The doctor is not the one who cures but the one who teaches a healthy way of life

  • 2015

Karmelo Bizkarra will not miss in BioCultura. He is a doctor, specialist in Hygienist Medicine and Nutrition and has extensive experience in the practice of Integrative-Complementary Medicines since 1980. Trained in spagyric medicine, he is also a Master in Homeospagiric Medicine from the Camilo José Cela University. With your resume, we would never end. The fact is that it will be at BioCultura Bilbao, on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 October, in the Auditorium 1. Its presence in the fair always causes absolute fullness.

-How would you define yourself as a doctor?

-The word doctor comes from the Latin docere, which means teaching, where the teacher comes from, the one who teaches. The doctor is not the one who cures but the one who teaches a healthy way of life and should accompany the person while he or she displays all his or her great potential: physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual. The doctor of the future instead of entertaining himself in eliminating the symptoms of the disease will be the one who puts the sick person (or the healthy person) in contact with their own self-healing abilities, motivating them with the factors that favor health and life.


-Why is our society so sick?

-In general, we have a way of life that is far from natural rhythms and cycles, favoring competitiveness, forgetting that nature and life is especially based on cooperation. People who live in this society, badly called welfare, often show a lack of coherence, between what we think, feel and do. And the disease begins when we stop being ourselves to be what others expect us to be. Besides the fear of the future, of running out of work, what they will say, of expressing what I feel… they are the first cause and origin of illness. And fear is spread, and cancels out.

- Is the iatrogenic pandemic as serious as it seems?

-Itrogeny, from the Greek iatros (doctor) and genesis (originate or create). Indicates the medical act (diagnosis, prescription of medication or surgery) that causes or causes damage, regardless of the disease. This primary effect, not secondary or collateral, of the medical act is frequent when we put the action of fighting the disease by forceful means. Current medicine or the so-called Health Sciences (pending development) should firstly favor the application of Health Factors, including food and fasting. If that does not work, effective remedies and medicines could be applied in the form of plants, plant extracts, homeopathy, anthroposophical and spagyric medicine or acupuncture. Whose risk of destabilizing the human organism is much lower than chemical pharmacological methods.


- Are we going towards an integrative medicine?

-We should. Primary care centers should act a bit like health schools, and school children should learn to take care of themselves to heal. In Europe, countries such as Germany and Switzerland have integrated techniques such as naturopathic medicine, homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine and acupuncture into their health system. Hopefully in the future health Europe will not extend only from the Pyrenees up.

-What is the healthiest and most healing diet?

-It is the food that, without taking so much into account the calories of the food, since this is an index of quantity, it focuses especially on its quality, especially advisable are natural foods: fruits, salads, vegetables, nuts, cereals integrals and a certain amount of legumes, and in this order. With small amounts of dairy or eggs if you want. The healthiest foods are those that are not refined or industrialized, which have collected all the energy from the earth, water, air and sun. Colored foods that provide concentrated natural antioxidant pigments or "anti-aging" substances.


-Why are your conferences at BioCultura so successful?

-It may be that, by giving a talk, I transmit from my experience and experience, and try to awaken latent healing abilities in those who listen to me. I think that we do not transmit what we know but what we live. All this with an important ingredient, humor, which helps us laugh and not take life too seriously.

-Most of our diseases are due to environmental reasons?

-The causes of the disease are individual (physical and psycho-emotional causes), family, work, social, cultural and environmental. Of course, if we do not take care of our surroundings, we suffer because we depend on the food that the earth gives us, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the sun we drink.


-What do you think conventional doctors say about hygienism?

-There are many doctors who agree with a way of life and healthy eating, but in the medical school there are no subjects that deepen this idea and doctors do not incorporate it Nor in their way of life. That is why they do not transmit it to their patients. What seems strange and even dangerous is the practice of fasting in the face of illness, when in fact fasting is a forgotten path to health, which children and animals practice when they are at their own instinct. They are sick. In addition, many cultures incorporate fasting in their rites and life cycles. In Nafarroa-Navarra, when someone is sick, they are recommended caldico and stillness . In short, the hygienist proposal is to take care of ourselves to cure ourselves.

AUTHOR: Unknown


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