The Great Magic Triangle of the Hierarchy, the Avatar of Synthesis, the Spirit of Peace and the Lord Buddha. By Vicente Beltrán Anglada

[The Synthesis Avatar]

A Vertex of the Great Magic Triangle

The article "Service Activity" (Invoking the Angels or Devas) that gave body and consistency to certain extra-planetary ideas about "Service", has a purpose that transcends the concepts so far supported and maintained about the fraternity. In it we speak to you about the connection of our humble human life with all the splendid lives and all the Occult and Mystical Fraternities of the Absolute Cosmos and the possibility that we, as a group, can contact and even consciously externalize some of the most powerful energies that the "Lord of Aquarius" sheds as a divine blessing and taking advantage of certain special circumstances of the transfer of Eras or Precession of the Equinoxes, on the Solar Universe "where we live, move and have the Being" and very particular and especially, on our planet.

No wonder, then, the great demand for information requested in recent times about Those Three Great Lords who serve as vehicles to the energies of the Lord of Aquarius bound for our planet Earth and all the Kingdoms of Nature. We will try to satisfy that demand as far as possible and following, as is rigorous in any esoteric study, the hermetic principle of Analogy.

The Mántram of Unity

That the Liberating Light of Buddha,

the infinite Love of the Spirit of Peace

and the indescribable power of the Avatar of Synthesis

restore God's Plan on Earth.

The Great Magic Triangle then is constituted by
the Avatar of Synthesis, the Spirit of Peace and the Lord Buddha.

The Christ is the point within the Triangle (blue star) .

The Synthesis Avatar

Talk about the Avatar of Synthesis, taking it first and as the cusp of the Great Magic Triangle that uses Christ as the center of projection of energy c Semic of the transfer of Eras, implies - as we have said before - to speak of the Hidden and unknown Fraternities within the unspeakable framework of the Absolute Cosmos that transcend our poor human understanding.

We must therefore appeal to the hermetic principle of analogue or universal correspondence to even have a weak and imprecise glimpse of Those powerful Entities that, driven by certain precise and mathematical laws of Fraternity, offer their divine collaboration in the redeeming work of the worlds. When these laws are better understood by the mind and understanding of human beings, there will be a more accurate or true knowledge of the Extraterrestrial Entities that regularly and periodically visit our world. .

The veil of mystery that still surrounds these Witnesses of the Cosmic Brotherhood and the cabals that arouse in human minds, so always predisposed to the spectacular and the marvelous, would cease to exist if “the visits of such Entities” were accepted either to through “ Flying Bodies ” that overcome all the laws of the predominant static in our world or in “Subtle Spiritual Bodies of Corporeal Substance” that completely transcend the concept that terrestrial science has about ether, as natural facts, as natural as the visits that we humans make to our relatives and our friends.

The hermetic analogy should present these facts as an affirmation of the purest and simplest of logic. Only a very childish mind - and I beg your expression to be forgiven - can still be amazed today, at the end of the twentieth century, of such testimonies of Fraternal Power. And, nevertheless, nobody marvels at phenomena of relationship as especially binding as the telegraph, radio, television ... that also defy the laws of static and, triumphing over time, produce Instantaneity.

This last word is singularly descriptive and can give us a very approximate idea of ​​the Universal Power that the Great Beings use to maintain a close and vigilant attention to each and every one of the events that take place within our evolving human society.

Talking about the Avatar of Synthesis also implies a new consideration of the planet Uranus not only as a projector of tremendous subtlety energies related to the Mystical Life of the Solar Logos but also as one of the Great Binding Agents of the Earth with the Mysterious Life of the Lord of Aquarius .

This last consideration, as well as the previous one, you must accept or admit as a reasonable hypothesis, based on the principles of Universal Analogy and certain astrological relationships or accept them in full as a true reality based on the instant and final judgment of Intuition. In any case, the truth of the Fact will remain as the basic idea of ​​the Fraternity of the Worlds subsists, which in the New Age will be admitted and recognized as a fact of the simplest actuality and naturalness.

