Effects of a solar storm on human behavior by John Townley

  • 2014
Table of contents hide 1 Effects of a solar storm on human behavior 2 Cycles of sunspots and activity affects human efforts 3 Cycles of sunspots and weather patterns 4 Wars Predicting solar activity, disturbances and protest 5 Do More accident occurred during increased sunspot activity? 6 Some researchers have found correlations between activity and human behavior 7 About the author 8 Effects of a solar storm on human behavior by John Townley

Effects of a solar storm on human behavior

Our daily life is surrounded by electro-magnetic fields: microwave ovens, mobile phones, television and radio signals; a little further, antennas, shortwave radio hams, taxis or police, radars, and a very long etcetera. And all of them are emitters of one type or another of radiation that affects us to a greater or lesser extent. As more characteristic examples, we all know of the continuous controversies that have arisen around the installation of mobile phone antennas and high-voltage lines in inhabited environments.

It is a fact the long list of diseases that electromagnetic radiation, especially low frequency, causes when interacting with our cells: cancer, leukemia, cardiovascular and nervous system conditions, etc., It is also, since the nineties, the complex relationship that exists between the magnetic fields and the human brain, whose components include magnetosomes, which are magnetite particles surrounded by a biological membrane, which allows interaction with neurons.

The existence of magnetosomes in animals was something known by Biology, since they are those that allow, as a compass, to target beings such as migratory birds, whales, dolphins and sea turtles. And, in fact, it has been shown that electro-magnetic disturbance is the cause of some episodes of disorientation in these animals.

All this is not only applicable to electromagnetic fields of artificial origin, but also to natural ones. It is known that sudden alterations in the magnetic field, such as those that occur before an earthquake, are perceived by animals. In the case of alterations caused by a solar storm, several studies have corroborated that, during the periods in which an increase in solar activity occurs, the number of medical incidents related to infarctions increases of myocardium and stroke, as well as suicide attempts.

In this sense, astronauts have served as a generous body of human guinea pigs, observing that, when they were subjected to an increase in solar radiation, their behavior, serene and stable by definition in these types, changed radically and gave rise to outbreaks of nervousness and hysteria.

In a 1994 study conducted by the Westbank Clinic in Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, it was found that there was a significant statistical increase in the admission of patients with some type of mental disorder in the days of solar storms. Accordingly, the increase in income from depression exceeded the average by 36.2% during the two weeks following an important geomagnetic event [1].

It has been possible to analyze the relationship between the pineal gland, an atrophied organ and great unknown that scientists barely manage to associate with the segregation of melatonin and with some photosensitive capacity, and the magnetic fields.

The pineal gland, or epiphysis, is an organ located right in the geometric center of our brain. After seven years of age, atrophy occurs due to a process of common dehydration with different organs, which causes this gland to end up contracting until reaching the size o of a pi n.

Until recently it was considered a residue from previous phases of our evolution, a vestige without significant utilities in our current evolutionary phase. However, the latest scientific discoveries have radically changed the concept we had so far of it.

Today we know that its biological mission is the internal secretion of melatonin, a hormone whose amount decreases with age and is related to the regulation of wakefulness and sleep cycles, the so-called "circadian rhythms", and with the processes of puberty, In addition to being a powerful antioxidant and participant in the processes of apoptosis of cancer cells in the thymus.

It is a photosensitive gland, that is, it responds to the variations of light that occur around us. In this way, it is activated in the dark to secrete melatonin, which induces us to a state of calm and introspection.

The circulation of hormones through our body causes a series of emotions and specific sensations. The endorphin substances secreted by the pineal gland help us to enter a more intimate state of consciousness caused by the feeling of tranquility that melatonin brings.

This segregation of endorphins allows to diminish and relax the senses, which is reflected in the body by a reduction of glycogen in the blood, inducing us to sleep and leading us to a state of sleep. Since this is a state in which brain activity is low, it reduces interference from the outside world and the concentration on oneself is superior. This, on a practical level, allows us to distance ourselves from the problems and observe them with a new perspective, so most of us take advantage of it to reflect and review everyday events, sometimes finding answers and solutions that without that calm and concentration would result. Hard to intuit.

Beyond its photosensitive capacity, the latest scientific studies insist that the pineal gland is also a magnetoreceptor, that is, it is sensitive to magnetic fields and transforms its waves into neurochemical stimuli.

