The change of the mental body - White celestial beings

  • 2015

Great, Magnificent and Celestial Beings of Light on Earth, we honor you for the path of beauty that you are accepting in this time of Ascension.

Beauty is your path as beauty is your incorporation, beauty is your experience; And this is your truth. Where there is the presence of the Creator there is beauty, because like Love, beauty is an Essence of the Creator, an energy that describes the Creator. One of the greatest gifts on Earth and in your Ascension process is the ability to recognize and experience the beauty of the Creator in your own Self, in everyone and in everything . If you can alter your mental perspective to allow yourself to recognize and believe that there is an energy of the Creator represented as true beauty and that it is always present, even in the most difficult situations or environments, then you allow yourself to connect with the Divine Flow and the Essence of the Creator. Such an experience is to recognize the Creator, open yourself to experience the Creator and incorporate the Creator. To recognize the beauty of the Creator in everyone and everything, especially in yourself, is to have a pure experience of the Creator. This is a very pure and true path to recognize that, without a solution of continuity, you are One with all that is the Creator.

We want to invite you to recognize the beauty of the Creator in simple actions, visions and experiences, in your reality as well as in the core of your Being. Encourage yourself to recognize the beauty of the Creator 5 times a day. When, for example, you recognize the beauty of a flower or perhaps the smile of a stranger, take a moment, even after the experience in your quiet space, to be truly present with beauty. Take a moment to inhale in your Being the beauty of the Creator, for it is a magical strengthening Light.

Feel the presence of beauty; you know that it is not something tangible but that it is the Essence of the Creator; allow this true blessing of the Creator to pass through your entire Being allowing him to rest when necessary. Feel that beauty penetrates your Being and be aware that this is your time to experience the Creator and all its magnificent vibrations. At this moment all the vibrations of the Universe open for you, they are available for you to explore, remember and resonate with them. Such a simple act of recognition of the beauty of the Creator in your Being and in your reality, can expand your consciousness so that it has access to the entire Universe of the Creator.

We encourage you to recognize and remind you how beautiful and magnificent you are, as an energetic Being and a Soul that exists eternally integrated and merged with the Creator Universe, a beautiful tapestry of life force energy. By allowing yourself to recognize beauty every day, you include the natural beauty of your own Self, magnifying its presence and influencing your physical being and thus projecting it towards your entire reality. Your beauty projections will feed greater experiences of the Age of Love on Earth. The recognition of true beauty supports deep experiences of the Creator and of Love, thus creating an improved manifestation of Love on Earth. For further manifestation of the Age of Love on Earth, we ask you to experience the beauty of the Creator and get involved with she in all its beautiful and magnificent forms.

Our greatest desire is that you recognize beauty in all situations and experiences of your reality, even if they are originally considered negative or positive, painful or joyful, challenging or routine. We want to exhort you to turn away from your limiting three-dimensional thought that still binds you to a narrow perspective of the Earth and of yourself, so that you can see the greater image of your Being, of your reality and of the Ascension journey. This is a very powerful experience, because once you start detaching yourself from your narrow and limiting perspective of yourself and physical reality, you have access to the Creator's Consciousness and truly allow your mind and your perception to move into the 5th Dimension., which allows the incorporation of the Soul to the point of Ascension. When your mind, your mental body and your perspectives go to the 5th Dimension, the physical World can be seen on a completely different level, your reality will no longer be a series of challenges, disappointments and confusion. Everything will be seen, welcomed and experienced as a beautiful blessing of meeting with the Creator; So security, Love and inner knowledge will be truly experienced and enjoyed.

In the Creator's Universe there are dimensions of consciousness to which you can have access and can receive them to accelerate your internal memory and knowledge. Different aspects and bodies of your Being can have access to different dimensions of consciousness. Since 2012, your Spiritual Body has had access to the 5th Dimension of the Creator's Universe and has been incorporating it, to experience enormous liberation, expansion and freedom that have been leaking into your entire Being to create waves of Illumination and alignment with the Divine.

The mind, mental body and perceptions of many have been passing, sometimes very aggressive and unbalanced, from the 3rd Dimension, to the 4th Dimension, to the 5th Dimension and even to the 6th Dimension. The 3rd Dimension stimulates the experience of physicality, observing, listening and resonating with the Physical Body, recognizing its limitations and powers. The 4th Dimension stimulates resonance with the Emotional Body to experience the Creator's Divine Flow. The 5th Dimension resonates with the mental body and with the full incorporation of the Soul, to support the completion of the Ascension. When the mental body fully commits itself to align with the 5th Dimension and embrace it, it receives support tools from the 5th Dimension to open more fully to the acceptance of the incorporation of the Soul. The mental body and its perspectives begin to alter to align with the Soul, thus connecting with a more expansive understanding and recognition of the true Self. When the Soul filters into the mental body through the Penta-Dimensional Light, the acceptance and manifestation of the Age of Love are given with great volume and abundance, for all to experience.

When the mental body flashes to and from the 5th Dimension, moments of Illumination are experienced. When the mental body merges more fully with the 5th Dimension, the moments of Enlightenment can become eternal experiences of the Creator's Expanded Consciousness. You may want to ask for our support for the greater fusion of your mental body and your perspectives with the 5th Dimension.

“White Celestial Beings, I invoke your support and your assistance to serve me now. Please surround me with your pure white heavenly Light, healing any resistance to the Creator that I have in my Being. Purify me completely so that I can more fully experience the flow of the Creator and my Soul freely and easily passing through my entire Being. Please, prepare my whole Being, especially my mental body, for a deeper infusion and incorporation of the Penta-Dimensional energies, vibrations and Light.

I recognize that by allowing my Mental Body to resonate more fully with the 5th Dimension, I allow my Soul and the Creator Consciousness to flow over and through my Mental Body, bringing me deeper awareness, illumination and recognition of the Creator. With deeper connection and incorporation of the 5th Dimension at the level of the Mental Body, I allow the narrow perspective and earthly focus of the 3rd Dimension to disappear. I allow myself to see, feel and recognize the greater image and the Divine Plan for my Ascension journey, processing wisdom and awareness from my Soul through my Mental Body, which automatically changes my perspectives and beliefs on a deep and essential level within my being

Now I invite you White Celestial Beings to manifest the Penta-Dimensional Consciousness of the Creator to penetrate my Mental Body, in my mind, in my thought processes, in my beliefs and in my perspectives. Create a peaceful and easy transition while my Mental Body is established in the Penta-Dimensional Consciousness of the Creator.

Now I allow myself to recognize the Divine Flow and the illumination of my Soul flowing more fully towards my mind and towards my Mental Body, thus accelerating my Ascension and my resonance with the Creator. Thank you".

Simply sit or lie peacefully, while we, the White Celestial Beings, surround you with our pure white Light, bringing our energy and yours to the Penta-Dimensional Consciousness of the Creator. Allow yourself to receive, while imagining that the Light is flowing towards your whole Being, especially towards your mind and your Mental Body. Say mentally: I accept the 5 Dimension, I accept my Soul . The energies around and within your Being will intensify, just breathe deeply, be certain that we are seeing you and helping in this influential key change in your Being, which will bring a certainty to me. Deep within your union and your connection with your Soul.

The greatest experience of the 5th Dimension is the liberation through the discharge, acceptance and incorporation of the Soul, perfectly connecting your Mental Body with the 5th. Dimension, which will give you a true experience of the era of the Age of Love.

With Love, liberation, truth and constant connection,

White Celestial Beings.

Translated: Jairo Rodr guez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consultancy

Channeled by Natalie Glasson

The change of the mental body White celestial beings

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