The Team - Outside your dimensional box

  • 2015

Here we are, hugging your heart and your intelligence. We continue to offer our deep gratitude for your willingness and courage to experience the dense reality and frequency of Dimensions 3 and 4 . This is your approach as a physical being, as well as your opportunity to offer conscious change.

As a Multidimensional Being you are able to go beyond these limited frequencies. If you are reading our words, you are aware that there are other higher dimensions. This concept is real to you as a mental construct, as an abstract idea. Now the key is to start allowing you to explore the possibilities of this Truth as a personal experience.

The physical reality of your daily activities generally consumes most of your focus and awareness. We are inviting you to start opening yourself to the possibility that you can begin to go to higher dimensions. This aspect of evolution, the conscious transformation towards a pure frequency energy, goes beyond your perceived limitations.

We observe that at this moment there are many who are experiencing the higher realms and the higher dimensions.

We celebrate with you and recognize that you are anchoring this ability in the matrix of collective consciousness. You are making this possibility and awareness available to everyone.

We realize that our words touch deep knowledge and deep understanding of this Truth; However, the physical illusion seems solid and is anchored in your circuits, nervous systems and beliefs. You could say that you are dedicated to your reality, to your history and to the connections with other Beings with whom you interconnect.

We are not suggesting that you totally depart from your three-dimensional experience; We are only inviting you to begin exploring the possibility of moving or changing your consciousness and your Divine consciousness to the higher realms of Light and frequency.

Many of your wise men and shamans have also given you this invitation. We continue to invite you to connect with the quantum field, using the Portal of your imagination. This is an exercise to withdraw your focus and your attention from the seemingly solid reality that you call your life. Allow yourself to suspend your beliefs regarding what you think is real. Play with this, explore this exercise. It is in the higher dimensions that remarkable solutions for tri / tetradimensional problems can be discovered.

We have offered many suggestions and methods on how to access the higher dimensions. We will always recommend the use of acoustic vibrations. Sounds and acoustic vibrations always alter consciousness. Breathing and breathing techniques will allow you to travel consciously; and equally meditation and many forms of yoga will support your change.

We know that there are drugs that can change and change your perception of reality.

However, we want you to know that you have this ability inside you without the help of any herb or drug. We strongly recommend that you connect with your own innate ability, since as a Multidimensional Being you have included all the equipment that allows you to travel beyond your space and time.

It is important that you can suspend your beliefs about what is real. Start imagining or considering that you have the ability to travel to higher realities. Begin to understand that you are designed to use this skill. Even when you have a physical body, you also have an energy body. The energy body is the one that travels . The connection with this energetic aspect can be strengthened with your disposition, focus and desire.

In the physical body there are several portals that allow access to the higher dimensions. The first one we will remember is the Portal of the Heart. You can bring your attention to the energy of your heart; and with your breath allow your consciousness to change. You can also focus on the energy of the heart while you are bathed in good quality acoustic vibrations. Any of these 2 simple suggestions allows you to take your consciousness to a higher Dimension.

Another Portal, or bridge, or door to the higher dimensions, is the Pineal gland. This small organ is located approximately in the center of your brain. The Pineal gland is also close to the sensory and emotional centers of your brain, which may explain why a spiritual experience in a higher Dimension evokes strong emotions and sensations that are often remembered throughout life.

We strongly recommend that you begin to discover more information about the Pineal gland; This pine cone-shaped organ is a very important aspect of your physical and dimensional connection.

You can also put your consciousness in the so-called Third Eye ; and while you perform a breathing technique or listen to high quality acoustic frequencies, you can afford to travel.

Like any new skill, these exercises and changes in your perception of what is real and possible, require some dedication, practice and patience. You are changing and transforming old limited beliefs. You are addressing the possibility that what you have known as real may not be as solid as you have been taught.

Since you are empathetic and sensitive to the feelings, beliefs and vibrations of the collective, the ability to go beyond these limitations is a part of your personal growth and evolution as a Divine Star Being . Start investigating the truth of all the programs, codes and genetic information you have.

Realize that you are an unlimited conscious Divine Being. You are multidimensional in nature and you are destined to travel and experience all the higher dimensions energetically. The Universe, the Galaxy ; and the many dimensions are yours. Time and space are a construction of your physical reality; in the other realms and dimensions, they do not exist.

We are pleased to make this invitation again. We have encouraged you to look at all the possibilities of realities and parallel experiences; We have encouraged you to connect with your future Self with the ability to travel in time. We have talked about your galactic heritage; and as Star Seed you are, we have invited you to claim your understanding of who you truly are.

We are aware and recognize that many information and techniques are emerging that offer more and more tools and methods to reach the higher dimensions. Use your discernment regarding what is offered, including regarding these words we offer; and make sure they resonate with your personal truth.

We continue to remind you of your unlimited Self; and we invite you to play frequently outside your dimensional box.

We are available at your request. We are grateful to be able to share these reminders of your magnificence.

The team.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.


Channeled by Peggy Black

The Team - Outside your dimensional box

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