The Beginning of a New Cycle: 06.21.10

  • 2010

Anthena Arcturus

Saturday 19.06.10 Resonant Human

I am the Creator in manifestation

I am an Arcturian

I am Anthena

I Anthena, I address you from the ray of love and wisdom, thus fulfilling the agreement. From the High Council of Universal Light we send our deep blessings to all those light workers who today open their hearts to this communiqué.

As agreed, eons ago as part of the planetary assistance on the side of the Galactic Federation of Light as well as the Universal Light Council, last Sunday 13.06.10 ... Linker of Magnetic Worlds, thus beginning the 13 days of The mission of the Linker of Worlds ... my incarnated part on planet Earth has begun a journey that is a fundamental part of the divine plan ... is part of the next step in the process of planetary ascension.

The call ... was made by Mother Earth directly to the Universal Light Council.

The request ... divine intervention.

The place… Easter Island, Te pito or te henua (navel of the world), in the middle of the Pacific Ocean at 3700 km from the Chilean coast and 4100 km from Tahiti.

The objective ... to restore the synchronic order, bringing harmony to this important area of ​​the body of Mother Earth ... thus cleaning the etheric body of the island, balancing the opposites ... feminine and masculine ... sky and earth ... light and dark.

The purpose ... that the feminine energy that we are anchoring on the planet as part of the divine plan can flow in the correct way through the Unity Consciousness Network and follow its destiny to the next point in this network ... the island of Moorea and in this way enable its flow in the light throughout the entire Mother Earth. The Network of Unity Consciousness or Planetary Light Network is of the utmost importance since it enables the process of planetary ascension ... without it there would literally be no ascension. On the other hand, to comply with the agreement established as part of the Great Plan, time back by the Federation, the Council of Light and the human beings that inhabited this area of ​​the planet.

In these 13 days of the mission of the World Linker, it is my mission as a representative of the Universal High Council to restore this order, in unity with my intraterrestrial brothers, aliens, natives of the Earth and with each one of you who feels the call to participate in This sacred moment A new cycle will begin this 21.06.10 as part of a plan that is being developed in absolute perfection. More than a thousand years ago they were waiting for the return of their brothers from the stars ... they knew that this synchronic moment would take place on 21.06.10 ... it is no coincidence that 21.06 coincides with the new year Rapa Nui or "Aringa ora o koro", in that a new annual cycle of life is celebrated ... and this 21.06.10 a new cycle begins for Mother Earth and for each one of the beings that dwells on it.

The time has come for those with a pure heart ... those who feel a deep commitment to the Galactic Federation of Light, the Council of Light and the High Host of Light to open their hearts and receive this information.

With deep love today I send you all this with the purpose that you understand the true importance of this sacred place as part of your planet. Open your hearts and understand what is the real reason why the ancient Moais look towards the center of the island ... they do nothing but fulfill what was agreed! ... guardians of a great mystery ... a mystery that today must be revealed.

This little point on the planet, which you call Easter Island, Eastern Island or as the Ancients called it "I whistle you or henua", which means "navel of the world", represents a fundamental point within the body of the Mother Earth ... represents the deep connection of all the bodies of Mother Earth with each other ... represents her silver cord ... represents the connection with the origin. This is the point of the planet where everything originated. For thousands of years the Moais have been vibrationally holding this cord. They have been fulfilling the mission entrusted to them by their brothers of the stars in common agreement. They have maintained in their bodies the Ascension Codes necessary for the next step in the ascension process… these will be activated on 06.21.10… as planned.

On the other hand, the 7 Moais that are located in a strategic area of ​​the island called Ahu Akivi, and which are the only ones that look outwards, represent the 7 addresses or 7 houses:

East - Light

North - Night

West - Transformation

South - Eternal Sun

Superior - Paradise

Bottom - Earth

Central Fountain - Hunab K'u

And they are in complete alignment with the Setting Sun, that is, they look towards the West House of Transformation. I must share with you that the whole island is strategically located and that many of the areas called Ahu are also aligned with solstices, equinoxes, etc. Nothing in this place on the planet is casual, even the shape of the island ... a true Grail ... or Reimiro as the Ancients called it. The Reimiro was the ship in which King Hotu Matu´a arrived at this point in the Pacific Ocean.

The island has 3 vertices with very important magnetic enclaves: Maunga Terevaka, Rano Kau, and Poike. Each of them has been activated as part of the preparation for this 21.06.10 creating a large electromagnetic field throughout the island. The presence of the Arcturian Energy is notable at this point in the Pacific, especially in an area that the Ancients called Puna Pau ... where the pukao were made, hats made of red slag that were placed on some of their Moais representing their divinity ... Pau was the name by which the Ancients recognized us ... Pau was his name for the star Arcturus.

Through their ceremonial writing, called Rongo Rongo, they proved to be in continuous connection with us their brothers of the stars ... waiting for our return ... the bird man is a representation of it. Two confronted and united images of the bird man represents the family ... fertility ... female - male ... understand now? ... there is the origin of everything ... they even find their hands together, looking at the sky ... asking for the return of their brothers from the Stars ... the moment is here and now.

The synchronic order will be restored this next 21.06.10 and that is why I, Anthena Arcturus representing the Universal High Council on planet Earth I ask you with deep unconditional love:

“This Monday 21.06.10… solar magician… open your heart throughout the day to a deep connection from the Arcturian Crystal that is located there right in your heart center, in Red of Light with the Arcturian Etheric Crystals that are located throughout the entire planet Earth. Together we will act in absolute perfection restoring the synchronic order ... restoring planetary harmony as part of the new cycle that begins ... thus allowing the activation of new Ascension Codes ... thus allowing the correct flow of the feminine energy that we are anchoring on planet Earth ... allowing the restructuring of a new planetary silver cord ... That's right ... "

The call was issued ...

The responsibility is now in you ...

From the High Council of Universal Light we honor you deeply. And I, Anthena Arcturus with deep love sent you a veil of Arcturian light here and now.

In lak'esh


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