Karma and Permanent Atoms by Alfonso del Rosario

  • 2012

The Kybalion says:

"Every Cause has its Effect."

"Every Effect has a Cause."

In the same way that the Law of Gravity makes it possible for galaxies and solar systems to remain in a perfect state of orbital equilibrium, the Law of Karma or Law of Cause and Effect acts and expresses itself in the Universe in a similar way, generating continuous actions and reactions necessary to reach a state of vibrant and harmonious balance in any environment where this law acts. Karma always responds to any type of activity, whatever the nature and whatever the original cause, call yourself god, man, or planet.

The equivalent to this Law of Karma or of Cause and Effect in the scientific field, is known as "Principle of Causality", a premise that science uses to verify the correct results of tests and trials of laboratory, based on the fact that the same environments and conditions that occur as causes, always generate the same effects. Already in the ancient world, mainly among Greek philosophers, the principle of causality had great relevance, since:

... the idea of ​​"Cause" always provoked a great number of debates since the first philosophical attempts ... Aristotle concludes in the book of Analytical Seconds, how the human mind comes to know the basic truths or primary premises ... getting to affirm, that Know The nature of a thing is to know why it is? and therefore, … we possess Scientific Knowledge of a thing only when we know its Cause ”… (Wikipedia)

Everything we do not only influences ourselves, but also everything that surrounds us, on all levels and levels of reality. This can be seen today if we observe how the abuse sustained by our civilization towards the environment, pollutes and destroys ecosystems through the overexploitation and selfish use of natural resources, triggering global warming of the planet and in turn originating everything type of problems and negative effects for both our health and the health of the planet. Karma's action always tries to recompose the balance of nature that we are altering with our vision and proceed self-centered, resulting in earthquakes, torrential rains, floods, desertification, volcanic eruptions, etc., involving in this planetary rebalancing to all of nature, to the human kingdom and to the most subtle ethers that envelop and interpenetrate our world and all the consciences that live and unfold within it. The Great Cosmic Architects, the Logos or Gods, are not free from the action of karma. We are all subject and conditioned by this law that always acts at any time and circumstance.

Everything that exists is the result of a cause, of an action. It does not matter that this cause or action is spiritual, mental, emotional or physical. Any result is always followed by a result. In the event of any action, a reaction is always obtained. Any result or reaction originates and generates, in turn, more causes and in turn more results, more chains of causes and effects that are difficult to quantify and foresee in temporal space coordinates.

The appearance and functioning of the Universal Law, of Cause and Effect, is intimately linked at the same time of the Creation and Manifestation of the Universe, to the original sound and to the singular vibration n energy of unimaginable power and power that followed the pronouncement of the Divine Sacred OM, which resulted in the Big Bang and the expansion of Life throughout the Universe.

The Law of Karma is therefore a substantial part of Life that animates all beings, being for this reason the most important of the Laws that govern the Universe. Its objective is to seek and make effective that midpoint in the balance, which not only promotes order, balance and harmony within chaos and disorder, but also favors and gives the opportunity for the Universal Life manifests itself and evolves progressively in all the Planes and scopes of Reality, both of the Macrocosm and of the microcosm.

Karma logically conditions the life and evolution of man as he thinks, feels and desires, thus obtaining results in the short, medium and long term. The good or bad results, positive or negative, will depend on two factors that are always repeated in any volitional human situation, which are the `` intentionality '', selfish or altruistic, and the type of interest, personal or group. The internal essence of centralization or decentralization of consciousness in these two emotional aspects in man, intentionality and type of interest, trigger a whole series of events and situations that may favor or hinder his spiritual progress, both in an upward and expansive sense of his conscience, and in that of a situation of aesthetic and introspective illusion about immanent reality, which can prevent him from indefinitely his normal experiential process and evolutionary, both internally and transcendently, and externally at the level of personal relationship.