In the "Book of the Initiates" we are told that "... The Gods ride on Rays faster than those of sunlight ... For them there is neither distance nor time ..." As our planet goes deeper into the irradiation zone of Aquarius and the planet Uranus distill for us some of the subtle truths that today can only be remote theories, "The Book of the Initiates", to which we constantly refer, can be read by many human beings and interpreted with a type of intelligence that will be able to give effect to those ideas in a world where there is still a great gloom or shady area ruled by our moon satellite.

The culmination - occultly speaking - of this area of ​​darkness will contribute the positive elements that, directly affecting human brains, will enable them to measure truths that are beyond their current logical understanding and to immerse themselves in areas of light that will give them the key and resolution of the Universal Mystery of Relationship, as well as the Supreme Objective that underlies the Mystical process of the Purpose of Life. We try to say with all this that the world as a whole, is preparing to channel a kind of energy of such extreme and incredible subtlety that everything heretofore has been admitted as pure reality, will be considered superficial in spite of the tremendous scientific advances .

Planetary evolution - as a whole - tends towards Synthesis, a Goal of perfection that demands, as it has always demanded from the perfect spiritual disciple, simplicity of mind and purity of heart. If you join the elements of this phrase "simplicity of mind and purity of heart", you will have an idea of ​​what intuition and synthesis really mean as far as human beings are concerned.

The Omega center, mentioned by Initiate Teilhard de Chardin, which unifies all the efforts and wills of men and all the planetary attempts of perfection, is mysteriously occupied by the Avatar of Synthesis . Beyond any human measure of conjecture and paradoxically much closer to the heart of all men and women of goodwill than is apparently supposed, this Excelso Being spills over the Race of Men mainly, but also over the other Kingdoms of Nature, the Grace of His divine Blessing.

Its planetary anchor point is Shamballa, the Center of the Will of God and from there it radiates on all human beings the will and resolution, the fulfillment of the Law and the pure fraternity of hearts. The Avatar of Synthesis constantly tells us about the treasure of underlying unity within the human heart, the seat of life.

It occupies the top cusp or apex of the Great Magic Triangle and prepares from the Heart of Christ to Humanity to discover in itself the wisdom of Synthesis, of the Creative Will and develop its innate qualities of fraternal life and consciousness that are essence and Truth within human beings.

Using intuition and "digging deep into your hearts", each of you will be able to understand the scope of this cosmic bonding that comes from the Great Lord of Aquarius and that through the Avatar of Synthesis, makes us consciously in solidarity with the other suns, planets and humanities of the Absolute Cosmos.

Source: The Mysteries of Yoga, p. 140-142 (Electronic edition)

[The Spirit of Peace]

A Vertex of the Great Magic Triangle

The Spirit of Peace

As its ashramic denomination indicates, the Spirit of Peace is a Center of Peace, balance and harmony impossible to be described. His Life of Infinite Love radiates an energy that makes the reach of the Universal Fraternity mentally understandable. Beyond every possible argument, men love and understand each other. Karma is the agent of this Love and this Understanding, almost always distorted by the selfishness factor inherited from other lives and still sustained as a center of negative energy within the minds and hearts of men.

The activity of the Spirit of Peace is the result of the union of three very powerful energies: those that flow from the Heart of the Lord of Aquarius, those that come from the Syrian Star, the great Sun with which our Solar Logos is karmatically very linked and those of the Spiritual Lodge of Planet Venus.

The Spirit of Peace is the conscious result of this triple union of force. It is not possible to reason about the tremendous excelsitude of that extra-planetary Entity that centralizes in His Heart the Feeling of Cosmic Fraternity of Those Three Grand Lodges. Its appreciable activity more accessible to us is Christ, the Love Center of the Human Race that, as we have explained in the previous chapter, occupies the center of the Great Magic Triangle.

The triple stream of energies from “the Heights” mainly affects the Heart of Christ through a very definite connection with the Spirit of Peace through the Second Ray of Love, Compassion and Wisdom which, as you know, is the Ray through which was conceived, created and structured our Solar System, by one of the Great Solar Logos that is the God of the Universe "where we live, move and have the Being".

