The Sacred Sirian Aspect of the Animal Kingdom - Dogs and Cats as Fusion of the Arc Soul. Metatron through J. Tyberonn

  • 2012

Archangel Metatron In the Sacred Animal Kingdom The Healing, Protection, Love & Divinity of Cats and Dogs How Pets Become a “Fragment of the Soul Fusion Personality.

How Cats and Dogs are Opposite Fields in the Same Benevolent Sirian Source.

The Ability to Protect and Heal the Human from Felids and Canids.

The Divine Nature of the Felian Sirians.

The Fusion of the Soul of Cats and Dogs Reincarnated with You.

Having Pets can prolong its Longevity.

How Pets as “Soul Fusions” Help the Growth of their Individual Soul.


Message of the Archangel Metatron

Channeled by James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters! I am Metatron Lord of the Light; and at this moment I hug you. With me are the energies and the presence of the Angelic Kingdom, of the Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light; and of those benevolent Beings of the Sirian Pleiadian Alliance.

We welcome each of you here at a time of the 'Now' of Unconditional Love. Dear ones, with the understanding that you are here to learn, we tell you that the University of Earth Polarity is designed specifically for evolution. n of the Human Soul.

The curriculum and scope of the Polar Earth, of the educational process, is in fact a version of the Omni-Earth that is created and co-created in Divine Intelligence. It is an intentional illusion, it is created with intentional thinking; And it can't be destroyed. Consider that That does not mean that you have no responsibilities in caring for the Earth and its sustaining Kingdoms, because that is undoubtedly a part of the learning process.

The purpose of the Earth Plane is the evolution of your Soul. The Earth supports that mission, by Divine Plan, by agreement; and all the Kingdoms of the Earth are part of that. Accordingly, we tell you that there are versions of other Beings of Divine Intelligence that are here to support Humanity in its purpose here.

These include Master Beings of many kingdoms. Some make visits here to support you; and certain beings of these come in total Avatar consciousness. But also be aware that there are versions of benevolent Master Beings who by agreement chose to manifest themselves in various reduced ways to support Humanity.

Those of the Animal Kingdom of the Earth are here to support you. Part of that process involves its expression on the Earthly Plane in Consciousness Group . The deepest dimensions of the animal self exist not at the level of the individual but as part of the collective group mind of the entire species; and that higher level is not in duality lesson, per se.

And then we speak to this meeting of the Sacred Felids of Sirius A.

The Felids and Sacred Cénids are incredible Beings that give enormous support to the field of Humanity and its evolutionary growth for the purpose. The Felids are Divine Intelligence, fully evolved, magnificently conscious in crystalline expression. They are members of both the Sirian Pleiadian Alliance, and what can be called the Nibiruan Master Council. Both are benevolently involved in the elevation of the evolution of consciousness of planets and planetary races that are prepared to graduate at the next level of their Ascension.


The Felids are feline species originating in Sirius A. They are beings that have entered the Earth Plane since ancient times in specific roles and formats. The versions currently in physical form in the Earth Plane, are what can be called the Feline and Canine family. These physical formats in the Earth Plane are here to support you; and in their physical matrix they are only a portion of the consciousness of their Sirian nature.

That is because the expression Félida on Earth is in the form of an almic group and is not here to evolve as a species, but rather to support the Earth and assist the evolving Humanity. Most of his consciousness is above the level of the Earth Plane. Felines operate vastly in the ethereal or stealth antimatter realm.

His full consciousness existed and manifested itself in the Lemurian, Atlantean and early Egyptian ages. The Masters of the Sacred Felids were involved in the genetic engineering of the Temple of Purification (in Possession) of Atlantis during the Golden Age of the Law of One. This was done in a very positive and benevolent manner, before such technology was tragically misused by the Arianos children of Belial in the sad disappearance of the final era of Atlantis.

The Felids of Sirius A and the Cetacean Masters of Sirius B are trained to integrate the Spirit and physical matter. This is not only to give vital force to a physical form, it also consists of integrating higher chakric levels of consciousness into the physical matrix at the Mer-Ká-Nico level of multi-dimensionality.

