Therapeutic diagnosis for Lightworkers

The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, considers that a therapeutic diagnosis is one in which attention is paid to the endocrine system, plus the application of modern common methods concerning sight, dentition and physiological defects, of the body as a mechanism of the soul. The Master exposes the following: (1)

All subsidiary organs of man are effects, not predisposing causes. The predisposing causes in man and what make him what he is are the glands, being externalizations of the types of force that flow through the etheric centers from the subtlest worlds of being. They express the point of evolution that man has reached; they are vital and active or not vital and inactive, according to the condition of the centers. They demonstrate supersufficiency, sufficiency or deficiency, according to the condition of the etheric vertices.

The control process can also be established by the nervous system; The narrow intertwined direction of the nervous system, the brain and the bloodstream (as the bearer of the life principle) govern the activities of man, subconscious, conscious, self-conscious and finally superconscious. The three centers that today exercise absolute control over most people are:

  1. The ajna center, the center between the eyebrows.
  2. The solar plexus center.
  3. The sacred center

Timely, when man "has become what he is" (paradoxical and esoteric phrase), the control centers will be:

  1. The coronary center, the brahmarandra.
  2. The heart center
  3. The center at the base of the column.

Between the present and the future, the emphasis will be placed on a constantly changing triplicity, and each man will differ from his fellow man in regard to the emphasis, the conditions of his centers, the glandular analogies in the physical body and, in consciousness, diseases, ailments, inhibitions and difficulties, which your meat will receive as inheritance. It is evident from the above that the task of the doctor and the psychologist must go hand in hand. The professionals who make the diagnosis are:

  1. The psychologist, in the measurement of the internal bodies of man from the angle of his development, of his integration and of the total coordination of the personality, as these subtle aspects of the human being are expressed in consciousness.
  2. The endocrinologist, as he deals with the endocrine glands, considering them as power plants through which energy - dynamic and illuminating - can flow from the centers.
  3. The doctor, who taking into account the conclusions reached by the two specialists mentioned, diagnoses the disease and treats it in collaboration with them.

All three can consult other experts and specialists in electrotherapy, osteopathy and chiropractic, but by combining the knowledge possessed by the doctor, the psychologist and the endocrinologist, the medical profession can express itself in a new and useful way, and enter the new era with an appropriate team to treat those people who will gradually assume new types and a changing physical organism. Electricity, in relation to human evils, is still a science that is found in childhood, but it contains in itself the germs of new healing techniques and methods. The work that chiropractors do is good and necessary, but it should be a definite technique with osteopathy, a subsidiary of the other three. The work of chiropractors and osteopaths forms the two halves of a whole, although they do not like to recognize those who practice it. The first group needs careful and prolonged training, and a high level of technical knowledge should be required.

Esoterically speaking, the centers can be in one of the five conditions or states of being, described in the following terms: (2)

  1. Closed, motionless, hermetic, although with signs of life, silent and deeply inert.
  2. Open, unfettered, and imperceptibly nuanced in color, life throbbing.
  3. Active, alive, alert in two directions; Two small doors are wide open.
  4. Radiant and emitting a vibrant note to all related centers.
  5. All merged and acting rhythmically with each other. The vital force flows from all planes. The world remains wide open.

Related to these five states where the etheric field expands and becomes the vital experience of every expression on the physical plane, we have the five human races, beginning with the lemuria race, the five planes of human and superhuman expression, the five stages of consciousness and several other groups of five, exposed in esoteric philosophy. Incidentally it could be of value and interest to point out that the five-pointed star is not only a sign and symbol of the initiation and, finally, of the perfect man, but also the basic symbol of the etheric body and the five centers that control man perfect, the two centers of the head, the center of the heart, the center of the throat and the center of the base of the spine. When these centers are fully awake and functioning mutually in correct rhythm, the five quintuples to which I have referred are an integral part of the consciousness of the perfect man.

