred center is not known for normal yoga. Its secret is very difficult to understand and is only revealed to the highest initiates. The source of all existence, however, also exists in us as the unknown center that makes us wake up every morning. Just as creation receives the impulse to start from the innermost part of being, this innermost being evokes our conscience every morning, makes us experience the day and reabsorbs us in sleep at night.

On the way up, the seat of Capricorn is in the upper center of the heart, while in general astrology it is related to the knees. Esoteric astrology, however, tells us that from Sagittarius onwards, the ascending path leads through the upper base center, the upper heart center, the upper ajna center to the jewel in the 1000-petal lotus from the center of the head . From the center of the head the soul descends to incarnate according to time and the Plan. During the waking hours its headquarters are in the Ajna center, during sleep it retires to the upper center of the heart while the lower center of the heart is the seat of Buddhi. Capricorn is the beginning of the year, the Dawn contains everything in power, day and night and so also Lord Narayana. This one is worshiped in the eight-petal lotus with the eight-syllable mantra OM NAMO NARAYANAYA. The intonation of this mantra creates the link with the upper center of the heart.

Samadhi State

The Narayana center is the seat of the state of Samadhi the eighth step and the goal of Patanjali. In the Vishnu Purana of 5000 years it is said that in Samadhi "a teacher is sleeping and at the same time is not sleeping." He sleeps only latently, just as fire is dormantly contained in a wooden stick without being visible. Thus the eyes of a Master of Wisdom are only partially closed, they are open by 10 percent, they are closed by 90 percent. In Samadhi we retreat in the upper center of the heart where we exist only as IT. At any other time the soul is active, even when it remains in Sahasrara.

Samadhi's state in the eight-petal lotus represents the eighth plane that goes beyond the seven planes of creation. But also the highest of the seven planes, the seventh sub-plane of the seventh plane, is called the Narayana or Vaikuntha plane, the cosmic sub-plane of cosmic consciousness. These descriptions can only be expressed in words with great difficulty. Vaikuntha literally means the plane that excludes imperfection.

The eighth plane is beyond, it is also called the plane of GO, of the energy of Jupiter, of Christ or Krishna, the basis of our existence. The CVV Master also descended from there. Jesus Christ spoke of him when he said: "I will rise and go to my Father."

In the Secret Doctrine, the first eight verses of Dzyan's book describe this state from a cosmic perspective. To rise to higher states of consciousness, it is recommended to read this stanza daily before bedtime and sing the OM NAMO NARAYANAYA mantra. It is said that the rulers of all planes of existence sing this mantram to remain in tune with the divine plan, whatever happens in creation.

The Gayatri mantram with 24 syllables is composed of the same key number (3 times 8). The 24-syllable Vishnu Gayatri also allows you to connect with the Narayana center: NARAYANAYA VIDMAHE VASUDEVAYA DHIMAHI TANNO VISHNU PRACHODAYAT. This means that, we meditate on Vasudeva, the intimate inhabitant Lord of the Universe, to perform (vidmahe) Narayana (Absolute God) and to be alerted to Vishnu (God as form). The mantra is sung in multiples of eight, invoking the deep blue color and its variation to violet in the upper center of the heart. The geometric figure of this mantra is the symbol of perfection (the sign of the WTT).

The Door to Higher Life

Blue represents the perfect man; The manifestations of God happen through a blue auric wrap that seals man in the heart. Especially in the month of Capricorn we should connect with the upper plane of the heart in meditation. This does not happen by itself, we have to do something for it. The morning and evening prayers seek to observe the One in all. We offer ourselves to Him and see what happens. Prayer is the offering; Then the rest happens without us.

On the full moon of Cancer and Capricorn, the Sun and the Moon face each other. In us they gather on the full moon of Capricorn in the upper center of the heart, when the Sun is in the upper heart and the Moon in the Anahata center. Thus, solar and lunar energies are very close to each other. We must feel this closeness, visualize the light of the Sun and the Moon in us and withdraw if possible from external activities to the interior.

The Vedic seers conceived creation in layers and the division of greater scope is the triple existence of matter, force and consciousness. These planes of existence are symbolically called "Vishnu", "Vasudeva" and "Narayana". Vishnu is everything that appears in form, color, number, etc., the light that penetrates the entire creation. Vasudeva is the center of the inner inhabitant of all units of consciousness; It is based in us in the twelve petal lotus. And Narayana is the Lord of the eight-petal lotus, the unique background of all units of consciousness, the synthesis of existence.

To reach the state of existence and be absorbed by it we must observe in us the inhalation and exhalation. Then we experience that it is not us, but the Narayana consciousness who inhales and exhales. The moment we are aware of him, we are connected to him. Through this center we are connected with the whole world as `` I AM in the whole world. '' In that moment everything is One. Thus, the link with the Hierarchy also occurs through the upper center of the heart. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, first guided us through strict discipline; then it takes us beyond the conditions. Therefore, Capricorn represents the door to the higher life, and the entrance leads through the heart.

Sources: KP Kumar: Mantras. Its Meaning and Practice / Seminar notes. E. Krishnamacharya: Vishnu Sahasranama. The World Teacher Trust / Editions Dhanishta Spain. (


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