This ability to work with Humanity in energetic terms involves the activation of upper chakras and higher bodies of Christ Light. This higher level of consciousness is the Christ Consciousness; and Cetaceans are Crystalline Masters. His renewed role on Earth includes assisting in the change-transition from the declining grid of magnetic polarity to the evolving Crystalline Reticle.

Question: So the beings of Sirius B are mainly aquatic and the beings of Sirius A felines?

Answer: The inhabited kingdom that surrounds Sirius B is primarily aquatic; and Cetaceans, Dolphins and Whales, are aquatic. But they are also of high enough consciousness to manifest forms that can equally inhabit both aquatic kingdoms and those that could be called territorial.

The life forms of the sister Star Sirius A, are different expressions of the Cetaceans. Sirius A animates Humanoid Life (Star Seed), as well as the Sacred Fellar Star Seed. All these are Beings of Divine Intelligence that have varied expressions helping on the Earth Plane. All of them interact with your planet on many levels and myriad forms.

Q: You mentioned that only humans are in soul evolution on Planet Earth. Are not dolphins and whales also in a high state of consciousness and evolution?

A: Sacred Cetaceans are undoubtedly in a high state of evolution. But they are not on Earth to evolve. They have already evolved. So understand that you are here on Earth to support Earth and assist Humanity to do so. Cetaceans are physically here to anchor energy in the aquatic portions of the Earth to make planetary equilibrium possible and facilitate the shift from magnetic to crystalline.

The etheric, non-physical return of the 'Golden Dolphins', are the Sacred Cetaceans in full Avatar Mastery helping Humanity to evolve towards the Mer-Ká-Nico Crystalline field.

The Felids are helping Humanity in physical manifestation; but they have also helped in Etheric, non-physical Avatar Mastery, particularly in Atlantis, Central America and Egypt. The physical forms and manifestations of the Felids in the animal kingdom are the diminished form. They are here to help you in the emotional and mental fields. This is the main theme of today's speech, those Felids in Feline and Canine expression.

Q: I am intrigued by the information about the Felids and Canids of Sirius A. Are you talking about cats and dogs? Can you expand this?

A: Certain breeds of what you can call domestic cats and dogs are undoubtedly unique designs derived from the Felid Star Seeds. They play specific roles to help humans. The 'domestic' versions of cats and dogs were produced with genetic engineering in the Golden Age of Atlantis.

Genetic engineering was benevolently done by the Sirian Pleiadian Alliance and was an extremely useful action, as it was established to help Humanity when it became more densely embedded in the Earth Plane.

Now, what you call canines and felines are from the same source, both are derivations of the Felid Star Seed. Cats and dogs are different physical forms from the same source.

The Felids of Sirius A are totally conscious crystalline beings. They have merged into a unitary group consciousness, but still retain individual aspect identities within the major harmonic field. The Group Field chose to help Humanity in your Universe and in others.


Both dogs and dogs in this derivation are serving as benevolent energy-giving assistants to Humans, their caregivers. Both have the ability to mix their energy fields with the Human; and have a unique ability to become fragments of the personality of their human caregivers. That is why some of these may begin to present the physical characteristics of their 'owners', even though this particular aspect occurs most commonly with canines.

The canines show extreme loyalty and unconditional love. A dedication that is energetically received by the Human; And that can help in many ways. Dogs (and cats) become both companions, as well as healers and protectors. The cat, the cat, is much more in the etheric (antimatter) kingdom in its conscious field. That is why many past societies revered the Feline forms of Jaguar, León, Tigre and Puma.

These beings are extremely aware of the thought forms of the ethereal realms and offer silent strength and protection. The domestic cat is capable of enormous protection for its caretakers against harmful thinking and negative energies. Certain breeds of dogs also have this ability, but it is expressed and presented differently.


The purring of a cat is very beneficial in healing, repairing and protecting the human aura. The psychic abilities and aspects of cats have long been recognized. 'Templar cats' were used in many ancient societies to 'protect' sacred sites.

Cats have also been desired as companions, allies and protectors, by mystics, healers and shamans of various indigenous societies and monastic groups.