The endocrinologist is just beginning to glimpse possibilities, and much of what he is now investigating contains the seed of future truth. The "balance of the glandular system", the relationship of the glands with the bloodstream and also the character and the different predispositions, are considered of real value and are worth your research. There is still much to discover before you can work safely with the glands, making them the subject of major attention (as will happen some day in all types of diseases). In this brief treatise I will make many insinuations, which will serve to correctly guide the open-minded investigator. Before entering to consider the relationship of the etheric body, as a unit with the physical body, I will point out that, in the list of diseases that arise from the etheric body, I first place the complications caused by congestion, because today it is, and what it will be for several centuries, the main cause of the difficulties for the majority of humanity or of those people who esoterically are called "solar-sacra '. This is partly due to the long established habits of suppression and inhibition, developed throughout the race. Congestion at the points of entry and exit, in the etheric body, is what prevents the free influx of life force, resulting in the rapid succumbing to diseases. Also here you can observe the more widespread use of carefully assigned breathing exercises, with their subtle effects of reorganization and readjustment of the subtle bodies (particularly the ethereal and astral bodies). The widespread interest in breathing exercises today demonstrates a subjective recognition of this fact, although not yet enough is known about the methods and effects.

  1. A careful diagnosis should be made, based on the verified external symptoms.
  2. The organ causing the disease must be located. Both activities concern the dense physical body.
  3. Then the center in the ethereal body will be taken care of, closer to the zone of difficulty.
  4. Esoteric methods of cure should be used, applied for stimulation, or for the devitalization of the center involved.
  5. Simultaneously, the other orthodox external methods will be employed.

One thing I would like to point out here, which will be elucidated later, and is the relationship that exists between the various centers and the rays: (3)

First ray Power or Will Coronary center.

Second ray Love-Wisdom Heart Center.

Third ray Active Intelligence Laryngeal Center.

Fourth ray Harmony / Conflict Center ajna.

Fifth ray Concrete Knowledge Sacred Center.

Sixth ray Devotion Solar plexus.

Seventh ray Ceremonial Order Base of the column.

I can only give a general idea on the subject, indicate certain lines of development and relationship, with respect to the seven major centers, the seven main glands and the places and areas of the human body where these glands and centers are located. I would also like to ask you to try to understand five things:

  1. That underdeveloped people are energized and driven to external activity through the three centers that are below the diaphragm.
  2. That the common man begins to function mainly through the solar plexus center and use it as a force center to transfer energies that must be carried from the bottom to the top of the diaphragm.
  3. That the aspirants of the world are energized and slowly controlled by the forces that are being transferred from them. centers located below the diaphragm to the laryngeal center and from the soul to the laryngeal center, which leads to a particular creative activity.
  4. That the disciples of the world begin to be governed and controlled by the laryngeal and cardiac centers and also begin to transfer the forces that have been elevated to the cardiac and laryngeal centers, and from this to the center loves, located between the eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead Once this is done, man then becomes an integrated personality. The soul also stimulates the center loves.
  5. That the most advanced disciples and initiates of the world are energized from two sources: the energies that rise and rise to the head from the centers of the body, and those that flow to the human structure from the soul, through the highest center located on top of the head.

The whole procedure, as you can see, consists in developing, using and transferring, as is the case in all evolutionary development. There are two main centers of transference in the etheric body - the solar and laryngeal plexus - and a major center through which the soul's energy must flow when the appropriate moment arrives and will flow consciously and with full perception of the disciple. This center is called the coronary, or the thousand-petalled lotus, in Eastern philosophy. The problem of the common man is therefore linked to the solar plexus. The problem of the advanced aspirant, the disciple and the initiate of the lower degree is linked to the creative center, the laryngeal.