Professor José Luis Bardasano, from the University of Alcalá de Henares, is one of the greatest specialists in issues related to bioelectromagnetism. In his presentationElectromagnetism, pineal gland and public health [2] tells us that:

In the body there are two communication systems: the chemical base and the electric base. In the first (endocrine system), the information signals (messages) are the hormones that are transmitted through information channels: blood vessels, lymphatics, neural canal, etc. reaching the target organs or effectors. In the second (nervous system) the signals are electromagnetic and have a distribution network with centers and "substations" that sits on the neuronal cells (neurons) reaching the muscles, heart, glands, etc. These two systems have evolved in parallel and collaborate with each other since their origins in perfect chronobiological harmony (chronobiology is the science that studies rhythms). The rhythms and cycles that occur in these two systems are coordinated by the "pineal gland."

For Professor Bardasano, light is the main timer or synchronizer of life cycles, while electromagnetic fields constitute the additional synchronizer. Studies have led to the conclusion that electromagnetic alterations, as does light, interrupt the process of melatonin secretion. Continued exposure and the consequent reduction of activity in the pineal gland cause habitual cases of fatigue, stress, mood disorders, sleep disorders, diminished professional performance, depression and even risks of cancers such as breast cancer.

According to this, we not only have to be careful with the alterations caused by artificial electromagnetic fields (antennas, telephony, radars, etc.), but also with the variations of natural magnetic fields, such as those caused by strong solar storms. Thus, the pineal gland would be receptive not only to waves emanating from the geomagnetic field, but to others as important as Schumman resonance, micro-pulsations of cosmic origin and any ELF or low frequency field in general.

All of them influence our mood because they affect our biorhythms and neurotransmitters, breaking the synchronization of circadian rhythms and the production of melatonin.

Science began to take this matter seriously from the 1990s. Since the 1980s, a great deal of psychological research has been showing that geomagnetic storms have a profound effect on moods and therefore influence human behavior and the way to deal with conflicts and problems. An important finding of these studies is that feelings and emotions are usually attributed to the wrong source, leading to incorrect judgments. And hence the importance of knowing the origin of the discomfort in order to control the way we act.

A very significant example of the repercussions that the ignorance of these disorders can reach we have in a study carried out in 2003 by doctors Ana Krivelyova and Cesare Robotti and funded by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta [3], who concluded that solar storms also affect stock markets, causing stockbrokers to make pessimistic decisions.

According to the report, which took into account the behavior of the different stock indices of nine different countries, people affected by solar storms may be more inclined to sell more shares on days of high geomagnetic activity because they mistakenly attribute their bad mood to bad economic prospects instead of environmental conditions. This causes a negative effect on the economic statistics of the following week. In the same way, the scientists observed how during the periods of low geomagnetic activity the decisions taken led to an increase in benefits in all the systems studied.

To conclude this section, I cannot help remembering a curious study conducted by Dr. Darren Lipnicki [4], from the Center for Space Medicine in Berlin, which tried to demonstrate the correlation between geomagnetic activity and dream content, based on the alterations in the production of melatonin that are produced by changes in the level of radiation after a solar storm. Lipnicki concluded that during situations of low geomagnetic activity, dreams tend to be more extravagant than during periods of maximum alteration of the Earth's magnetic field. In the latter, the dream adventures would be more attached to reality.

The moon is not the only body in space that produces human cycles. The sun, the basic source of all life on earth, has its own rhythm, which produces cycles in humans and non-humans alike. Since 1800s astronomers have pointed out that there is not an eleven and twenty-two year sunspot cycle, that is, for some years there would be hardly any sunspots, and after a few years the face of the sun would be as spotted as a teenager with acne It wasn't until the 1930s, however, that it occurred to anyone that something happens so far from the earth can affect us.

Sunspot cycles and activity affects human efforts

During the sunspot peak of the 1930s, Dr. Miki Takata discovered that human blood serum was affected by solar radiation diffused by sunspots. During the same period it was discovered that spot emissions affected a wide variety of other things, such as the size of tree rings and the amount of radio interference in certain bandwidths.

During World War II, the potential for cutting communications that sunspots and solar storms can cause was of great concern to the armed forces, so an RCA radio engineer named John Nelson was asked to reach A prediction method when storms occur. Nelson thought that the only important variables that could conceivably affect the turbulent surface of the Sun were the planets that surround it. He devised a system of orientation of his relationship with the sun and each other and found that when certain angular relationships between the planets occurred, sunspots and solar magnetic storms broke out. To date, its prediction system has been 95 percent accurate, and the hypothesis that planets cause “tidal solar has been demonstrated by the wood professor KD at the University of Colorado.

Sunspot cycles and weather patterns

More recently, many scientists have suggested that the sunspot cycle is critical in the formation of our weather patterns. In fact, during a period of seventy years, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when the cycle was interrupted and sunspots stopped for no apparent reason, Europe was in its period The coldest ear in history, the nickname of Peque a Ice Age . Astronomer John R. Gribbin and astrophologist Stephen H. Plagemann even speculated that sunspot and planetary cycles are linked to earthquakes, and an unusual future planetary alignment can cause A devastating earthquake in California. The more the subject is investigated, the more important of these cycles appear.

