The great enemy of humanity is fear

  • 2012

The great enemy of humanity is fear. The less fear you have, the more health and harmony you will have. The more fear you have, the more problems, of one kind or another, will appear in your life. Mankind's only real problem comes down to getting rid of fear.

When one is not afraid of a situation at all, that situation cannot affect him.

Of course, we must remember that fear often exists in the subconscious, without one necessarily noticing its presence. The best proof that one has escaped fear from a particular issue is a sense of joy and happiness in this matter.

The thing to remember, above all, is that fear is a hoax. Call it "cheating" and it disappears.

Several years ago a curious incident occurred in Holland.

A lion escaped from a traveling circus.

Not far away, a housewife was sewing in her living room, near an open window.

Suddenly, the animal jumped inside, passed by the woman as lightning broke into the dining room and took refuge in the triangular cupboard under the stairs. The astonished woman thought it was a donkey.

Indignant at the traces of mud that the animal had left on the clean floor, he chased him to the closet, where he was between brooms and saucepans, and beat him mercilessly with a broom

The animal was trembling with terror, and the enraged woman redoubled the strength of her brooms.

Then four men arrived, with weapons and nets, and captured the beast. The terrified lion did not resist, he was happy to have escaped the menacing lady.

When the good woman discovered that she had faced a lion, she passed out and was ill for several days.

This story perfectly illustrates the demoralizing power of fear.

The housewife completely dominated the lion while he thought it was an ass, and while he treated it like an ass, the lion believed it was very powerful and had a terrible fear.

When the woman discovered her mistake, humanity's old belief in fear returned and even when she was perfectly safe, she reacted according to the tradition of the race.

Ø Discard fear.

Ø Concentrate your energy on your goals and other problems will solve themselves.

Ø He who fears does not get what he wants.

Irrational fear

The human being is a being who experiences different types of emotions throughout the day. There are pleasant emotions such as joy, joy, enthusiasm, humility ... On the contrary, there are unpleasant emotions such as sadness, envy, resentment, resentment, anger, fear ... Without a doubt, fear It limits the vital capacity of a human being. Ultimately, fear refers to an evil that is yet to come. That is, the human being mentally anticipates the future and predicts something that distresses him. However, the future as such is a hypothesis, that is, it is then presented differently. Thus, experts in the field of psychology recommend learning to concentrate thinking in the present to avoid a flight into the future through planning or into the past through memory.

Undoubtedly, fear also has a very positive effect since fear is a survival tool. Without a doubt, thanks to fear, human beings can defend themselves against danger, protect themselves and avoid it. But fear cannot only be rational, that is, based on a specific cause. This type of fear disappears at the same moment in which the cause that produces it is annulled.

However, fear can also be irrational, that is, not having a rational logic or a concrete cause. This is the case in the phobia. For example, some people are afraid of open spaces, others on the contrary, feel panicked in closed places like an elevator.

Any phobia limits the life of a person since usually, who suffers a fear of this type avoids performing those activities that scare him. In this way, fear grows and grows without limit since the phobia increases to the extent that it is not confronted.

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