I will remind students that the following three points, related to energy transfer, should be taken into account:

  1. That a transfer of energies must be made from the lower to the higher centers; This is usually done in two stages, which are carried out within the personality, and are parallel to the transfer of spiritual energy from the deposit of force, called soul, to man on the physical plane. This is possible when man makes the necessary transference within himself, and takes place in the course of the evolutionary process, or can be accelerated by forced training, imparted to the disciples in all grades.
  1. That within this main field of activity the following transfers must be made:
    1. The energy of the center at the base of the spine (the organ of personal will) must be elevated and ascended by the spine to the coronary center, through the center of love.
    2. The energy of the sacral center (which governs sexual life and the organs of physical creation) must be elevated to the laryngeal center, which becomes an organ of creative activity that is not of a physical nature.
    3. The energy of the solar plexus (the organ of self-conscious personal desire) must be raised to the heart and there be transmuted into group service.
  1. That these centers are developed and put into activity in three stages and thus progressively condition the external aspect of a man's life:
  1. The period in which the centers are active only in an indolent and semi-lethargic way: the forces that compose and express them move slowly with a heavy and inanimate rhythm; the light that is perceived where there is a center is dim; the point of electrical power in the center ("the heart of the lotus or chakra", the axis of the wheel, as it is called esoterically in Eastern teaching) is relatively passive. The center has enough energy for the conservation of life, the proper functioning of the instinctive nature, together with the tendency to react hesitantly and ignorantly, to the stimulus coming from the astral plane, through the astral body of the individual.
  2. The period in which the defined elevation and intensification of the force takes place. The light of the centers is brighter and the center of the solar plexus, in particular, becomes very active. But, man's true life is still focused under the diaphragm. The centers above the diaphragm are obscured and dull and relatively inactive; however the point in the center is more electric and dynamic. At this stage, man is the common intelligent citizen, predominantly controlled by his inferior nature and emotional reactions, and employs the mind he possesses to meet his needs. Its centers receive mainly forces from the astral and physical, but occasionally responds to mental impacts.
  3. The period in which the first transfer is made. It can last a long time and cover several lives. The centers under the diaphragm are fully awake; its activity is huge; its light is vivid; its interrelation is real and of such magnitude that a complete magnetic field has been established, involving the entire area under the diaphragm, and becomes powerful enough to extend its influence above the diaphragm. The solar plexus becomes the dominant organ instead of the sacral center, which has determined the life of animal nature for so long. It is transformed into the receiver of the energy currents that come from below, and are absorbed by the solar plexus, beginning the task of diverting them and transferring them to the higher centers. Man now becomes an aspiring and highly intelligent citizen. He is aware of the duality of his nature, of what is below and what is above, as is commonly said, and is already prepared to tread the Path of Probation.
  4. In the period in which the transfer continues. The forces of the sacrum are driven to the throat and the forces of the solar plexus to the heart. This last transfer is still done in such a small measure that its effect is almost nil. This period is extensive and very difficult. Today most people go through periods c and d, preparatory to the manifestation of mystical life.
  5. The period in which the cardiac and laryngeal centers are activated. Man is an intelligent creator in one line or another and is slowly being aware of the group. However, his reactions still have a selfish motive, although - at the same time he is subject to cycles of visualization and periods of spiritual effort. The mystical life attracts him definitely and he becomes a mystic.
  6. The second transfer period begins and the ajna center, which governs the integrated personality, becomes active and dominant. The life of feelings and mystical effort, at that time, may momentarily diminish its expression and be replaced by fervent and vehement disciplines, integration, ambitions, goals and personal expressions. This is a correct and good change, as it tends to complete the development. It is momentary, since the mystic is still latent behind external activities and intelligent worldly efforts, and will reappear again to make a vital effort when he controls and has fully awakened the mental nature, he has satisfied the desire for satisfaction mentally and the "son of God be prepared to resurrect and enter the house of the Father." During this period, the intelligently creative and powerful man reaches the zenith of personal life. The centers under the head are active and functioning, but the centers under the diaphragm will be subordinate to, and will be controlled by those above. Then they will be subject to the conditioning will of man, who is governed in turn by ambition, intellectual efficiency and that form of group work that tends to express the power of his personality. The ajna center is vivid and powerful, the laryngeal center intensely active and the heart center is waking up quickly.
  7. The period in which the highest center of the head is put into radiant activity. This occurs as a result of the elevation (in a new and more powerful way) of the mystical instinct, and occurs when there is also an intelligent approach to reality. The result is twofold:
  1. The soul begins to spill its energy into all the etheric and vital centers through the coronary center.
  2. The point at the heart of each center enters its first and true activity; It becomes radiant, bright, magnetic and powerful, in such a way that "it will darken the light of everything that surrounds it."

