On 11-11, 12-12 and 21-12-2009, The Triad of the Portals of Love, Archangel Metratron through James Tyberonn

Greetings, I am Metratron Lord of Light and I embrace all of you with the energy of Unconditional Love.

We are going to talk to you now about the Triad of the Star Portals and we will tell you that there will be three main frequency openings in the remainder of your 2009 year.

These will occur on November 11, December 12 and December 21, 2009 (December 2009 solstice).

Star portals are a major part of the "Planetary Change" and these three frequency portals make up a Triad of entrance corridors that will work together to help them through a powerful transformation where the planet is changing its spiritual vibration.

These three portals of 11-11, 12-12 and 21-12 act together around the liberation of fear and the acceptance of LOVE. It is the return of the Heart of the Dove that brings this triad of star portals that fortify LOVE and that are really an aspect and function of the Crystalline Era where the pendulum of duality is reduced.


Dear teachers, we tell you that in the Celestial realms, love is a force of proactive frequency. The triad of portals offers you a benevolent aspect of love that will give you the willpower to be harmoniously assertive rather than passive.

The Triad of doors will enable humanity to restore the influence of passion through action. The Triad of Love will offer you the necessary frequencies to reopen those internal doors that had been closed by shyness and fear. These frequencies will be received individually at portal 11-11 and at the group and mass level at the 12-12 gate.

The energy offered to them in the Triad of Stargates has always had to do with their ability to choose and discern. But they also require action on your part to activate the training energy that will be made available to the seeking souls of mankind.

This offers you the vision of seeing what is no longer useful to you and the ability to take charge of the multidimensional aspects of your consciousness through access to the place of power that is within your souls. This place of power of his soul is the center of power and of the Universal Truth. And the Universal Truth is in a field of LOVE that is, in its terms, devoid of fear. This field expands as you enter and you allow yourself to recover your ability to access the vastness of wisdom and information that assists you on your Ascension journey.

They will discover then that the purpose of their lives and their success are found in many aspects connected with the purpose and success of others. It is imperative that the human species discover that it is possible to maintain individual reality while cooperating with others to obtain the highest results and potential.


In the Crystalline Era of the Ascended Earth the association with other beings of different with their particular characteristics will be seen as something realizable that will allow the release of fear and the empowerment of love. Cooperation and harmony will not create limitation but expansion and creativity.

This possibility, however, requires the taking of one's own worth and responsibility, which does not mean losing oneself in mass consciousness and in the passivity of the ins and outs of duality. Love requires the commitment of force, which is different from manipulating others or allowing oneself to be controlled by fear. In reality, love means placing yourself in your truth and requires a soft but at the same time solid courage.

Fear, from our highest perspective, is not the opposite of love, in fact playing a specific role in the world of duality, just like all other "obstacles." Nor does LOVE mean the elimination of fear per se. Rather, the two work in tandem to allow humanity to find the harmonic solution.

But don't get us wrong, out of control fear can produce and produce separativity, to the detriment of wisdom. It is as such a catalyst in the world of duality and is used by those with agendas and eagerness to control others. The liberation of fear through the consciousness of unity is your final test.

Just as your great teacher Mahatma Ghandi conveyed to you, when you disarm your own heart in unity against those in fear and control, you also disarm their hearts. Not giving in to them, but standing in the steadfastness of their power and their truth and opening themselves to unity within love with others.

Violence breeds violence and can never be the answer to the resolution of any conflict. For a time it may seem that the side of darkness triumphs, but in the end it is always the power of love that prevails.

There are essentially therefore two levels of fear that the Triad of portals will help you handle. The first is the inner fear, the fear that leads them to weakness, the fear that fills them with doubts and confusion and that harms the Love of their Being.

The second is the fear that comes from outside sources to you. The fear that allows others as a group or individually to control yourself and limit your freedom.

Facing fear from its own power is what is needed to overcome the harmful consequences of fear and its side effects of despair, depression and immobility. Therefore, ask the Divinity to create possibilities and situations free of fear and harm and then use the power of your will to live them. Be active!