Wolves and other similar canine species possess similar attributes in the psychic and mystical realms. This is because both cats and dogs have a powerfully improved ability to feel and see in dimensionality much greater than the human eye.

The service of cats and dogs in therapeutic work with child victims of abuse, terminal patients, depressed and elderly in care homes, are very good examples of their considerable healing abilities. No doubt the applications in the field of therapeutic healing with pets have been increasingly recognized. This will be much more widespread in the future.

Cats see above visible light; and they can really see the human aural field, the human electromagnetic field; and all kinds of emanations energetic, invisible to the human eye. The broad spectrum that cats perceive in the fields of Light is quite surprising. Cats see in fields of both non-physical matter and non-matter.

Cats have a unique ability to help humans not only better understand their dreams and the interludes of the dream world ... but they are also able to help you have a more lucid consciousness during an ongoing dream; in other words, greater conscious clarity during sleep states.

Dogs are more in the field of matter; and they feel or perceive this aural field and no doubt they are extremely capable of understanding the direct resonance of the human emotional field.

Additionally, Félidos 'canines', dogs, contribute to helping humans better understand their feelings and emotional blockages and help humans to work with them in a state of better balance. We will talk more about these attributes later in this exhibition.

The service of the 'lazarillos' dogs for the blind is another service area in which great bonds are created. No doubt dogs can 'feel' and in fact smell diseases inside the human body.

They often tend their own bodies in the area of ​​human disease and transfer energy to help rebalance the area. They will also mentally project to the human the knowledge of the disease, through direct telepathic communication.

Cats will provide a similar service, but there the perception of human imbalance is visual. A cat sees the human aural field with great clarity, with vivid colors and details. The disease areas will appear discolored for the cat. Frequently the cat will lie on the area and purr or radiate a color-balancing frequency to help restore balance.


The versions of Felids and Canids, which are cats and dogs, are but a fragment of the total consciousness and energy spectrum of their Sirian aspects.

But this expression is specifically and intentionally designed to be so, because these beings can become so linked to the humans they serve, that a third unique consciousness can evolve succinctly between the human and the 'pet', which is extremely beneficial for the evolution of the human caregiver.

The earthly consciousness of dogs and cats operates more in thought patterns with powerful instinctive triggers. The engineering of their DNA, designed and divinely agreed upon, is such that they have a uniquely divinely intended ability to become allies, programmed for a partnership with the human with whom they are working.

When this society is made, these beings are able to telepathically receive mental images sent by their caregiver. Just as human thought can program a living crystal, the same thing happens with dogs and cats, although in a different format. That can be termed as the formation of an aspect of the human's personality within the cat or dog.

Then the 'pet' is able to help the human in both physical and emotional ways. Providing comfort, energy, healing, company, detecting disease, sealing aural ruptures and providing protection in the physical and etheric realms.

Many humans have cats and dogs as pets that help them work blockages. One of the most common situations is that these beings help to awaken your ability to express Love. It is very easy to express and give affection to the pet; and for many this is much easier than expressing love and kindness to other humans.

Depending on the individual, this blockage may occur for many reasons. Very often the human grew older, the children left home; and the wife disembodied; a seemingly natural period for depression due to solitary isolation. The interaction with the pet can awaken the flow of Love through affectionate tenderness. This nutritious interaction awakens the very life force of the isolated caregiver; and represents a tender therapeutic exchange.

We tell you that there is much more design and intelligence in the willing participation of Felids and Canids, than what is recognized.


When this third consciousness is formed through interaction, it expands the field of both parties. Wake up within the parties involved characteristics that none of them had before.

In other words, it expands, stretches, your field of emotional awareness; and no doubt of the third mixed consciousness; and this reaches the individual consciousness of both and changes it. The pet opens your ability to remain 'positive' to allow you to express Love; and in doing so, you 'teach' him, so to speak, to channel most of his Divine Sirian consciousness.

Your willingness to interact allows them to achieve their specific purpose; and there is significant growth on both sides, only because of the field created between you two. Before mixing with Human consciousness, the 'pet' operated in group consciousness; and his individuality was formed in the bond with the human. Do you understand

Q: Are you saying that animals are not individuals unless they mix with the human to form the 'fusion of consciousness' with humans?