All the centers of the body are impelled to an activity ordered by the forces of love and will. Then the last transfer of all bodily and psychic energies to the coronary center takes place, effected by the awakening of the centers at the base of the spine. Then the two great opposite poles, as symbolized and expressed by the coronary center (the spiritual energy organ) and the center of the base of the spine (the organ of material forces), merge and mix, and from that moment man is controlled only from above by the soul.

Consequently, when we study the mystic and his difficulties, two points must be taken into account: first, the period of awakening and the consequent use of the centers; second, the period in which the energies of the solar plexus are transferred to the heart and then from the four centers located in the spine to the laryngeal center, before focusing the energy of all the centers in the ajna center (between the eyebrows). This center controls the life of the personality and from all the orientation and guidance of the personality goes to the five lower centers that it synthesizes. Each of these stages brings its difficulties and problems. However, we will deal with it according to what may affect the current opportunity or hinder the man who is on the Path and, therefore, takes his own evolution into his hands. Then it remains in the middle of the pairs of opposites and this means (in regard to our particular interest at this time) that there are three stages in mystical work, pointing out each a defined period of crisis with its subsequent checks and tests:

  1. The preparatory stage in which all the inferior energies are transferred to the solar plexus, before taking them to the largenesis and cardiac centers, above the diaphragm. This stage covers not only the transfer process, but the focus of the forces in the higher centers.

Period Later stages of the Path of Probation and the first stages of the Path of Discipleship.

Key Note Discipline.

Objective Idealism, together with peronal effort.

Purification and control.

2. The stage in which the transfer is made to the ajna center, and the life of the personality becomes integrated and powerful.

Period Later stages of the Path of Discipleship, until the moment he receives the third initiation.

Keynote Expression of the soul, through the person.

Objective Comprehension of the Plan and the consequent collaboration with it.

The third and last part, which we will not deal with, is where the total fusion of the corporeal forces (focused through the ajna center) with the forces of the center takes place. soul (focused through the coronary center). At this moment there is the final evocation of the will of the personality (purified and consecrated) that has been, like the snake of wisdom, sleeping curled up at the base of the column vertebral, which ascends by the impulse of devotion, aspiration and enlightened will, merging in the head with spiritual will.

The expression of life (the triple lower man) must become accustomed to the new levels of consciousness and the areas of perception that open before him and get used to the new powers that emerge, as they enable him to enter more easily into the vast fields of service you discover.

It could be said here in a broad and general sense that:

The stimulus produces the awakening of the lower psychic powers if the incoming energy is directed to the solar plexus or to the laryngeal center. It puts the centers into intense activity and, in the early stages, can cause definite psychic disorders. To illustrate this I would like to indicate the general nature of the difficulties to which the mystic is physically prone:

    1. The awakening of the coronary center can cause serious disturbances, if achieved prematurely, and can sometimes lead to dementia. The irritation of certain areas of the brain and certain kinds of brain tumors can be caused by the influx of energy that is higher than the man can receive before initiation. However, this only occurs in those cases in which the mental type man is very evolved. In other cases of premature influx of soul energy through the opening at the top of the head, it makes its way to one of the centers, according to the type of ray or stage of development where there is a greater focus of the consciousness of man and the force of life is centralized (although unconsciously), the incoming energies will flow almost automatically to that point.
    2. The awakening of the ajna center which, as we have seen, is primarily the result of the development of the personality of man, until achieving integration, can lead (if the energies involved are not controlled correctly) to serious vision difficulties, to many ailments auditory, to various forms of neuritis, headaches, migraine and nervous conditions in different parts of the body. It can also produce many ailments related to the pituitary body and psychological situations that emanate from this important controlling gland, in addition to innumerable and defined physical ailments.
    3. The awakening of the heart center (which is currently taking place quickly) is responsible for the various cardiac conditions and the various difficulties associated with the autonomic nervous system, particularly in relation to the pneumogastric nerve. The different forms of heart conditions that prevail today, especially among intellectuals, professionals and financiers, are due to the awakening of this center and the discovery of that unknown capacity, for humanity, to serve in a group and to be aware of the group. The thymus gland that controls in a peculiar way the life aspect of man, is closely linked to the heart center, as expected. Over time this gland will be more active than now in the adult, as well as the pineal, whose function is not understood or captured, it will no longer be in the future human races an atrophied organ, but an active and important part of the team of man. This logically and normally will take place as man learns to act as a soul and not only as a personality.
    4. Much of the discomfort that people feel today is also due to the awakening of the laryngeal center. This center governs and conditions the thyroid gland and the parathyroid gland. It can produce, when excessively developed, or has awakened prematurely, hyperthyroidism with its consequent difficulties and sometimes dangerous effects on the heart and the metabolism of the body. The psychological effects are well known and also recognized. These ailments increase and the higher creative center is unduly stimulated and becomes a danger instead of a help for the entity to express itself, due to forced celibacy that many people are forced by the unfortunate current economic situation. Such conditions cause people to refrain from getting married and, therefore, have no opportunity to use (or abuse) the energy that flows through the sacral center. Mystics are analogously prone to such difficulty. The laryngeal center is not used creatively, nor is the sacral center used properly. The energy of the sacrum rises prematurely to the laryngeal center, where it produces an excessive stimulus. The team of the man involved has not reached the stage where he can undertake creative work in any field. There is no creative expression of any kind, because the development of man does not allow him to be a creator in the highest sense. The Swiss, although very intelligent, in this sense are not creators. The energy that flows through the thyroid gland is not used prominently in creative art, music or lyrics, hence both goiter and the ailments caused by the thyroid gland prevail. A lot of energy flows to and through the thyroid gland, however it is used very little.
    5. The increased activity and stimulation of the solar plexus center is currently a fruitful source of difficulties. It produces most of the nervous disorders to which women are particularly prone and also many of the current gastric and liver diseases, as well as intestinal disorders. One of the most powerful sources of cancer in different parts of the body (except in the head and face), esoterically can be attributed to the congestion of energy in the solar plexus center, congestion that has a broad and general effect. Diseases that arise from the awakening of the coronary and solar plexus centers (both are intimately linked and effect reciprocal action over a long period of time in the mystical experience) also have a powerful effect on the bloodstream. They are connected with the principle of life that always “manifests itself on the waves of desire” (according to ancient writings) and when this is prevented from being fully expressed, due to lack of development or other causes, it produces cancerous areas in the body, where tissues Body are weak.
    6. The awakening of the sacred center has such an ancient origin that it is not currently possible to go back to the true history of the development of disorders linked to sexual manifestation and it would not be desirable to do so. I have elucidated the issue of sex in other of my treatises, especially in the White Magic Treaty. I draw attention to this, because in the course of mystical life there is often a period of difficulty if the mystic has not learned to control sex, nor has he balanced life activities and natural instincts of consciousness in the same proportion. Otherwise when you reach the summits of spiritual contact and attract the energy of your soul and bring it to the personality, that energy will descend directly to the sacral center and will not stop at the laryngeal center as it should. When this occurs, sexual perversions appear, or excessive importance is given to sexual activity, or sexual imagination can be dangerously stimulated, leading to lack of control and many of the disorders already known to doctors and psychologists. The result is always excessive activity in sexual life in one way or another.
    7. The awakening of the center of the base of the spine during the last stages of the superior mystical experience carries with it its own dangers, which definitely affect the spine and, therefore, the nerves that branch in all directions from spinal column. The rise of the Kundalini force - if carried out prematurely and ignorantly - can quickly burn the protective weft of etheric matter that separates the different areas of the body (controlled by the seven centers). This causes serious nervous disorders, tissue irritation, spinal diseases and brain disorders.

I have indicated certain difficulties, in an effort to present you with an overview of the problem facing the mystic.


  1. Taken from esoteric healing.
  2. The analysis of these centers is expanded in the book Hands that Cure by Barbara Brennan
  3. Taken from esoteric psychology volume II.

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