For karma to unfold and act with total impartiality and justice, so that equity and harmony always appear after any causal origin, they exist within the highest levels of reality of our planet, very high angelic entities of enigmatic and mysterious activity that some esoteric treaties call them Lipikas or Lord of Karma. These entities are the vigilantes, spokespersons and executors of this Law of Cause and Effect, whose mission is to make this law patent and reality, in all corners of our world, from the physical physical levels It is gross, ordinary, tangible and dense, even the most subtle, transcendent, sublime and spiritual, so that all consciences and entities have the opportunity to learn and evolve through the actions and reactions that they go or originate voluntarily or involuntarily each one of them.

As far as humanity and man are concerned, these celestial beings are the writers or amanuenses , who record and write down every word, thought or emotion and every action, that any of we perform at every moment of our lives, recording it with characters of fire in the Astral Light of the Planetary Ak sha. HPB refers to Ak sha by defining it:

... as the Great Gallery of paintings of Eternity, a faithful record of every action and every thought of man, of all that was, is or will be in the Phenomenal Universe ... Or as he continues to comment also in Isis Without Veil, saying that the Akásha is like "The Divine and Invisible Canvas of the Book of Life."

As the Occultism teaches, the Lipikas, are the agents of Karma, the greatest exponents and representatives of this Law of Retribution on our planet, who “weigh and evaluate” any type of human activity in the Balance of Harmony and Balance of Devachan, the place where souls go when they disembark, to provide them and provide them with the “mold” of the periodic vehicles that they will have in the next incarnation or existence.

We should not consider karma as something negative, but as a positive and sobering Law of Love and Justice, where neither reward nor punishments, where it is only limited to adjust the acts of any person with the Archetypal Patterns of our Souls, with the spiritual essence that accompanies us as an appreciated and incomparable treasure in our continuous pilgrimage of continuous lives and rebirths in the material worlds.

The innumerable actions and reactions of karma, weave a dense and mysterious network of causes and effects that encompass and unite each of us with the rest of Humanity and with the other kingdoms of nature and therefore with Earth itself, with Gaia This Global and Planetary Karma affects and affects the human being in different ways, through:

  • The family.
  • Of the Town, Region and Nation in which it is born or lives.
  • Of the social group with which he usually relates, labor, religious, etc.
  • Of the association or belonging (conscious or not) to a spiritual group or ashram of a Disciple or Master of the Planetary Hierarchy.

Global Karma, as you can see, behaves in each unit of life and consciousness, in each of us in a very complex way, establishing intricate and mysterious connections, which as a dense network, interrelates and integrates all human beings in the whole of humanity through a common Energy Aura, where we consciously or unconsciously share all kinds of energies, some, gross and ordinary and others subtly sublime, accompanied and stained all of them with thoughts, feelings and emotions of all kinds. The associative action of karma means that all beings are involved in the Great World Drama, that we all be equally protagonists, that we all be equally partners of the good and the bad that each of us contributes or denies to nature in general. . Therefore, it is not surprising that due to our unfortunate way of behaving, of frequently projecting negative energies, so many crises and social disorders appear in the world, so many inequalities and injustices of all kinds. We are all immersed and affected by energies of every sign that circulate constantly in all directions, throughout the Planetary Aura, affecting our already delicate and altered vehicles, generating all kinds of imbalances and disorders. We must therefore be very attentive in the current moments, be in an internal condition of serene expectation, of constant alertness, so that certain types of negative energies do not affect us and make us respond or act in an inappropriate way and not according to our normal way of seeing Life in its widest and spiritual dimension.

