The 6th Sacred Seal - The Portals are open

  • 2012


On December 12 the 6th Sacred Seal will be opened and here we will all experience a great change at the level of Heart and more specifically in the High Heart, the flight of the Dove, and this Heart connects us with that which is

I can see as if the energetic body of light was composed of pieces that fit in with each other and in the high heart the last piece fitting that is also the most important piece, It is like a key that, when fitted, activates and starts to activate all the channels through which the light circulates energy in our energy body to activate the Merkaba Activated Light Body and that you can finish the activation process to prepare it and be able to travel the path to the Ascension in the 5th dimension

The last link is closed and activated in the High Heart and is active, accelerates and changes the frequency in humans and returns to incarnate the God-Goddess

It is a process of activation and readjustment of energetic links that accelerate the frequency of our DNA, reconnect and rewire, readjust, accelerate and activate

The fully activated DNA gives a lot of strength and power of action

I can see in the High Heart a wheel spinning fast in which the 7 colors of the rainbow are seen and as it accelerates more finally it becomes a crystalline bright Light, it is the Light that we have always waited for, it is the light of our forgotten Divinity activated, it is the flowered Christian seed, it is the vehicle with which we can travel to the 5th dimension, only then can we do it

On 12.12.2012 this door will be activated and this whole process will be launched for its proper functioning and energy expansion

It is of the utmost importance that we ceaselessly connect our High Heart with the Heart of Mother Earth so as not to lose ourselves or confuse us along the way.

The Maternal Belly, Mother Earth, once the female frequencies are healed, the memories of pain, suffering and oppression in their records are released and the activated, healed and rebalanced archetypes are doing this same process in their high heart. And I will finish activating your body of light, we will all notice it, and the light becomes more light and drags others.

On November 12, with the opening of the 5th sacred seal, the power of the Lost and Forgotten Goddess was restored, it was done through waves of energy frequencies by expanding them from the crystalline energy city of Luz del Lago Titicaca through a high frequency energy switch through the Waters of this Planet healing them, reactivating them, increasing and returning their information and vibrational and healing power since water is conductive of energy, water connects everything, in the water is the power of the Goddess, once the Mother He told me "The Waters will save the world and heal humanity" "I WILL ACTIVATE THE WATER AND RECOVER IT" because a water with all its power among other things can cure any disease, it is the best medicine.

It is a NEW ALLIANCE since with the healed waters and with a high vibration in them the earth will not shake or in any case it will do it with much less intensity.

Sirius Plays a fundamental role in the process of transformation and planetary ascension.

On November 12, all the energy portals were anchored on a physical level and will be opened on December 12, 2012.

You can see how from Sirius and from each star of the Pleiades and others there is a projected energy channel connected to each portal on earth, they are clear and connected, all prepared for the definitive activation

The Syrian Gates "The Great Central Sun" Open and interconnect with these channels already activated and when this happens everything will take shape and will be activated at the earthly and physical level, when all this is definitely activated, there will be a shake on the ground at the level Energy is like a Clok, like when everything fits together and you can hear the Clik, like when you open a safe and when all the correct numbers are aligned you can hear Clik and you know that you can open the door, it will be.

When you leave the Matrix you have freedom of action at all levels, it is a full-fledged release

Today November 13 threads and channels that interconnect with the doors have been cleared and open, many can leave now if they feel it and want it, from today many will feel the call of their Interstellar Families because the distance and division between the earth and these stars have been eliminated through the doors and the canals, they are already right here, although in other dimensions, they coexist all at once and when they feel the call of their families they will feel the call to go to these places

It can be said in some way that the stars have gone down to the sky and can be touched

Let your kingdom come.



Seville, November 12 and 13, 2012

Channeled by Belén de la Paz


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