The knowledge of The Violet Flame, by Master Saint Germaín

  • 2013

Part II


The Qualities of the Violet Flame


Brother Oxis, these are the Qualities of the Violet Flame:

1. Ceremonial Order

2. Transmutation

3. Sorry

4. Justice

5. Freedom

6. Compassionate Love


The invocation or the call to the Violet Flame puts you on the Vibrating Wave that allows you, more easily, to incorporate these aspects and reflections in daily life.


1. Ceremonial Order


Nature manifests itself based on an established Ritual or Order. This is the Seventh Ray Ritual. The Ritual of Dawn, which nature gives you every day, gives you a deep knowledge if you develop the power of observation that is born in your Heart.

There is in man a superior understanding that transcends the boundaries of the reasoning mind and his way is the heart.

Notice that I do not tell you the feeling, but the Heart, where your Inner Christ is. Learn to see with your heart and dawn will instruct you in the Great Mysteries. Be still, keep Silence in your Mind, Love and you will see how the Golden Doors of a Higher understanding open.


The atomic structuring of forms has a ritual, just like your existence. You are born, you grow, mature, you grow old and you die. It is the Ritual of Life. The Ritual is the basis of the Order and only in the Order can life be manifested, whether it is a Cosmic System, a Solar System, a Planet, the human Atom.


Oxis I will speak to you in your language:

You know as a chemist that if there was no Order, Hydrogen would separate from Oxygen and you would not have water. If Chloride separates from Hydrogen, you wouldn't have Salt. And if I'm wrong, tell me.


Now, in the Mineral Kingdom, Order is the basis of the construction of forms, as in the construction of buildings, homes, cities. And in transit, can you imagine what a city without traffic laws would be like, a chaos, a mess. Instead they allow them to travel through the city with some speed, but what about the human being who intends to travel through life forgetting to put his Thoughts and Feelings in Order ?, As a result he will have a disastrous life.


Man, with his Free Will, can alter the Order of nature and create Chaos, disorder and its consequence, Suffering.

How many times you meet people who maintain a strict external order, but if you could observe their Thoughts and Feelings, you would encounter the greatest of chaos. Because the Emotional Body, in its eagerness to repeat everything, because it knows neither time nor space, brings to the present emotions of the past, thereby creating disorder in Life.


The mind, in a constant gossip, thinking messily and allowing the Emotional Body to intervene uncontrollably. Then, within the immaculate house, there lives the Being who, being able to keep it that way, lives internally in a pigsty, without cleaning or order. Many times this internal state becomes reflected in the external and you have those inhospitable and unhealthy places.


It is like the detergent for your Emotional and Mental Body. Involve her constantly and with her help, strive to put Order in your Emotions and in your Thoughts.


2. Transmutation


It consists in changing a negative thing in its positive opposite. This Power allows you to use all the materials that life offers you to create Beauty, Light, Love, Peace and all other positive qualities.


Many times you wanted to drown evil, without thinking that the Energy it contains can go to upiba and then, all that negative, with all its intensity, can become positive. That is Transmute.


In the Transmutacion nothing is lost, the bad becomes good and there are no leftovers of energy. Everything takes advantage.

If you are going through a difficulty, that same difficulty contains the Energy necessary for you to develop in your life the virtues that will take you out of it. Summon the Violet Flame, transmute the situation and you will see how you can extract an Energy that leads you to the High, above the circumstances.


First bless the Good of the situation and ask that it be manifested, and then, using the Power of Imagination, wrap the situation in The Violet Flame, and of course, wrap yourself, allowing the qualities of the Flame to penetrate you. You have to do your part so that the act of transmutation is complete. Keep in mind that hate is an interfering field for the positive qualities of the Rays. Never hate, because you become a slave to yourself, your hatred and your passions and disinherit yourself from your Divine Heritage: Love, the fundamental basis and essence of the Seven Rays.


3. Forgiveness


It is the most transcendental transmutation act you can perform.

When in your heart, you need to forgive and this forgiveness costs you a lot, wrap in Violet Flame the Being that needs your forgiveness, so your Emotional Body will gradually get used to it and one day, be free from the chains of resentment.

You will have forgiven!


Giving without expecting anything in return brings Peace and Happiness to your Life, because your Happiness does not depend on what you receive.

Sorry, not important if the other person understands your forgiveness. Simply forgive and forget. Become a Spring of Love for all who come, because when you give Love, you get rich and Purify yourself.