Wars Predicting solar activity, riots and protest

The amount of solar radiation it receives, which is determined by the solar cycle, can have a deep historical significance. Soviet professor of AC Tchyivsky has correlated the eleven-year cycle, with what he calls the whole world cicle of mass excitation . It was found that, during the events of history such as wars, migrations, crusades, revolts and revolutions have been grouped around the peak periods of sunspots. In the three years around these one hundred and 60 peaks of such events, while only 5 percent occurred in the valleys. Apparently, the tides govern the affairs of nations as individuals.

But do planetary cycles directly affect individual human events? If the answer is yes, then the investigation of the cycle begins to look more or less like astrology, a topic that most scientists are not too fond of.

Do More accident occurred during increased sunspot activity?

An Atomic Energy Commission a project financed by the Sandia Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, came up with a report entitled `` Intriguing patterns Accidents conspire against a background of the natural elements of the environment, which correlates in the place of accidents of public employees during a period of 20 years with several natural cycles. This preliminary report (the researchers suggested more studies were in order) found that peak accidents with the cycle of sunspots and even more intriguing and astrol gica that people were more likely to have accidents during the moon phase the same as or contrary to the virtue from which they were born.

Some very hard and surprising evidence could have come out of this investigation had been to allow it to continue. But, unfortunately, that was not going to be. Shortly after its conclusion, the report fell into the hands of Time magazine, which made a parody in which on January 10, 1972, the issuance, under Lunatic The scientists of the factory, with an old wood engraving of the maidens dancing with brakes in the rays of the full moon.

That was all Congress needs to kill the project and suppress the report. When I wrote to the Atomic Energy and Watermelon Commission in 1972, they told me that the report was not for distribution and that I, or any other taxpayer, could not see it. The report remained classified until 1977, when he again requested a copy, this time under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. At first, they told me that all existing copies had been lost, a refuge from the efforts of a persistent Research Energy Administration officer, Sandia was finally pressured, in a cough with a copy - accompanied by a slightly terrified resignation that They tell me that I really shouldn't believe what was in it.

JE Davidson, who wrote the report with a team of scientific colleagues, told me on the phone that he was sad that the investigation had been canceled. The team felt they were on something and, except for a nosy journalist and premature publicity, could have made a significant contribution to the investigation of the cycle. Instead, his work was thrown down the drain. But that is when Congress breaks its boss.

Some researchers have found correlations between activity and human behavior

Probably the most outstanding work of connecting planetary cycles with events and trends in the lives of individuals has been that of French psychologist and statistician Michel Gauquelin. In the mid-1960s he devoted himself to refuting astrology statistically by analyzing planetary positions at the births of professionals, with samples as large as 10, 000, 15, 000 and 20, 000. Astrologers have always believed that certain planets that appear on the horizon, or directly above the head at the birth of a person, guide that person towards a certain profession.

For Gauquelin, the task he had set for himself looked like a piece of cake. All he had to do was prove that the planet associated with sports achievements, Mars, fell to random points in the nativity scenes of 10, 000 or 15, 000 athletes, and that it would be that - astrology was discredited. To emphasize his point of view he also investigated the groups of doctors, lawyers, writers, and others in jobs associated by astrologers with specific planets.

To Gauquelin's surprise, the results turned out to be exactly the opposite of what he expected. Mars seemed to be on the rise or culminating in a large number of athletes' natal charts. Similarly, Jupiter appeared for bankers, to doctors to Saturn, Mercury to writers, and so on. Gauquelin was amazed. Had it been by accident in the case of astrology when he had meant to discredit?

In fact, he had done much more than that, because he not only confirmed the data of his traditional astrological tasks, they discovered new ones. For writers, for example, the traditionally associated planet is mercury. Gauquelin found that mercury was a significant fact in the native letters of writers, but he also found that the Moon was equally important, astrologers something that had never been raised.

Gauquelin's work established the fact that planetary positions do not affect human disposition, talent and direction and that these effects can be specifically determined by scientific methods such as statistical and probability analysis.

This article was extracted from the book:

Dynamic astrology: The use of planetary cycles to make personal and career decisions, © 1997,

by John Townley.

Reprinted with permission of the destination, reserve a print of Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, USA. Www.innertraditions.com

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About the Author

John Townley is a lifelong astrologer, author, composer and historian. His professional experience has covered the fields of economics, science, journalism, maritime history, and creative arts. He can be reached "The data-MCE-href =" mailto: ">


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Effects of a solar storm on human behavior by John Townley

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