A: That is a way of saying what we are saying. But to be clear, we are not saying that animals did not have individual aspects before the fusion. Each is embodied in the physical body; and it is undoubtedly subject to the gravitational characteristics, to some extent, that occur due to astrological influences in all life on Earth.

Wild animals are also subject to natural instincts for the survival of the species; and express it according to the environment.

But they only operate fully in 'Group soul' consciousness, until the unique mixing with the human occurs.

That interaction is succinct and builds a fragment of mixed personality consciousness capable of growing in individual consciousness and identity. But we are not saying that animals do not have a 'group' purpose without mixing.

The group purpose is transformed into a singular 'service' in the expanded field, through Human interaction with the 'Group Soul' of the domestic pet, as expressed in the individual cat or dog. Consequently, the Human interaction is what creates the individual identity field in the pet.

So one way of saying it is that the animal has agreed to be benevolently 'programmed to blend in' with the mental field, emotional field and personality of the Human caretaker, for a higher purpose.

This is how the third field is created; and that third field is a fragment of Human consciousness that as you see benefits both. But the main purpose is to benefit the Human. And that is a very specialized service provided by the Felids.

But there is the option of accepting or not the human by the Felid. And when that bond accepts each other, the greater role of the Group Soul can feed towards the mix; and wisdom, protection and healing of the pet can be given to the human. So understand that this third mixture is a conduit that has much greater scope, but is presented by mutual agreement.

The Atlanteans, Lemurians and Egyptians in particular, interacted with the Felids in roles of protection and transfer of wisdom. The Egyptian Temples contain many hieroglyphs that describe the Felids, with Feline heads and torsos and Human members, completed with the 'Solar Disk' of illumination. The Sphinx is on the contrary, Human head with Feline body.

Q: How exactly do 'dogs and cats' offer protection to humans? Is it because of your greater awareness of other dimensions?

A: Yes, specifically being much more in tune with other realms that are, as we have explained, a little invisible to the human physical senses. Protection in the specific forms described in 'domestic or Human interface' versions of the Sirian Beings, is developed in a beautiful way; and that is not only through the detection of what can be called 'negative energies', but neutralizing those very harmful energies, with powerful projections of energetic benevolence energy vibrations that are orchestrated towards the Human through the Felian Sirian.

The Sirian Being diagnoses exactly what is needed and channels the vibration necessary to help the caregiver.

You don't always recognize that you induce aural fractures when you are depressed or very frustrated. These states form negative fields that open you to harmful electromagnetic bonds that can be energetically exhausting.

When a cat 'purrs', the vibration is of deep joy; and the frequency within that vibration is very healing, capable of evaporating negative fields neutralizing them. Similarly, when dogs jump and run playfully, often in joyful turns, they are, like dolphins, forming energetic vortices capable of cleaning the energies; and projecting a 'channeled' vibrational frequency extremely beneficial to the environment, not only removing negative vibrations but creating a shield to prevent re-entry.

When cats seem to 'patrol' the perimeter of a room, house or yard, they are also radiating a protective field.

We will tell you that the Felids and the Canids, the Felines and the Canines, are from the same root source of Sirius A, but their expression in Sirius A is totally evolved. As we have told you, the domestic versions of these Beings are, in fact, physical formats produced with genetic imagery by the Sirians, to help Humanity in the ways we are exposing here.

Q: To clarify: Are you saying that cats and dogs are from the same Syria source?

A: In the superior source-origin, yes. Both cats and dogs are from the same source, both are manifested towards physicality from the fully evolved Felids of Sirius A.

In Sirius A, the Felids are brilliant beings of Divinely intelligent, non-physical crystalline Light from your perspective, which appear in forms of Crystalline Light.

As we have mentioned, the Felids have manifested themselves in total Avatar Mastery at various times on your planet, to help you. The Felids are teachers in incorporating the Spirit into physicality; and helped in the original engineering of all the DNA strands for Humanity. In fact, the human races contain in their DNA Felian aspects Félidos, some more than others.

