Effectiveness and Spirituality Money as Divine Circulatory Flow

  • 2011

We are invited in this article to meditate for the collection of money. Is this correct? Is this magic? How does the money flow? What does the expression Divine Circulatory Flow mean? Is meditation effective?

There is a curious dogma among the esoterics that says, that spiritual powers should not be used to obtain material benefits, however, at present we know that all matter is energy that is in constant motion. Electricity is a form of moving energy, the same is money. Electricity is neither good nor bad and the same goes for money. The use of money or electricity is good or bad according to the purpose and movement of the person who uses it. While "little knowledge is dangerous, " and can be used for bad purposes, knowledge itself is neither good nor bad.

Selling items to people in exchange for money is not bad, but persuasive and compelling sales can be bad if the buyer's refusal is overcome, to the point of forcing him to buy what he does not need, want, or buy.

Money is the concrete expression of the third type of spiritual energy. This particular expression made its first appearance in the old system, similarly materialistic of barter and exchange; then in later civilizations (including predominantly ours) money appeared, first minted with the products of the mineral kingdom and then in paper money, made with products of the vegetable kingdom, culminating in the current concern for money. There is a deeply hidden meaning in the New Testament statement that "the love of money is the root of all evil." Money and selfishness are behind the current disastrous economic situation. In fact, receiving money or this type of energy constitutes the line of least resistance for the great financiers and they also have the will to obtain great fortunes, which cannot be denied. They insist on making fortune; They apply their intelligence to reach their goal and nothing can stop them. Many are purely selfish; There are those who consider that their money has been entrusted to them to be administered and used by others, and they are amazingly generous in a philanthropic and humanitarian sense. These men are receptive to the first type of energy and often all three types of energy find a channel in them, which benefits the world greatly, and these men are very rare. The crystallized aspect of this third energy, money, must still be used on a large scale to carry out the work of the Hierarchy. Regarding this and in connection with money, it will be the great test for goodwill.

The word money comes from the word dynasty, whose meaning is: a set of kings and sovereign princes belonging to the same family.

These kings and sovereigns created their fortunes through the gold they possessed, won in wars and conquests, this gold became the patrimony that supported them.

Many of them lost gold in wars and battles, but they did not lose the dynasty that differentiated them, so they invented a coin, a symbol, that characterized them, coining in those symbols their portraits, their names and their hierarchies. These symbols became a weapon of power and through these, they continued to dominate, without losing the status of their dynasties.

Power walks in parallel with money and is always backed by the acquisition of material goods. The system that revolves around money has expanded across the planet. Today, it has formed a malignant tumor of great proportions called: Financial system.

Magic or Engineering.

According to the laws of nature it is possible to control that particular energy called money through the power of thought. This control method is not more logical than taking a picture. Esotericists have been eliminating the magical phase of meditation and today it is common to hear about internal control in companies. We have at our disposal a lot of logical and reasonable teaching about the power of thought, mental substance and the creation of mental forms. The process of meditation is really white magic.

There is an effective technique that works for the control of the energy of money through the power of thought. This technique has been systematized in accounting and it was Lucas Pacioli who described it in 1494. Depending on your system, each transaction has two entries: for each sum that is entered on the right side (credit) of an account, the same amount will be entered on the left side (d Debit) of another account. The financial analysis would become an economic technology and the financial administration would become an engineering function.

Effectiveness: Efficiency and Efficiency

A farmer and his wife find that one of their chickens lays golden eggs. Not content with waiting for the laying of the chicken, they decide to kill her thinking that she has a mine inside. When they discover that this is not the case, they realize that it would have been better for them to keep what they had. This Aesopian fable is ideal to illustrate the concept of Effectiveness as the relationship between effectiveness and efficiency, between production and production capacity. Eggs are related to production, and the chicken with the ability to produce them.

The human egg in the human being is its vital body that serves as a protection for a long time, when it is broken, the soul comes into contact with other energies. The light of the soul penetrates the region of the pineal gland, radiating there the magnetic field in the head, which stimulates the brain's neurons making effective thinking.

In humans, its effectiveness will be determined by the causes it starts to generate effects and its efficiency by the ability to achieve a certain effect. It can be concluded that a person is effective insofar as he makes good use of his vital energy.