Live a life of Love and Forgiveness, be a carrier of The Violet Flame and wrap everything around you and repeat constantly:

I am the Law of Forgiveness and of Forgetfulness and the Transmuting Violet Flame that consumes and dissolves all the mistakes made by me and by all mankind .


4. Justice


When a circumstance needs justice, you can invoke the Violet Flame so that the Divine Justice manifests itself. Wrap the situation in the Violet Flame and ask God to impose the Sacred Balance of Divine Order. Keep in mind, however, that Divine Justice covers not only a Life, but the whole of Lives, therefore, when you look at only a part of reality, it may seem unfair to you that, seen in its entirety, is Absolute Justice


Using the Violet Flame frees you from the chains of karma. I say that Karma burns by its effect, I explain:

The Violet Flame is Just and Order, when it is constantly invoked, and this invocation is maintained in the Heart and Mind of man. She begins to impose Order in Life. This causes you to burn Karma, because the Order is established when the Karmatic conditions are resolved and harmonized.


5. Freedom


Freedom is the goal of all kinds of Evolution, because it is the natural condition of the Consciousness of the Universes. I know it is freer to the extent that greater Evolution is achieved. Man attains his freedom in the Human Kingdom when he manifests a Body in Perfect Condition and is not controlled by his emotions or by his Mind. Many times a man shouts his freedom and is a slave to a vice.


All alcoholics and drug addicts do not have or possess freedom.

There are physical prisons, but there are also external prisons, prisons that one Mind imposes on the other, or when passion imprisons man, be it a passion of Hatred or Love.


All the great Liberators of humanity have fought under the radiation of the Seventh Ray. And just as in the past They achieved the Freedom of the oppressed nations, fighting without quarter and often immolating their lives for the cause of Freedom, in the same way it is their turn now, in this Era, to wage that battle in the inner field. fighting to be free of your passions, your attachments, your vices. And in that inner freedom to recognize the Higher Nature without the chains imposed by the Lower Nature.




6. Compassionate Love


It is the ability to love from the smallest to the greatest, based on the recognition of the divine nature that underlies the Inner World of all men.


It is a quality of the Very Evolved Souls that are capable of feeling in their hearts the compassion for those Beings that, due to ignorance and lack of recognition of their own Divinity, act incorrectly and therefore suffer.


A compassionate Heart is the most beautiful virtue that can adorn a Human Being, and it is the basic note of We the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of God "I AM", that We are the Masters of Wisdom and Compassion.


When the Heart of man vibrates in solidarity with the suffering of others, without considerations of any kind, it has connected with that Center that we call the "Heart of God."


Many people confuse compassion with a weakness of the Emotional Body. The compassionate Heart does not cry next to the fallen one, but instead gives his hand to rise. Comfort with the Power of your Soul, imposing a Higher Vibration on a lower one and gives the balm that contains Love.


If you constantly practice the use of the Transmuting Violet Flame and allow its qualities to dwell in you and be reflected in your daily life, your heart will open to the regenerative force of compassion and wherever you go you can impose this Higher Vibration. Becoming a source of Love for everything around you, connected with the same Heart of God.

Every day, wrap yourself in the Violet Flame, Rest in your Mind its qualities, Visualize as a Spiral Fire, radiant, resplendent, triumphant and Decree:


"I AM the Transmuting Violet Flame, consuming and dissolving all poorly qualified energy in my envelopes, so that I can Bless every Current of Life with which my Being comes into contact."


"I AM the Violet Flame that expands, expands, expands and wraps, wraps, envelops in its consumer Violet Fire every appearance of conflict that is manifesting at this time."


"I AM demanding the presence of the Violet Flame Angels to come, come, come and purify my environments and the environments of the entire Planet Earth."

“I demand the Victorious Power of the Violet Consumer Flame, which always Purifies my environments, becoming a Master of circumstances, victorious over discord, illuminating, liberating, forgiving and connecting with the compassionate Love of God, which never, never, never fails” .


The most effective method to achieve the recovery of a person who is struggling to stop the addiction of the drug is the use of the Violet Flame.


According to the Will of God "I AM", today I have given you the use of the Transmuting and Consuming Violet Flame, which you had so much need to know and apply to further advance in your Spiritual career.

I give it to you, and you send it to the members of your Group, and to the entire Humanity.