The same athletic condition and agility prevalent in some humans comes from this, to give one of many aspectual examples.

Q: As a curiosity: If they are from the same Sirian source, why do dogs chase cats?

A: Dogs only chase cats until they are caught. At that point things change. And very quickly! (laughs) We will say that in a real sense, dogs and cats are inverses of the same frequency when they are expressed on the Earth Plane. Generally speaking, felines, domestic cats, tend to be more introverted; and canines, dogs, more external or outgoing.

Then their frequencies are inward in the former and outward in the latter; and they attract naturally ... they are not rejected. You will find that dogs and cats raised or living in the same house develop especially loving bonds.

This occurs particularly more when animals have had past lives in which personality fragments formed with humans. As an example, the channel now houses two cats and two dogs. They work together and share a deep bond; and all four are aspects of the two human caregivers. I will also add that one of the dogs, the dog, in the past has been more frequently feline than canine.

The Sacred Felid in its manifestation on the Earth Plane has retained the unique ability to operate simultaneously in projections of the internal and external worlds, much more than the Humans.

Anytime you observe the physical material manifestation of a Felid, he is equally aware of being fully manifested simultaneously on other dimensional planes. Very frequently they interact within other realms while they are physically present in it.


Although Humans also exist simultaneously on other levels, Humans in the 3rd dimension cannot interpret the frequencies of other realms consistently or with lucid clarity only through the physical brain.

The mind, which is the internal counterpart of the brain, can sometimes perceive the much larger dimensions of any given event by means of an electro-crystalline burst of intuition or sudden understanding that cannot be adequately described at the verbal level. The electro-crystalline impulses that are noticeable within your three-dimensional system are merely a tiny fraction of the vast electro-crystalline system of the Cosmos.

A human physical brain is, by itself, quite incapable of accurately perceiving or deciphering frequencies that are above polarity. For the physical brain alone, it is impossible even to grasp the enormous complexity and myriad dimensions of the electro-crystalline potential and of reality as it exists.

And even though these are quite accessible in the Mer-Ka-Ná, via the higher mind, non-physical levels, they are not accessed with only the human brain, rather they must be developed in the Mer-Ka-Ná through of the mind.

So we tell you to keep in mind, without ambiguity, that the true origin, the eternal source and the power of your Divine Intelligence and Consciousness, has never been rooted in the physical. Each and every Human exists in other worlds, in different realities and in other dimensions, and what you call yourself is only a small portion of your complete identity.

Because of the filters inherent in the physical brain, you are able to focus on the physical world around you; and that approach is what enables you to eventually master the physical plane.

We assure you that there is purpose in the filter, because if the physical brain with the ethnic personality were unprotected; and consequently fully aware of the vast and constant bombardment of telepathic communications that collide with them, it would be very difficult for them to retain a sense of identity in linear perception.

It is because of the Egyptian consciousness that you have a powerful identity consciousness in the physical realm, because you are physically with a specific purpose. But we repeat, that is not your true identity in the general Cosmic vision.

Meanwhile, in physicality, the human brain is simply not equipped in a linear fashion to be able to make sense of the signals that enter from the higher dimensions. Your standard brain cannot read them. For the brain, these disconnected flashing images. The ethnic personality, based on the brain in linear time, cannot perceive information that is not based on the continuity of sequential moments.

It is interesting that some of the Animal Kingdom, particularly the Felids, can do it. So with this axiom that the Felids and certain Cénids operate more effectively in other coincident planes, we tell you that that is precisely why these beings were recognized as guardians for more conscious societies.

That is why a dog barks, or a domestic cat moves with rapid reaction to energies invisible to the human eye. Your academics understand that there are spectra of Light. You also understand that the A only be be able to have physical vision be in the narrow spectrum of the so-called visible light .

The Felids and certain Candids are able to see (and feel) in a much wider sensory range. We tell you that physical matter also occurs in spectral waves. So there are varied spectra of matter.

Your physical reality system on the Earthly Plane is neither nearly as wide-ranging nor complex, compared to many others. The dimensions given to the narrow spectrum of physical matter are scarcely indicative of the prolific variety of higher non-physical dimensions.