Finance as a monetary exchange corresponds to that vital energy.

The expenses with the use of energy.

Possessions with control of the form.

Losses with the abandonment of matter.

The gains with the acquisition of the spiritual body.

The Cash Flow

In every system there is energy-information processing between inputs and outputs. Many of the real difficulties can be attributed to congestion or lack of free flow of that energy. Congestion at the points of entry and exit, in the etheric body, is what prevents the free influx of life force, resulting in the rapid succumbing to problems.

As three active principles, resources, capital and labor are found in society as economic-political relations. The work produced by the individual comes to give value to the diversity of resources, (physical, material, human, financial) and it is the capitalization, of which said value is subject, which yields losses or gains according to the management that is done of cash flow. (portfolio turnover, inventory turnover). It is therefore the harmonious relationship of these three principles from which the health of society results. Just as the glandular system through hormones affects all parts of the physical organism through the bloodstream, the management system through actions affects all parts of an organization through the cash flow.

Just as blood circulation relies on the respiratory system for oxygenation, the financial system depends on the marketing system. Cash is necessary in all areas of an organization, for which a budget is made in which the usefulness of sales and value added in production is foreseen.

A Financial Balance includes Assets and Liabilities, assets represent use of funds, while liabilities and equity represent sources. For each use of funds there must be a source that provides it. The purchase and sale is a complex plot of transactions that increase or decrease the capital of the company at the rate imposed by customers or suppliers. Income is the compensation that is made when selling a product, Expenses are all disbursement of assets that the company makes when buying. The sellers are the ones who carry out the negotiation and, according to their effectiveness, speed up the conversion rate of a cash investment.

An increase in cash represents an increase in liquidity. Very little cash indicates potential problems for the short-term payment of creditors. Too much cash can indicate poor financial management. Cash itself is not useful, unless it is used to generate additional profits for the organization.

The Divine Circulatory Flow

The key to humanity's difficulties is due to the fact that it received and did not give, accepted and did not share, accumulated and did not distribute, thus interfering with the divine circulatory flow.

Just as in the past the money served to meet personal and family needs, in the future it will have to meet the group and world needs. In the past, each unit tried to act as a magnet to attract and satisfy what was considered a necessity, using personal activity and work, if it was not influential or cultured, and through financial manipulation, when it was possible. In the future, groups should act as magnets and therefore seek to be animated by the spirit of love. I give you here a feasible thought of being greatly expanded. Necessity, love and magnetic power, are the three things that, consciously or unconsciously, attract money. But all three must manifest at the same time. In the past, the need was never real, although it was felt (such are the world's illusion and illusion). Love has been selfish and unreal; material things unnecessary for health or happiness have been demanded. The magnetic force has been used with erroneous mobiles and this process - carried out for so long - led to the current and terrible financial situation in the world.

With the transmutation of these factors and the expression of their superior analogies - right love, right thinking or meditation and correct technique - the financial requirements of the new groups and the new group of servers in the world will be discovered. I will suggest that an extension of these ideas be disseminated among those people who know they can contribute. I ask you to reflect on these ideas, because by educating the intelligent servants of the world on the question of money, the right attitude towards him and the proper meditation on it will be decisively addressed The emphasis placed by certain large groups on meditation to collect Funds (commonly for personal employment, or selfish purposes of your organization or particular group) have been based on this new concept of group money employment . But, because it is their selfish and personal interest, money is considered in relation to the individual and not to the group. This attitude must change and will change.

The energy that produces order, energy of the seventh ray or power, of divinity, is now expressed mostly through the relations and adjustments required between capital and labor, mainly involving the latter. The ashrama of the English Master assimilated this energy; In the beginning of the industrial era He was responsible for the formation of the Labor movement, a movement that puts the workers of the world in relation. It is interesting to remember that Labor currently acts internationally; it is a group that learns quickly and contains in itself the seeds of great good; that group will probably put goodwill at the forefront of human thought - on the pinnacle of thought. The aforementioned Master belongs to the ashrama of Master Racoksi (Saint Germain), relieving him in this phase of work.

