The Lunar Messenger: "The Wind of Aquarius 11: The Current of Life

  • 2011

Taurus Full Moon 2011 astrosign

Introduction: In Taurus, an earth sign, the Earth receives energies that descend from upper circles to fertilize all life on our planet. On the full moon of Taurus, the Spiritual Hierarchy meets in the Vaisakh Valley in the Himalayas to receive and distribute it throughout the planet. We can experience this flow of fresh and invigorating energy when we prepare well and tune in to the event. When we think of the energy of this current, we are already connected with it. That is why the theme of this month's Lunar Messenger is "Wind of Aquarius 11: The Current of Life."

The Double Movement

All that exists is a flow in the river of existence. This current emerges from a source as an incessant flow and is poured into creation with immeasurable speed. In the East, this current of the Divine Word emerging forward from the Mother of the World is called Sarasvathi. Sarasvathi's hymn says, “Great is the speed of the Word that flows down. The swans leave eternally from there. Contemplate on the sound of the flow. Stay united with this sound. ”

Sarasvathi is symbolically represented as a white-dressed deity holding a seven-string instrument in her hands and sitting on a swan. This is a simple but profound example of the truth that the Divine Word rules over pulsation and on seven planes manifests creation. The flow happens as a double movement, from the inside out, and from the outside in. It is the pulsation of creation as expansion and contraction; In us is the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation. The sound of the fluid movement of the breath is described as HAM-SA, which means swan in Sanskrit. The repeated rhythm leads from HAMSA to the SAHA-AHAM sound, "ESE SOY YO", which finally transforms into the murmur of the OM sound.

When our minds are agitated, we lack our breath and the currents of life are disturbed. By regularly observing the rhythm of the breath, the agitated and gossiping mind gradually becomes quieter. The number of breaths is reduced and we are increasingly inside, in the cave of the heart. While we inhale, we can consciously go inside from the tip of the nose. The outward flow throws us out again with the next exhalation. Again and again, we go inside with conscious breathing, to integrate with the inner man. In an advanced stage, when the mind and the breath are consciously united, we realize that both the mind and the breath are the channels that flow outward from the current one of existence.

Double movement is the cause of the two energy currents that flow from the primary source in two opposite directions. A current leads in us the activity of life, the other, the activity of consciousness. The seat of life is located in the heart. The seat of consciousness is in the head, but it is also connected to the center of the heart that is the meeting place of both currents. The channel for the flow of life is called the golden thread of life; to the other, the silver thread of consciousness. The energy of our consciousness flows out with the mind through the five senses in hundreds of directions. Through the senses and sexuality, energy continues to drain into objectivity. If we don't connect with the internal source we feel dry, dumb and weak.

Emission of Light, Love and Strength

In the same way that the water of the dam is used for the cultivation of the fields, the regulation of the senses and the sexuality helps us to use the current of life for the upward movement. When the energies rise due to convergence, they rise to the center of the throat and even beyond, to the center between the eyebrows. As soon as the two-petalled lotus eye is formed, there a luminous liquid of grace descends from the pineal gland, allowing marriage between the divine man and the earthly man.

We can visualize that we sit on the pulsating principle of the heart and see the head as a sphere of light. Light is poured down from the center of the head through a pillar through the throat to our seat in the heart. Then we can imagine how, with the help of a deep breath, we slowly move up to the point where we experience the soul in the eye in the front. In contemplation we see that a lotus opens from the eyebrows upwards, the nose forms the stem of the lotus and the eyebrows, the bipartite leaves. We see the front and top of the heart as a ball of light inside this lotus. Like a well cut diamond, the lotus has 100 dimensions and emits radiant light. We can connect with the deposit of Light and Love so that each prayer and contemplation fills us with Light and Love. Particularly, when we say the Great Invocation and visualize the flow of Light, Love and Force, we allow the energies to flow to a greater extent. However, however, we have to distribute these energies, and not only with thought or word, but with action. Only when we create an exit can the input continue to flow; no output stops the influx.

When we have nothing to give, we can at least communicate hope, good words and a positive attitude. By supporting other people to solve their difficulties we create positive currents in us. They flow from our hearts and transform into healing thoughts. Healing establishes the free flow of vital energy. Healing flows are not generated by ourselves, but we receive them through planetary intelligence. They originate on planets and especially in the sun. Through the sun's rays they reach the optical plane and through the oxygen to the etheric plane. The current of cosmic love is received on the planet from Sirius, and descends through the Blue Mountains to a sacred center in the Himalayas. When we think of this ashram, at that moment we are already linked with it.

Eliminating Obstacles

Even when the energies flow constantly, the current can only flow to us when the channel is good. When we have deposits in our system, the flow of life ceases. In each plane we must observe purification. On the physical level, in addition to cleaning the body, cleaning the tongue in the morning and defecating are as important as taking a shower. To eliminate emotional and mental blockages, knowledge and related action are needed. Meditation and prayer create changes in body structure in a subtle way to eliminate blockages and so that the current can be distributed throughout the system. We can support this by traveling mentally throughout the body, making sure that we feel comfortable and that the body feels good from the head to the toes. And also that there are no blockages in our mental attitudes. If the behavior of others does not correspond to our opinion of what is correct behavior, we do not tolerate it and there is a blockage in us. Expectations also form barriers. For a good flow of energy we must dissolve our concepts and float on errors or attitudes different from others. When we have compassion, love flows and harmonizes the other. Love is an event and not an action. If we find ourselves from soul to soul, love flows automatically.

Obstacles are our own productions; They only exist in us, not outside. Internal disorders are shown as external obstructions. In order to overcome obstacles in the external world, our mental patterns have to be restructured. Some people have the idea that they solve for themselves. Others, however, bring ideas that cause headaches and in which, with the first step, you stumble against a wall. The right thought that comes at the wrong time and does not run correctly also obstructs the current. When we have the right thought at the right time, the current flows without hindrance. J piter has the key to this; His cosmic lord is Ganesha. When we worship its form through the sound of GAM, a restructuring occurs through the flow of energy. This sound is recommended to all who want to clear their minds. It is also very useful to align with the Master and transfer the work of purification to him.

Dance of Life

To dissolve blockages it is suggested to live with others. Where there is a good understanding among people, energies flow. Communication allows cooperation and gives the community experience. The Hierarchy has imagined dance groups to dissolve inflexibility and rooted patterns. You dance in community so that everyone connects with the flow. The more the ego dissolves, the more we connect with the dance of life and can receive abundant energy. The influx of energy into us is from the super-soul and personality ceases to be a barrier. Connected firmly with the super-soul we place ourselves in the continuous flow of life.

Sources: KP Kumar: The Aquarian Cross / Seminar notes. - E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Psychology. The World Teacher Trust / Dhanishta Spain Editions (

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