The present and future effects of Karma on man, both in relation to its interconnection with the external world that surrounds it, and in regard to its internal and energetic structure, have important and transcendent connotations difficult to understand in the current moments . The effects of this Law of Karma, in the constitution of subtle vehicles, could not be understood or conceived, without the action of important and specialized very subtle atoms, endowed with great energy potential, which in some esoteric treaties are called Permanent Atoms, suggestive and enigmatic atoms, which incarnation after incarnation collect all the experiences and memories of each Ego, of each reincarnating “I”, of everything that happened from the moment of his individualization as a man. These Permanent Atoms are the true architects of the integral and evolutionary development of the Human Being, which really and tangibly condition the structure, material composition and development of each of the periodic vehicles of manifestation of personality in each incarnation and those that will define the environment and family, work, social, national, racial, etc., in which the Ego is going to be involved in each and every one of its existences in the physical plane. These vibrant atoms, behave like magnetic centers, housed in some way in the energetic aura of the Atmic, Buddhic, Mental, Astral and Physical-Etheric bodies of each of us, interpenetrating each other according to their different atomic-molecular densities. The content and energetic sign of these atoms, vary in each moment, modifying and transmuting from moment to moment, according to daily experiences. Its effects affect both the present and future stocks, causing favorable conditions or impediments, in the projects and realizations of the dharma of each of us. The Permanent Atoms and Karma form an indissoluble set, both functioning as an intricate and mysterious internal melting pot, where the alchemical transmutation of the entire energy and biological structure of each human being is developed and performed.

These sensitive atoms, collect during all the physical life all the experiences, be they the type that are, good or bad, recomposing from moment to moment the bioenergetic and spiritual aura of each one of the subtle bodies, being towards these atoms, where they direct Lipikas, the Lords of World Karma, for the creation of the mold or model that each subtle body of experimentation will have in successive existences. Esoterically contemplated, it can be said that these atoms are like centers of magnetic and very sensitive and intelligent energies, endowed with an intense renewal activity of the atomic-molecular components of each human being.

These special atoms, are constituted by atomic essence of the highest level of each of the Planes of our Universe, of the most subtle etheric matter of each of these existential levels, having a great magnetic affinity with the Free Atoms of the Plane to which they belong and of those that are worth to extract their energetic components to build the Vehicles of Experimentation and Evolution of each being.

The Permanent Atoms, are those that receive the external impressions detected by the Vehicles and the Consciousness, in such a way, that the different types of energies that reach the vehicles, are processed by the Consciousness that is responsible for triggering the mechanisms of the respective response actions to be carried out in each of the corresponding Plans. The Quality or Qualities of the Energies that is capable of detecting and attracting Consciousness through its Vehicles, are transmitted to the Permanent Atoms that are responsible for renewing and transmuting the energy structures of each of the Vehicles of the Human Being. From the experience and interrelation between the impacts and responses to the different types of energies that support each of the vehicles in the course of evolution, they become, increasingly subtle and spiritual, more sensitive and responsive to an increasingly wide range of vibrant energies that consciousness can more and more perfectly record and store in its most intimate folds of its inner nature. Thus, in this way, the consciousness gradually expands more and more, getting to be increasingly sensitive, aware and broadening its Vision of Reality achieving a much deeper and more real Knowledge of the Universal Life of which we are part .

As a consequence of the multiple and diverse experiences that the Permanent Atoms receive in the form of vibrations, the generation of what could be termed as the Genetic-Spiritual Code of each Soul, similar to the DNA of the structure, is triggered in their internal structures. physics of man. These spiritual genes of each of the cyclic vehicles, are transformed and modified to each external impact, or of the internal response made by consciousness. In this sense, the Permanent Atoms respond with a process of updating the atomic-molecular composition of each of the periodic vehicles, eliminating and attracting their respective atomic nuclei, subject of related vibrating and energetic qualities located in each of the Planes and corresponding levels. This Genetic-Spiritual Code that each Permanent Atom has, becomes that “Spiritual Identification Card”, or Spiritual Identity Card, determined by the vital and transcendent constants and factors of Hidden Light, Color and Sound of each Monad, which makes of each Being, one, distinct and unrepeatable to the rest of Beings.