Therefore, this Master's Ashrama deals with world economic problems and also with the direct attack on basic materialism that takes place in the modern world. The problems of barter and exchange, the meaning of money, the value of gold (basic symbol of the third Ray of Active Intelligence), the adoption of correct attitudes towards material life and the whole process of correct distribution, are some of the numerous problems treated in this Ashrama; The work done is enormous and of great importance in preparing the minds of men for the return of Christ and the new era that He will inaugurate. The drivers of capitalism and Labor, financial experts and reflective workers and members of different ideologies, which prevail in the world today, actively work in this ashrama. Many of them are what the religious orthodox man and the closed occult student would consider non-spiritual, however, all are really deeply spiritual in the right sense, even if they are not interested in titles, schools of thought or esoteric academic teaching. .

The task undertaken by the group of financiers and economists was the study of the significance of money as directed and appropriate energy . This direction of the force produced the concretion, and the work then entered the field of magical effort. Similar to the work of the other groups, the actions of the task to be carried out were of three types:

1. The effort to understand the nature of prana or etheric-vital energy, and the three qualities that characterize it are (as you well know), inertia, activity and rhythm or, according to Indian terminology, tamas, rajas and sattva When the world's mineral wealth had not been discovered or used, we had the tamas stage at its deepest and most inert point. Much of what concerns money, today is related to the karma and destiny of the mineral kingdom. However, it is not necessary to work here. The processes of pranic life were originally carried out, by means of bartering and exchanging what was on the surface of the earth and later descended to the depths, thus bringing the deepest and most dense expression to fluidity ( from the human point of view) of divinity. You should not forget this.

Currently, the process is reversed, and money is linked to the product of the plant kingdom in the form of paper money, backed by the world's mineral wealth. This is an interesting subjective reality that must be kept in mind.

2. A study of the processes by which money has been constantly diverted from personal use, both for good and for evil.

I just want to deal with money as the Hierarchy sees the problem and consider it as a form of energy, prostituted at this time for material purposes, or selfish aspirations and ambitions of well-meaning servants. They have limited points of view and need a vision of the possibilities inherent in the situation that could divert much of the concretized divine energy, into constructive channels and "paths of light."

3. A study of the Law of Supply and Demand, so that it can be available for the work of the Masters, through the world disciples (pure mobile, ability in action and proven responsibility), which is necessary and, my brothers, they need it imperiously.

The money has been diverted towards totally material ends, even in its philanthropic objectives. The most spiritual employment that exists today in the world is the application of money for educational purposes. When the money is separated from the construction of the form aspect and the exclusive achievement of the material well-being of humanity, and it is diverted from its current channels, towards truly spiritual foundations, much good will be done, philanthropic purposes and educational objectives do not They will suffer and a step forward will be taken. This moment has not yet come, but the spiritualization of money and its accumulation in large quantities for the work of the Great Beings, the Disciples of Christ, is part of a much-needed world service and now a satisfactory start can be made, but it must be carried forward with spiritual vision, correct technique and true understanding, taking for granted that there is purity of mobile and altruism.

We can say that the four main channels through which money circulates are:

  1. The millions of homes to which it comes in the form of salary, salary or inheritance. All this is unbalanced today, there is excessive wealth or extreme poverty.
  2. The large capitalist systems and monopolies, on which economic structures are founded in most countries. It doesn't matter if this capital belongs to the government, the municipality, a handful of rich men or large unions. Little is spent on the improvement of human life or to instill the principles that lead to right human relationships.
  3. Churches and religious groups around the world . Here (speaking again in general terms, and at the same time recognizing the existence of a small spiritually oriented minority) money is dedicated to the material aspects of work, to the multiplication and preservation of the ecclesiastical structure, to salaries and general expenses, and only a small percentage really goes to the education of the peoples, to the living demonstration of the reality of His return - which has been for centuries the definite doctrine of the churches. That return has been anticipated over the course of the ages and could have happened if churches and religious organizations everywhere had done their duty.
  4. Philanthropic, sanitary and educational works . All this has been very beneficial and necessary, and the debt that the world has contracted with the philanthropists that made these institutions possible is really enormous. Everything was a step taken in the right direction and expression of the divine will to good. However, it is often misused and mismanaged money, and the values ​​developed have been mostly institutional and concrete, limited by the restrictions imposed by donors or the religious prejudices of those who control the disbursement of funds. In the midst of the quarrels motivated by ideas, religious theories or ideologies, the true help to humanity is forgotten.

