Infant Education - Physical Exercise for Children

  • 2016

The physical exercise for children must be present in early childhood education, it is advisable that children start from very young to perform physical exercises according to their age. At an early age, children require coordination in their movements, interacting with their environment and the fortification of their muscles, prevents them from falling, improving confidence when walking and jumping. Children have fun while exercising while playing. Physical exercise for children is necessary, since it directly affects motor development and the flexibility of their muscles and joints.

At what age is it convenient to start physical exercise for children?

In infants, from the first year of age, walking and moving should be part of their training and education for children. These physical activities apart from fun for the child, develop their motor skills . During this first year learning to crawl, run and walk are goals achieved by the child that help him in his integral development. The child learns to dress and dance, all these activities give him independence that allows him to be prepared for the school stage.

Utility of the Games and the exercise in the Infantile Education

The best exercise is the one that makes you happy.

Between the ages of 2 and 7, children are learning to coordinate movements, develop a sense of balance, already ride a bicycle , jump on one foot, learn to move using the senses, play with a ball.

At the age of 10, it is the stage where the child already obeys rules, sports such as karate and football are beginning to be sought so that the child through sport increases his resistance, improving his cardiovascular health.

At the puberty stage, the child at 15 years of age, has a great capacity for physical and motor activities, is open to any dynamic, both sports and gyms. It is the age of the challenges but it is also the stage that paradoxically loses more talent in the area of ​​sports and athletics due to lack of good driving and education for parents and instructors.

Benefits of physical exercise in early childhood education.

The benefits of physical exercise for children are especially important because children are in training of their muscles and bone system. The coordination of movements and respiratory resistance. Flexibility is another factor to take care of, children are flexible and if they practice they reach adults with this ability, swimming, dancing, gymnastics, karate and the like are excellent for flexibility. Cardiorespiratory deficiency is one of the diseases that occurs most with age, with swimming, the bicycle is achieved strength to eliminate the possibility of this disease.

Whatever we do, it can be improved.

Children, sports and early childhood education

The rhythm is the coordination of the hand with the eye, pin pong or table tennis, the eye-foot coordination is used in football. The best coordination prevents falls, the exercises provide the child with great satisfaction. These exercises help the child to his psychodevelopment, acquiring a discipline that will help him in all the activities of his future life. The bone system is strengthened helping the fixation of calcium in the bones, which prevents the appearance of osteoporosis over the years.

Why are there children who do not practice any sport?

This situation has several factors that influence positively or negatively. If the child lives in an environment where there are no facilities due to lack of sports courts or schools that have the necessary space for children to develop their skills, the consequences are negative. Parents who care about their child and encourage them to play sports are positive. That the government has plans for their children to have parks and swimming pools for the child's physical exercise.

Parents should be the first to play with their children and guide them at each stage of their development and gradually bring them to the use of the well-being that physical exercises give children.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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