Wake up heart: "We must avoid dramas while the new energies wash us under pressure"

  • 2015

By Claudio Alvarez Dunn

The many and varied symptoms that we have been experiencing in recent years are due to our bodies trying to align with the enormous " change of energy " that currently takes place on Earth, whose manifestations have become so widespread that they have been called "Symptoms of Ascension . "

So don't worry if you have felt a little strange lately, without grounding, exhausted, dizzy, confused or depressed: You are not alone! As Mother Earth continues to raise her vibration towards the dimensional frequencies of the New Earth with the help of our Sun (which now sends massive loads of intense radiation almost every day), human beings are instinctively acclimatizing and trying to match that vibration, so that we can travel with Mother Earth on the path of ' Ascension '.

The doors that open during the equinoxes have always been significant points of power that are recorded in the earth's magnetic field, to which humans are connected by our own meridians or axiatonal lines .

Last September we left the autumn equinox in the north and spring in the southern hemisphere, the moon full of blood and a lunar eclipse that produced a unique vibratory opportunity, which can be described as an ' acceleration ' at all levels or a true "pressure wash" with the new energies.

Manifestations of the new energy

- Healing of physical and emotional issues, especially of a chronic or long-standing nature, since these energies impacted all our energy bodies and also at the cellular level.

- Elimination of belief systems that are no longer useful to be more authentic and to express our divine self.

- Understand that any ' role ' that we have assumed as part of the mission of the soul, may no longer be necessary and we should change the channel, or even by profession or out of certain toxic relationships . More veils will fall so to speak, as we move towards higher levels of alignment and understanding .

For this it will be useful to remain open and flexible, since the energies, concepts and situations will evolve rapidly.

It is regular that in periods of changes and evolution the resistance increases in intensity and discomfort involves us, so it is advisable to stay within the energy circle itself, so to speak, as anchored to the Earth and centered in the heart, recognizing that These energies are highly intelligent and have a purpose on humanity.

We must remember that we always have spiritual assistance, at all times: “ Search and you will find; knock and it will open to you ”.

During the last Red Moon, Kai's portal warned us that it is possible that they feel confused, emotionally dispersed or that their reality is manifesting situations that place them at the limit of their emotions. In the past few days a lot of pain and old memories were purified. The entire Planet is freeing itself from the bonds and suffering of the past, as the Light enters, all the old comes out afloat.

These are days in which your reality may come to reflect those situations that you created from your fears, with the purpose of everything being aligned and corrected. They may even be afraid of certain situations.

The Eclipses of the Moon represent a period of transition through which the Sun releases towards the Light all that no longer corresponds to the highest vibration of the Earth and Humanity. So it is a wonderful opportunity for the Moon, as a mirror of the Earth that it is, to receive everything that the Earth has released with the purpose of transmuting it into the Light.

Don't get wrapped up in dramas

Don't get wrapped up in dramas . Not for feelings of victimization that could appear inside, as reality adjusts to the new frequencies. Look for RE R. Laughing and not taking such serious things helps the vibration adjust quickly.

Appreciate the opportunities for change and healing that you are receiving and breathe deeply to find your center of Serenity.

Connect with trees and seek contact with nature. Remember, we are receiving new encodings. Waves of Light and information arrive every day and our vibration becomes more subtle . So everything inside us, emotions and beliefs MUST be aligned with these new energies. Everything is perfect and as long as we can calm down, we will find that everything that happens has a Divine Purpose . ”

Much peace and much light. Until next time.

AUTHOR: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

(* The author is a Yoga instructor, Reiki Master and teacher certified by The School of Remembering, to offer the workshop “Waking up the Illuminated Heart” with the techniques of Drunvalo Melchizedek. For more information )

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