Galactic Dragons - Returning to Integrity

  • 2015

Divine Greetings:

We are the Galactic Dragons. We speak to you from the Galactic Center, connecting energy and Light transmissions from multiple Universes. We are Portal guardians and ambassadors of vast Kingdoms of Light . We love this role in our co-creation; and we share with you with great joy.

While you are living on Earth, the energy you experience is opening up for you. We now begin this communication with you as part of this.

We translate for you the energies of our greater collective totality; and we invite you to feel and participate consciously in a more unified universal community sense.

Life as you know it has changed.

Yes, there are still many Human Beings that live in Timelines long associated with the era of separation; and with the limitations and fear. But there are also more and more Human Beings that have opened themselves to their direct knowledge; and with this they have remembered the truth of their Being. These Humans, like you, have realized the distortion of ideas of separation and the illusory power of fear and limiting ideas. Even though many of those who have woken up are still learning to live the truths they have remembered and discovered, however, through this memory that exists in your World, a huge impulse is underway. This impulse is an impulse of Light!

The Light within you is your connection to your Source . The Divine within. You are a Divine Being ; and yet your Human body has only some of the frequencies of consciousness that are encompassed by your integrity. In the fullness of your Being, what we often call your Divine Self, there are multiple layers of harmonics and a structure of Light. As the fullness of your Being, you are very exquisite and refined, pure and clear, expansive and powerful. This energy field encourages your Human experience; and simultaneously nourishes all aspects and expressions of your Being. This current of Light is infinite ; and it is your Portal to Oneness. Everything you experience comes to you through the hierarchy of your Being. For a long time Human Beings have felt a hierarchy of Being; and in it they imagined God; They imagined someone loving to take care of them. They found disturbing and mysterious that they could feel and know this immense love energy; and still experience such fearsome and painful experiences. In those times it was when there was a feeling that somehow God was disgusted, or that in order to have good experiences, one needed to make God happy with supplications and worship; indeed, they had to earn God's favor to obtain them .

Now these ideas may seem a bit silly, but for many they were very real; and in fact they are still real to many. The fervent desire to please this imaginary Divine Being outside of you, called by many God, came from the best understanding of the majority. These ideas were also maintained and their distortion was expanded by some who presented themselves in religious traditions and in other ways, as leaders who acted as intermediaries to connect them with God. Eventually, there was this idea that you could not connect directly with God, yourself. In fact, for much of the existence of life on Earth, Human Beings have not even trusted themselves to pray, but they felt that only holy people could speak directly with God.

The memory you are experiencing: That the Divine is you and that it is accessed within you, directly ... It is fixing all this. You may still think that Oneness is God, or Source, or Infinite Intelligence, but you know that this energy is One with you and the same as you.

While this return to a more direct relationship with Creation is taking place, the potential for the Human experience is expanding. It is a very exciting transformation, to participate in it and to witness it. All of us feel tremendous joy as the Earth's planetary field opens up and elevates its frequency, giving Earth and Humans easier and more direct access to more energy; and larger fields of light and information.

The recent transitions that many experienced in September have taken you to a very different playing field. This playground, your life experience, is high and new; because now many have reached resonance with levels of your own incorporation that were wasted . That is what the new playing field consists of: A wasted level of your perception and experience of the incarnation. Access to this new level is now possible thanks to the changes in your energy status and the affinity you now have with higher frequency fields.

Perception is a filtered energy experience, which helps you focus and develop your life. Affinity and frequency create this perception filter.

Think of frequency differences as definitions that make different experiences and perceptions possible. When you become different in your built-in frequencies, you have an affinity with different fields, because your energy defines your access differently.

Living a Human life, you have a rich, complex and multi-layered energy field. Your Human energy system is composed of your own totality through cosmic energies that inform you and enter your field permanently and sustain you. Your Human energy system is composed of planetary electromagnetic energies that enter your field and help you ascend. Your Human energy system is composed of energies and solar frequencies of your perfect Human design, through the Sunlight and the Sun- based foods you eat and digest, internalizing its energy and its organizing qualities. Your Human energy system is composed of Prenic energy through your breathing. You also configure power; and you are composed of energy structures based on your thinking and your attention.

When you meet another, sometimes you pay so much attention to the other that you tune into their energies; you say that you are taking their energy . You are not really taking their energy, but you are tuning in to it through your attention. You travel and find people and go to places; and in all of them you find frequent imprints of other times and other people. All this transforms and changes your dynamic Human energy system. You experienced Galactic energy currents that reach your World ; and Universal Cosmic energies and their qualities, based on and shaped by large fields in your Solar System and in your Universe. You read or go to events, or channel yourself; and in doing so you connect with non-physical Light Fields. You do this through prayer, reading. When you pay attention to anything, you change your Field . You listen to music, or you look at images, or art, or cinema or television, you participate in conversations.

Frequently you open yourself to the energies of nature and receive influence from the balancing qualities of elementals. Your very body is composed of a perfect template of knowledge and infinite intelligence; and of your design for this incarnation and of your permanent information coming from your Divine Self .
You, in this Human experience, are a surprisingly rich and dynamically informed field of Light!

Part of the reason why we describe some of the ways in which you are this rich and amazing Being that you are, is to help you see the immense potential of your experience for permanent elevation and refinement.