You don't even recognize the nature of the non-physical in your own Galaxy, much less in the Cosmos. We tell you that Universes can exist within a molecule; and other versions of the Earth coexist validly where you are sitting now reading these words.


These beings that in current terms would be considered of the Animal Kingdom, have taught Humans much more than they currently recognize.

The beings you call Animals operate in increasing intelligence, albeit in a matrix of thought patterns formatted only for the natural aspect of the Earth Plane. In a much more comprehensive aspect and level than you currently have, the Animal Kingdom is here by agreement to help Humanity on many levels. His understanding of the Earth Plane is a University of Development for Humanity, which extends from and to its Master Source.

The pattern of their mental format in earthly expression is such that humans are regarded as irreproachable. Even when Humanity has a great responsibility to treat the Animal Kingdom with respect, the Animal Kingdom does not blame humans. His chosen mental format on Earth is such that guilt is not an expression contained in it. Rather, it is an instinctive and benevolently capable pattern of unconditional support.

One of the differences between the cat and the dog as expressions of the Felids is that dogs are more in the physical realm than cats. Desde un punto de vista general, los gatos son mucho más etéricos dentro del campo de la antimateria, mientras que los perros están mucho más en materia.

Los perros reaccionan más ante la frecuencia directa de vuestras emociones, mientras que los gatos reaccionan más ante la vibración y las emanaciones lumínicas.

Los perros sentirán y reaccionarán ante la ira y la culpa de una manera más tangible que los gatos. Los gatos no pueden experimentar culpa; y ese desapego de las ondas emocionales humanas, es el por qué los gatos parecen lejanos.


El Reino Animal tiene una mucho más completa comprensión y consciencia de los otros reinos conscientes de la Tierra; y siempre han tenido la habilidad de enseñar eso a la Humanidad. En los tiempos actuales hace mucho que habéis olvidado, muy desafortunadamente, cuánto aprendisteis de todos los Seres del Reino Animal.

En las sociedades y culturas campestres, la Humanidad aprendió una gran cantidad de medicina, de nutrición, mirando el comportamiento animal en interacción con el Reino Vegetal. La Humanidad observaba cuidadosamente cuáles plantas evitar y cuáles cultivar. Aprendisteis técnicas de supervivencia; y sin duda el comportamiento social, no solamente mirando a los animales, sino también por medio de comunicación telepática directa con ellos.

En jornadas anteriores, en épocas más formativas, la Humanidad se identificó mucho más estrechamente con el Reino Animal y entendió la inteligencia y la sabiduría ofrecidas por sus patrones instintivos naturales; y los reconoció como sabios profesores.

Y como resultado ellos se identificaron con la Humanidad e interactuaron con ella en un grado verdaderamente notable. Los Espíritus Animales o Tótems reconocidos y honrados por los Nativos Americanos como portadores de sabiduría, son ejemplos del colectivo grupal superior de su consciencia más alta, extra-planetaria, manifestándose etéricamente para ayudara la Humanidad.

El conocimiento y la comunicación intuitiva del Reino Animal con la consciencia Elemental y Dévica de la Tierra Viva, los Minerales, el Fuego y el Aire, son una comprensión precisa que podría ser de gran ayuda, ofreciendo señales anticipadas para la Humanidad en este tiempo de cambios de la Tierra.

P: Advertiste antes que la Semilla Estelar Félida es la fuente de consciencia para las especies animales terrenales tanto felinas como caninas. ¿Todos los animales del Plano Terrenal son originarios de Sirio A, de la Semilla Estelar Félida?

R: No. Sirio A es la fuente de Humanoides y Félidos. Sirio B es la fuente de los Cetáceos Sagrados, delfines y ballenas. Los delfines y las ballenas son de la misma fuente, la Cetácea, tal como los felinos y caninos son de la misma fuente, la Semilla Estelar Félida. Sirio no consiste meramente en dos estrellas binarias en el Cosmos con planetas circundantes.

