E-Magazine # 15, Feel, do and think about education

  • 2012

Throughout history we have observed a series of events that record a continuity of situations and that are fixed for a time in humanity.

Periods, ages or stages are what we have seen parading year after year, to learn from them.

The children and young people of today have put us to the test at this time and make us recognize that what we feel, do and think, is not in tune with us as we imagined.

We feel an emotion, we do the opposite and we think in relation to what another would do. We realize that there is no sequence, that our thinking is dispersed and just like verbs, nouns, adjectives, articles must agree with each other on gender, number, person and situation, so there must be flexibility and agreement between Our feel, do and think.

What's going on then?

We are fighting the greatest of the battles within ourselves and we are moving on a different level of consciousness, where we integrate to resolve.

With a deep sensitivity our feelings are expressed, to unite our daily work, manifesting our will on a physical level. When our feelings materialize in our doing, we achieve that the thought is pure and noble, developing the mind in this way powerful strategies that allow us to rise to a higher level of consciousness, resolving conflicts of the past and understanding each other better and better.

I realized that this is the conscious effort that all the teachers are talking about, and it seems that from time to time we repeat the same path, a little more evolved perhaps, but it seems to be the same. The best denomination for feeling, doing and thinking is "instants" and that is that we have 3 important instants which many do not recognize.

As I study this triad of feeling, doing and thinking separately, I realize that it is always present, and the first relationship I do is with my country: Peru, this one has 3 major regions, coast, mountains and jungle and I realize the following:

The feeling is in the jungle, whether it is the heat, the sweat, the dances, the way to have much freer fun, everything indicates that they are always feeling.

On the other hand we have the saw and unlike the previous one, in this region it is cold, they get up very early, 4 in the morning and are going out to the fields to work, here I realize that the doing is manifested with great force.

We also have the coast, which is much closer to the sea, enjoys the two temperatures on average and here we find thinking. On the coast everything is to think, proof of this I can mention the municipality, government palace, congressmen and senior leaders, the largest companies, large radio stations, newspapers, as well as probably the largest number of institutions that one way or another it mobilizes from thinking to our country.

I begin to recognize that feeling, doing and thinking are also manifested in constructions. For example, if we talk about constructions from the feeling, they would be small or medium-sized houses with one or two floors, which has a small garden; It is finally a house whose purpose is to house a family.

The constructions from the doing are more rustic and rural, they are farms, farms, ranches or farm houses, where the doing is fully manifested. It is intended not only for a family but for people who collaborate with them, who have a specific job in that construction.

Finally, I realize that thinking seeks and seeks answers and that is how we recognize that modern buildings with many floors, belong to thinking.

I am not saying that they only have that quality but that it manifests much more and there is a greater development of it. The three moments are always together.

As I study this triad of feeling, doing and thinking separately, I realize that it is always present, and the first relationship I do is with my country: Peru, this one has 3 major regions, coast, mountains and jungle and I realize the following:

The feeling is in the jungle, whether it is the heat, the sweat, the dances, the way to have much freer fun, everything indicates that they are always feeling.

On the other hand we have the saw and unlike the previous one, in this region it is cold, they get up very early, 4 in the morning and are going out to the fields to work, here I realize that the doing is manifested with great force.

We also have the coast, which is much closer to the sea, enjoys the two temperatures on average and here we find thinking. On the coast everything is to think, proof of this I can mention the municipality, government palace, congressmen and senior leaders, the largest companies, large radio stations, newspapers, as well as probably the largest number of institutions that one way or another it mobilizes from thinking to our country.

I begin to recognize that feeling, doing and thinking are also manifested in constructions. For example, if we talk about constructions from the feeling, they would be small or medium-sized houses with one or two floors, which has a small garden; It is finally a house whose purpose is to house a family.

The constructions from the doing are more rustic and rural, they are farms, farms, ranches or farm houses, where the doing is fully manifested. It is intended not only for a family but for people who collaborate with them, who have a specific job in that construction.

Finally, I realize that thinking seeks and seeks answers, and as we recognize that modern, multi-story building constructions belong to thinking.

I am not saying that they only have that quality but that it manifests much more and there is a greater development of it. The three moments are always together.

Observing a child in front of a chocolate cake, the first thing I pay attention to is as a saliva, I immediately realize that he used one of his senses; After having ensalivado, the next thing he does is go to the chocolate cake and eat it, here we realize the next step, after eating a piece, with a thought to express how delicious it is.