You will never finish it! (The optimization of your Field ). Your energy field is always changing dynamically. There are endless ways to perceive and know your Human life, based on the different frequency combinations that you create, generate, choose; in which you enter and allow them to create your field.

Moment to moment your Presence is generating based on a huge variety of contributions, something of what we have just described. You are intermittently turning on and off as matter and Light, merging completely with the Divine Oneness from moment to moment; and then re-informing your presence here; very literally! This happens so quickly that you can't even notice it; and yet you are always reintegrating from the fullness of your Being and everything you are here.

You are thriving in all this! Fundamentally you are very well! Incredibly good! As it is all my life.

And then: Now what? Whats Next? What is possible here?

Anything you can imagine and you dedicate to create it. Anything !

We have many desires to be part of your experience because we know you as empowered Beings of Light . We are here to remind you of this and help you to release what harms your openness and your thinking, limiting your feeling of what is possible for you.

The more ideas you can free about what you can and cannot do; and just explore things, the more you will discover that you can do things you never did before. More you will discover that you can create things that you used to think were impossible for you.

In the first part of this vital experience (we use linear terms because in general this is how you experience life here) you had to learn to limit yourself. You did not arrive here with limiting ideas; You assimilated them. Then they became normal for you. Other people had similar limitations. You will realize that complete family systems have similar limiting ideas; This is how this works because you are energy; and you can change your Field and your consciousness with your attention.

Think about this for a moment: With your attention, you can change your Field and your Consciousness ; depending on what you pay attention to.

What can you do with that knowledge?

What changes could you make in your life, knowing that what you perceive is available to you because of the state of your energy field…; and knowing that with your attention you create this field? DYNAMICALLY!

We want you to see, if you can glimpse it, that nothing has dominion over you. Moment by moment, you are totally and completely FREE .

What if you take this seriously and live according to it?

What if you weren't even sure you believed this, but you were completely willing to try?

We will tell you: The results and the experiences that you would have, would show you broadly and quickly the truthfulness of this.

What if you were surrounded by ideas and positive, empowering people, who thought that way and lived like that? What do you think would happen to you? What do you imagine that could change in your energy and in your experience, in your circumstances and situations, if you had your attention on those things or elevated people; and immerse yourself in the way you live and think?

It is not difficult to see that some of it would infect you. It's not like that? Or that you could tune into that energy (or take that energy in yourself while often thinking about it) ...!
Isn't it wonderful?

So if you want peace, accustom your attention to choosing what gives you peace . If you want financial abundance, accustom your attention to notice what gives you the feeling of financial abundance. If you want more clarity, focus on clarity and note clarity; and appreciate clarity and embrace clarity. Consciously or unconsciously, you cultivate your energy field; and the implications of this are enormous.

Light has opened inside you that can help you access bright ideas; the incredibly illuminated inspiration to express yourself and improve your experience. Access to vast fields of coordination and amplification is available to you; and you are immensely supported by the Planetary Logos and the Solar Logos. These energy fields know and love you; and they are continuously transmitting waves of rising frequencies to Earth and there is towards you, so that you can tune into the most beneficial combinations of energy and Light.

As you consider all this, we hope you see how different life is on Earth ; and how different it is becoming. How different is your sense of self when you verify these truths; and the way you feel all Creation and think about it. Human Beings are beginning to understand the nature of your mind and your consciousness; and of your thoughts; And that everything is energy.

You are seeing the ways in which limiting ideas create feelings and drive choices.

In your world there is a lot of illuminating energy ! A wide variety of people are sharing their experiences; and with this many doors are opening towards wisdom and truth. The proof that everything works together as One is becoming increasingly available for collective consciousness; and life on Earth is being renewed again and again and again, in very beautiful and enriching ways.

Like this Human Being with whom we share right now, you are a beautiful and distinct expression of life. Your Presence is changing dynamically; and emerging dynamically in this energy field called Earth, like this energy field that you consider your body, your Human energy field. Emerging dynamically moment by moment!

The great remembrance is freeing the whole life of the Earth from the age of separation .

It will take time for each Human Being to realize and live from the truth that there is no single God outside of him, but that he is that Divine energy and has access straight to her. Each Human Being is Divine Light Energy and exists in a hierarchy of frequency and if it is vast, informed and complete. The internal knowledge of this truth is a bandwidth of frequencies whose time has come. Planetary events have made this truth more available. There is an impulse to take advantage of this; and this is illuminating your world .

That truth, that persistent, gentle, spacious reality of you and your perfection! You and your innate belonging to All That Is are here ; and the time has come when enough energy has changed, in Human Consciousness and in the planetary fields, so that this truth is more available and a common place.

This return to relate directly to all life and all Creation, is the great remembrance. This great reminder was the aspiration of this time in time / space. It has been achieved.

Now, it's just about how you choose to create. We urge each of you to consider what could be the most authentic way of your life, taking into account who you are NOW. What form and ways of being and expressing yourself will free you more fully to enjoy this experience of incorporation that evolves continuously?

To improve this experience we join you, putting you in communication and connection with Universes that are beyond your Human knowledge; and helping you reconnect more with all of us consciously, with the great Oneness .

With love and enthusiasm,

We are the Galactic Dragons.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodr guez R. Energy and Spiritual Consultancy

AUTHOR: Meredith Murphy


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