Dr. Strange: Supreme Sorcerer

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 seemingly supernatural powers .. 2 unlimited power of the mind 3 spiritual and emotional achievements 4 control of the process of dying ..

If it is true that it may seem strange to write about a film produced by the MARVEL franchise in regard to the Hollywood sequel to many heroes of the cut of: Iron Man, Thor, Odin, Captain America or The Avengers.

seemingly supernatural powers ..

The interesting thing in this case is the story that is embodied in the film and the show that makes the Stran's seemingly supernatural powers.

Dr. Strange is an initially successful doctor in his profession, recognized in the field of neurosurgery, but that a serious accident makes him resort, to heal himself, to the cultures of the East (Nepal), to initially discover the relief of a physical injury and in the background to realize a deeper injury in itself that is emotional and spiritual.

In this film we can find a vast sample of the deep studies that have been done about the powers of meditation and retreat in ascetic or monastic life . It briefly illustrates the existence of the astral body (soul or consciousness in other traditions), the manipulation of energy to heal and find internal and external balance and, most importantly, the healing power of the mind when working on right way and continue.

the unlimited power of the mind ...

It shows the management of heat or energy in the body and the development of powers that seem to be the result of the practice of spells and spells, when the reality is that we can all perform these enormous skills if we discover ourselves and dedicate ourselves to knowing the power unlimited of our mind.

In the History of some cultures of the East, skills of great meditators or very accomplished yogis have been documented, which for example with the practice of TUMO or internal fire, can withstand very low temperatures with nothing that protects them from the cold, only a great concentration and mastery of its internal energy channels, which runs through its body and is considered as a subtle body, so to speak, constituted of many energy channels and knots, it is surprising but not the result of spells, deep down we all have the potential to realize them, with many years of practice and dedication.

spiritual and emotional achievements

The important thing is to emphasize that the people who have obtained these achievements as a result of their spiritual and emotional practice do not consider them useful but direct or guide them for the benefit of others, which is known as the altruistic spirit of the Bodhichitta, which is to dedicate your life, spiritual effort and the resulting achievements for the benefit of other beings without distinction.

Somehow it is understood that if you can stabilize your energy body, you can heal yourself physically or spiritually and also heal the other beings around you, it should not be used for the benefit of itself, it should be given to others without selfishness or waiting for compensation.

control of the process of dying ..

For example, many teachers in the East can control the process of dying to make sure they continue, in another life, being of benefit to others.

So in this case we can extract from a film that apparently a superficial spiritual base is superficial , which is not entirely fiction since it happens in the East, only that in this case it must be directed exclusively to the benefit of others, without desire to profit or presumption.

In Tibet, these realized beings are known as Bodhitsatvas or “Heróes and spiritual warriors” that exist among us but with a kind and compassionate intention, with great achievements that are not at all those of Hollywood, but it is appreciated that they exhibit them in a commercial film very well documented and studied, attached as much as possible to the reality that exists in the cultures of the East since many centuries ago. It is a good option and delight for scholars of the powers of meditation and inner development.

To UTOR: Pilar V zquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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