The Great Reiki Method Heiwa To AI to Purify the House and the Physical Body of Bad Energies

  • 2015

This energy cleaning formula has been and is) known to all healers. The alchemists already used it in the Middle Ages. It is highly recommended to use it at home and in the Reiki consultation.

This treatment is a very valuable way to facilitate the elimination of "toxic" energy generated by people with their disturbing thoughts, anger, pain, anger, resentment, emotional distress, ...

This practice of energetic cleaning with vinegar and salt, does not undergo the scientific method because it is not reproducible, that is, still maintaining all the constant factors (amount of vinegar and salt, same temperature, same humidity, ...) the reaction always is different.

To clean your home or business, do the following:
  • Pour a handful of salt (preferably sea salt or fat salt) into a clay or glass bowl. Salt should fill three quarters of the container.
  • Then pour vinegar into the bowl until it is full.
  • Now, put the bowl on a soup plate to avoid stains, and place it behind the main door.
  • But if you want to clean up the whole house, place other bowls in the places where people are most (dining room, kitchen, ...) or in the places you want to purify. The most important sites are behind the entrance door, under the bed and in the office. You can put them in the corners of the spaces you want to clean, or anywhere they don't get in the way.
  • After a few days check out the containers to see how they are. You will see that the vinegar has partially or totally evaporated. They will be saturated with ions.

With evaporation, the toxic energies of the environment will have been diluted. It is possible that in some bowls, salt has climbed and spilled. The time it takes to happen this depends on the intensity of the negativity. If the salt does not spill and is normal, it means that there is no toxic energy in that place. If there are mosquitoes in the bowl, don't worry, it's normal, since vinegar attracts them. If the salt has spilled or has become colored (purple, green, light blue, pink, ...) it means that there is negativity. Do not touch the salt with your hands, since the toxic energy accumulates in it.

  • Be as salt, let the vinegar evaporate completely. When it has evaporated, take each bowl from below, at the base, without touching the salt, and place it in the bathroom sink. There, open the tap and pour water so that the salt has just dissolved completely. Once dissolved, scrub the bowl and plate, and let them dry.
  • In the places where you see that the salt has spilled or has become colored, you can repeat the procedure with the same bowls and plates, which you should not use for anything else.
  • Do not store the bowls and dishes in the kitchen, take them to a storage room, and if you are not going to use them again, break them and throw them away.


Some of the most common methods that have been used by healers are the following:

  • Cold water: Before and after each Reiki treatment it is advisable to place your hands under the tap for a while. The cold water in motion cleans the energy.
  • Barefoot: The contact of the soles of the feet on a natural surface (earth, rock, grass, ...) or on conductive floors (terrazzo tiles, marble, ...) allows us to make a ground. During a Reiki treatment, you can also take the ground by touching the floor or the nearest wall with one of your hands.
  • Coarse sea salt: You rub with coarse sea salt, let the salt act and then take a shower with cold water; or if you prefer, you can take a bath by placing water with thick sea salt in the bathtub.
  • Air ionizer: To clean the energy of the environment and purify the air.
  • Clean and tidy the whole house:

When a house is cleaned and tidied (including everything in closets and drawers), the lives of all its residents are improved. That is because when cleaning the house, there is an energetic and mental cleaning of all who live in it. With cleanliness and order, energy flows better, and the mind is ordered. Once the house is cleaned, heaps of coarse salt can also be placed in all corners of the house.

  • Aromas of lavender or lemon: The combination of water, alcohol and lavender or lemon oils also help to clean the energy of the environment.
  • Sunbathing: Another way to clean yourself and energize yourself is by sunbathing, taken in moderation in your first and last hours.
  • Sea baths: Bathing and swimming in the sea is an excellent energy therapy.
  • Breathe deeply, form saliva and relax: A deep relaxation with these three ingredients produces vasodilation of the energy channels. This causes a greater flow of Divine Light energy, which allows the body to be freed from pain and energy blockages.
  • Practice Chi Kung and Tai Chi: These energy exercises allow the harmonious movement of the Divine Light energy.
  • Other methods: Energy cleaning hugging a tree, mantras, incense, etc.

Source: Ricard López.

Author: Professor Renée Muchen


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