Any thought, feeling, inspiration, word or action, alter and update from instant to instant the genetic-spiritual codes of the Permanent Atoms, in such a way, that from moment to moment we are different and different from what we were just a few seconds or a few minutes ago. Our way of thinking about feeling and behaving in our daily lives, makes us constantly changing, transforming and evolving, without realizing it. This permanent Integral Transformation is fully incorporated in the M Mnad and at any stage of its evolution, always having the coordinates and parameters updated at any time so that in its cyclic appearance In the Lower Plans, you can continue to build the correct and appropriate Experimentation Vehicles, in which the limitations and potentialities that by the expression of this Law of Karma will have developed up to that moment of its present existence. Logically, it can be deduced, therefore, that in this Genetic-Spiritual Code of the Permanent Atoms, positive and negative experiences and experiences of all the lives spent in the Lower planes.

Karma and its effects cannot disappear or eliminate from our vital and existential baggage simply by reciting certain mantrams or by performing some kind of visualization or special meditation. This contradicts the universal aspects of cause and effect that occur in any field of reality where this law acts. If we throw a stone, depending on the force, the direction, inclination and other foreseeable factors that we apply, we can foresee where it will fall. We can, if we have the necessary means, make the impact speed slower by delaying its fall or slightly deviating its trajectory. What we must be clear about is that the stone for the operation of the Law of Gravity will cause it to fall before or after. The good or bad Karma, positive or negative that each of us accumulates over time, its causes and its effects have to come true, they have to manifest in some way, since it is part of the Mec Internal only of this Divine Law, that the only thing it intends is to harmonize, balance, equitably and lovingly any event in any field of reality, however sublime it may be and however different the consciences that are they star in any activity, since not even the so-called gods, within their scope of manifestation and evolution, are free to be affected by this immutable law. In the action of negative Karma and as far as any of us are concerned, what it intends is that we learn the lessons that life has provided and provides for us and that due to circumstances and our responsibility, we have not known, or not We know how to assimilate or respond correctly, so that at another time and in different or similar situations and circumstances, these lessons should be learned, experienced and assimilated in our interior, such as those that fortunately we have successfully overcome. Yes, it is true that the negative and sometimes painful repercussions or results that we have to experience through the application of this law can be minimized, cushioned, making its effects easier to cope with or endure.

Only in very exceptional cases, when a person, for hidden reasons difficult to explain, should perform an important work of service in certain social areas of the world, the Master, or a Disciple of his who has him in his custody, consults in the most recondite of his being and in the Akashic archives, to see if that chosen person can, if he has sufficient “ merits” and some negative karmic debt pending experience in this life, see the possibility of being able to postpone it for later, momentarily freeing him from That immediate test.

The only way to eliminate bad karma to come is by transmuting the pairs of opposites in any of the situations and circumstances in which we are affected, turning hate into love, selfishness into altruism, desire into aspiration, interest in generosity., pride in humility. Only in this way, the lessons that karma has in store for our learning and spiritual progress, are largely overcome by the effort and sacrifice of raising our consciousness from the physical to the spiritual level and contemplating what surrounds us with a global vision of internal unification, feeling identified with all beings of all the kingdoms of nature, understanding that we are instruments of the Great Divine Plan and partners in His Glory and His Eternal and Unconditional Love that constantly provides us all.

There is perhaps no more pain for a Master of Compassion and Wisdom, to see how a disciple or an aspirant to the Path who is under his guardianship, is deviating from the right path, and knowing, that he should not interfere with karmic results than before or Then they will arrive. It can only in some cases, suggest or imply lovingly and impersonally in some way, the wrongness of its behavior.

From the extinction of Karma, Annie Besant in the book "Reincarnation and Karma" reads as follows:

"When you" kill " (eliminate) the desire for gratification, which is the link between cause and effect, then the Ego is released from the results of Karma."

"Therefore, you constantly fulfill and without attachment the action that you must fulfill, for the man who without attachment fulfills the action, truly attains the Supreme." (Bhagavad Gita - Estancia III, 19).


Alfonso of the Rosary

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