The outpouring of the Life of the Spirit of Peace through Christ and acting directly on our planetary Hierarchy "accelerates the process of expansion of the Plan of God" following the path or design presented by the Great Agents of Shamballa. The whole process of expanding this radiant Life has been possible because there are certain links of mystical and hidden character, revealed only to the Great Initiates of the planet, which come from “a very remote past for which the known computations of time have no value for humans". We are not going to try to clarify the essential reason for these links that are beyond the poor mentality of our understanding, but we can place all our attention, in the radiant figure of Christ, “the most loving Mind in the Hierarchy and its brightest Heart… ”Who, through the ages and following the Law of an Unshakable Vow with the Immortal Agents of the Great Cosmic Brotherhood, has sacrificed himself again and again for the Redemption and Salvation of the World .

I would like you to analyze the Life of Christ from this point of view and to meditate on that biblical phrase so imperfectly understood and from which such misuse has been made that only through s of Christ will be saved and redeemed in man. This phrase refers not only to the fact of having taken a human body or form in the historical process of planetary life, of minor importance but upon which a whole series of doctrines that have created confusion and division of minds and hearts but, mainly, about the immortal reality of the Great Cosmic Link of Christ with the Spirit of Peace, a current Fact that begins to be understood by the intuitive minds of the Race and that will be the basis and firm structure of the true Religion of the future, when Aquarius makes power feel on Earth of the `` Great Universal Fraternity '', today only an idea on which it has been speculated frequently but that has not yet reached into the hearts of human beings.

Using the words of Christ: by their fruits you will recognize them, for the goodness of the process of Christ the Mystical Work of the Spirit of Peace can be recognized. It is for this reason and for the treasure of Grace that Christ is constantly pouring out on humanity, that a serene reflection on the Life and Work of Christ must be carried out from the angle of that Great Link and not about the Dead Man on the Cross, a concept that must be extinguished from human minds since its perpetuation through the different religions, which have spoken of death and not of life, has still originated and originates in the mystery of the ether that surround the planet, the germs of the physical and moral decomposition of people.

For this reason we speak to you of C smic Linkages when we speak of Christ and to present you this Great Witness of Truth as the Center of the Great Magic Triangle that channels and externalizes from Many centuries ago, E For our humble Earth, preparing it as a group for the great Mystery of the Initiation We will not insist more on it. The depth of the inner comment that each one of you can make will make possible a new identification with the work of Healing that together we try to carry forward.

When we talk about karmic links by referring to the relationship between the Great Logos that condition worlds, Universes and Galaxies with their splendid Lives, we only stick to the simplest and lightest. The appreciation that results from updating the hermetic principle of analogy and correspondence between the superior and the inferior, between the divine Macrocosm and the human microcosm.

Currently, and with the help of the great sharpness and mental penetration that the Lord of Uranus reserves for "those" who sincerely decide to understand the root or essence of things, this hermetic dictation will allow to raise the consciousness of the human beings who so decide, towards the "cloud of archetypal knowledge" that will condition the minds of the men of the future. Thus, the field of human relations conditioned to the karmic links of the Earth with the Life of other worlds, will be extended to inconceivable extremes, covering with its divine expansion areas or celestial spheres where Karma, the Fraternal Bonding of the Worlds and the Life of the Great Planetary Logos, Solar and Cosmic, appear as the Same essential thing: the dictation of an Eternal Law that Emanates from the Immensities of the Absolute Cosmos.

Do not be afraid, then, to broaden your mind and widen your heart through the unstoppable avenues of these immortal ideas, but rather try to do so, for it is the only possible way to understand our highest spiritual ties and to feel within our little human life, the unspeakable harmony, balance and security that are eternally flowing from the loving Hearts of Christ and the Spirit of Peace .

Source: The Mysteries of Yoga, p. 142-144 of the Electronic Edition

[Lord Buddha]

A Vertex of the Great Magic Triangle

Lord Buddha

It constitutes the third vertex of the Great Magic Triangle. When we talk about Buddha in our esoteric studies, he is defined as "The Enlightened One." He was indeed the first human being of the great planetary evolution that reached the Liberation and who used the igneous power from extraplanetary sources to ignite on the planet Earth the flame of "inspiration" or of "enlightenment" that, through the ages, it would constitute the Way or Path that human beings would travel to reach “The Father's Residence”.