Es una frecuencia vibracional de un reino que ha alcanzado la Ascensión Cristalina. Concordantemente es una resonancia celestial sagrada y una manera de ser dentro de una consciencia bastamente expandida. Sirio A está dentro de todas las dimensiones tanto físicas como no-físicas.

Las estrellas de Sirio son portales o pasajes hacia estas otras dimensiones y los Félidos, Hathors y Cetáceos están aquí en variadas expresiones matriciales para ayudar a la Humanidad a crecer en consciencia, para equilibrar a la Tierra y encontrar su camino al Hogar. Los Sirianos son receptores y transmisores de esta Divina energía amorosa.

Otros miembros del Reino Animal en expresión Terrenal provienen de una multiplicidad de fuentes. Por ejemplo los caballos son de fuente Arturiana. Los caballos también son capaces de formar la fusión de consciencia tridimensional con los humanos, pero pocos humanos tienen verdadero acceso a ellos.

Los del Reino Animal verdaderamente han sido vuestros profesores, aún cuando ellos no eligieron vuestra senda 'humana' de evolución. Como hemos dicho, el Reino Animal no está en la Tierra para evolucionar en expansión álmica, sino más bien para apoyar la expansión álmica de la Humanidad.

Os aseguramos que la Humanidad no podría haber avanzado como especie si no hubiera sido por los Seres del Reino Animal. De hecho algunos del Reino Animal, tales como los bovinos y algunas otras especies de mamíferos, peces y aves, están aquí por acuerdo para proveer una fuente de alimento para la Humanidad.

¿Os sorprende que esto ocurra por acuerdo? Y aún cuando no es el tópico entre manos, la consciencia del Reino Vegetal también ha sido un gran apoyo para la Humanidad de muchas más maneras que sólo como fuente alimenticia y para provisión de oxígeno.

Los animales domesticados tienen un propósito benévolo al elegir sus expresiones terrenales. Los Felinos y Caninos tienen un rol único de interacción en los aspectos de la compañía humana. Esto es por un acuerdo de 'servicio' desde una fuente superior. Y añadiremos que la habilidad mejorada para formar la 'fusión de personalidad' en derivaciones domésticas de los Félidos, es genéticamente reforzada.


Muchos humanos descubren que pueden interactuar más fácilmente con las 'mascotas' que con otros seres humanos.

Las mascotas no replican, aman incondicionalmente. Los felinos y caninos están particularmente comprometidos a ayudar a los humanos a lidiar con bloqueos emocionales y con el aislamiento, particularmente cuando los humanos se hacen mayores y se quedan solos. Tanto gatos como perros enseñan a menudo a los humanos a volver a amar ya abrir sus corazones.

Los perros están vinculados con el campo emocional humano, los gatos con el campo-mental/plano-psíquico humano. Los dos son muy diferentes expresiones de Félidos, pero ambos están enfocados en ayudaros, ambos tienen capacidades únicas de formar un aspecto fragmentario de la personalidad de los cuidadores.

Cuando un Humano forma una fusión fragmentaria de personalidad con un Félido o Cánido, esa sucinta energía puede evolucionar de manera única ya menudo reencarnar, o re-ligarse en otras vidas y dentro de la misma vida, para continuar ayudando al 'propietario'. Así que un Humano puede tener la misma esencia energética de su gato o perro, durante un período de 70 años, secuencialmente en varios cuerpos de gato o perro.

Por ejemplo, los dos gatos y uno de los perros de los cuales el canal es cuidador en el presente, estuvieron con él en diferentes cuerpos como leopardos domesticados en una vida pasada en Egipto.

P: A menudo las mascotas se convierten en miembros de la familia, como hijos para sus cuidadores. Y cuando ellos mueren, los cuidadores quedan muy devastados. ¿Puede la misma esencia álmica de la mascota reencarnar inmediatamente, si el propietario obtiene una nueva mascota?

R: La 'fusión de personalidad' de la mascota es en esencia una parte única del cuidador humano, un fragmento de la personalidad. Cuando una mascota muere físicamente, la consciencia fragmentaria fusionada absolutamente permanecerá cerca en los planos etéricos continuando en conexión con el humano.