I'm still at your disposal and service, you just need to invoke me, or if it's easier for you Call me, I'm willing to cooperate with you. Besides that we are doing a special treatment to unite your four Souls, called Cosmically: Lenka, Oxis, Dharma and Unix.

Since this My Message arrives in your hands, I ask you to daily wrap the four Souls in the Violet Flame, visualizing the union and so along with Us move forward more quickly, because now the time left is too short.

Receive the blessing of God "I AM" and I congratulate you for embarking on this important mission with Unix.

See you, My Brother.

Part III

I take permission to continue giving you Knowledge and Wisdom, about the Violet Flame. Of course, with the absolute permission of Unix, to whom I ask you to begin to feel a little sympathy for Me, because all the Masters of Wisdom We are One.




On the path of the Spiritual Path towards “I AM”, you will learn that the Thoughts together with strong and sustained Feelings, generate what we have called “egregores”, which are nothing other than human creations that swarm in the Astral or Emotional Plane, and can become so strong that they give the impression of being separate entities, when they are only "artificial beings" that depend on the Thought and Feeling of those who created them to manifest themselves with Life.


For example, if a person is often told that he is clumsy and the person accepts it, this sustained Thought, accompanied by the corresponding Feeling, creates in the Astral Plane, an artificial entity that feeds on the sustained belief that that person is clumsy.


Matter and Energy are interchangeable, and in this case, the Energy of Thought together with that of Feeling produces in the Astral Matter an artificial entity.


If the person wishes to get out of his clumsiness, "the egregor" fights, because his life depends on this belief and does everything possible to influence the person to continue believing that he is clumsy.

In many of the cases referred to as "obsession", the "cause" is worked, but in reality what is worked is the "effect", which is the "egregor", the supposed obsessive Spirit, because the cause is Thought and the Feeling that generated it and that they will continue to produce new "egregores".


In the case of drug use, the person who uses them creates “egregores” that feed on vice, because this is the cause that originates their creation.

Many times the people or relatives surrounding the drug addict, because of the sustained belief that he is "a poor drug addict without remedy, " also provide Astral Energy for this creation.


In that plane, the same attracts the same and these “egregores” are attracting other “similar egregores” and, sometimes, even disembodied beings, of very little evolution, who in Past Lives have been trapped in similar vices and find themselves in the Astral Plane.

When the person decides to leave the vice, and even having gone through the process of physical detoxification, a period of internal struggle ensues, which can be called Mental and Emotional detoxification.


At these precise moments, the "egregores" reinforce their attempts to stay "alive" because they are threatened by the person's decision to stop the drug.

There is the agony that everyone who has gone through the process of feeling harassed and, although they have already been through physical detoxification, continue to want to use drugs.


Many times they cannot sleep and begin to suffer from horrific nightmares, caused by the egregores and their invisible associates of the Astral Plane.

It is as if we emit a sound, which is gaining more volume as it meets other related sounds, until it reaches a point where it is so loud, that you do not know how to silence it, although there are You have been its creators.


At this moment the Violet Flame is Almighty and the most effective weapon to combat these egregores .

The Violet Flame consumes and dissolves these human creations with such Power that the people who have used this technique are highly surprised at the results.

The Violet Flame also prevents Astral beings from approaching the person who uses it.

The nightmares and the urge to use drugs, caused by these egregores, disappear.


I urge you to teach this technique to those who try to get out of vice and any problem that causes damage to their lives, and it is not necessary for the person to understand the What the Violet Flame works, you just have to try and have faith.


The consuming Power of the Violet Flame is the same Consumer Power of Divinity, which is used to consume the Worlds when they have completed Their Evolutionary Cycle.

In the Athemic World, it is the Power that attracts electrons to the Center of the nucleus of the atom to produce a unit where matter becomes Energy and it is said to be done. radioactive .


This Power is the same that through the use of this Flame will consume and dissolve the e egregores and all imperfect human creation in the Astral substance.

And as the Violet Flame, in addition to Consumer is Justice and Divine Order, it puts order in the Emotional Plane of the people who invoke it thus contributing its maximum expression that is Freedom.

The person is free of his creations and can really rebuild his life, free of any negative ramifications.

The Violet Flame knowledge

By Maestro Saint Germa n

Part IV


The Invocation, the Visualization and the Decree


The Invocation, the Visualization and the Decree are the elements for the use of the Violet Flame.

