The internal enemy and how to find it in the astral card.

  • 2014

One of the extraordinary riches of the astral chart, and Astrology, is that it does not clearly show the parts of our psyche that we tend to project outside, that is, to see in others.

That connection between planets that we call aspects, whether united by angles of 180, 90, 150 particularly, show us clearly that part of ourselves is difficult for us to assimilate as ours and we tend to live it through other people

The so-called evil planets, such as: Mars, Saturn or Pluto, to name a few, are the ones that are hardest for us to recognize in our interior and we tend to see them in the eyes and actions of other. But of course any planet can be projected abroad or rather in another person.

Mars, the warrior, reads outside of us, like those who always seem to compete with us, those with whom we always seem to feel the need to argue. Saturn, the great Critic is the most common of projections, since our intense insecurity, low self-esteem and internal criticism, makes us feel criticized by others. A simple gesture, a word on the lips of another, can unleash a series of emotions and send us to that place in our psyche, where we feel more vulnerable and more inadequate. Pluto, the lord of darkness, is seen in others as one who wants to dominate us, who does not let us be who we really are.

As you can imagine, the `` other '', usually those closest to ourselves and to whom some kind of emotion binds us, becomes the monster that condemns us, that He does not value us, the wicked who criticizes us, the one who envies us, who persecutes us, who judges us and does not let us be happy. They are those that we wish to disappear from the face of the Earth.

It is clear that none of this occurs in the other but in our interior. But of course, that all this becomes even more interesting when the astral charts of two people are compared, what in Astrology, we call Sinastria, and there we can see, as if it were magic, that the planets in the astral chart of those people who somehow become the recipient of our projections, above all the so-called evil ones, seem intertwined with ours. Is this what attracted us in the first place to them? And if so, why does it seem at first to unite us something special and then finish so differently?

How many times have we said: "How is it possible for this person to do this to me?", "How could I fall in love with this person?" It is precisely when this happens to us that we should collect our projections and look inside. The correct question would be: "What does this person's attitude touch inside me?" "If it makes me feel fatal, what moves inside me?"

These apparent enemies are ultimately our great masters, if we know how to seize the opportunity. If we remain calm, blaming the other, then we are missing the lesson and it is a matter of time until "another" presses the same button. Part of our process towards being an adult is to learn the lessons and, little by little, to leave the victimization, to become the owners of our own development and our own experiences.

If you feel victim of another, then you are not learning the lesson and you are stuck in a pattern that is screaming for attention and light. Through the astral chart, we can see clearly, what are those qualities that we have difficulty assimilating and that we see in the eyes of others. Without awareness there is no possible happiness, although on the road to it, we must go through the pain. Without pain there is no birth or transformation. Do not waste it.

The internal enemy and how to find it in the astral card.

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