Con frecuencia el humano puede percibir, incluso ver o sentir la esencia de la mascota después de su muerte, o incluso si se escapa o se pierde. El propietario puede comunicarse con la esencia de la fusión de personalidad; y ésta sin duda 'reencarnará', volverá a entrar en el cuerpo de una nueva mascota.

Esto es mejor si la nueva mascota se obtiene dentro de dos a tres semanas después de la muerte; y es de la misma raza que la mascota anterior. En un corto tiempo los rasgos y características distintivos de la personalidad de la mascota anterior resurgirán claramente en el nuevo cuerpo; y la relación y el apoyo continuarán.

En el evento de que la nueva mascota sea de diferente raza y/o de diferente patrón astrológico, las similitudes pueden no ser aparentes inmediatamente, pero la esencia de la fusión y el apoyo tendrán la misma fuente. Es importante entender esto.


En los tiempos actuales, en ciertos círculos está de moda ver a la Humanidad como el gran destructor voraz de la Tierra y sus reinos, especialmente los Reinos Animal, Vegetal y Mineral. Igualmente es popular en algunos círculos de la 'Nueva Era' ver al hombre como el arrogante explotador que contamina la Tierra, que destruye los Reinos Naturales de la Tierra a expensas de las generaciones futuras.

Insertamos aquí que una parte de esto es cierto y se requiere un cambio. No condonamos las acciones perjudiciales e irresponsables de la Humanidad en este tema.

El punto es que algunos que quieren lo mejor, sienten que todo está irremediablemente perdido, que el cambio para mejorar no llegará.

Mientras que es esencial la determinación unificada para hacer el cambio para mejorar, el enfoque en la desesperanza debe detenerse. Ésa es la aplicación equivocada en la creación de la 'Nueva Tierra'. Enfocarse en la desesperanza y la desesperación, crea desesperada desesperanza. ¡Así que os ofrecemos una visión de esperanza!

Lo que queremos señalar es que la Tierra es la manifestación dinámica en cualquier momento dado de vuestras proyecciones de pensamiento en curso individuales y colectivas. La Humanidad es siempre la co-creadora de la Tierra y de la Omni-Tierra en todas sus realidades probables.

Os decimos, Queridos Maestros, que la Tierra es una ilusión magnífica y con propósito, que es absolutamente creada por pensamiento.

Colectivamente la Humanidad en el tiempo presente, es inconsciente del hecho de que VOSOTROS sois co-creadores de la experiencia Terrenal.

Hay otras versiones de realidad probable en 'programas de tiempo 'holográficos, en las cuales los humanos 'Ascendidos' iluminados se respetan entre sí; ya la Tierra ya todos sus reinos en bella armonía. La programación de la dualidad del Plano Terrenal está planeada inteligente y divinamente. La evolución por 'Ensayo y Error' de esta experiencia, tiene en cuenta la curva de aprendizaje.

Habiendo dicho eso, os decimos que no podéis destruir verdaderamente la Tierra. Podéis crear y crearéis la Tierra Iluminada por medio del enfoque positivo en su manifestación, no enfocándoos en la desesperación porque aún no ha ocurrido.

Nada es quitado a la Tierra, ni a ninguno de los Reinos Terrenales, Mineral, Vegetal y Animal, que no se haya acordado enteramente, permitido completamente, en la realidad lineal del drama holográfico.

Raramente se os ocurre que la consciencia del Reino Animal llegó a la fisicalidad ya la forma terrenal por elección; y que la consciencia de tales animales hizo una elección voluntaria acordando ayudar a la Humanidad, totalmente conscientes de los potenciales perjudiciales en las fases y etapas de ignorancia del hombre, mientras la Humanidad evoluciona hacia mayor consciencia.

En un futuro no muy distante, los Humanos llegarán a darse cuenta; y no solamente honrarán al Reino Animal, sino que igualmente se honrarán, se reconocerán y sin duda se AMARÁN mutuamente; ya la bella Tierra que los nutre. Eso ocurrirá.

Créenlo así!

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths.

You are loved.

... And so it is.


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Traducción: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Edición: Alicia Virelli

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