The Guardian of the Earth, Archangel Metatron

  • 2014

For an eclipse to occur the Sun and the Moon are in opposition virtually on a right line. Lunar Eclipses can only be visible at night and during a Full Moon and Solar Eclipses can only occur during the day on a New Moon

The Mega-Eclipses of October 2014. Understanding the Nature and Attributes of Lunar Synergy & Solar Ecliptic

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angel of Light and I greet you in unconditional love! And so we are ready for your topics and questions.

Question by James Tyberonn : Can you tell us in depth about the eclipses that will come in October?

Arc Metatron: By the way the Eclipses are openings that combine planetary frequencies of light, geo-gravities and Eclipses of collective thought and offer a unique palette for both Divine Thought and the highest vibrations to be printed and recorded. Now a lunar eclipse can only occur on a full moon and a solar eclipse can only occur on a new moon.

Both provide added power to the Eclipse. The Eclipses are frequently seen by Humanity as singular events but we would say it differently ... when the lunar and solar eclipses are in direct linear sequence, like those that are going to manifest in the present (October 8 and 23, 2014 a More amplified energy field is formed in a higher concentration of energy.

Linear eclipses (within 15 days) nevertheless have a magnified intensity greatly. A symbiotic interweave of the lunar and solar vibration signatures is formed that is synergistic ... in effect, both amplified. In this collaboration any form of solar eclipse is exponentially magnified, either partial, annual or total in a mega effect with all the effects of the total lunar eclipse and vice versa . Which means that if the mole is total, and is in a linear sequence to a solar eclipse that is partial, the magnified dual result is a mega-energy that amplifies both of them in a Dual Totality effect.

The Eclipses were known by the most advanced societies as very significant events that penetrated the dimensional fabric of reality in the earthly plane. The Atlanteans referred to them as the point of infinity because during the Eclipse period, linear time on the earthly plane is stopped by a brief interlude of infinity (The word Eclipse comes from the Atlantean language and was buried in ancient Greece, meaning : hide or cease to exist Eclipses uniquely alter the wavelengths of light and affect gravity Gravitational anomalies as well as torsion effects occur during eclipses It was speculated in his current science as Allias and Saxi effects.

The Eclipses emit a coded coherence percussion wave energy that penetrates the earth and affects Humanity. Coherence opens the pineal gland and causes a specific response from both the cells of the human physical body and the energy construct of the etheric body. In a way of expression, time as you know it is altered during the eclipse phase, especially when a lunar and a solar one occurs with a relative proximity to the apexial points of solstices and equinoxes. This is taking place now and while creating intensities it also opens extraordinary "dimensional portals" of consciousness. The dream states are more lucid in these strange phases and the altered states within the consciousness that you are awakening are also differentiated. The pulse of life force thinking is changed to subtle but very significant ways. Reality windows are open, horizons of existence are extended. Space-Time is changed briefly. Elevated states of the "Eternal Now" in simultaneous time is increased allowing a truly embellished phase of multidimensional clarity . You are aware that the sacred sites are the planetary power nodes within vectors on Earth embellished with a greater concentration of life force units ... (They are also known as Adamantine Essence or Akashic Essence). The Eclipses emit for a period of time a concentrate of creative life force.

This bombardment of energy can be sown both as a Divine Patron as well as as the superior intention of Humanity both on a conscious or unconscious level. This bombardment of energy can be sown both as a Divine Patron as well as as the superior intention of humanity both on a conscious and unconscious level.

But how they use it will depend on their focus and light quotient. Part of what is happening now and will occur in the classified energy of the October mega-eclipse duo will be the involuntary spontaneous release of the overloaded emotional states in progress. The unique characteristic of the tones of emotion and feeling is embedded by Humanity in the vibratory field of resonance of an eclipse. Tensions such as the extremes caused by the current "energy cocktail" on the Planet can be more easily taken back to a more normalized level. Eclipses carry an energy that can stabilize hormonal imbalances.

Question by James Tyberonn : Are you saying that eclipses affect human biology and emotional states?

Arc Metatron: Human biology and by the way emotional and mental fields are absolutely influenced by their surroundings.

Your environment includes much more than you consciously perceive, including gravity waves, light frequencies, ionic proportions and mineralogical vibrations of the planet. Your physical body has a cellular consciousness that operates biologically, so that hormonal and biochemical balances are directly affected by the light format and the matrix of the planet. Eclipses have an impact because they project differentiated light, alter gravity and are coded with the conscious life force that allows greater serenity . Consequently, a release as well as re-calibration can take place.

Simply put the cells of your body so that they respond to the embellished light (and life force) in the same way that the plants in the shadow heliotropically seek to grow into the sunlight. The effect, however, is much deeper than the skin, not simply biological, it aligns the state of being integral and offers a prolific window to the higher self, a window that is unique and specific to the period of human evolution and light quotient

The eclipses of the present are also connected to the two Total Eclipses of March 20 and April 4 in 2015. The intensity of the current one will remain high, but what happens in October will allow a necessary ventilation, something like a release of the temporary pressure inside the chaos cauldron that is in progress.

As we have previously shared with you, the nodes of the solstices and equinoxes are also programmable. The eclipses that will occur in October are highly codified, more than they have experienced in the recent past. Such programming will continue in order to format the Return of the Light of 2038. There are Laws of Physics and by the way, scientific attributes with eclipses that have not yet been recognized or fully understood in today's academic world. His science does not take into account the sacred and the sacred still omits the scientific.

Each of you should devote some time on those dates of these eclipses to go deep inside. You will discover an extraordinary opportunity to experience higher realities. You will find that dreams are much stronger and an opportunity to resolve personal issues is granted, but it is imperative that you allocate time with dedication.

Some of you will accept these truths more easily than others because what we shared was understood in Atlantis, within the Scientific Priests of the Law of One . The myriad of effects are particularly conducive to both receiving and enabling codes. And that is why eclipses have always been openings in which energy frequencies can be exercised within their structure. The conjunction of (direct) alignment of the earth, the moon and the sun that allows eclipses to occur four to seven times in each year.

The more eclipses, the greater the encoding of energy in a given year. The next appearance of 7 eclipses is in 2038 and that is really significant. But what is happening in your present is extremely important. The Total Lunar Eclipse of October 8 on the full moon is in a very unusual retrograde Mercury, offering extraordinary clarity in an improved vision. Lunar Eclipses and full moons throughout their history have been referred to in terms of colors. Blue moons Golden Moons Blood Moons and others and we tell you that these colors are the tones of the codes and if they are used with intention, the ecliptic energy can open the pineal and the senses of the chakras towards an extraordinary optimal psychic consciousness. That is the reason why the ancients always considered the Equinoxes, solstices and Eclipses as sacred events. Even today, many religions still consider these events as Holy Days.

The Crystalline Grid acts as the focal lens to allow the higher codes to be embedded in the 12 dimensions of the New Earth Matrix and thus received by induction through the universal human mind to which all of you are so intricately connected. Teachers, you are Beloved ...


via James Tyberonn

Translation : Alicia Virelli

The Guardian of the Earth

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