“If we mention today's schools, we observe that although we are not aware of them, the 3 instants are present and currently more captivated with thinking, secondly with doing and the last place feeling. "

If we review this daily experience we could show the following:

Ensalivar feel

Go to and eat do

Express your taste think

Thus, feeling, doing and thinking are intimately related to each other, there are some who feel more than others, others who have developed more doing or thinking, what true of the case is that to a greater or lesser degree, we are not aware of this process. It is necessary at this time to make it totally present, to be able to access this development of consciousness that we expect at this time.

If we mention the schools of today, we observe that although we are not aware of them, the 3 instants are present and currently more captivated with thinking, secondly with doing and last place feeling. Look how interesting because this time is a time of feeling and we would be doing it the other way around.

I explain: Exploring further this theory, I observed the way of acting, behaving, dressing and expressing the youth of 15, 16, 19, 20 years. Not only is your dress different, but the accessories that are put on the body. Many of them with piercings, skin tattoos, raised or pointed hair, then I wondered what they are trying to tell me?

My surprise was greater when I put the photograph of a 16 year old with another of the same age as a tribe.

They were the same!

They had the tattooed body, the same accessories: one rustic and the other modern but finally they were the same. They were telling me that we had to rescue something from us that is ancestral? Or could it be possible that they are our ancestors who have returned?

It was there that I could fully observe this time. From the three moments I could confirm that we were in the feeling, we were behaving as in the tribal times. When did it start? I don't know for sure, what I do have a lot to do with is the time of the Hippies and today I can tell by the urban tribes we know, that we are manifesting like them, as in a tribal era:

Emos Heavy Metal Hip-Hop

Pokemons Hippies Graffiti

Floggers Mods Break Dance

Grunges Pijos Skate Board

G ticos Punks Rockers

Darks Punk music Ska

Heavies Rappers fangs

Sharps and red skins

The history of the earth has been marking stages, I had already found the feeling in the tribal era, I wondered what would have been the time of doing and thinking? I researched and found the following:

Feel Tribal Age

Do medieval times

Think Time of Enlightenment

By the expression of the form, the geographical condition, the climate of that time and all that it meant we see that the feeling occurs in the tribal era, we can comment on their dances, their rituals, their great challenges and how they represented it through from his body. The doing is manifested in the medieval era where the will is tested, at that time roads, bridges, the construction of carts, food processing were created, much of the work was done at this time.

“We have the feeling in the tribal era, then going through a medieval era to go to think about the time of illustration and continue on its way to the next evolutionary stage that we repeat the most evolved feeling with cutting edge technology. "

Finally, thinking would develop in the age of enlightenment, when you begin to question the existence of God, magazines are created, important philosophical thoughts are obtained, along with the industrial revolution.

But the most interesting thing is that, if we look at the spaces between feeling, doing and thinking we will find a wave of sentient and much more developed beings to that period of time in which they live, which help us to wake up and make an important change for the next "instant". If we made an upward spiral timeline, we would have the following:

We have the feeling in the tribal era, then going through a medieval era to go to think about the time of enlightenment and continue on its way to the next evolutionary stage that we repeat the most evolved feeling with cutting edge technology. If we were right, it is very likely that the next instant was doing, that is, a small, more evolved middle age.

Nature conspires and makes us imagine and reflect that all this climate change will lead to a social work of communities, seeing groups of people using their hands and testing their will, will be the moment to do it again.

In summary we could say that:

The current time is going through an instant called feeling.

This instant feeling allows a small conditioning of a tribal era, a little more evolved, to manifest itself.

The current time is taking as a pattern the moment of thinking when it should be feeling.

The current time would have to take into account the ancestral, the tribal, such as the relationship with the elements of nature, the ancestral rituals, the deep respect, the relationship with the forests, with the animals, with the sun, the moon and the stars; bare feet, being able to sit in a circle, that everything has an intention, to be able to relate to today's children and that they want the education we provide them.

The current time should be prepared for a more evolved middle age species where children will learn to do to transcend, use the trades, relating them to what they want to teach. Asiri is proposing it.


Ivette Carrión.

Director of the Asiri Research Center

Asiri method creator

ASIRI, Research Center, tomorrow's education today!



E-Magazine # 15, Feel, do and think about education

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