First My dear Oxis, you make the Invocation, with the Awareness that This Power is in You, in your own Heart. You can say:





Then, visualize that it envelops you in a Violet Flame Pillar that completely covers you and extends, surrounding your Body, beyond the distance of your extended arms and decrees:






Do not forget to thank this service and extend it to all Humanity.

If this technique of using the Violet Flame, is accompanied by the unwavering FAITH of a friend to the person you wrapped in Her, she will move forward with extraordinary speed.

Many times, the only hope a person trapped in a negative situation may have is the FAITH of a friend who firmly believes that he will emerge from the problem he is in, thanking the Father that his friend will triumph.


My Mission is to keep them united working for Humanity in the understanding that We are All One and Big Family.

Through the Seventh Ray, God manifests himself as the Great Architect of the Universe.

If you could really understand the story of a crystal, you would enter into the Glory of God.

If you could penetrate the consciousness of a lead, it would reveal to you the full history of Evolution.

If you could study the hidden processes that occur under the influence of Fire, you would penetrate the secret of the Initiation.


Discover My Friend, that Divine concepts develop in the infinitely large as well as in the tiny and lower of the manifestation.

Understand that the big and the small are expressions of a single truth, a single reality and realize that you must revere Life in all its manifestations.

Become aware that there is Life in the entire Universe that expresses itself.

Love, respect and reverence for Life in all its manifestations.

Become aware of the Life in You, THAT IT IS YOU.


The Three Cosmic Fires


Now My Beloved Oxis, bring your attention to the Center of your own Self, your Heart and visualize there three Living and shining Flames that are the synthesis of the Three Cosmic Fires of your Universe:

The blue flame

Which represents the Electric Fire of the Pure Spirit.

The golden flame

Which represents the Solar Fire of Your Soul.

The Pink Flame

Which represents the Fire by Friction of Your Bodies.


Visualize these Three Flames in your Heart and become aware that They are the WILL, WISDOM and LOVE in you.

Now you will visualize how the Blue Flame and the Pink Flame begin to grow and descend each one through your arms, until you reach below your feet. Observe how these two Flames come together and form a glowing Violet Flame that begins to grow, grow, grow and envelop you from your feet in an upward spiral, until it completely covers you.


Feel His Power, as your whole Body penetrates all of your atoms and molecules flooding with Violet Fire. Visualize yourself wrapped in a huge Violet Flame Pillar that completely covers you and repeats mentally:




I AM the Law of Forgiveness and Oblivion and the Transmuting Violet Flame that consumes and dissolves all the mistakes made by me and all Humanity.





I AM the conscious power of the consuming Violet Flame, penetrating through this outer form, absorbing and consuming everything imperfect in my Mind, desires and Body.

I AM the Power of the consuming Violet Flame, which now and forever consumes all errors, past and present in me and in all Humanity, dissolving the cause, effect, record and memory of all undesirable creation by which my external being Be responsible.


Say also:

Beloved Master Saint Germaín, Master of Violet Fire

I invoke you to come, come, come

And light Your Violet Fire in my Heart and I can join You in the Service to this Humanity that you love so much.

Hold me in Your Heart of Pure Divine Love

And seal me, seal me, seal me

So that I can become a Living Torch of Violet Flame, able to channel Order and Justice, Forgiveness, Transmutation, Freedom and Compassionate Love, and radiate these qualities to everything that surrounds and all Humanity.


Beloved Oxis, I have given you the complete knowledge and application of the Violet Flame, so that being at your disposal, you use it personally and teach others how to use it. Because it is Our duty to save the vast majority of men who have ignored millions of years immersed in it.

We know positively with the true awakening Humanity will change the wrong direction that it led, to put its bow in the direction of Divinity and that when you disembark in it, all of you will someday not be able to immerse yourself in God "I AM".


Do not forget that by Love the Universes were created. By attraction the scattered elements were united to build this world in which you live.

The Human Being, as Consciousness or Son of God, is the result of the Union of the Heavenly Father with the Divine Mother, of the Spirit and Matter, of the Love that Life feels for Form.


“I was born of the Love that the Father feels for the Mother, of the desire that Life feels for the Form. Therefore, I express the Love and the Magnetic Attraction of the Nature of Form and I am the Consciousness Himself, conscious of God and of Life ”.





My Blessing is with you


Thanks, teacher

The knowledge of The Violet Flame, By Master Saint Germaín


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