All esoteric or mystical work that refers to Liberation (including the work and message of Krishnamurti) is closely related to the Work initiated by Buddha thousands of years ago. The flame continues to burn and illuminate the path of the sons of men, who are the sons of the Father. Therefore, we can also speak of “Fraternal Bonding” when we refer to Buddha and His divine activity of Light, understanding and Wisdom.

In the same way that Christ illuminates with love the minds of men, Buddha illuminates with his powerful and igneous Intelligence, the heart of human beings. This apparent substitution of powers, that of Love illuminating minds and that of reason awakening the Fire of Love contained in the heart, constitutes one of the great initiatic secrets. Their joint activity produces balance and the intuitive faculties of man only develop when there is an appreciable balance between reason and love, between the mind and the heart. The result of this balance is Synthesis and in this word they will also have explained one of the major activities of the Synthesis Avatar, as the centralizer of those who perform the Spirit of Peace and Buddha .

We are not going to refer to Buddha in his well-known historical conception. The pure Gautama must be for us only the reflection of an activity in the known time, while the activity of Buddha as Avatar and as depositary of the "Fire of Illumination" of the Divine, should be considered as a Perpetual Center of Liberation of the infinite streams of Life that come from the Universe circulate within and through the small human scheme of perfection.

The linking of Buddha and Christ, the Elder Brothers of Humanity, initiated infinitely beyond what the idea or concept of time can distill in our minds, must produce in certain phases of the Age of Aquarius, a particular kind of “ link ”that the Androgynous human being will have a very finished and perfect expression, because it will reflect in space and time and in a human form the Great Cosmic Balance.

The Age of preparation was initiated by Buddha and Christ centuries ago; It is already evident to many human beings, that in response to the great Aquarian dictation, they begin to live within themselves the great balance of the mind and heart and to show other human beings the Path they must travel to free themselves from the heavy yoke of Karma known. The harmony of mind and heart, counterbalancing the things of time and balancing the thoughts of men, must produce a new society in which the Fraternity will be recognized as the only principle of relationship.

We are not talking about a distant Era nor are we showing the dream of some visionaries, we are simply referring to an innate possibility in the human being that can be expressed "here and now". We can, if such is our will and our resolution, alter the cycles of time if we place Christ in the altar of the mind and in the tabernacle of the heart to Buddha . We ask you to ponder this last sentence and think in the last analysis that the Avatar of Synthesis - which sends us in a completely renewed way the Fire of Resolution - can be directly invoked when there is serenity of mind and peace in the heart, when the work of Buddha and Christ have been mystically unified in the life of the human being.

Buddha is the Great Cosmic Intermediary of Planetary Life or Planetary Logos. He is the direct Agent of Sanat Kumara in relation to the other Planetary Logos of the Solar System; hence its close connection with the planet Mercury whose superior expression is "Mental Relationship". The astrological phrase referring to Mercury, the winged God, as "The Messenger of the Gods", can be applied entirely to Buddha in regard to our planet Earth. The maximum mission of Buddha in the present moments is to relate our Spiritual Lodge, whose maximum Center is Shamballa, with a spiritual current of Life from the Great Lord of Aquarius that is to produce Understanding and Illumination, that is, Liberation.

Certain Rays of power that constantly radiate from Aquarius, the “Celestial Watering Hole”, affecting Shamballa, are channeled by the Buddha annually during the Wesak Festival, coinciding with the exact time of the Taurus full moon. We ask all readers to keep in their memory the memory of this Festival that directly relates Buddha to all the pilgrims on Earth who sigh for redemption and liberation. Our invocations during this summit date in the history of the Human Race will help restore right human relationships and close the doors where Evil dwells.

Much more could be said about the Buddha but I fear that this would be reduced to the end of mere hypotheses or that of vain reflections without any ground of truth to which we are unfortunately already so accustomed. The life of Buddha, of permanent Illumination, like that of Christ, of constant Redemption, must be for us the north and the guide of all our meditations. Let us then try to live both realities calmly in mind and heart and let our will be the centralizing element of them. The Truth, the priceless treasure that is hidden in the most intimate folds of our life, is always within our reach, until we decide to reach it.

Source: The Mysteries of Yoga, p. 183-185

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