Bliss is the essential nature of man. The central fact of the human being is his inherent divinity.

The essential nature of man is divine, but he has lost consciousness of it due to his tendencies of repetitive vices and the veil of his ignorance.

Man, in his ignorance, identifies with the body, mind and senses. By transcending these, one becomes one with Brahman, or the Absolute, which is pure bliss.

Brahman, or the Absolute, is the fullest reality and the most complete consciousness. That beyond that is nothing, that Being inherent in all things, is the Atman or Brahman. The Atman is the Consciousness common to all beings. The thief, the prostitute, the sweeper, the king, the thugs, the saint, the dog, the cat, the rat ..., we all share a common Atman.

Only in bodies and minds there are apparent and fictitious differences. There are differences in colors and opinions, but the Atman is the same in everything.

If you are very rich, you can have a particular boat, train or plane for your selfish interests. But you can't have a private Atman. The Atman is common to everything. It is not the private property of any individual.

The Atman is one among diversity. It is constant between the ways that come and go. It is the pure, absolute and essential Consciousness of all sentient beings.

The source of all life and all knowledge is the Atman, your inner Being. This Atman, or Supreme Soul, is transcendent, inexplicable, indefinable, unintelligible, indescribable, all peace and all bliss.

There is no difference between Atman and bliss. The Atman is the same bliss. God, perfection, peace, immortality and bliss are the same thing. The goal of life is to achieve perfection, immortality or God. The closer one approaches the Truth, the happier he becomes. For the essential nature of Truth is positive and absolute bliss.

There is no bliss in the finite. This is only in the Infinite. Eternal bliss can only be obtained from the eternal Being.

To know the Self is to enjoy eternal bliss and imperishable peace. The realization of the Being confers eternal existence, absolute knowledge and imperishable bliss.

No one can enter the higher planes except through the realization of Being. The search for the Absolute, for the Whole, should be undertaken even at the cost of having to sacrifice the dearest thing, even life, and even having to court pain.

You can remain in a cave in the Himalayas for a hundred years in absolute contemplation, practice Pranaiama for fifty years, but you can achieve emancipation without achieving the realization of the unity of the Self through the awakening of the Divine consciousness.


Knowledge cannot be reached except through meditation. The aspirant must search with intensity, persistence, discipline and passion in his spirit, in his own soul, and then the Truth is manifested.

Through regular meditation you gradually grow in spirituality. The divine flame grows and becomes brighter and brighter.

Meditation gradually gives you eternal light and intuition.

Through the constant practice of concentration and meditation, the mind becomes as pure and transparent as a crystal. It is the only true means to open your psychic perception and activate your third eye.

The crash of the struggle for worldly things is reduced more and more as one goes away abstracting within oneself. This new plane has its own laws. The music is different. Your notes are very sweet. Everything tends to be better.

The purity of spiritual awakening changes one's perspective and one begins to devoutly seek only that which produces, in the long run, true and perennial happiness and peace. The search for material and immediate advantages becomes, therefore, less urgent.

Meditation guides you more and more towards the true that is within yourself, from the rude to the subtle, from it to the most subtle, and from there to the highest, the Supreme Spirit.

By transcending body consciousness by meditating on Divinity, one attains universal dominion. All your wishes are then satisfied.

Meditation is the only real road suitable for achieving immortality and eternal bliss. Peace and joy cannot be found in books, churches or monasteries. They can only be achieved when the Atman Knowledge dawns.

The biggest and most powerful book is in your own heart. Open the pages of this inexhaustible book that is the source of all knowledge. By knowing yourself, you will then know everything.

Close your eyes. Abstract your senses. It quiets your mind. Silence the bustling thoughts. Calm your mental waves. Immerse yourself deeply in the Atman or the Self, the Supreme Soul, Light of Lights and Sun of suns. All knowledge will then be revealed to you. All your doubts will vanish. All mental anguish will disappear. All kinds of heated discussions and angry discussions will come to an end. Only peace and knowledge will remain.

All names and all forms fade into deep meditation. In that state the consciousness of an infinite space is experienced, but this also disappears to give rise to a state of nothingness. Suddenly, the dawn dawns, the Nirvikalpa Samadhi.


Samadhi is the highest realization. During this state the Reality is intuited in its entirety. It is the experience of unity with the Absolute. Bramic superconsciousness is experienced, rather than inanimate individual consciousness.

The experience of the Absolute is called Samadhi. It consists in the liberation of affliction, or absolute bliss. Samadhi does not consist in the denial of personality, but in its consummation. In that state of supreme enlightenment one feels the union between subject and object. You don't see anything else, or hear anything else, or know anything else.

Knowledge simply illuminates. It doesn't require you to do anything after that lighting.

To know is to exist. Knowing and existing cannot be separated. Chit (knowledge) and Sal (existence) are the same thing. But where absolute knowledge and absolute existence prevail, there is also absolute bliss.

The bliss of the realization of Being cannot be described in words. A tranquility that nothing can disturb, a supreme peace without any agitation, a light and a bliss without mixing, such is the flash of the realization of Being.

Sensual pleasure is nothing compared to the joy of meditation and Samadhi. Rise above sensory life. Wake up and understand that you are the pure and immortal Atman. Behold the Atman, unique in all beings, and attain eternal immortality and bliss.

Listen about the Atman or the Soul. Then understand it. Then he reflects on her. Later, meditate on her. And finally, perform it. Tat Tuam So: You Are It.

You are the Atman! Understand this and be free. Nothing can prevent you from achieving the realization of your essential nature.

The realization of Being is not an invention. It is only the discovery of Being. It is knowing one's own Self. It is an awareness.

The realization of Being is not something that will be achieved for the first time. You do not really need to reach or reach the Atman or the Self. You are truly the Atman or the Supreme Being. You just need to open your inner eyes.

Vedanta philosophy urges the individual to achieve their own freedom, glory and dignity. Know the source of freedom, the root of bliss, and be free.

Bliss is truly your essential nature. It is your birthright. You are the glorious heir of infinite bliss. Make this bliss right now, in this same second.

Do not look outside of yourself for light, peace, happiness or happiness, but within yourself. Salvation is not found in heaven or on Mount Kailas. The divine treasure, supreme and inexhaustible, the ethical pearl, is hidden in the stay of your own heart, in an urn of silence. Discover the true Reality in the very heart of your own subjectivity, in the very depths of your own being.



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