Dialogues on the path, by Master El Morya

  • 2010

Looking for in the annals of the times the jewel that the Path indicates to us, the one that we can travel extensively, without limits or times, or obstacles! Here we consecrate our lives to bring the Light on, lighting our eyes and bringing that Light to all those who see it and want to follow it!

That Magnificent Light can only be warned by those pure-hearted and who daily deliver their offering to the Divine Presence of God that dwells in the Sanctuary of the Soul! That Awakened Christ, blessed among the world, reveals the Way, the Truth and the Eternal Life!

Eternal Life is the right of Being, to Exist in the likeness of the Creator! Our steps are discovering that Eternity that dwells in any way, beyond the mysterious veil of maya and beyond the performance of the Laws that govern all created worlds and universes.

In that direction, the Paths open up to the sincere seeker who must take only pure water of his intentions and the bread of sublime Love, plus the shield of prudence and the compass of his own thoughts.

And where will the Path lead us? There are no possible signs or indicators to guide you, but you, O sweet pilgrim, sharpen your senses and you will see the bright lamp of your inner vision lit up on every corner of the road!

The light of the sun floods all of this Earth entirely, equally it turns on in its heat, so the Path is open to all. You cannot proclaim Injustice! when the opportunities, like the Solar Light, are within the reach of Each. Do not justify, therefore, the dissident saying: "I do not know this Path"!

The spark of the Presence of God dwells in the tabernacle of each Human heart. They will be able to say the fatuous of thoughts and volatile of feelings: "We do not know what they speak", however, The most sublime teaching is etched in the heart itself where the eternal spark of the only Flame dwells!

The voices of the world will be able to praise the same voices, while they receive the presents that compete with the personal ego, plus the silent voice of the Soul. NEVER CHAIN ​​!, she only lets herself be felt in the stillness of the hours when the being directs her attention to Her and consciously allows that sacred dialogue.

They will say: “I have met all the requirements stubbornly, but I still don't reap the rewards; On the contrary, my own life is debated on a battlefield. Will I be missing the steps? and if so: Where do I find the Truth? ”

The Truth is Yourself !, Your Self guides you and you will finally see the house of bluish roof built by the very aspiration of your Soul-Christ-Awakened Consciousness Just as the flower floods with its perfume and beauty to the rugged landscape, so the Truth flourishes only in each petal of the Higher Consciousness!

Even in the middle of the densest night and the most severe storm, the walker did not lose his way. Those melindroso of character do not know THE TRUE FIRE OF THE RIGHT AND SINGLE ASPIRATION! and at the slightest obstacle they flee in terror crying for their lives.

Let's raise our One Light and we will enlighten the entire world! The Earth cries out for Love, Justice and the same opportunities! The Call is made, many will come, others will only snoop with curiosity ahead, but those who hold their steps on the Path Victorious are those who will proclaim the Unique voice of the One and Real Word! WITH THOSE I WILL SIT TO MY TABLE ARRIVED ON THE DAY WHEN THE STARS ARE COUNTED AGAIN AND THE ARCHRISTIAN DESCENDS HIS LINEAGE IN EACH OF THE CHILDREN OF LIFE!


Master El Morya

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Mirtha Verde-Ramo - Activity Saint Germain. www.saintgermain.cl

Santiago, Chile, June 19, 2010.

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