The meditation

All meditation begins at the mental level, using the power of thinking, which acts automatically in the proper mental form of mental substance.

The following decree has been used frequently: "I am the provision of money that is necessary to me", although the critical mind of the personality questions , but where is it? . For this reason, the following decree is recommended "Beloved Presence I Am, try that I always have all the necessary provision of money". The first decree serves to make the intellect get used to the truth and the second to make the invocation.

The work of meditation and the use of the right invocation must be repeated continuously, and if the combined power of many people consciously united for the same purpose and using the same invocation can be used, nothing will impede its final manifestation. A group of spiritually oriented people, with a pure mobile can obtain money in order to serve humanity, through the use of invocation and the power of thought.

Blood is life and the truth of life is really in the expansion of the Light within the heart. The liquid Light that flows through the blood and reaches the nervous system contains the value and strength of life that is feeling. Thought expresses what is in the feeling. We conclude then that just as Effectiveness (liquidity) balances Efficiency (profitability, results) with Efficiency (management, processes), the liquid light of feeling favors the balance of actions with thought.



The strategy encompasses a planned approach in achieving defined objectives. While the goal indicates the ends, the strategy indicates the means. The strategy comes after the vision-mission. The Strategy shows how the plan (brain, pineal gland) is being consciously directed to maintain the life (heart, thymus gland) of the organization.

Stage I

After achieving a positive stillness of the personality, formulate yourself and with your own words, the answers to the following questions:

  1. If money is one of the most important and necessary things for spiritual work, what is the factor that currently diverts you from work to develop the Hierarchical Plan?
  2. What is my own attitude towards money? Do I consider it as a possible and great spiritual asset, or as something material?
  3. What is my personal responsibility regarding the money that passes through my hands? Do I handle it as a disciple of the Masters should handle it?


Stage II

1. Reflect on the redemption of humanity through the correct use of money and visualize money today as:

  1. A concretized energy that is used mostly for essentially material purposes, and as regards the individual, to satisfy only his personal desires.
  2. A large stream of golden substance that departs from the control of the forces of Materialism and becomes controlled by the Forces of Light.

2. Pronounce with focused mental concentration, after wishing wholeheartedly to satisfy the spiritual demands, the following invocation prayer:

Oh You, in Whom we live, we move and have our being, the Power that renews all things, directs the money of the world towards spiritual ends. It touches the hearts of men to give the work of the Hierarchy what they have hitherto given to material satisfactions. The New Group of World Servers needs large amounts of money. I ask that large sums be available. May this, Your powerful energy, be in the hands of the Forces of Light . ”

3. Visualize the work to be carried out by the groups to which it belongs (for example, the Arcane School and its Service Activities, or any other group that strives to carry out the hierarchical Plan). Through the creative imagination and by an act of will, see countless and unlimited sums of money that flow into the hands of those who try to carry out the work of the Master.

4. With conviction and emphasis say out loud:

" He to Whom the world waits, has said that everything that is requested in faith and in His name will be granted ."

Remember at the same time that faith is the substance of expected things and evidence of unseen things. Then say: “I ask for the money necessary for… ..and I demand it because the money is what finances the Plan.

" From the center we call the race of men,

May the Plan of Love and Light be realized,

And may it seal the door where evil dwells".

5. Finally, carefully consider your responsibility to the Plan, and every week project your financial cooperation for the Hierarchy. Be practical and realistic and know that if you don't give you can't ask, because you don't have the right to evoke what you don't share.


This article was inspired by one of the letters sent by the Tibetan Master to a group of disciples in 1940, and which is part of the curriculum of the students of the Arcane School. Discipleship in the New Age Volume II.

On Effectiveness, there is a whole learning discipline in the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

To learn to invest and understand the cash flow I recommend the book Rich Father, poor father of Robert Kiyosaki. It evokes financial freedom through investment, real estate, owning business and the use of financial protection tactics.

In the book La Meta, Eliyahu Goldratt proposes the concept of bottlenecks as congestion generators between management areas, similar to what happens in the flow of energy between the chakras. Eli created the Theory of restrictions that has served as a model for systems and business administration.

On this same page there are three very illustrative videos about the attitude of the consumer and how it has been imposed by governments: How things are done.

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