The Triad Portals will provide a recharge, a renewal of courage and inspiration within the vibration of active LOVE. All of you will be empowered. Facing and releasing fear, you will find a strong current of energy and within this current you will open previously asleep channels of creativity and the power, therefore, to direct the script of your own lives But the vibration of love should always guide the wise use of power. Those on your planet who truly exercise the highest power should do so from brotherhood and gentleness. True power is subtle, but it takes inspiration to get it.

On November 11, the energy will begin to help them break those energy structures in which many on the planet are often trapped without knowing it. Some of you may not even be aware of your entanglements. The primary component of these structures is again, the old energy of fear. And this is an aspect of fear that is multidimensional, within the hologram of simultaneous duality of the planet's time. Many of the aspects with which they are involved in the ascension of energy are actually remnants within the coincident life-time lines of people, which must be cleaned and released.

There has essentially been a pull back of many Lightworkers in the past months. A feeling of numbness And this is the reason why many on your planet have felt stuck in the past few weeks, engaged in a low energy that contains waves of doubt.

In this astrologically guided phase, the old energy has surfaced again. Actually all aspects of false beliefs about control and revenge are being pushed to the surface, to the purifying crucible that is required for the cleanliness of the planet. It is essentially the allegorical proof of the "temptations of Christ" and is a mirror that reflects just what is no longer useful.

Dear ones, we have recently told you that all the old religions and all the old dogmatic beliefs of control are in their last moments. Light attracts insects, it has always been that way and violence will never be the answer. All the answers rest on the force of harmony.

Those who must in the new paradigm abdicate their old thrones of power both in governments and in the old energies of religion, will not do so voluntarily. They will not fall without a battle.

Teachers, see the incidents of this only in the past months in America. It is manifesting on two fronts, one that is actively placed on the stage and another that is individual and submissive. Do not fall into the numbness of the quagmire of surrender.


The dates of 11-11, 12-12 and the December solstice are energy portals that will help you get out of that quagmire. It is the return of the Heart of the Dove. It is a time for your light to shine and be filled with energy.

There are many roads and many possible choices on your highway for growth. A wise human is one who does not give up easily in the face of the challenges or actions of false speakers who will attempt to discredit or threaten their negativity behind the veil of criticism and biased rigor.

Planetary Ascension requires that the seekers claim their will and shine their decisive attempts in a beacon of trust that cannot be affected by the partiality of the duality of events.

It is time to drive through the mud. Dear ones, if you hide your head in despair and confusion, the impulse of your heart will descend. If they lose momentum, their subsequent confidence will be restricted. If you assume the animosity and scathing challenges of false speakers, you will feel discouraged and that is really the control they pursue. That is your role in the duality that you see, trapping you in confusion and doubt.

The Spiritual Warrior cannot and should not allow the hostilities of the world to penetrate its inner layers of harmony and love. Do not give up! Submissive surrender may sound subtle and voiceless in the individual, but collective lamentation will be felt in the small and in the great through humanity.


The Spirit listens to you. The Spirit speaks to their hearts with a silent and calm voice. The Spirit reveals his TRUTH from within and exhibits his faithfulness through each step in his path of enlightenment. The Spirit is not defined by religion and does not identify with any dogma. The Spirit is not constrained by the good or bad opinion of others. It shines in the form and in the non-form and you will recognize it because it speaks the language of the Universal Law.

The frequency opening that will take place on 11-11 (November 11, 2009) is one of the light events of all these aspects. In truth its door has been open since the full moon of November 2. Review 11:11. Take inventory In 12:12 meet in groups whenever there is the possibility and free yourself.

On the solstice of 21-12 (December 21, 2009) project love and actively take its power. Love is proactive. Love is nurturing but firm. The spiritual winter on your planet is coming to an end through the Crystal Energy towards a spring full of greenery. Plant the seeds of your heart with nutrient and powerful LOVE.

This energy will be shining on you in the Triad Portals through the emerging Crystalline Earth Grid. Explain it, for it is how Ascension occurs!

I am Metratron and I share with you these Truths. You are loved.

So is.

© November 8, 2009.

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Translation by Jesús Gómez


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