Water: Considerations and consequences of not understanding water as a source of life

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 A soil without water 2 Air without water 3 Respect for water 4 We are children of water 5 Water in nature 6 Water in living things 7 Taking care of water

"A drop of water is enough, a simple drop of water to house life expectancy."

José María Montero Sandoval

It is known that the first way of life developed in the water . From that first aquatic life, through millions and millions of years, all the other visible forms that we know come out and we need to know today. Even we are composed of 75% water .

We know that it is essential for human life, and due to agriculture and livestock activities, for all current life. But she also plays an important role in other facets of our planet. The ecological balance depends on it.

A soil without water

We do not have the ability to imagine a world without water. Perhaps that is why we do not measure the consequences of our actions.

In some places on the planet we can even visualize the effects of water scarcity. In the sky, the Red Giant, the great Greek god of war watches us from above and reminds us of our destiny. A dead body, a planet without water.

The soil, with nothing growing from it, would remain lifeless . It would only be dust and rock.

The planet knew how to be a sponge, but the water of the earth is being sucked up to drought in a process we call " subsidence ."

The air without water

The clouds provide a filter of solar rays, and the loose water in the atmosphere acts as a receiver and conservative of the temperature. Without it, the heat would have no mercy during the day and the cold would freeze us at night. The air would extract all moisture with which it comes into contact. Therefore, our soft tissues such as nose and mouth would have no chance.

Nor would there be aromas, since it is the moisture that transmits the odors.

In addition, all methane stored in ice and oceans would be expelled into the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect . The temperature would rise day after day.

Nothing would diminish the effect of erupting volcanoes, nor serve as a mattress to minimize the impact of earthquakes. The surface of the earth would dry completely.

Yes, I know: they think I'm exaggerating. But reality was always far from being a fairy tale.

Respect for water

Water is a giver and creator of life. Understanding it helps us to understand how life works. It also shares properties with us, which we come from it.

Of the five basic constitutive elements of the world, water is the only one that has a visible cycle: the hydrological cycle . She constantly reminds us of the cyclical and repetitive nature of things. It evaporates to be part of the water in the air, and when it cools it condenses and forms the clouds. Then he rushes to return to the earth, storing himself on the earth, the lakes, the ice, from where he will flow to the sea to become part of the primordial mantle again. Then the cycle begins again.

We are children of water

In the same way, life as we know it is cyclical and is continually renewing itself. From physical life to death and corruption of the body, and elevation as a Spirit. Then to the thought of life in another body, and the birth and the new life to begin a new cycle.

We are children of water, because we depend on it to survive. But we have stopped considering ourselves subordinates. Instead, we make water our servant, an element of this land that we control. We want to own life.

These services that water lends us, produce the abundance of life that surrounds us.

Wanting to take possession of it to get our own benefit and protection could prevent it from fulfilling many of its natural roles.

The water in the nature

Water, as we said, has the ability to cool the earth when it is heated, and to maintain the temperature when it cools. When it reaches a certain temperature, it freezes and acts as an insulator. That is why Eskimos can survive in houses made of ice. The humidity of the vegetation helps to slow down the effect of the erupting volcanoes, moisture that evaporates to form clouds and then returns to the earth.

Without water in the air temperatures would oscillate between the extremes.

On the other hand, it also cushions all kinds of tectonic movement on our planet, in the same way as water mattresses. The studies of the seismic centers demonstrated the protection that the water offers us because it dampens the seismic waves. Water also softens the earth, making it easier for rain to be assimilated and stored in our soil. When the water is removed from the soil and it begins to dry, it condenses and hardens. That way, water cannot enter and remains on the surface, which favors flooding . In addition, many seeds have a hard shell that will only allow it to develop once they find water.

Water in living things

Water also plays fundamental roles in every living body, because as in the earth, it serves as a transport for food and waste.

It is part of all our organic compounds, connecting them and moving nutrients from one cell to another. It also carries the electrical messages that are emitted in our brain and that of animals to give rise to movement and thoughts.

In addition, it is a key component in the reproduction of the life cycle of all living beings. In mammals, sperm is carried by water to the egg. The egg is a liquid compound where there are nutrients that that being will need to develop until the moment of birth. Water and carbon dioxide are the two key components with which plants carry out the process of photosynthesis with which they produce their own food.

Without water there would be no reproduction, no life.

Taking care of the water

Human beings have the ability to believe that we can create life, and that water must be our servant. We use it for crops and livestock, to clean and stay healthy. But if we abuse her, as a master abuses her servants, we will end up causing our own destruction . If we do not respect and preserve it, we are no longer respecting life and the Higher Force that originated it.

We need forests, lakes, rivers, swamps, glaciers, icebergs, snow. Water in all its natural forms is necessary for us, and for all forms of life.

Recent studies have shown that rainforests can create their own rain. We need them to keep us alive.

If instead of being owners and lords of water we conceive of ourselves as an intelligent component of the rain cycle and water storage, we could devote ourselves to be more respectful of the power of water and more careful in the way we use it.

We must learn to value, conserve and care for the water of the earth.

With water, we develop. Without it, there is no life possible.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor in the big family of hermandadblanca.org


  • https://importancia.biz/importancia-del-agua/
  • https://owlcation.com/stem/The-Importance-of-Water-to-Life

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